"Master, I have helped you remodel your clothes. By the way, I can feel that there are things that are important to me in the spaceship. Can you take them out for me?"

"What's the salary?"

"Master, you wouldn't treat me this way. I am a pauper, the **** of lights, almost the poorest person in the world, penniless, even without two legs."

"Go away, I know that there is everything in your Deng God space, it's a small world. You can get everything you want. Just tell me what you want, and what can you do for me? "

The lamp **** who was crying and sad was also quite helpless, and looked at the current Sun Wuchen.

"I can upgrade your armor again, but some materials are needed. The upgrade originally cost some energy points, but this time the upgrade is free."

"It looks a little bit, by the way, remember to give me some z-points."

"Master, you are cheating me, it takes a lot of effort to help you remodel your equipment, and you even asked me to give you points."

"Nonsense, I guess you should be saving your lover, because I have felt your heart beating constantly, but I try to keep calm as much as possible. Do you think you can hide this trick from me? So don't think about it."

Hearing these words, Deng Shen finally lowered his head.

"Master, a long time ago, the ancestors of King Pilaf and the gang got me and my lover, but they separated me, so because of this hatred, I never helped them realize their wish."

"I guess those people wanted to be the king of the world before."

"Yes, but the first person's wish is not like this. He wants to be very strong, super powerful, and he fulfills this wish."

Chapter 923: The Request of the Magic Lamp

This guy, Deng Shen, seems to have infinite memory, his spirit seems to have returned to that ancient time, and everything there seems to be more brutal and barbaric, but if the facts come true, perhaps someone really has fulfilled his wish.

In other words, there is a strong man who has really become very powerful, and he is still the ancestor of Pilav's group. I don't know if it will appear, but it doesn't matter. When Chen Yang flew there, he finally found a huge fortress hanging in the air.

It was really like a planet. There were high-tech equipment everywhere, with infinite flashing light. When Sun Wu was discovered, he immediately launched an attack. Countless bullets and missiles were launched, and the sky was arranged into a fire net.

This net was pressed over, and it instantly made people feel breathless. Sun Wuchen immediately jumped up and laid countless afterimages around him.

With the effect of the residual image fist, it should be able to resist for a while. If the opponent uses his eyes, he should not be able to distinguish where he is, of course, even radar.

Therefore, Sun Wuchen arranged a lot of meals in the air, and the real self flew toward this direction at the fastest speed. After a period of time, he stood directly on the fortress.

Everything here is made of steel, and it is one of the strongest existences in the world. Even if it was bombarded by planes of the Red Ribbon Legion, it remained intact for a period of time, showing its defensive power. powerful.

The spaceship that ruined the Red Ribbon Legion base is just a replica. This spaceship should be the main one. The spaceship that Sun Wuchen just stood there seems to have discovered where Sun Wuchen is.

Suddenly the spaceship shook, as if undergoing a certain deformation. He gave birth to two arms, standing there with two legs, shaking his body, as if the only place between heaven and earth, and then two big hands patted over his head. The target was Sun Wuchen. .

The two huge palms, which can be said to be earth-shaking, look like two high walls when they come over.

Sun Wuchen was hit immediately, with his whole body sandwiched in the middle. Although his body was small, he felt the endless power and his body was almost unable to move.

He is struggling with all his strength, constantly using his powerful power to push these two palms apart, but the other's power is beyond imagination, and he is squeezing toward the middle fiercely. At this time, even the **** is here. Will be helpless.

Sun Wuchen smashed both palms with his greatest strength, then stood up there, looking in front of him.

This super huge machine has been deformed, and a super machine that looks as high as a mountain appears in front of him, and his arms are strong, and every part of his body is made of the hardest alloy.

The sight of King Pilaf suddenly appeared in front of Sun Wuchen.

"You little devil, came to my eyes again, ok, very good. I will kill you today. Take all the dragon **** around you. By the way, there is also the magic lamp you stole."

At this time, King Pilaf hated Sun Wukong. Besides, the magic lamp passed down by their family for a long time was told away by Sun Wukong, which made him hate it to the extreme. Of course, he wanted to find that thing back.

Of course Sun Wuchen understood his thoughts.

"I just want to see if you can do all of this today."

The largest palm was slapped toward Sun Wuchen again, and Sun Wuchen flew towards the back. The existence of air dance made him fly extremely fast.

Existing in all directions and angles, he constantly emits beams of holes and waves. This attack power is amazing. It can penetrate the thickest steel plate outside in an instant, but the damage inside this huge robot is limited because the opponent is too big. NS.

Just like the hole-wave beam, hitting Klin's body is a fatal threat, but hitting an extremely strong person, there is hardly much damage.

This is the difference, so after a fight.

Sun Wuchen had already punched holes around the big robot, and even directly punched a big hole in a place, and he directly drilled in. In this way, the palm of the big robot could not attack him.

Next, Sun Wuchen ran like the wind inside, and the inside of the robot was like a fortress.

He was using his fastest speed to find what he was looking for. King Pilaf was very surprised at this time, because Sun Wuchen didn't move towards his place. Didn't he find himself? This is a good thing.

"Immediately send a robot army to kill this guy."

This King Pilaf was also a military machine genius. He made these robots with strong combat effectiveness, but after most of the robots rushed out, they all died in the hands of Sun Wuchen.

And Ashiu immediately noticed something wrong.

"Master Pilaf, he seems to be heading towards your treasure room."

"What? I have made that place very secret and very strong, how did he get in?"

"He smashed the door open with a fist and walked in."

Chapter 924: The Strong Sun Wuchen

"The Djinn. Is this the place where your lover is? It's so special."

Sun Wuchen looked at an oil lamp in front of him, and to be honest, it was almost the same as the lamp of Deng Shen.

It should be said to be more slender, as if a woman has a more slender figure.

"Right, right, let the master release my wife, this is my favorite person."

"You pervert. You are really special as a god."

Sun Wuchen took this thing in his arms, and the system immediately heard a sound.

"Ding! The magic lamp is found. It forms a perfect magic lamp with the current magic lamp, and the effect of the magic lamp is increased. You get 1 point of z-point, and you can get a single low-level skill improvement opportunity. The host's combat power is increased by 5 points."

Sun Wuchen looked at himself, and suddenly increased his combat effectiveness by five points, and his overall combat effectiveness became 105.

It turned out to have completed a small task with such an increase in combat effectiveness, but it was quite good, and I also got this z-point.

It's just that this kind of poor high-level point has only two points.

This is already very good. After getting this magic lamp, Sun Wuchen headed for another place and encountered many small robots along the way.

Each of these small robots launched different attacks, and light flickered everywhere along the way. It seemed that every small robot would fire a laser.

On the road, due to the obstacles of these things, Sun Wuchen's speed was still a little slower, but among his powerful body and infinite speed, these robots were all broken by him.

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