"Maybe we and our companions have also come to this planet. It’s really interesting, but I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing, but I don’t need to think about it. I only know one thing. Our way forward is very dangerous. Well, what is this? ?"

Sun Wuchen stretched his hand forward and pulled something out of the pile of rubble. It was not a corpse, but a sign.

"I see, it is not a Saiyan who came to earth...interesting."

Chapter 926: Another Planet

Sun Wuchen immediately returned to the place of the temple, of course he was also carrying the huge round battle spaceship by his side.

What I get from it is also in my own hands.

After returning here, Sun Wuchen sat directly at the gate of the temple, and the **** walked out from there again, still unhurriedly, looking at him like this, Sun Wuchen himself was a little anxious.

"Master Immortal, I have been waiting for you for a long time. You should talk about how you encountered aliens. No wonder Carrick II was so fascinated by that place. You have fought and defeated there. A strong man, right?"

"You seem to be familiar with everything about me."

This old voice, coupled with that ugly face, did make people feel like a demon, but he was the kind side of the Big Demon King Piccolo. This life is really interesting.

"Well, nothing else, just tell me what you know. Also let me know where that guy went? I'm very sad for these Frieza's men."

"Frieza!? I don't know where you learned this name, but this name doesn't seem to have anything to do with me. I landed on the earth a long time ago, experienced countless snow, rain, wind and frost, and survived. Then I was full of faith in becoming a warrior."

"Among other people's legends, I was taken to this place, because there are unimaginable Karin immortals and even legends of gods."

"When I started climbing, I actually suffered a lot of unimaginable pain, but then I succeeded, but at the beginning I still didn’t get Carlin and didn’t let me go up. Maybe he saw the evil thoughts in my heart early in the morning, I was practicing in the forest below, and one day, a terrifying creature landed."

In his description, it was a terrifying battle. A terrifying creature landed on the earth, seeming to be an advance scout, reporting all the information here.

Even if you think about it, you can understand that Frieza can be said to be the king of the universe ruling everything through his own power, and he is naturally full of curiosity and desire for this small planet.

Frieza's business is a very evil business. Generally, after discovering a planet rich in materials, he kills all the people on that planet, and then sells the planet to those alien races at a high price.

He has done this many times and has a huge sales network for many years.

In order to discover those valuable planets, he will definitely send many people to explore the void of the universe. Of course, it is very possible that these people will lose their soldiers. Some of these valuable planets will be paid attention to and then sent to the army.

The starry sky universe is so vast that it is not easy to conquer all the planets, and Frieza can't control all areas at all times.

At that time, the evil thoughts in his heart were not so strong, but when he was fighting with that guy, he suffered some injuries, and the evil thoughts in his heart became stronger and stronger. Perhaps he was also infected by that guy’s blood, but that was In an amazing battle, he finally defeated the opponent.

"It can be similar to the ability to open the door of space, and then shut him into another space. As for the Carrick II you defeated, it is actually in a similar space, but the two are not connected."

"In other words, there is another space in which there is a top-notch powerhouse. Now that my words are here, then find him out and let me fight him. I also want to see if I can Can you break through in such a battle?"

"That guy's combat effectiveness is at least three times what you are now, you have to think about it."

"The original Carrick II was five times as large as mine. A person can only become stronger if he constantly challenges himself. Come on."

"Okay, but I will lay out some enemies as much as possible on the road, and there is a special signal, as long as you can send it out, I can take you back to this real world. Be careful yourself."

Sun Wuchen followed the gods to the inside of the temple, where there were many doors, each of which led to a different time, space and world.

It is like the legendary spiritual time house, which has always existed in this temple. As long as you can find the way, you have unlimited cultivation possibilities.

Of course, Sun Wuchen is not going to that place now.

The **** opened a door, and in front of it was a black passage, and at the end of the passage there was another door.

"Go in, that guy should already be on another planet. Even if the earth itself has many space channels, many creatures on the earth are no longer your opponents. Perhaps only in the universe can you find the possibility of progress."

"Well, goodbye, by the way, gods, remember to call me away before the next martial arts meeting in the world."

The **** nodded, and Sun Wuchen walked to the endless universe alone. Inside the empty space, he opened the door, and in front of him was an extremely beautiful planet.

The battle detector in his ear kept sounding alarms.

"Attention, powerful creatures are found."

Chapter 927: Planet of Terror

In the void of this universe, there are countless planets, and every time you explore between the stars, you need to use your best, even Frieza's troops must be careful.

The place Sun Wuchen came to is very special. Looking around, there are all kinds of weird flowers and trees.

As the battle detector said, he immediately felt a powerful life signal, and suddenly a dinosaur appeared in front of him, which was not exactly the same as the one on the earth, with hard scale armor and a sturdy body.

The first time this thing appeared, he bit his mouth with a big mouth open, and Sun Wuchen retreated quickly. When he was in the air, he was entangled by a tentacle. It turned out to be another creature with long tentacles. Wrapped tightly, like an octopus, just moving on land.

This guy's long tentacles have unimaginable strength, and they are covered with mucus, but they can wrap people tightly in them. Sun Wuchen can hardly breathe, but he secretly runs his energy.

A flame immediately ignited on his body.

After adding its own energy level, this skill can burst out 1.35 times the damage of normal combat power, and the flames that are burning every minute and every second are indeed quite terrifying.

When it reached more than one hundred attack power, the flames ignited on a person's body had the ultimate destructive power. Sun Wuchen burned the surrounding area to ashes by burning the flames, and the big tentacles immediately retracted after eating pain.

It seemed that the huge octopus felt infinite pain. After retracting his tentacles, he looked forward, still fearing in his eyes.

"You idiot, not everything can offend me."

Sun Wuchen looked around, there were many creatures, big octopuses and the dinosaurs just now.

When on earth, powerful dinosaurs had only a few dozen combat powers. Even if they were the size of a mountain, their combat power could hardly exceed one hundred. Creatures with a combat power of one hundred were almost always visible here.

However, a small creature with a combat power of 100 is completely different from a large creature.

Due to various reasons such as attribute calculations, a giant creature has a combat power of 100. In fact, its range of destruction and vitality are very strong, but it is very difficult to kill a small creature with only 100 lives.

Simply put, with a huge reputation, his physique points must be quite amazing, but his agility points may be very low.

One goes and one goes, but small creatures may have unimaginable extreme speeds. This is also true in the original Dragon Ball plot. They blindly pursue power and expand their muscles, and there is no good ending at all.

Thinking that he still has all kinds of unique skills, coupled with the powerful help of the system, can make him fearless of all the enemies in front of him.

"Five element fist flame state-on."

Just a burst of flames just broke out, and now the intense flames burning on Sun Wuchen's body seem to have become a super Saiyan, but compared with that state, it is really very different.

The burning flame is indeed quite extraordinary, it has been burning fiercely, making a crackling sound, it seems that it really needs to burn everything around it to ashes.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Wuchen flew towards there. As soon as he flew past, his hands stretched forward, sending out ten terrifying light beams and instantly hitting the octopus.

After the continuous shooting, the octopus was battered with holes, torn apart, and traces of flames burned everywhere.

The big monster continued to roar in pain, shaking his tentacles countless times, trying to attack the current Sun Wuchen.

Sun Wuchen himself escaped the opponent's attack through his extremely sensitive body and came to the back.

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