What he could not expect was that Sun Wuchen relied on this momentary change.

To notify Wright to do it, it can be done only by relying on the special combat detector in front of him, because real-time communication is possible, more confidential, and the most efficient transmission can be completed.

There is no need to yell out at all, as this may be discovered by the other party, so such an action is impossible at all, but Sun Wuchen yelled out now.

Sun Wuchen's words were heard by the other party, and that person was already prepared, but he did not expect that Sun Wuchen's attack had already arrived.

Sun Wuchen did not use the tortoise style qigong, but stretched out ten fingers and fired ten beams of light.

"Ten bursts-hole-hole wave beam."

Ten beams of super attack power instantly hit the guy, smashing him to the ground.

There was an explosion on the ground, shaking everywhere, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

If something more surprising happened, near the dark area where they fought, although the ground burst, the guy did not die, and the combat power was still around 500, but when he was about to resist, he suddenly felt infinitely frightened. When the incident happened, a mouthful of blood actually contained him directly.

This is absolutely dangerous, almost desperate.

The terrifying mouth directly sucked him in, already swallowing him completely, the next step was digestion and absorption.

The monster's combat power should be more than 5,000, which is terrifying. Wright next to him immediately flew towards Sun Wuchen. His main goal was to take Sun Wuchen away.

He didn't want the owner he had just found to become a delicious meal for this monster, even if the monster could swallow people with one mouth, it was simply too casual.

If Sun Wuchen died in this monster's mouth, he would have nothing, and the choice he made would be meaningless.

What made him dumbfounded was that Sun Wuchen rushed out toward the monster instead.

"You bastard, do you dare to **** the prey I like?"

Sun Wuchen yelled, and the battle detector had already analyzed the monster.

"The elite monster-the dark snake appears."

"C-level monster. A terrifying monster born in the dark place, shaped like a giant black snake, covered with extremely heavy black scales, and has amazing defensive power. It likes to swallow prey and directly digest and absorb it."

"The main method of attack-swallowing."

"Special Skill: Swallow (swallow directly, amazing power

"Nirvana: Blood Mouth of the Abyss (the power of horror that devours everything

"Attention, this monster is an elite monster with a combat power of 5000, and the host level differs too much from it. It is recommended to escape."

Just reaching the terrifying value of 5000 in combat power is already desperate. Even if the current Sun Wuchen is 20 times stronger, it is definitely not his one-piece power.

Think about it carefully, unless you can use nearly a hundred times the Realm King Fist, you can fight this guy, but I just touched the side of the Five Times Realm King Fist, and I guess his body shattered.

There is only one way right now, which is to directly transform, pick yourself up first, and increase your combat power by ten times. It seems that you will also achieve something. Of course, you must use the Realm King Fist in the great ape state.

But now it seems that it is an impossible task. Under normal physical conditions, using the Realm King Fist, the physical consumption is so severe, not to mention becoming a giant ape.

Sun Wuchen still rushed towards there, and a lightsaber appeared in his hand. This was the use of energy and could only be manifested after reaching the state of transformation.

"Triple Realm King Fist-Cutting."

Chapter 939: Desperately Kill

The lightsaber in Sun Wuchen's hand swung away directly, and was instantly separated from the opponent's scale armor. In fact, the scale armor there was so heavy that it was impossible to cause scars.

After a string of sparks, there was no wound on the jaw of the strange snake. Of course he couldn't get in, but it seems that Sun Wuchen was also noticed by the other party. Seeing the huge nostrils of the giant snake, maybe this is also a case. gamble.

Sun Wuchen floated straight up and flew into the huge cave-like place.

He deliberately ignored the new gas that came out of it, as if he had never felt it before, and flew into the deep inner space, which was very vast and huge.

There is a terrifying space everywhere, and the inside is pure black, as if it can drown everything, this is the scary existence.

In that space for a very long time, with the help of battle detectors, Sun Wuchen found the trail of that guy. This giant monster might have amazing combat power, but he couldn't directly search for a person's specific location.

In other words, monsters fighting in groups are incomparably strong, but when it comes to attacking small creatures like ants like ants, he can't be so perfect, but instead allows him to take advantage of it.

If there is an idea to kill this creature now, it is definitely impossible. Even the weakest place on his body may have heavenly defenses.

It’s impossible to kill him, but it’s okay to fly into his body and find the enemy. Sun Wuchen flew for a while, and he saw a guy near the monster’s chest, entangled in a lot of mucus. Painful, the combat effectiveness has dropped to more than 300, but he still tried his best to get rid of everything.

Standing there, while breathing continuously, I saw Sun Wuchen, holding a lightsaber, slowly advancing towards here.

"This gentleman, your death date has come, do you have anything to say."

Sun Wuchen slowly raised the lightsaber in his hand.

"Master Qiu Yi will definitely avenge me. His combat power can reach an astonishing 18,000. He can come here in only three years. By then, this creature will be killed by him. There are so many resources on this planet. , He must be very interested, he will make great contributions in the eyes of Lord Frieza, and then mine..."

"So much nonsense!"

The lightsaber flashed, and his head fell to the ground. This guy died there unwillingly, and the blood flowed all over the place, seeming to feel part of the **** smell of blood.

The strange snake twisted its body, as if it had become unparalleled enjoyment.

This can be considered an improvement.

Sun Wuchen removed the lightsaber in his hand and looked at the corpse under his feet. This guy himself had nothing to use.

But Sun Wuchen knew what he was going to say, that is, his energy detector had reported all the information here.

Although this planet is valuable, it is estimated that those terrifying enemies will not come here for the time being, but in terms of time, it is estimated that after three years, oneself will have a great change, although it seems that the combat effectiveness has improved from 140 to 18,000. The above is an impossible task, but it took more than a year for the rapid cultivation to reach the current state.

There is still a lot of room for improvement, and you can continue to work hard. Sun Wuchen doesn't care about King Frieza or more powerhouses, as long as he wants to do it, his ultimate goal is to command the universe.

After solving this person, Sun Wuchen needed to leave, but it was very difficult to get out of this monster's body.

The surrounding masses of mucus flowed towards here, and Sun Wuchen forced to use the Wukong tree to hang in the air, flashing as much as possible, and then summoning that guy in his heart.

Finally, he felt his call and walked out of the endless void, although it seemed that he had been hollowed out by some power, and he was thinner than before.

"Master bastard, I was still in the fight just now, why did you call me?"

Seeing him like this, it seemed that he was about to be hollowed out by those wines. It is estimated that in the space of the lamp god, he may have been sinking into those things every day.

"You bastard, if I die here, you don't want to survive, hurry up and take me away."

Fortunately, Sun Wuchen left another magic lamp in his base. The two magic lamps can attract each other and directly cross the space. The light flashes and disappears in place, while Wright who is standing outside is crazy. The attack of this giant snake, but returned to no avail.

He even felt a sense of despair. He felt that his master must have been absorbed by the other party. This horror and despair made the current Wright unbearable. He even wanted to kneel on the ground, thanks to the sense of the giant snake. The pain is limited.

In the end all this calmed down, there was no more hustle and bustle, and everything was enough.

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