Only Sun Wuchen was so willing to help his subordinates improve their skills. Almost an instant later, the opponent's combat effectiveness had made great progress, which can be said to be extremely miraculous.

"Ding! Transfiguration upgrade completed."

"Skill-Advanced Transfiguration."

"Skill level-none."

"Skill Type-Support."

"Skill effect: You can transform into all creatures you have touched, and have the combat power of the creature, but it must be within the energy range of the host. And the higher the energy level of the creature you become, the shorter the time it can be transformed. Normally maintained The biological state of this monster can be improved into a duration and reduce energy consumption."

"Attention, the longer the transformation time, the more energy it consumes and the more rest time."

"Attention, due to skill upgrades. The host can become a variety of creatures that are 20 times stronger than their own combat power, but their attack power can't fully display that level."

Oolong’s current combat power has reached 20, and will be improved soon, but at most he becomes a creature within 400 attack power.

But this is enough. Of course, even if he becomes a creature with an attack power of about 200, his complete destructive power will not reach 200, maybe only more than a hundred, which will definitely be attenuated.

It doesn't matter, he can have great power almost instantly, but there is no improvement in various fighting skills, and he can only fight with the power of pure beasts.

Later, Sun Wuchen would let Wright take him in some battles to improve his fighting skills.

The goal of the next bio-city is also very simple, that is, to enter the dark realm again. Last time I killed a dark dragon by myself, it took a lot of time and energy. This time after I have improved a lot, take a look. Could it be easier to solve everything, and the gravity chamber that Bouma built for himself began to come into use.

Sun Wuchen first came to the vicinity of the dark area and saw a big lizard.

Creatures with an attack power of more than 500 will only appear in the vicinity of the dark area, so the attack power of this large lizard has reached an astonishing 600.

After Sun Wuchen had been improved in many ways, his attack power reached 200. Even if he used the Triple Realm King Fist, he could only reach 600, but he went straight up to fight this terrifying lizard.

The power that Triple Realm King Fist burst out was amazing, and coupled with various skills, after only a few minutes of fighting, the monster was slashed under the horse, and 2000 energy points were obtained.

Just as he wanted to move forward again, the body of the big lizard was suddenly swallowed by something. It turned out that there was still a monster in the ground. Sun Wuchen, who was aiming at him, wanted to devour Sun Wuchen and the big monster together, Sun Wuchen. Immediately jumped up.

However, he himself suddenly noticed a gust of wind and sucked him in. Before he could react, he had entered a dark space, surrounded by a strange stench and darkness, enveloping everything.

Sun Wuchen was extremely surprised, and he didn't know how he got here, he took out the magic lamp, which could be used for lighting, and the lamp **** immediately appeared.

"Master, it's been a long time since I saw you."

"A few words of nonsense, help me analyze the environment here. Why can't I feel the powerful signals of life?"


Deng Shen looked at here, more and more surprised.

"Master, can you take the task? I can help you build weapons."

"You bastard, the weapon that you owed me last time hasn't been given to me, let alone this time, and you just need to cast some armor for me. I don't believe in weapons."

"Of course no problem master, this place is not in the body of a certain monster, but a very special geographical structure, or it may be regarded as a strange and weird zone created by some collection of grievances on this planet itself."

"speak English."

"In fact, we just fell into this planet. This planet itself has a lot of very strange ores, so this space in this planet is very special. If you can find some rare ores here, I can help you improve the last time. Stand up. The basic combat uniform you mentioned."

"Although I have no interest in that thing, let's just travel here."

"Ding! Deng God mission released-exploration."

"You can discover some mysterious ores by exploring the current area. These ores can help you upgrade your equipment and can be directly exchanged for points. Low-level ores can be exchanged for 1000 energy points, intermediate ores can be exchanged for 5000 energy points, and high-level ores can be exchanged for 5000 energy points. Exchange 10,000 energy points or 1z points."

It seems that it is necessary to explore this area. Sun Wuchen came to a mining area in the dark underground space, illuminated by the magic lamp.

Mining begins.

Chapter 961: The newcomer to send the dead

While Sun Wuchen was exploring, suddenly two spaceships fell on this planet. Since many signals were blocked in the underground space, he certainly didn't know what was happening here.

These are two round battleships that came to this planet. They were members of the Frieza Army. The last time the man died here, Dodria, who had no time to take care of what happened here, sent another Two people came here.

The two are also low-level combatants, but one has a combat power of 1,600 and the other has 1,400.

Both of them are not weak in skill, so when they came here, they naturally had infinite confidence. The last time their companion with a combat power of 1500 died here, the two of them came here to deal with that matter, and they found out. The trace of Traitor Wright, among other things, Wright must be eradicated.

Wright didn't have a battle detector, but he learned some qi perception skills with Sun Wuchen, not to mention the amazing talents, and he learned these things very quickly.

He immediately discovered the two powerful life forms that came to this planet. The combat effectiveness alone was much stronger than his own. After a period of maintenance and training, Wright's combat effectiveness returned to about 1100.

Even after the outbreak, it can reach 1200, but it is far from the opponent of the two people now. Even the guy with 1400 fighting strength is not easy to deal with. Without Sun Wuche, everything is vain.

Seeing these two monsters flying to the earth, the first thing he did was ask Boomer to disguise the entire base.

Bouma had made preparations before, and some special transformations were carried out on the base, enough to disguise the experience one by one, at least no one can discover the mystery here in a short period of time.

However, Wright is also very worried. If the enemy really finds it, it will be enough to blow up the entire base to pieces and kill them all. A powerhouse with 1,600 combat effectiveness is enough to destroy the surface of this planet.

He was still very eager to hope that Sun Wuchen could return as soon as possible. With the power of two people, at least Sun Wuchen would become a great ape, and he could definitely defeat the other party.

The two guys searched here, but they didn’t seem to find the person or thing they were looking for. Finally, they felt a little angry, but their madness began to show up. After searching here for a while, they found something very special. Thing.

They also discovered the dark area. Of course, the creatures outside are very strong. They took a lot of effort to walk in, but they really found that special ore. For them, this kind of thing is very important and almost represents The infinite value makes the two of them excited.

"If Frieza-sama knows that this kind of ore is produced here, I must be very happy. In the future, we will be able to form the most powerful army in the universe."

"First, report the news to Lord Dodoria, and he will forward it to it. Otherwise, if the two of us directly report the news to Lord Frieza, it is estimated that Lord Dodoria will be killed."

What the man said, although it made the man in front of him unhappy, he poured cold water on him.

But the fact is, they are light-hearted, and they are not qualified to talk to Lord Frieza directly.

When the two of them were surprised, they suddenly found that the ground was shaking, and it seemed that something was about to come out. After they took a closer look, a young child came up from below.

"Huh, I didn't expect to have dug so many ore, comfortable. Huh?"

Sun Wuchen immediately found the enemy next to him. These two guys were hanging in the air, and both of them had great power.

"I know you. You killed our army members. That kid, are you still alive?"

"Idiot, how could I die so easily, with a combat power of 1600.1400. With such a combat power, would I dare to come to this planet to die? I really admire your courage. That's right, you didn't see the truth last time. Bouma, start shield."

Sun Wuchen yelled silently in his heart. This sound was okay. Just let Bouma hear it. After all, when he was chasing gods and studying, he had already learned this peculiar ability to conduct dialogue in the spiritual world. Hearing it, a special defensive barrier was activated.

This western barrier has only one effect, which is to completely isolate all the surrounding signal transmission. Because of the high-level combat spaceships previously obtained, Bouma obtained some new ways of using it after conducting research. For example, with such a barrier to isolate signals, Sun Wuchen was afraid that too many enemies would come here.

And once the truth here is discovered by others, it will definitely usher in a massive attack by the Frieza Legion, and his own hands can't resist it unless he uses Dragon Ball to move the planet to another place.

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