"It's not good!" The pharmacist secretly said that it was bad, pressing his hands into a seal and then said: "Solution!"

After the pharmacist yelled out the word, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. The road was still the same, even his location did not change. However, Uchiha Tatsu who was already in front of him didn't even know when he had come in front of him. To Yakushidou's horror, Uchiha Tatsuhatsu was drawing Kunai towards his throat at this time.

"Oops!" Fortunately, the pharmacist's pocket is also very human. Facing the fatal attack on him, he saw his body leaning back slightly at the moment of that critical moment, and unexpectedly escaped Chen's kunai. Although it escaped a fatal blow, the Yao Shi's pocket was also scratched by Chen's Kuwu in his neck. Fortunately, it only scratched the skin, although blood still gurgled from the neck. However, it did not hurt important parts such as the trachea or blood vessels.

It turned out that Chen had already cast a special illusion technique on them after they appeared in the pharmacist pocket. This illusion was exchanged by the Chenxiang system. After being able to use the seal, as long as the opponent sees the caster’s finger, the opponent can make the opponent. Hit. However, besides being able to surprise, this illusion is the same as an ordinary illusion, as long as you understand that you are in the illusion, you can unlock it on your own. In fact, they had already hit Chen's illusion when they first appeared, so what they saw Chen was just an illusion. In reality, after they were caught in the illusion, Chen immediately took out Kuwu and attacked the pharmacist. Chen planned that if the pharmacist couldn't solve the illusion, he would die. So directly used Kuwu to draw at the throat of Yao Shidou, and when Chen was about to pierce the throat of Yao Shidou, Yao Shidou also cracked the illusion in time and escaped Chen's fatal blow. (Learn from Itachi's bubble, because it can't kill the pharmacist's pocket for the time being, so it is weakened. I will exchange for the genuine bubble in the future!)

"Hey!" Seeing that his attack was actually avoided by the pharmacist, Chen Leng let out a fist with his left hand, and hit the belly of the pharmacist's pocket with a fist. This fist still used a strange force and directly drove the pharmacist out of the pocket. After falling to the ground, he couldn't offset the impact, leaving a long trace on the ground, and finally stopped.

"Humph~~" Seeing the result of her own cause, Chen looked at the pharmacist who was lying on the ground and couldn't struggle for a while and said with a sneer: "I don't know whether to live or die!" The solemn and vigilant expression just now was actually Chen. Pretending to be, after all, no matter how powerful the pharmacist pocket is, the current pharmacist pocket has not yet made Chen feel stressful.

After solving the problem, the two Otonin who was standing next to the pharmacist's pocket walked towards the pharmacist's pocket. The two Otonin were just a few intelligence personnel. After they discovered Chen's traces, they notified Dashewan, so Dashewan sent the pharmacist to the Kingdom of Wind. And their strength is not strong, not only did not break Chen's illusion, but was killed by Chen Shun, even after Chen killed these two people, there was no hint of earning points.

"Wow~" After struggling for a while, Yao Shidou finally got up and sat up, but he spit out a mouthful of blood and then clutched his stomach, panting heavily, while watching Chen vigilantly. Due to the special physique of the pharmacist's pocket and his amazing recovery ability, he just sat on the ground and took a few breaths, but it gradually eased, and then he retracted his vigilant expression, revealing an unpleasant smile. "Hey~~ As expected, he is even praised by Master Oshemaru, he is really strong!"

"Hmph! Your laughter makes me feel sick. Tell me your purpose. It's better to satisfy me. Otherwise, I don't mind killing your running dog of Dashewan!" Chen coldly snorted, facing The pharmacist said contemptuously.

"Hey... I'm sorry!" After listening to Chen's words, Yao Shidou habitually wanted to laugh again, but after thinking of Chen's words, he stopped. "I have already said that it is Oshemaru-sama who wants to meet Chen-jun very much, so let me invite Chen-jun to come to our Yinnin village as a guest. That's all. Isn't Chen-jun even accepting this small request? ?"

"That's it? Do you really think that I am so easy to fool like Sasuke?"

"The order I received is indeed the case. As for Lord Oshemaru to find out about Chen Jun, I am not qualified to ask, so I was only ordered to come here to invite Chen Jun. I don't know the others."

Hearing what Yakushi said, Chen did not speak, but thought to himself: "What is the purpose of Dashewan this guy looking for me? Does he also want to use me as a container? Doesn't he already have Sasuke? Forget it, just go ahead. Let’s go to Tianzhiguo. With my current strength, I don’t need to be afraid of Oshemaru at all. I would like to see what his purpose is. Maybe I can get something useful from Oshemaru." Chen I thought of Dashemaru, there seems to be a young man named Youguimaru who has the ability to control the three tails, and Chen also wants to get a first-generation cell, go to Dashemaru to try his luck, and see if Dashemaru has any original ones. cell. "How about, Tatsu-kun! Are you ready? Don't you want to see your brother Sasuke-kun?" Yao Shidou continued to persuade Tatsun.

"Huh! Okay, I also want to see the legendary one of the three ninjas, Lengjun Oshemaru, and I also miss my stupid brother Uchiha Sasuke, to see how far he has grown? But I've always worried about him! I think Sasuke had always been taking care of me back then, and I was sad for a while after he left." Chen's mouth was slightly tilted, pretending to say with a nostalgic expression.

Of course, Yakushidou knew that Tatsun was talking bullshit. If he really cared about Sasuke, he would not have ignored Sasuke at first. He knew that he had such a strong ability, but he had never taught Sasuke before, and even rebelled in Sasuke. Konoha didn't stop him when he came to follow Lord Oshemaru. He watched his brother jump into the fire pit and was indifferent, without any indication. It's shameless to dare to say that he cares about Sasuke now.

Although I understand, but the pharmacist pocket did not break, but echoed Tatsun and said: "Haha, Sasuke-kun has worked very hard, of course it will not disappoint Tatsu-kun! And I think Sasuke-kun must also look forward to He Tatsu-kun's. Reunion!"

"If that's the case, let's go! Do I still want me to help you up?"

"Don't bother Chen Jun, I can still go by myself." Yao Shi said and got up from the ground. After a period of rest, his injuries have alleviated.

"Oh, that's good. Let's go, you will lead the way, I don't know how Tian Zhiguo will go."

"Yes." Yakushi replied, ignoring the two Otonin corpses on the ground, and took the lead. Of course, Chen also followed behind him, and the two rushed in the direction of Tian Zhiguo.

Group tail: 475137322...

Chapter 76: Goodbye Sasuke

Chen followed the medicine master's pocket and hurried towards the country of Tian. After a period of rushing, he finally came to the country of Tian.

Tanokuni is a small country bordering Konoha. There was no Ninja Village before. After Akatsuki seceded from Oshemaru, he bribed Tanokuni Daimyo to establish Otonin Village in his country, but Otonin Village was not employed. Tian Zhiguo. After Oshemaru bribed the daimyo of Tianzhiguo, it occupied Tianzhiguo, and Tianzhiguo became the main base of Oshemaru.

"Tatsu-kun, our Otonin Village is in front of us. Master Oshemaru and Sasuke-kun are waiting for Tatsu-kun in the village." Yakushi stopped and pointed to the village in front of him, and said to Tatsun.

"Oh, a pretty good village!" Chen said casually, not paying attention to Otonin Village at all.

"Let’s go, Lord Oshamaru and Sasuke-kun should have been waiting for a long time."

"Let's go!"

The two continued to walk towards the village.

In Otonin Village, in a dark hall, there are two people waiting for something. One of the two people is the leader of Otonin Village, one of the three people, Osamaru. And the other one, Hao Ran is Chen's twin brother, Uchiha Sasuke.

"Hahaha~ They should be coming soon, Sasuke, I think you are also looking forward to reunion with your brother Uchiha Tatsuo?" Osaimaru made a few hoarse voices, and stood beside him playfully. Said Sasuke.

"That guy...I'm going to kill him!" Sasuke's current expression is very interesting, not the joy of the brothers reunion, but full of unwillingness and anger. The guy in Sasuke's mouth is not someone else, but his brother, Uchiha Tatsuno! The idiot he has been taking care of, Uchiha Tatsuno.

Damn, that guy actually dared to deceive him for so long, and what made him even more unacceptable was that he learned from Da She Maru that the idiot possessed even stronger strength than him, this **** bastard.

Sasuke Uchiha has always been hailed as a genius. After Uchiha's genocide, Sasuke vowed to become an avenger. No matter what the price, he would kill Uchiha Itachi to avenge the Uchiha clan. For so many years, he has been living for this goal and is working hard to cultivate, so his strength is also the strongest of the Xiaoqiang in the same class, and his grades have always been the first in the class. Sasuke thought so until the Nakanin exam. But when taking the Nakanin exam, whether it was Konoha’s Rock Lee, Hyuga Neji, or Sagura’s Gaara, each showed amazing power, Sasuke began to recognize his current situation. The strength is far from strong enough.

Later, in the incident of Konoha’s collapse plan, Sasuke saw that the strength of Naruto, who was once known as the tail of the crane, in the same team, completely surpassed his strength, Sasuke felt deeply unwilling. Although he is reluctant to admit it, in fact he is lagging behind them step by step.

One thing that happened next made Sasuke's resentment burst out. That was the appearance of Itachi Uchiha, the target he had always regarded as a must-kill. He was unable to fight back in front of Itachi. Later, in a duel with Naruto on the top of the hospital, he saw the destruction and damage caused by Chidori. The damage caused by the spiral pill formed a contrast and went away with anger. After contacting the Otonin four people sent by Oshomaru, he discovered the curse power displayed by the four people. In order to get more powerful power, he decided to follow Oshomaru without hesitation.

For a long time, Sasuke believed that Tatsun was better than him. When he was in Ninja School, no matter how hard Sasuke tried, he could not surpass Tatsun, whether it was physique or ninjutsu. After the genocide tragedy, Sasuke thought that the most hopeful person to seek revenge on Itachi was Chen. But things were completely beyond his expectation... Chen couldn't accept the blow of his parents being killed, and became a demented person. Therefore, Sasuke had to take the responsibility for revenge on his own, and he also had to take care of Chen.

What he didn't expect was that not long after he left Konoha, he learned that Chen had also left Konoha Village at Da She Maru, and he still possessed extremely powerful power. All alone destroyed a Shinobu village. Not only that, but not long ago, Sasuke learned that Tatsun had even defeated his once instructor, Kakashi Hagi, Kakashi. This means that Chen's strength has far surpassed him, which is making him unacceptable.

Since he was a child, he has been practicing hard, taking Chen as the goal of surpassing. But no matter how hard he tried, he still failed to surpass Chen. Obviously two people were born at the same time, and obviously they look exactly the same, why can't I always compare with him? Even now, after his hard work in Dashemaru, he still can't compare to the brother who has been pretending to be stupid for many years.

All these years of hard work was suddenly rejected, which made Sasuke more unwilling to think about it. He didn't understand why Chen had to hide from him and let him bear the pressure of revenge on his own. He couldn't accept it even more, Chen had been deceiving him. I took care of Chen before, but now it seems to him that Chen has been playing tricks and teasing him. This made him full of resentment towards Chen!

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from outside the hall, causing Oshemaru to show a weird smile, while Sasuke clenched his fists and looked at the hall door with complex expressions.

The door was pushed open, and two people came in. It was Uchiha Tatsumi and Yakushidou.

"Master Oshewan!" The pharmacist came to Oshewan and bowed to him.

"Hey hey~~ It’s been hard work! I heard that you were injured, right?"

"Thank you for your concern, your subordinates are fine!"

"Hehehe~~ It's okay!" He turned his eyes to Chen as he said.

Seeing Tatsuna's face almost exactly the same as Sasuke's face, Osamaru tweeted and exclaimed, "Hey...hey...you deserve to be a twin brother, I really look exactly like Sasuke... Uchiha Tatsumi, when we meet for the first time, let me introduce myself to you. It's Otoshimaru, the leader of Otonin Village!" Looking at Tatsumi's face that is almost the same as Sasuke, Osamaru tutted and exclaimed, "I know, one of the three ninjas, Lengjun Osamaru, Konoha's S-rank rebels, why? Maybe you don’t know each other? And I killed the old man of three generations not long ago, right?"

"Hehe~ It seems that Jun Jun also knows me very well!"

"Please, everyone in the Shinobi world knows this kind of thing, and you don't need to compliment me."

"Haha~" Da She Maru smiled awkwardly, and did not speak any more.

And Tatsun also turned his attention to another person, Uchiha Sasuke! At this time, Sasuke was also watching Tatsun, or from the moment Tatsun entered the hall, Sasuke's gaze had been placed on Tatsun's body. After Chen entered the hall, he didn't even care about him. Instead, he chatted with Oshomaru and completely ignored him, which made Sasuke extremely angry. Although the anger was extreme, Sasuke did not show his emotions on his face, but looked at Chen with a facial paralysis.

"Yo! My good brother, Sasuke! Long time no see, I really miss it!" Chen said to Sasuke with a smile.

"Asshole! Go to death!" Seeing Chen greeted himself with a okay expression, Sasuke exploded in anger. The eyes of the writing wheel were opened, and the seals were quickly formed with both hands. A large number of chakras formed on the right hand to form thunder and lightning. Accompanied by the harsh chirping sound, it is the super ninjutsu that Sasuke has mastered, Chidori!

After the Chidori took shape, Sasuke raised the Chidori and attacked Xiangchen in a rage. On the other hand, Da She Wan looked at the two of them playfully, and did not stop them.

"Go to hell!" Sasuke yelled, and immediately rushed to Chen's face. The Chidori in his hand pierced Xiangchen's chest mercilessly.

"Really, how come you do it when you meet, even Chidori is used, are you going to kill me?" Facing Sasuke's attack, Chen did not panic, but calmly said to Sasuke. Then Sasuke's Chidori was about to attack him before dodged.

"It's a pity, your strength is too weak! There is no way to touch me at all!" Tatsun flashed through Sasuke's attack, and then taunted Sasuke.

"Damn it! Die to me!" Sasuke yelled again when he missed a hit, and continued to attack Chen, but Chen still avoided him.

"Are you capable of this? It disappoints me too much!" Chen didn't know the extent of Sasuke's strength before, but now Sasuke's strength seems to be only that of Zhongnin, and at best it is elite. The strength of Zhong Ren really disappointed Chen. Chen felt that it was necessary to make Sasuke stronger. After all, Sasuke was also his brother, even though he didn't like him in his previous life. But in this life, after becoming his brother, Tatsun has already accepted him, especially during Konoha's years when Sasuke took care of him, which made Tatsun very moved.

When he was in Konoha, he had the idea to help Sasuke improve his strength, but because of the special circumstances at the time, he couldn't implement it. As for why Sasuke was allowed to follow Oshemaru in the first place, it was because Tatsuno knew the plot. O She Maru is a good teacher. Only in O She Maru can Sasuke become stronger. Sasuke following O She Maru has more advantages than disadvantages for him, so Tatsuno did not organize Sasuke to join O She Maru.

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