It's just that his realm is not stable, it seems that it can't last too long, and then there is a fierce offensive like a storm, and he locks the opponent's position.

His fists continued to beat like a violent wind, and instantly shattered everything around him. He could no longer bear the madness and anger in his heart. At this moment, although he felt that he could not be compared with the other Monkey King brothers, he still had his own arrogance. Heart, never admit defeat.

The banging sound is indeed endless, even Piccolo is surprised, the combat power of this guy in front of him is really strong.

With his 1800 combat power, defeating the opponent should be simple.

But he didn’t have to go up and use his full strength. What’s more, he could see that although the opponent’s offensive was fierce, his strength was being consumed rapidly. After a long time, he could not bear such energy consumption. As long as he was a normal person, he It is impossible to go crazy forever.

Sun Wuchen touched his chin next to him. He was waiting for the change. After a while, he finally felt that this change came from the top of his head. No wonder Piccolo also looked over his head. The moon appeared in the sky, and the color was a little special. , Showing a blood-red faint light.

No, this should not be the moon, it came earlier than I thought.

The gods seem to be very afraid that Monkey King will become a great ape and destroy the earth.

So he deliberately used hypnotism to block some of Monkey King's perception abilities, so that he could not discover the existence of the moon.

As for Sun Wuchen himself, he could perform a very effective self-control transformation, so he was not hypnotized.

However, it is definitely not the moon that appears now. The special light is not shining on the earth, and this peculiar existence is blood red, and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger, passing through the space of the universe.

Sun Wuchen's heart beat fiercely, something was wrong, quite something wrong.

It seemed that something terrible was coming. When he was thinking about it, blood flashed in the sky. Just at this time, Piccolo rushed over in an instant, and his hand knife slashed Tianjin Fan’s back, making him feel Knocked down, the power was consumed too much, Tianjin Fan was unable to support it, and he passed out in a coma.

The last battle should have been between Sun Wuchen and Piccolo, but at this moment Sun Wuchen looked towards the sky.

Bloody light spread all over the earth, and then a huge planet appeared, as if slowly passing through the earth. As for the sky has opened a huge crack, something is falling down, and the **** planet is also right. Something flew towards here.

It seems that Carrick II is about to wake up. According to the original plot, he could not beat him anyway. When he was resurrected, his power was quite strong.

However, the current timeline shouldn't be that terrible either. Now his sudden recovery may be related to the fact that the Demon and Fierce Star has crossed from here on, and at best it just opened the cracks in time and space.

After the cracks in time and space spread, this guy suddenly flew down from the sky, still a huge body, but a little old.

In that broken time and space, after being locked for a long time, there was only one thing in his heart called anger. He wanted to kill the young man in front of him very much. Although she had changed, the breath was very obvious.

Chapter 993: Carrick II under the Demon Star

"I'm back, you fellow, when you sent me into the space of death, this time, I want revenge."

"You have that ability."

Sun Wuchen said slowly.

"Haha, of course, it is the planet of our demon race. When this planet approaches the earth, it will release unimaginable brilliance, and my combat effectiveness will increase tenfold. Even though I am tortured in that space, It’s aging, but after a tenfold increase, it can definitely kill you."

Sun Wuchen performed a scan. This guy is definitely in the strongest state, and his combat power has reached 520, because of some aging and physical loss.

But the power of the Demon Star is supplementing him. I believe he can return to the most powerful state at the time. Maybe after a tenfold increase, his combat power will reach more than 7000, which is terrifying.

With his current combat effectiveness, even if he uses Five Times Realm King Fist, he can only reach a combat effectiveness of more than 5,000 at most. If you want to fight him, it will be a bit difficult.

It was Sun Wuchen who was the kind of person who faced difficulties, no matter who the enemy was, he would not give up, and Piccolo next to him was talking there.

"Sun Wuchen, you are also my enemy. I will never let you live. The reason why I summoned this terrifying red planet here is to summon him back to fight with me."

Among the red cracks, some terrifying demons flew out. They should all be on the demon star. This terrifying demons is very powerful. Although not as extreme as the legendary plot, they are all on the earth. It's not easy to deal with the strong on top.

Sun Wuchen slowly stood in front of the stage and looked at the audience around him.

"You idiots, get out, there is only a dead end if you stay here."

Everyone's eyes felt a little surprised and even a little angry. The world's most powerful man didn't say anything. How could you, a young man, have the right to yell at us? Many people will jump out and blame Wuchen with righteous indignation.

"It's terrible for you people to leave these enemies soon, even if it's me, it's not easy to deal with."

As soon as Teacher Wu Tian spoke, the people around seemed to have seen something terrifying, and they all began to flee. It seemed that only the strongest words could have such an effect, and Sun Wuchen held his head helplessly.

However, this is the case, and there is definitely no room for change. These people all fled here, and they tried their best to escape the horror of this place.

A group of people fled frantically and disappeared almost in a short time.

The only people left here were the powerful warriors Gui Xianliu, and Sun Wuchen walked directly in front of Carrick II.

"This is a battle between you and me. Let me see your strength. Goku solves Piccolo. You are enemies for life."

Monkey King nodded, and greeted Piccolo.

The two struggled fiercely, but Carrick II was not hurried at this moment, the longer the time, the better.

As time goes by, his combat effectiveness will increase more and more. If he can reach a considerable time, he can even surpass his original state. Now his combat effectiveness is only three times higher, but he is greeted by one. Fist, Sun Wuchen's fist.

Is there a golden light on the fist?

When Carrick II was surprised, his fist hit him in the face, and Carrick II’s body flew out like a cannonball, crashing into the distance, and there was a creak in the air. It seemed that he He can't even control his own body.

With a swish into the distance, Carrick II calmed down again in the air, and when he didn't move, there was a bursting noise on his face.


His face was blown up, and even some skin was lost. However, the Demon Race's ability to recover is very strong, so that his face will grow up quickly, and even thanks to the power of the Demon Star, his recovery ability is reversed. Several times.

The monster still wanted to rush over to continue fighting, and Sun Wuchen had already flown closer.

"This is an uninhabited land. As a battlefield for you and me, it should be good. Come on, fight with me. I want to see what kind of combat power you have after your resurrection."

Sun Wuchen suddenly turned into a fierce tiger, and instantly flew out, the golden light in his hand flashed, this time Carrick II dared not resist.

When this golden power hits him, it seems to explode instantly, and the opponent's energy always steadily overwhelms him.

Carrick II was smashed to the ground again, and instantly entered the infinite soil, lost the red **** light, his strength even weakened, he could not let this continue to happen.

He couldn't bear his own weakness. If it took longer, he would not have the strength to fight. He immediately flew over from the dirt, roared, and spit out a huge ball of light, knocking the Sun Wuchen in front of him to the side. Fly to high altitude, absorbing the power of red blood light.


"Haha, I don't know what you are talking about? But I am stronger."


Sun Wuchen smashed him into the mountain with a punch.

"Three Times Realm King Fist!"

Chapter 994: The Humble Demon Race

It was just the Triple Realm King Fist that hit the opponent into the deep mountains. Carrick II was a little angry at this moment. Is his strength really inferior to the opponent? This is never possible.

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