So if there are many enemies, they will be very willing.

"Bouma, how long will it take for this spacecraft to travel long distances? Wright has given you the coordinates I specified."

"It will take about a month for you to get to the neighborhood, but as Wright did, if there are a lot of defenses around, you must be very careful."

"Then you can rest assured, there won't be any problems."

Sun Wuchen gave Bu Ma a firm look, and Bu Ma’s heart fell down and calmed down. Recently, Bu Ma and Qiqi have been living nearby, trying their best to help Sun Wuchen. The hearts of the two people are still very clear, but Sun Wuchen seemed to be still escaping.

I don't know what the two girls thought, and they reached some kind of agreement. They didn't seem to shy away from the fact that both of them liked Sun Wuchen, which really surprised Sun Wuchen himself.

However, there are more urgent matters now, and the affairs of these two girls will not be seen. As for Wright, he must stay at the base. Although he is familiar with it, there is a large group of demons next to the base, which cannot be said to be complete. Loyal, Sun Wuchen was also thinking about when Dragon Ball could be used, so he sent them away directly.

However, for a very stable portal, Sun Wuchen just used the power of Dragon Ball, so there is no need to think about it at other times.

Moreover, in order to complete this special spaceship, Sun Wuchen also spent some energy points, directly redeeming some high-level materials from the system.

The spacecraft finally started. The space above is huge. Everyone has a separate room. And the real motivation is that his people were surprised when they were actually exposed to more than 20 times the gravity. After all, everyone’s body is a bit difficult. Feeling to bear.

Ten times the gravity is not very difficult for them, and if you bear it a little, they will make a lot of progress. For a whole month, everyone's combat effectiveness has increased by at least about 10%.

Monkey King’s ultimate combat power broke through 2100.

The combat effectiveness of Tianjin Fan also reached 1,600.

As for the other people, they are already fast enough. Klin is considered to be the more advanced among them, and has reached almost 1,500 combat effectiveness. Dumplings are a bit weak, only 1,200 at most.

A group of people flew towards that zone, and soon came to a place in the void of the universe. There was a planet with shining light. Everyone was surprised. A closer look at the planet seemed to be artificial, in form and style, absolutely and natural in general. The planets are different, and there seem to be some satellites around.

And before it got close, many people there found a strong air current. It seemed that there were some monsters here, quite terrifying monsters, and their existence confirmed the terrible legend in the universe.

"I have arrived at Frieza Planet, I wish you a pleasant journey."

The sound of the system rang in everyone's ears, and Sun Wuchen turned his head.

"Everyone, start a hunting operation."

The ninth and ninety-eighth chapter: 10 times the world king fist

On the way, Sun Wuchen told them all of his plans, and the planet they were going to attack was Frieza Star.

According to Wright, you should say that at this time of the year, Frieza takes his Space Legion to fight on various planets and will never return to his so-called base, because there are almost no people in this world. Dare to make any attack on this base.

Those who dare to offend Frieza's majesty hardly know it, so this place is unusually calm.

"There are a lot of powerful qi on this planet, so strong, Wu Chen, do you really want to attack?"

"Of course, our strategy will not change. This man named Frieza is the emperor of the universe. Today I will grab his warehouse and start fighting."

At this moment, on the planet of Frieza.

"King Frieza has been away for two months. I wonder what is going on with the plan to conquer that planet?"

"It should be done perfectly, because Master Frieza took Master Dodoria and Master Sabo on their own hands. If they do it together, there must be no planet that cannot be conquered, eh? There is a special mark on the radar. And disappeared again."

This person suddenly noticed that a small white dot flashed on the radar, and then disappeared immediately, because the Frieza Army had always felt that he was invincible.

On the contrary, the defense of the base is not so tight, and no one will provoke them at all.

Just when these two unlucky guys were still thinking about their supreme glory, suddenly a huge sole fell from the sky, slamming the ground under their feet, and completely shattering everything around them.

With a bang, these two unlucky ghosts turned into fleshy flesh.

The others were shocked, and immediately a lot of Frieza's army flew over during the war, and most of their combat effectiveness was between 1,000 and 2,000.

This is the fighting power of the lower-ranking fighters of the Frieza army, but they were all surprised when they saw the monster in front of them. The reading on the battle detector turned out to be close to 10,000. Where did this terrifying monster come from?

They also have some more powerful elite fighters. For example, even if the Naba’s combat effectiveness is not weak, there are of course Vegeta and others. These so-called elite fighters are not here. As for the Kinuite troops, they also follow suit. Frieza embarked on a journey, so there are not many strong people here.

After a terrifying explosion.

The great ape instantly opened his mouth and sent a huge energy ball to the side, smashing everything there.

With a bang, it was terrifying. The huge ball shattered a nearby area, and the huge ape waved his palm to the other side.

"How is it possible that the Saiyan has rebelled. This is definitely a Saiyan. Is it Vegeta?"

A person in the control room immediately noticed the situation, and then he carefully judged the combat effectiveness of Vegeta in front of him, which really made him amused.

"It turns out that after this guy turned into this kind of monster, his combat power was so weak, I must go and kill him myself."

This guy is also a typical example of his shame, his name is Qiu Yi.

He is considered to be an elite fighter of the Frieza Army. His overall combat power has reached 18,000 and his destructive power is quite impressive. However, he and Vegeta of the Frieza Army have always been in a hostile relationship, and neither of them looked down upon each other.

The Frieza Legion is not like other regular troops. They are full of internal conflicts and even have some private fights. As long as they are not discovered by Frie, they can kill others at will, because then you will show your powerful combat effectiveness.

The combat power of 18,000 is enough to break a planet into pieces.

The guy in front of him immediately flew over and headed towards the square. A huge ape was making trouble there, and his long mane had an active defensive power.

The incomparable tail, sweeping everything over it will smash everything.

There are ruins everywhere, and a simple attack during this period of time has broken everything into pieces, which is really terrifying.

"Vegeta, you dare to rebel. I will kill you today. You think you are very powerful, but tell you, I am stronger than you."

Qiu Yi yelled there, thinking that his strength could defeat the opponent.

Just as he was hesitating, some explosions sounded from the back of the base. It seemed that someone had already entered the base and was moving quite fast.

But at the moment Qiu Yi was distracted, a guy suddenly flew over from behind the huge ape monster, and it was a fatal blow.

"Limit-10 times the Realm King Fist-the power of the five elements to kill the fist!"

Who is this young man who flew up suddenly? Qiu Yi definitely didn't know him.

But the power of this young man was terrifying. When a terrifying attack broke out, his damage power had reached more than 10,000 in an instant. It happened to hit Qiu Yi's chest at the moment Qiu Yi lost his mind, and a golden light was on him. A mark was left on the body.

It's just a pity that this punch couldn't hurt Qiu Yi at all. On the contrary, after using the so-called Ten Times Realm King Fist, the person on the opposite side could no longer stand.

"Sure enough, 10 Times Realm King Quan's body really can't bear it."

Chapter 999: Momentary Power

The young man who rushed out was naturally Sun Wuchen. He took a bet and instantly used ten times the Realm King Fist, but the loss of his body was unimaginable.

Sun Wuchen believed that he could use the Six Times Realm King Fist, but with his current energy, even if he used the Six Times Realm King Fist, his combat power would not reach 10,000.

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