The other people in the base were still fighting. They saw from the monitor that Yakilobe was injured by Yamucha. They were very angry. When they wanted to rush out, they found that the door was tightly locked.

Originally for defense, their gates were quite strong, even if the attack power was below 5000, hitting them would not have any effect, so these gates can be said to be the strongest protective armor.

But when they want to go out, all this becomes extremely difficult, because if they have to blast the door from the inside, it will also greatly affect the overall building.

A gap was torn in the sky again, and the blood-red gap represented that the demon and fierce star had once again descended on this planet.

Under the command of Carrick II, this group of terrifying lunatics has been launching an offensive towards the base, and there are constant explosions on the periphery of the base, smashing everything that may exist.

Their goal is to blow up this entire area, and absolutely can't let anything remain here. The anger in their hearts is beyond words, and of course their attacks are equally astonishing and terrifying.

They used all their energy, wanting to blow this place into pieces, constantly exploding, and constantly extinction. It seems that they can't stop after all. At this moment, Sun Wuchen is in a far place, and it won't have any impact on this place at all.

"I finally found this opportunity. This time I must completely eradicate his base and kill all the fighters. The rest is that one person. I can deal with him and the soldiers charge."

In his words, maybe everything is very simple, but in fact he overlooked a very important thing.

That is, there are some super powers under Monkey King, like Monkey King, even at this time Piccolo rushed out.

Piccolo will never forget what Sun Wuchen said to him.

"Of course you think you are great, but in fact, you are still far away. You strayed into and followed me, and then surpassed me, so that your life wouldn't be more valuable."

This is like a brainwashing sentence, but it is indeed very useful. Piccolo himself doesn't know much about everything in this world. Although he is very smart, he is not a human being. He obviously does not understand all the worldliness and intrigues.

In other words, he has the combat skills and combat IQ, but it is very difficult and quite difficult to deal with this complicated situation and to see the various meanings in the other party's words.

So Piccolo believes everything Sun Wuchen said now, and even he has the confidence to fight an arduous battle with Sun Wuchen.

The fastest he rushed turned into a green light, which would be severely punished. A demon, torn to pieces, roared, his eyes beamed across the air and hit the vicinity of Carrick II. Unexpectedly, the others Some fighters have been blocked there.

A very huge warrior with a fire-red skin covering his entire body, blocked it, and at the same time allowed his body to withstand the shot of the opponent's light.

Under the increase of the evil star, everyone's combat effectiveness has increased by at least ten times.

This is already quite scary.

Even the relatively weak demons, after this promotion, became very terrifying. The enemies here are endless, very seriously affecting the survival of Sun Wuchen and others.

At this moment, some people also descended on the earth. It was a huge spaceship that landed directly. A person wearing this special battle costume appeared in the middle. He looked quite calm, but that face was surprising. .

"Huh!? Goku, you're back, and you brought some friends with you?"

When Monkey King walked out, he smiled at the corners of his mouth, and instantly, blood flickered.

The first thousand and nine chapters: Five Elements Fist-Crazy Dragon Diamond

"It's really looking for death. There are such powerful people on this planet who dare to wait for me here. It's so interesting, but the aura of this planet is really too rich. It will be a very good place to cultivate seeds. "

The man buried a seed in the ground silently.

Regardless of the Sun Wufan in front of him fell to the ground, he did not die, lingering on the torture and pain.

Monkey King was struggling there, and his eyes were on Monkey King. He felt that his grandson seemed to have changed, but he carefully observed the aura on this guy's body.

This guy shouldn't be Monkey King. Monkey King wouldn't attack him anyway. The family bond between the two was unusually hard. On the contrary, Monkey King Chen didn't have that kind of attachment because he matured too early.

However, Sun Wuche was still quite in awe of Sun Wufan, did not show any contempt for him, and even tried his best to make his grandfather's life better.

Of course this was another matter. The man in front of him had seriously injured Sun Wufan with a single blow, and the extreme pain instantly flowed through his body, constantly torturing his nerves, even making her somewhat unable to bear it.

These pains really surpassed everything in the past. The Monkey King in front of him felt the pain backwards there, and then after a while, he saw strange changes in front of him, and a seedling sprang out of the originally flat ground, and It continued to grow rapidly, and at the same time, many things around it were instantly rotten, losing the brilliance and color of life.

The earth is being spent in an extremely terrifying environment, and terrible battles are also going on on the dark planet.

Two people, Monkey King and Piccolo, are fighting Carrick II. The others are barely able to deal with the demons who have been promoted, but this guy, only these two people can deal with, and they have to do their best. .

Since the Demon Star has just arrived here, the action time is relatively short, and Carrick II is not so much improved, so now his combat power is only more than 3,000, and the combat power of both of them is around 2,500, which can barely resist. His madness and fierce attack.

This will be a battle that seems to be evenly matched, but Carrick II has always been able to do well. After blasting the two into the air, he smiled grimly again.

"You two guys are really ridiculous. It is impossible to stop me. Now they are still coming to provoke my power. It is really ridiculous. Today, if Sun Wuchen is not here, I will kill you all and make him cry. Something."

If you want to stimulate Sun Wuchen in this way, you must think too much.

If Sun Wuchen is really angry to the extreme, it is estimated that the entire universe and many creatures in it will be buried with him.

Carrick II exhausted his words to provocation, and realized that he was unlikely to kill the two in a short time. At this time, the dark area was shaking. Although Carrick II did not notice, the other two Everyone noticed it.

There was a special breath that seemed to come from Sun Wuchen. You must know that among the crowd, Sun Wuchen is absolutely invincible in the world.

The strength is unparalleled, and it can defeat many so-called strong people. The enemy has nothing difficult to solve in his eyes. As long as he is willing to work hard, he can do everything.

The strong man’s beliefs are at a glance. At this moment, Sun Wuchen is fighting a group of horrible creatures in a huge crack. Although there is no beast with 24,000 attack power, he is surrounded by horrible monsters with seven or eight thousand attack power. Fivefold Realm King Quan barely resisted.

Even so, the entire battlefield is still bloody, with the corpses of the beheaded monsters everywhere, and pieces of blood constantly spilling here, it has become a hunting ground that can be sacrificed, and there is a sense of horror and blood everywhere.

Of course, this battle was more terrifying than imagined. The constant energy collisions and constant battles made it possible for all the enemies who reached extreme excitement. At this moment, Sun Wuchen exhausted all his energy to defeat everyone, but he suddenly found that his strength was still weak. It is really inadequate.

Saiyan's most powerful potential is of course to become a super Saiyan, which is 50 times the normal combat power.

Therefore, its own energy will consume a large amount of physical strength, and the consumption is serious, but at least a 50-fold increase in combat effectiveness in a short period of time is already very impressive.

Back then, Monkey King used up to 20 times the Realm King Fist, and he still hasn't played the so-called Frieza.

The current Sun Wuchen is even more unable to do that kind of thing. His strength has increased. The moment he used the Five Times Realm King Fist, he jumped into the sky and flew towards the side.

Suddenly a huge palm flew directly out of the soil, stopping Monkey King, as if to smash him.

There is something wrong with this palm, the pure black palm seems to be some kind of strange biological manipulation.

The word death seemed to be written on it, but Sun Wuchen roared.

"Five Elements Boxing-Crazy Dragon Drill."

The first thousand and tenth chapter: Carrick II on the run

This creature came and went quickly, and the huge black palm was hit by his own crazy dragon.

In an instant, the violent force drilled the black palm into fragments, and when the blood rained down, it was indeed a bit shocking.

This is absolutely a terrifying attack, no one can stop it.

But after that, Sun Wuchen saw that his palm was torn.

However, the opponent's attack still refused to stop, and the huge black palm came from a deeper area.

There must be extremely terrifying voices in this place, using their own power to affect everything now, they are terrifying, frightening, and crazy.

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