All the Saiyans fought under Frieza's command. They were Frieza's most loyal subordinates. However, due to some disaster, the entire Saiyan planet was completely shattered, and they all perished, leaving only a few fighters. Not much.

Many people in the universe know this matter quite clearly, and they also understand a little bit.

This person in front of him is definitely a member of the Frieza Army. Although his status is not very high outside the Frieza Army, he is definitely a terrifying existence in the universe. No one dared to offend this guy.

The people around were somewhat restrained, but some people wanted to get these two women and didn't plan to give Frieza's legion face.

"I give out 20 million. If you have money, I will continue to add it to tell you, I don't fear Frieza's regiment, I have a lot of money."

There was such an arrogant person on the other side, and everyone around was looking at that place, it turned out to be a very famous dark race in the universe.

They went up to look for the dark planet. Every horrible member was a demon-like existence, with extremely strong power, and it didn’t matter to destroy everything. They were a group of horrible monsters.

No one dared to provoke these things, and they are considered Frieza's best employers, because after this group of people occupy a planet, they will plunder all the resources in the shortest possible time.

Their exploitation of the planet is a form of almost plunder, leaving no room for it.

These people are famous in this universe, but they are basically a kind of terrifying reputation. Almost no one is willing to deal with them. This guy suddenly stood up and talked, which definitely means that he is not afraid of Frieza.

Perhaps this is indeed the truth. They are one of Frieza's largest employers, and they often pay unimaginable prices to purchase those resource-rich planets.

And it is said that they also have some quite powerful warriors who have reached the terrifying level. Their power was injured this time, and it can be said that they are the most terrifying monsters.

"Then I will pay 100 million. Do you still have money?"

Hearing that the other party had actually increased the price to 100 million, even now Sun Wuchen's money is only 15 million. This is definitely a sky-high price, and it is a sky-high price for him.

The man finally stopped, saying that the price of one hundred million was enough to buy dozens of planets.

Although he didn't have any good feelings about the person in front of him, he began to know something astringent.

Sun Wuchen walked to the auction floor and unlocked the chains of the two women. They immediately hugged Sun Wuchen tightly.

"Wu Chen, thank you for helping us, if it weren't for you, we would..."

Of course they are very grateful to the current Sun Wuchen.

"I will take care of you leaving here first."

Sun Wuchen gave his subordinate Wright a wink. Wright seemed to understand something, and then left with Bouma.

He even got on the spaceship and escaped here at the fastest speed.

They have previously purchased a large amount of materials here, enough to be used within a period of time.

And he also contacted an old friend of himself, who could ask that person to help Sun Wuchen and others collect resources.

"When will the money be paid?"

The people at the auction have already walked over and are looking for Sun Wukong's money. If Sun Wuchen hadn't been a member of the Frieza Army, they would never give such a face, and it would be impossible to take the goods without paying.

"Money is easy to talk about. There is another thing. I want to know who caught them here. Those two people are my companions. When I find my own companions, I still have to spend money. interesting."

The person next to him is a bit sly, looking at this place, it is very likely that his appearance is the guy who just grabbed Bouma and the others who came here.

Carefully distinguish, this person's combat effectiveness can basically reach about 8,000.

After Sun Wuchen fell in love with him, he walked over slowly, not doing what he wanted.

"You should do it if you have no money. Since you have chosen this path, you are indeed eligible for the money. However, I don't have 100 million, and I have to get one more thing."

Sun Wuchen shot suddenly, a burst of brilliant light burst out of his body, and now he directly used the 8-fold Realm King Fist.

His combat power is only 2000 at most. Even if he uses the Five Times Realm King Quan, he can only reach 10,000. Think about the difficulty of the opponent's spike. The Eight Times Realm King Quan’s fighting power is different, and it has already reached 16,000. One hit kills, and when he held it in his hand, he gently squeezed his head completely shattered.

This guy was dead in a blink of an eye. The things that appeared in it surprised everyone. Someone would kill on this commercial planet. You must know that this is the safest place agreed by all the forces. No one dares. Crime in this place.

Not even Frieza.

"Don't feel like you can't stand your eyes on it, my name is Sun Wuchen!"

The first thousand and fourteenth chapter: desperate battle

The people around were surprised to see such a scene suddenly.

Most of the powerhouses in the universe have a combat power of only over 10,000, but there are no known how many passengers on this commercial planet. Some of them can even exceed 100,000 combat power.

Although Frieza claims to be the king of the universe, there are still many people in the world who can approach him.

Frieza claims to be invincible in the world, but in the dark, there are some top powerhouses.

BoJack and Slug looked at each other. They didn't have much time to meet each other, but they knew a little bit.

They both think that each other is very powerful and difficult to deal with, so they have always maintained absolute calm.

Neither of them had the courage to commit crimes here and kill the people here.

Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him was so crazy, he looked like a Saiyan, the fighting nation of Kosaiah should have been extinct.

He seems to be one of Frieza's men, but Frieza is afraid to do things that he dares to do, which is really shocking.

Many of the guards here rushed towards the current Sun e Wuchen, and bursts of terror bursts out of their bodies.

Among these people, the weakest combat power is about 10,000, even more terrifying than the guy just now. They should be regarded as elite fighters here.

Sun Wuchen is now forcibly using the Eightfold Realm King Fist, barely coping, feeling physically weak.

Although he could knock the opponent into the air with a single blow, more and more enemies with more than 10,000 combat power shouted and instantly issued ten times the Realm King Fist, relying on his indestructible body to barely use this skill.

Now that Sun Wuchen is close to 20,000 in total, he forcibly gritted his teeth and tried to support it.

A combat power of 20,000 is very rare in the universe.

Of the guards around, not many have such an attack power, so a fighter with more than 10,000 combat power will be killed by Sun Wuchen in an instant, but he is already sweating, and the Ten Times Realm King Fist really can’t support his body. of.

But he was still working hard, killing all the way from near the venue.

Suddenly there was a guy in front of him, the weird guy from the dark planet, who burst out of his body's infinite dark power, with a fighting power of more than 20,000. It seems that this guy has been planning for a long time, and he has maintained as much as possible for Sun Wuchen. Tolerance. but now…

When he knew that Sun Wuchen was not a member of the Frieza Army and had done such an extremely evil and terrible thing, he would not continue to bear it.

"This guy is looking for death, but I appreciate it, but now I'll kill you, you can suffer less."

"It's going to die-it's you!"

Sun Wuchen gritted his teeth, blood bursting from the corners of his mouth.

With a roar, the Super Tortoise Style Qigong was launched instantly. Although the time to gather Qi is very short, the fighting power of all belonged to Pai Qigong is quite terrifying, and it has reached 60,000.

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