He kept advancing in one direction, and finally found the gate there. This gate is also used for teleportation. Many former tourists will enter from here. There are such portals on their planet. , If the portal of one station is opened, it can be directly teleported to another place through here, and at that moment, as long as Sun Wuchen can destroy it, he can escape from birth.

This gate must not be destroyed, because the manpower and material resources required to build such a gate in this place are unimaginable.

This most important gate was watched by Monkey King, and this gate was going to be in Monkey King's pocket. Suddenly someone flew over at this moment, and a burst of energy hit Sun Wuchen's body in an instant.

There were loud noises everywhere, and the power was terribly powerful.

Sun Wuchen was pushed aside by this powerful force, and then his body, whose supreme power disappeared, slowly retracted into the state of that young man. When he looked up, it turned out to be BoJack next to him.

His instantaneous burst of power is also hundreds of thousands, it seems that it is really a hidden top monster.

Slug is also considered one of the top terrifying monsters. His fighting power is quite not weak, of course not as good as BoJack next to him, but suddenly a killer was executed, and a huge body suddenly rammed into him, pressing Sun Wuchen tightly. On the ground, it seems that there is no need to make use of it.

Sun Wuchen was pressed tightly there, and his neck was pulled tightly, as if facing life and death.

That bald head was also hit by a certain powerful existence, and the light there slowly flew back, disappearing from the world.

In other words, there is no way for Sun Wuchen to transform, and of course his original combat power is far from insufficient.

Even if no one is controlling him, his current body can't bear it. This kind of injury, being caught, of course, he seems to have failed when he is close to the door.

Immediately someone came to this life and tightly bound Sun Wuchen. All this process was also in his conscious situation, as if he were treating a prisoner.

Sun Wuchen had indeed become a prisoner himself.

During this period, he was attacked countless times and his body was almost broken, but his super vitality kept him alive.

Then he was sent directly to a very small room. This place has the ultimate power, which may reach about 60 times, so that his body is unable to bear it, and he is very lucky not to die.

"Don't you kill me?"

Sun Wuchen didn’t mean anything to be surprised. He still had a hole card. He could even spend his energy points for an instant traversal, but he didn’t do that. His body was almost completely shattered and his life was dying. He seemed to be waiting for this. thing.

"No need, how do you know when they will discuss when to die? You have caused so much damage, even if you spend hundreds of millions of dollars, you can't wash your sins and you just wait for death."

The person next to him laughed at him and turned away. People with more than 100,000 attack power dared to destroy the commercial planet. It was really crazy.

Sun Wuchen said nothing and turned on the system.

"System, redeem an opportunity for energy recovery."

In an instant, a warm current slowly flowed in his body, and Sun Wuchen-resurrected.

Chapter One Thousand and Seventeen: The Demon King After Recovery

Sun Wuchen can exchange fairy beans, restore his combat power by swallowing fairy beans, and of course he can directly deal with energy dealing opportunities.

The price of the energy recovery opportunity is at least 10,000, and it will continue to increase according to his combat power, but this peculiar ability can be carried out every minute and every second, and within a period of time after the exchange of this ability, his Physical strength will be quite full.

If it is measured by Sun Wuchen's current level, if he is on the verge of death and then immediately recovers, his combat effectiveness will increase instantly.

Things like fairy beans are different.

Although you can replenish your own body energy in an instant, you can use it at any time after you exchange it. It's just another matter whether you can get this kind of thing during battle, and when you exchange this energy to recover. , Can heal all the scars on the body instantly.

Even if one's arm is cut, as long as one breath is left, one can be resurrected. It is definitely a magical skill, but the energy points it needs to spend are amazing. Fortunately, Sun Wuchen's combat effectiveness is not that high now.

The cost of this kind of energy points seems to be related to a person's combat effectiveness. After Sun Wuchen recovers, his combat effectiveness seems to have improved.

This is definitely a good feeling, his strength is getting more and more sufficient, and he sits up directly.

It's just that this room has been monitored and there is no chance to escape.

On the contrary, Sun Wuchen calmed down himself, just like a very conscious criminal, sitting on his bed, quietly waiting for the arrival of those dealing with things, after a while, someone really came here.

"I didn't expect your body to recover. It's really amazing."

A few people didn't care at all. If this guy couldn't see the light outside, he would be just an ordinary young man with a combat power of only more than 2,000.

Sun Wuchen was taken outside by these people.

Several people were waiting there quietly, but they didn't expect BoJack and Slug this time.

These two guys are also grasping their own existence. The two of them used a great deal of strength to grasp themselves, which is considered a great achievement. At least the people around them are very approving of their efforts.

"You are made up of people on the earth. If you want to survive, you can pay some compensation appropriately, but at least it must reach the range of 100 million, because the damage you have done to the entire planet is too serious. If you don't have it, you can wait for death. ."

There was an old man above that even said that. It seems that these so-called business alliances are also pursuing the ultimate interests. It is absolutely unimaginable that things like this are made to the Monkey King.

"It seems that the rich in this world is the uncle. This is the true truth, but I do not intend to compensate you, and even I will leave immediately."

"Are you looking for death? Even if you transform again, we will kill you."

The filial piety of the people around, but Sun Wuchen didn't care, he suddenly raised his finger and pointed to the side.

Everyone felt that an inexplicable energy was flowing, as if Sun Wuchen's strength could directly penetrate the walls here and reach very far away areas.

"Although I can't get the recognition of many lives around me, at least some of the powers are quite strong, and there are some crooked monsters everywhere. Maybe those lives are terrified, and you will also be very resentful."

Someone immediately reported that it turned out that an extremely huge energy ball was discovered outside, slowly moving forward here.

"The report says that the diameter of this energy ball is very huge. There may be hundreds of meters of pure energy condensed."

Although the super vitality bomb he fired wasn't necessarily as huge as that of the Nameks when they fought, Sun Wuchen had collected a large amount of vitality earlier.

Since this planet is originally the planet where the evil people are, and all kinds of evil activities and transactions are carried out here, when he ingests his vitality from the universe, he is helped by a lot of life around him, and those surrounding planets especially like to contribute themselves. the power of.

Even many creatures on the planet heard an inexplicable voice, shouting, and then contributed their vitality, an extremely huge energy ball appeared, this super vitality bomb slowly marched towards victory, if true If it is bombed near here, millions of combat power will completely blast here to pieces.

That's what Sun Wuchen bet on.

But these people didn’t plan to let him go, so he pushed the energy ball to the extreme and blasted directly on it. He was not considered an evil person. The super power of the vitality bomb would not necessarily kill him, on the contrary. The surrounding planet will be directly beaten to ashes.

Sun Wuchen had at least one chance to escape from birth, and these people around were not so lucky, so they were forced to make a choice.

"You only have one choice right now. One is to do your best to smash that huge energy ball. Remember, every bit of energy you pay will affect that energy ball and weaken it. Otherwise, kill me now, The longer you delay, the energy ball will destroy this place."

The first thousand and eighteenth chapter: reaction

On this day, there was an unimaginable situation, and there were so many powerful warriors on the dark planet used for trading, and they blasted their energy into the void universe.

Blocking directly in front of a huge ball of light, various energies continue to collide and explode, which is simply shocking.

All this caused countless people's surprises, and the tremors of this energy, even if it was detected by the Void Universe, and in a remote area, in Frieza's headquarters, some people discovered what was happening.

They can be said to be shocked.

"Master Dodoria, detected an unimaginable powerful signal of combat power. There was a terrifying and unparalleled energy collision near the planet of the business alliance."

Seeing the reading above, Dodalia, who had despised him, was startled. No wonder his subordinate would say such words.

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