"Huh! The Dashemaru guy must have no good intentions, but since he already knows that I opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, he should not dare to underestimate me. It's best not to play tricks on me, otherwise I will let him He tasted the pain inflicted by Itachi." Chen knew that the biggest weakness of Dashemaru was that its immunity to illusions was almost zero. Because Dashemaru had replaced a lot of bodies for immortality, the current soul was damaged or disappeared. Illusion's immunity dropped a lot in an instant. "However, it is better to be careful when dealing with conspirators like Oshemaru, so as not to accidentally let yourself fall into a dead end."

"Forget it, don't care about him, let's think about future plans! When Dashewan will send the first generation cells tomorrow, it will be time for the system to see if I can figure out a way to also control Mu Dun, and it will be two days later. I want Dashemaru to inquire about the whereabouts of the young man named Youguimaru and the whereabouts of Sanwei Isosuke." After making up his mind, Tatsun didn't think about it anymore, and went straight to sleep.

And on the other side of Konoha, in the Hokage office building at this time, the fifth generation of Hokage Tsunade is frowning and listening to Kakashi’s report. Standing behind Kakashi is to go with him to Shayin Village to support. Rescue team. There are five people including Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Shikamaru Nara, Dinji Aki, and Ino Yamanaka.

"Kakashi, what you are saying is true? The man who destroyed Xingyin Village and kidnapped Sanin to threaten Gaara is actually the twin brother of Sasuke Uchiha, the Uchiha Tatsumi who has always been called an idiot. "After listening to Kakashi's report, Tsunade frowned and asked.

"Yes, we have confirmed that it is Uchiha Tatsu! After Sasuke left Konoha, he also disappeared. At that time, we all thought he was taken away by Sasuke. We did not expect all of us to be deceived by him! And beyond all of us’s expectations, he is not only an idiot, but a genius. I didn’t expect that in those few years, without the guidance of anyone, his strength reached the level of elite tolerance, even me. Not sure to beat him." Kakashi explained.

"Really? This Uchiha Tatsumi, he couldn't think of hiding so deeply, but what is he doing? Even all the people who are full of Konoha pretending to be demented are just to escape Konoha. Is it?" Tsunade couldn't understand.

"We still don’t know what his purpose is, but what is certain is that he is very dangerous, and Du Yumuye has strong hostility, and more importantly... his writing wheel eyes are not only open, but also It has evolved into a kaleidoscope of writing round eyes."

"Kaleidoscope? Are you sure?" Tsunade was startled when he heard Kakashi's words, and he lost his calmness.

"You can't go wrong, it is indeed a kaleidoscope writing round eyes!" Kakashi said affirmatively.

Chapter 80: Konoha's Reaction

In Konoha Hokage Tower, Kakashi is reporting to Tsunade. Kakashi surprised Tsunade when Uchiha Tatsumi had evolved into a kaleidoscope.

"Is confirmation a kaleidoscope?"

"Yes, it has been confirmed that it is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. He once performed monthly readings on Gaara and Kankuro of Sain. Moreover, when he fought me, he summoned a giant skeleton out of thin air to communicate with Xingyin Village. Describing that the giant skeleton that destroyed their Shinobu village is consistent with it, it is certainly the work of Uchiha Tatsumi."

"Giant skeleton..." Tsunade frowned, thinking about something.

"Yes, Uchiha Tatsu told me that this is the kaleidoscope's ability to write round eyes, and he called it...Suzano!"

"Can Suzuo care? It really is the same as Grandpa said."

"So, Tsunade-sama, now you know that the person who committed those crimes was Uchiha Tatsuno. What do you plan to do with Uchiha Tatsuo? Also, since those things weren't done by Sasuke, do you want to get rid of Sasuke? Where's the wanted order?" Kakashi asked Tsunade.

"Remove Sasuke's wanted warrant...this matter has to be discussed in the long term..."

"The wanted order cannot be removed!" A shout came from outside the door, interrupting Tsunade's words.

Everyone turned around and looked around and found that the two old men were coming here again. These two old men are Konoha's Hokage consultant, Mito Menyan and Zhuan Xiaochun.

"Oh~ It turns out to be Uncle Menyan and Teacher Xiaochun, you two don't take care of your care at home, what do you do if you come to my Hokage office?" Tsunade glanced at the two, and then said in a weird tone.

"Huh! Tsunade, is this your attitude toward your elders? It's too uneducated, didn't Sarutobi teach you to respect the teacher and respect the way?" Hearing the tone of Tao Tsunade's words, Koharu rebuked. .

"Ah... I'm sorry, Tsunade's personality has always been the same. Please forgive me, Mr. Xiaochun!"

"Huh! I'm too lazy to care about you, we're here to discuss business with you."

"Oh, business? What business can bother the two former Naruto consultants come together in person?"

"We have also heard about the two orphans of Uchiha's family. Anyway, since the kid named Uchiha Sasuke has betrayed the village, he must be convicted of betrayal. And he took refuge in him. It’s the traitor Oshamaru. I don’t think I need to tell you the danger of Oshamaru. Sasuke Uchiha’s talent is so high that he will become the second Oshamaru. So he hasn’t grown up yet. Before, we had to stop him, or at least suppress him. Also, this wanted order was issued by your identity as Konoha’s five generations of Hokage, how can you withdraw it at will? If you let outsiders know that Konoha’s Hokage is because Misunderstanding, the wrong wanted order was issued. Doesn't this make outsiders think that Konoha’s Hokage can’t tell right from wrong? That would shame us Konoha. So, in any case, Uchiha Sasuke’s wanted order cannot be revoked. ." Menyan Mito said nonsense to Tsunade jiji crookedly.

"I have my own arrangements for how to deal with this matter, so I won't bother to find two consultants." Tsunade was very upset about these two old guys who always rely on old people and get involved in Hokage's affairs.

"Hmph, do you think we want to take care of these messy things? If this is not related to Konoha's face, we will not be nosy." Zhuan Xiaochun said with squinting eyes.

"Yes yes yes! I know, I know! I will seriously consider what Uncle Menyan said, so I will ask the two consultants to go back first. I still have to work, and I really don't have time to listen to your preaching." Tsunade waved his hand. , Responded casually.

"Huh! Don’t rush us away. There is another Uchiha’s widow, Uchiha Tatsumi. Just now the hagaki’s kid also said that Uchiha Tatsuo has a lot of hostility towards Konoha. And he even attacked and destroyed Xingyin Village. Not only that, but he also killed and kidnapped the ninjas of our ally, Sarayin. What he did is simply outrageous. In any case, we must give each other an explanation, since He is the Uchiha clan of Konoha, so we will convict him. Like his brothers, he should be classified as an S-rank rebel. The crimes he committed have reached this level."

"However, Uchiha Tatsumi did not graduate from Konoha's ninja school, and there is no ninja file, so he does not belong to Konoha's ninja." Kakashi said on the side.

"This kind of thing is very simple. You just need to set up a file for him, and then post a picture of his brother Uchiha Sasuke to save him. After all, the two of them look exactly the same, and outsiders don't know the truth." Mito Menyan said.

"Well, we are here today for these two things. Tsunade, let someone go and give orders!" The two old guys said to themselves, and they didn't find Tsunade whose face was getting darker. These two people are completely accustomed to the weakness of the three generations when the three generations of Hokage are in power, and they habitually think that Tsunade is also the same as the three generations of old men.

"Boom!" Tsunade suddenly stood up from his seat and threw his fist on the work, making a loud noise. Fortunately, the control force did not use strange power, so he didn't smash the table, but he will be there. Everyone was taken aback.

"Enough, I should take care of these two people's affairs. I don't need the two consultants to worry about, and you don't have the right to order me what to do." Tsunade roared angrily.

"Huh, we are only serving as Hokage consultants. We give you reminders and suggestions, but we don't want to order you." Zhuan Shu Xiaochun's tone was not as strong as before after Tsunade hit the table.

"Very well, in that case, I would like to thank the two consultants for their proposal first. I will consider it carefully. If there is nothing wrong, then please ask the two consultants to go back first!"

"Huh!" The two consultants Mito Menyan and Zhuan Xiaochun miscalculated. Tsunade is not as weak as the previous three generations of Hokage, but very strong. The two knew it would be useless to say more, and after a cold snort, they turned and left the office.

"Really, when I get older, I should dismiss my job as a consultant and take care of my care at home. I even came to point me to me. Do you really think of me as an old man?" Object to get rid of!)

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for a reward! Ask for a monthly pass!

Group tail: 475137322...

Chapter 81: Absolute Intelligence

"So, how does Tsunade-sama plan to deal with Uchiha Tatsumi?" Kakashi asked after the two consultants left.

"Although those two old guys will be annoying, but what they say is not unreasonable, you really can't let Uchiha Tatsuo ignore it. Just as they said just now, Uchiha Tatsuno will also be convicted of S-rank rebellion. A wanted order is issued to the outside world. In addition, Sasuke Uchiha's wanted order does not need to be revoked for the time being. In any case, both of them will be taken back to Konoha."

"Is it also an S-class? In this way, the last three members of the Uchiha clan are all S-class rebels, and they are all brothers. It's really unexpected!" Kakashi playfully Said.

"That's no way. It's their own choice. It's an established fact. We can't change it. The only thing we can do is to bring them back to Konoha." Tsunade turned around and said to Silence: "Silence. , You go and do what I said, go and set up a ninja file for Uchiha Tatsumi, and then post his wanted order."

"Yes, Tsunade-sama!" Silent replied, and then left the Hokage office building in his arms.

"Well, if there is nothing wrong with you, go down, I still have something to deal with." Tsunade said to everyone present.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama, we are leaving!" Everyone saluted, and then left the Hokage office building. After leaving the office building, they left separately.

After everyone left, Tsunade sat back on the chair again, frowning, thinking, "Uchiha Tatsumi, this man... even pretended to be a mocking idiot in order to hide himself. But why is it so powerful and high-profile now? Is it because someone wanted to be disadvantageous to him at the time, and his strength was insufficient, in order to protect himself and wanted to hide certain people, what he did was self-defeating, now that the kaleidoscope is opened, there is no need to hide it? And , There is a lot of hostility towards Konoha. Is it Konoha who wants to be disadvantageous to him? It seems that there is any inside story of the Uchiha clan’s killing of the door, old man, what did you leave behind? Give me the mess!" Tsunade smiled helplessly.

"Hehe, I can't think that Uchiha, one of the two clans who founded Konoha, has made great contributions to Konoha. Now there are only three clansmen left in the whole clan, and they have all become Konoha's S-class traitors. Shinobu, it's really ironic!" He shook his head, Tsunade didn't think too much, but put the matter aside and dealt with other matters first.

At this time, inside Konoha's secret base. A group of people was gathering, as if they were talking.

"Have you found the trace of Uchiha Tatsuo?" An old man's voice came from the crowd.

"My lord, we haven't found Uchiha Tatsumi's trace yet. We found that the place where he last appeared was in a small town in the Kingdom of Wind. When we hurried away, Uchiha Tatsuno had already left that small town. I don't know. Whereabouts, Uchiha Tatsuno never appeared again, and we can't grasp his whereabouts!"

"Huh! Useless things, continue to look for them, and you will get him out anyway. After you find them, if the conditions permit, then take him back alive, if not, then kill him on the spot. Bring the head back to me!"


Then a few dark shadows rushed out, and there was only one old man in kimono. I saw this old man squinting one eye, while the other was wrapped in a bandage. It was the leader of the "root", Shimura Danzo! The group of people who just left are the elite members of the "root" department.

"Very well, Uchiha Tatsumi, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply. Even the old man has been deceived by you for so many years. I really regret that I heard Sarutobi's words and let you two easily let go. You both betrayed Konoha. However, I will definitely catch you one by one, you will not escape my palm after all." With a cold snort, Danzo also left.

Somewhere in the country of rain.

Also in a secret base, the core members of Akatsuki's organization are gathering together to discuss something, but it seems that the negotiation has been completed, and the members are planning to leave. But as an intelligence officer of the organization, absolutely! Suddenly I came to Itachi, who was leaving with Ghost Jiao, with a weird smile and said, "Hey~ Itachi, this time I inquired about a very interesting thing from the outside world. Are you interested in listening to it?" The voice was Bai Jue. Sent out.

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