If he was not prevented from obtaining Dragon Ball before, once Frieza realized his wish of immortality. So even if you become a Super Saiyan, you may not necessarily be the opponent's opponent.

After all, there is not much difference between the strength of the Super Saiyan and the opponent, and the opponent is immortal, fighting with him will only be consumed alive!

Therefore, Sun Wuchen intends to rush to Namek before Frieza's arrival, and by the way, find the Great Elder to develop combat effectiveness, which is also very good. If there is more energy left, then revive Yamu Tea.

"Frieza?" Everyone asked, "What is Frieza?" Sun Wuchen explained, "Well, uh, you will almost know when you get to Namek."

Sun Wuchen couldn't tell everyone about Frieza, so he could only use Piccolo as a shield, "It just so happens that you can also visit Piccolo's hometown."

"Sun Wuchen, do you really plan to go to Namek? But even if you use my dad's newly researched spacecraft, I'm afraid you won't be able to fly out of the solar system!" Bouma said with some worry.

Indeed, with the current level of science and technology on Earth, interstellar travel is still not enough. Don't worry about this. Napa the Saiyan is dead and his spacecraft is still there.

Moreover, when the gods came to the earth, they would definitely come in a spaceship. We can take it to your father to remake it. Interstellar travel is not a big problem. "Sun Wuchen said.

Alien spacecraft, this is also not a small attraction for Bouma, a technological genius, so Wu Kong went to find the spacecraft left by Napa.

After the Saiyans arrived, the local government took care of them, but this level of alertness was not worth mentioning to Wu Kong.

Bik flew to the Celestial Palace, and wanted to find out the whereabouts of Namek's spaceship, which was the spaceship that the Celestial God took to the earth when he was young.

Although he said that he didn't want to go to his home planet, the concern for his hometown and his race was in the genes of the gods. The gods couldn't ignore them. Similarly, Piccolo couldn't.

Just as Sun Wuchen was secretly calculating his next plan, an aura suddenly appeared in the sky like a mountain and the ground, and the power of the person who exuded that aura was beyond Wu Kong's imagination.

Even if he burst out of all his strength, he couldn't compete with his one billionth of it at all! Since Sun Wuchen returned from practicing, it was the first time he encountered such a powerful aura.

who? How could there be such a strong breath? ! Frieza? Slug? Gula? Or the king of Kurdish? "Sun Wuchen's heart was trembling, he guessed the name of the visitor, but he vetoed it in the next second.

"It can't be these people. If it were them, they must have launched an aggression against the earth long ago, and the other party does not seem to mean to destroy the earth."

Then why did the other party release his breath... Is it that he wants to lead me out? "At an altitude of 10,000 meters from Baozi Mountain, two figures are standing in the sky at this moment.

The woman has silver hair and a beautiful face. She is wearing an angel costume, holding a staff in her hand, and watching the earth quietly.

Beside the woman, standing a strong man, he was wearing a strange costume similar to the ancient Egyptian pharaoh. Anyone who has seen Dragon Ball Super knows that it belongs to the clothes of the **** of destruction.

"Hey, my lord, he's here." The woman said softly, her voice was unusually nice, the man did not speak, and still coldly looked at Sun Wuchen, who was flying towards him at full speed.

After a few breaths, Wu Kong's figure was already close. After seeing the two people standing in the sky, Wu Kong's expression suddenly became serious.

"Presumably your Excellency is the **** of destruction, right?" Sun Wuchen recognized the identities of the two. That's right, there is a **** in the Dragon Ball world, the **** of destruction who is in charge of destruction.

And looking at the man's clothing in front of him, it seemed that he was a **** of destruction. The man didn't answer Sun Wuchen's words. His faint blue eyes kept staring at Sun Wuchen, as if he could see through a person's soul.

After a while, he slowly said: "Yes, the normal combat strength is 50,000, and the limit of the body is ten times higher than the Realm King Quan. I have all taken a look at you!"

"Can you see clearly my tricks and combat effectiveness? Just rely on your naked eyes!" Although Sun Wuchen can be sure that this person is not malicious, the feeling of being stared at like this is very bad.

"As you can see, I am the **** of destruction" the man said lightly: "The **** of destruction of time! This one is my attendant and my teacher!"

"The Destroyer of Time?" Sun Wuchen was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted: "The Realm of Time? You are the one who is in charge of the time and space order of all universes in Dragon Ball, the Destroyer of Time?!"

In the Dragon Ball world, there are many parallel universes. Simply put, there can be many Earth, and Monkey King can also have many, but only one place is unique.

Chapter 1057: The Crossing Person?

Sun Wuchen didn’t know much about the realm of time. He only knew that there was a person named ‘king of the realm of time Kaiyin’ in the realm of time. When would there be another destructive **** of time?

"It seems that you still have a little understanding of us." The man nodded in satisfaction, and Sun Wuchen looked at the two in front of him warily.

Sun Wuchen asked: "Then, Lord of Destruction, what are you looking for?" According to the original plot, the appearance of the Destruction God is too early, and I haven't reached that point.

Judging from the appearance of the destructive **** in front of him, he seems to be a Saiyan! The man closed his eyes silently, and when he opened them again, Sun Wuchen suddenly felt that the world trembled.

Sun Wuchen felt that his soul was pulled into a bottomless abyss by an irresistible force. After returning to his senses, the surrounding environment suddenly changed and turned into a scarlet space.

This space was incomparably lonely, the sky slowly fell into gray blood, and a scarlet moon hovered high above Wu Kong's head.

Looking down at the surroundings, Sun Wuchen was also surprised, because he saw corpses everywhere, with various methods of death, but they were all extremely terrifying and hideous corpses.

What makes him feel most chilling is that the corpses on this ground are all himself, no, it should be said that they are all Sun Wuchen! "What did you see?" The man's voice appeared in Wu Kong's ear.

Sun Wuchen squeezed his fists tightly, even if he knew that he was not his opponent, if he had to shoot himself, Sun Wuchen would never sit back and wait for death.

Seeing Wu Kong's stunned expression, the man suddenly smiled, "It seems that you have understood, that's right, these people, like you, are all brought by me from your world.

I let you be possessed by the Saiyan Sun Wuchen," "It's you! Why are you doing this? "Sun Wuchen's eyes lit up, so he said, is the man in front of him the one who let him go through?

Simply put, I want you to do one thing for me, but your strength cannot be lower than the Monkey King in the plot, that is, your current brother, and even you have to be stronger than him! "

Zi quietly explained: "I know what you want and experience a different life, and I just need your help. Isn't that right? A win-win situation!"

"Then what's the matter with this?" Sun Wuchen pointed to the corpses all over the floor and said, "Why did they all die?" "So far, I have created more than 1,900 parallel time and space.

And these people are the people I sent to Parallel Time and Space. They are possessed by you or Sun Wuchen, experiencing the plot in the original book, but unfortunately, up to now, only you have lived till now. "

There is a hint of appreciation in the man's tone. I am the only one? how is this possible! "Sun Wuchen suddenly felt cold in his back spine, this world is crueler than imagined!

"Even if you don't believe it, it's the truth. Don't think it's easy to do this. Especially in the Advent of Saiyans, this episode of the plot is the hardest!"

The man's tone became serious: "I believe you should know that every Saiyan has a stage of combat development.

According to the story, Monkey King, with his accumulation of his youth and the battle with Saiyans, finally completed the development of his combat power when he arrived at Namek, breaking his own limit.

Breaking the limits of your own body is easy to say but difficult to do. Some of these failed people are proud and feel that they have become the protagonist.

You can use the protagonist's halo to go all the way down, there is no good thing in this world for nothing. But you, you have your own views on the situation, and the most important point is that you are cruel to yourself! "

The first thing Sun Wuchen did when he passed through was not enjoyment, but embarked on a year of assiduous practice, and when Vegeta descended on the earth, he defeated him by an overwhelming advantage!

It wasn't that Sun Wuchen didn't have his own desires, he just understood that if he didn't have enough strength, he couldn't live in this dangerous world at all.

Facts have proved that Sun Wuchen's idea is correct. After all that, you still didn't tell me what your purpose is! What is it that you said you want me to do for you? "Sun Wuchen asked.

Help me defeat an enemy that I am inconvenient to shoot. Although your willpower is not as good as the Sun Wuchen in the plot, you dare to be cruel to yourself. This is what I admire the most! "The man said with a smile.

Wu Kong waved his hand quickly, "Please, I don't agree to help you, you can just go find the Monkey King in the real Dragon Ball!"

Hearing this, the corner of the man's mouth raised: "Even if it is me, I can't just interfere with the official history of Dragon Ball, otherwise there will be a mess!

Since you are unwilling to help me, it is not easy to force it. There is no need for this parallel space-time to exist. Let it be destroyed! "

Chapter 1058: Decided to save Yamu Tea

Sun Wuchen didn't think so much anymore, because he still had to fight against Frieza. He knew that this guy's abilities were really strong, so he could only swallow his breath now.

At this time, Sun Wuchen was also quiet. He was thinking about how to get to Namek. He thought of Bulma, the smartest woman, and also a strong woman.

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