"Oshewan, don't you have any other storage methods? You have to use such a disgusting way!" Chen frowned and said to Oshewan.

"Sorry, I'm used to it. If Chen Jun doesn't like it, then I will clean it up first!" Da She Wan also knew why Chen didn't take over the test tube, and laughed a few times. Then he retracted the test tube again and swallowed it back into his stomach.

"Chen Jun waits here for a while, I will go and return."

"Thank you, you have to work!"

After a few laughs, Da She Wan left the training ground. In the training ground, only Sasuke, who was practicing desperately, was left in the training ground.

After Dashemaru left, Chen walked towards Sasuke in the training ground with a playful smile. At this time, Sasuke was practicing ninjutsu, his hands were sealed, and he used Chidori to attack a huge stone pillar in the field. Hearing a loud noise, the stone pillar fell in response, and Sasuke's Chidori destroyed the stone pillar without any suspense.

And after Sasuke played Chidori, he seemed to have reached the limit. He was breathing heavily, his clothes all over his body were soaked in sweat, he seemed to be very tired, he should have been training for a long time.

"Haha, isn't this level enough? It's really useless, just because you are like this, you want to get stronger before you go to the Itachi for revenge. You have to wait until the year of the monkey?" Originally because of physical exhaustion, he squatted on the ground to rest. Suddenly, Sasuke heard a joking voice behind him. No need to look, Sasuke already knows who the person is. Sasuke gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Just turning around, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Then he was bombarded by a powerful external force and hit another stone pillar. The stone pillar could not bear the pressure, and it broke. NS. And Sasuke was sitting in front of the ruins of the stone pillar, clutching his stomach, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. It seemed that he was wounded. At this time, he was staring at Chen in front of him viciously. It turned out that when Sasuke turned around just now, Tatsun kicked him and kicked Sasuke away directly.

"It's really rubbish, you can't even hide this attack!" Chen looked at Sasuke with a playful expression, and said with a sneer.

"Asshole~" At this time, Sasuke was unable to do anything at all. He knew that he would not be Chen's opponent. Even himself, who was in full prosperity and entered the second state of curse, was not his opponent at all, let alone exhausted now. So Sasuke could only stare at Chen like that, and didn't make a shot at Chen like yesterday.

"Hey~~ You seem to be unconvinced by your appearance. Did I make a mistake?" Chen still looked at Sasuke with a playful appearance, and said jokingly.

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 84: Obtaining Primary Cells

At a training ground in Otonin Village, Tatsun is teaching Sasuke at this time.

"Hey~~Looking at your appearance, I still want to be very unconvinced. Am I wrong?" Chen said with a playful expression, looking at Sasuke who was hurt by a kick and didn't recover for a while, and said jokingly.

"You have been called a genius since you were a child, but in the end you can't even win a crane. You clearly have the powerful blood of our Uchiha clan, writing round eyes! But you have to rely on the side door of the imprint of the curse of the sky. . And not only is it not ashamed of it, but also complacent and indulging in it and unable to extricate itself. It really loses the face of our Uchiha clan."

"Shut up, I don’t have the turn to teach me what I do. I don’t care about anything. As long as it can make me stronger, as long as it can give me the power to kill him, even if it makes me betray my soul, I Also willingly. You who have forgotten the family hatred, what right do you have to tell me about the family face." Sasuke stared at Chen bitterly and shouted at him.

"Hey! Did I say that I forgot the family hatred?"

"Isn't it? You already have the same eyes as Itachi? Yesterday, I was able to faint me because of those eyes, right! You obviously already have such a strong strength, why don't you kill it? Does he avenge his parents and the people?"

"Whatever you say, I don't need to prove anything to you. And I don't care about you as much as you like. But if you dare to interfere with me in the future, I will definitely take care of you. Humph Humph~~" Chen sneered at Sasuke a few times, then turned around and planned to leave.

"Damn~ Sooner or later, I will kill you, and I will repay you twice as much for the shame I have imposed on me today." Looking at Chen's back, Sasuke secretly said in resentment.

"Oh, yes!" Chen, who was about to leave, suddenly turned back, and there was an extra scroll in his hand.

Chen came to Sasuke again and said to him: "Your strength is too weak. Obviously mastering Chidori, a ninjutsu with such potential, will only practice deadly and will not work. It is really wasteful. . However, no matter how you say you are also my brother Uchiha Tatsumi, if you are too weak, it will make me feel very embarrassed. Also, for the sake of taking care of me when you were in Konoha, I will take this The scroll is given to you. It records some of my ninjutsu, practice it, don’t lose my face."

After Chen finished speaking, he threw the scroll in his hand at Sasuke's feet. This scroll was made by Tatsun himself last night, and it records some of the ninjutsu Tatsun has learned, including the Chidori Ryu Chidori Sharp Spear, and the Thunder Tiger Killing that was copied from Kakashina. Not only that, Chen also spent 10,000 points last night to redeem two Tier A fire ninjutsu with the system, one is the technique of dragon flame singing, and the other is the technique of extinguishing fierce fire. Chen also wrote these two Huo Dun on that scroll.

Seeing Sasuke's puzzled eyes, Chen sneered. Without explaining anything, he directly sealed the seal with his hands: "Fire escape. Longyan singing technique!" I saw Chen spit out several fire dragons from his mouth and rushed towards the training ground. , Directly bombarded a clearing. With a few loud noises, when the smoke dissipated, the entire training ground was almost razed to the ground. The power was so powerful that Sasuke was shocked.

After Tatsun walked a certain distance, Sasuke recovered from the shock just now, staring at the scroll under his feet in a daze. "Hey~~" Chen sneered, ignoring Sasuke's reaction, and left without saying a word.

As soon as he walked out of the training ground, he ran into the oncoming Dashewan, and he was still holding something in his hand, which was the test tube containing the primary cells he had planned to hand over to Chen. Because of Chen's disgust, Da She Wan deliberately cleaned the test tube, and then sent it to Chen.

"Hey~~Chen Jun can tell me that there was such a big movement in the training ground just now, what happened?" Da She Wan asked Chen with a weird smile.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just that I was in a panic in the training ground just now, so I just put a ninjutsu in hand, I hope you won't be offended."

"Hehe~ So that's the case, I thought that Sasuke attacked Tatsu-kun again when I left. Since there is no, then I can rest assured."

"Okay, don't worry about what I will do to Sasuke. He is my brother no matter what, I will teach him at most, and he won't kill him. You can rest assured."

"I'm relieved, Tatsu-kun laughed, because Sasuke is really important to me, and I can't let him make any mistakes."

"Okay, I see." Chen waved his hand impatiently, saying that he didn't want to listen to Da She Wan's nonsense.

"Well, since Chen Jun is already impatient, let's talk about business first. The test tube in my hand contains the primary cells you want. I will give it to you now. You can rest assured that I have cleaned this test tube. Now." Da She Wan raised the test tube in his hand and said to Chen.

"Give it to me, let me see!" After hearing what Dashewan said, Chen couldn't wait to grab the test tube in Dashewan's hand, let the system scan it, and then asked the system in his mind: " System, help me see if this is a primary cell?"

"Answer the host, the cells in this test tube are full of active chakras, which contain strong vitality, and there is nothing abnormal." The system scanned it and replied to Chen.

"In this way, there is no doubt that this thing contains the cells of the first generation of Hokage. It seems that Dashewan didn't do anything in it, so good!" After receiving the affirmation of the system, Chen also assured the test tube. Down.

"Hey~ I'm very curious. Can Chen Jun tell me what you want to do when you ask me for this thing? Does Chen Jun want to transplant the first generation cells? This thing is not so easy to be able to fuse Yes, I have done this kind of experiment before. The success rate is very low, only one in sixty, and the results are very unsatisfactory. There is nothing special about the experimenter except that some low-level Mu Dun can be used. If Chen Jun really wants to transplant, maybe I can help you."

"No need!"

PS; Please flowers! Ask for a reward! ! Ask for customization!

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 85: Training in a virtual space

"Does Chen Jun want to transplant the first generation cells? If so, maybe I can help!"

"No, I just saw the relevant information in that old laboratory. I was very curious about this first generation cell, so I wanted to see what it was like, and I wanted to study it myself." Chen put the test tube in his hand. Into the pocket, and then into the space.

"So, is Chen Jun also doing research? Unexpectedly, Chen Jun would be interested in this aspect, so I might as well communicate with each other in the future!" Da She Maru said with a smile.

"Definitely! Definitely!" Chen eagerly wanted to study the first generation cells, so he casually sent Dashewan and said: "Okay, I'll just walk around, you can go and guide Sasuke, you don't need to accompany me."

"Really? Then I'll go to Sasuke first. Tatsu-kun will walk around our Otonin Village by himself. If you need anything, go find a pocket, and he will take care of it."

"Well, I know, then I'll leave first." Chen left alone after saying goodbye to Da She Wan.

"Hehehe~~ It looks like I can’t wait, is it really just curiosity? There are too many secrets in Uchiha Tatsumi, and it is getting more and more interesting." Looking at Tatsumi’s leaving back, Oshemaru revealed A weird smile, muttered to himself. Then without thinking about it, he turned and walked towards the training ground.

And Chen returned to his residence directly after separating from Da She Wan. Sitting on the only chair in the room, Chen took out the test tube that had just been put into the space and looked at it in his hand.

"Are the cells of the first generation of Naruto? System, if I directly transplant the first generation of cells, will I be able to master Mu Dun?"

"Answer to the host: In theory, it is possible, but I do not recommend that the host be directly transplanted. Because if the host is directly transplanted, even if it succeeds, the wooden Dunn that can be mastered is not perfect, and more advanced wooden ninjutsu cannot be used. Except for some low-level wooden escape and a little bit of vitality, the effect is very limited. In this way, this rare material is wasted, so I do not recommend the host to use this method."

"Is it just like this? Is there any way to solve this problem?" Chen also dismissed his plan to transplant the primary cells directly onto him when he heard the system. But Chen was still unwilling, so I wanted to ask the system if there is any better way.

"Yes! The host can pay 50,000 points to the system, and the system can help the host transplant, which can help the host to integrate these cells perfectly. In this way, the host can not only master the advanced wood escape in addition to Xianshu, but also enhance Physical quality, increase chakra volume and recovery ability, and at the same time have strong vitality."

"50,000 points? Compared to the 100,000 points that need to be exchanged for Mu Dun, if you transplant it, you can save 50,000 points, which is really good. But I only have 31,000 points left, and I redeemed it yesterday. Two A-level Fire Dunjutsu cost 10,000 points, so there are only 21,000 points left, which is far from enough. It seems that it is impossible to master Mu Dun immediately, and this idea can only be temporarily stranded. "Chen shook his head helplessly, and put the test tube in his hand back into the space.

"It seems that the speed at which I get points is really too slow. I must improve the efficiency of getting points as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be the same as today, or if there is an urgent matter, but there is no points, then it will be very bad. There is one very important thing, and that is to improve my actual combat experience, otherwise if you encounter any difficult opponents then it will be troublesome." Chen thought of the duel with Kakashi a few days ago, due to his own actual combat. Inexperienced, he clearly has the strength of elite Shangren, but was suppressed by Kakashi from start to finish, and finally relied on the kaleidoscope to write round eyes to win, which made Chen feel very embarrassed.

"System, is there any way to improve my combat awareness and actual combat experience?"

"Answer the host; the host can use 10,000 points to exchange for a virtual battle space. The host's consciousness can fight against any virtual opponent in that virtual space, and all the consumption and damage in the space have nothing to do with reality. And the time ratio in the space is 10:1, ten hours in the space and one hour in the outside world."

"Virtual space? The points of 10,000 points, now there are not many points, but..." After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and decided to redeem the virtual space.

"If the points are gone, you can earn again, but now the most important thing is to consolidate the strength first, and then get the points, so that even if I encounter a difficult opponent like Kakashi, I will not be so passive. The system, give me a redemption. Virtual space."

"Virtual space, item level: S-level, need to redeem points: 10000, do you want to redeem?"

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