Wukong said to Vegeta, "What you said is too exaggerated. Have you seen Wuchen's power just now? Those guys have no power to fight back! Who can beat Wuchen now?"

"Could it be said that the three of us Saiyans still can't beat him and one Frieza? Although this is a bit invincible, for the peace of the universe, he must be eliminated."

"It's very easy to speak, wait and see! Presumably Frieza has now received eternal life, so that there is no chance of victory. It is better to pray not to run into him."

Goku told Vegeta, "I think that guy hasn't fulfilled his wish." When Vegeta heard Sun Wukong say this, he quickly asked him, "What? Why do you say that?"

"If the dragon ball here is the same as that of the earth, the sky should turn black when the dragon appears, but the sky has been lit since just now, so it should be..."

For Vegeta who knows nothing, he doesn't know anything now. He just knows that the dragon **** are gathered and can make a wish, "What is the dragon? What will appear when the dragon **** are gathered?"

At this time, Sun Wuchen also thought, "By the way, I know, they don't know the spell, they must think that they can realize their wish by collecting seven." Now Vegeta is very angry, "Spell? What spell?"

At this time, Sun Wuchen turned around and said to Tianjin Fan and Monkey King, "We still have a chance to realize our wishes. It seems that Piccolo and Yamu Tea still have hope of resurrection." The three of them were very happy.

"Okay, then start thinking of a way to get the Dragon Ball back", for Vegeta, he still knew nothing.

On the side of Frieza’s spacecraft, Guise has come to Kinho, "What? Have Gruudo, Likum, and Bart all been hit?"

Guise was very nervous, "Because there is a very powerful guy," Kinyw was very angry, "Don't be stupid! We are Kinyw Special Forces! Someone stronger than Kinyw Special Forces? The whole universe except Foley There is no one else for King Zaha."

Guise was nervous, "I think so too, but the truth is...", "It turns out that the disappearance of the combat power of the three of them is not a malfunction of the detector!"

Guise said to Keanu, "Let’s contact Lord Frieza!" Keanu became even more angry. "What a joke? Is this shameful thing still embarrassing to say? Fortunately, Lord Frieza is out."

"Hahahaha, my Captain Kinyw will go out in person, you guys take a good look!" "Please!" Kinyw immediately ordered people to bury the seven dragon balls.

Chapter 1098: Dragon Ball Spell

Kinho said to his men, "You must hide the dragon ball. If you lose it, King Frieza will get angry." After saying that, he buried the dragon ball, "Very well, let those guys this time Experience the power of our captain."

The Keanu Special Forces are now on the offensive. Keanu and Guise both assumed super handsome poses, but he knew his behavior only by himself, and even the men behind were sweating for them.

They felt it for themselves, and the men behind were still applauding awkwardly. Guise panicked, "Two poses, it really doesn't have any momentum!" "It's hard to come up with a new pose...No matter how sacred you are, I will never Forgive you, never forgive you."

Sun Wuchen looked at Vegeta, "Vegeta, you should know them well, is there any good way?" Vegeta looked at Sun Wuchen, "Aren't you going to hit Frieza?" , But first I must resurrect my friends."

"There is a fart in the resurrection. The earth Beverlysa is destroyed when it is used. It is not all the same. Instead of this, it is better to let me get eternal life."

Goku looked at Vegeta and said, "Don't be kidding, you are not better than Beverissa." This is because they felt two fighting powers and came here, "Finally! Gith, who has escaped Captain Keanu brought it."

"This time even you can't handle it easily", "It's really bad! Wu Chen", at this time, Vegeta thought for a while, "Wait, where is Frieza? He got the dragon ball from Kinho. After that, it should be in the spacecraft!"

"There seems to be no one there anymore," Wu Chen looked around and pointed to the west. "You can feel a strong aura in that direction far away, probably Frieza."

Wukong thought, "That direction is...no...it's not good, it's the house of the Great Elder", "By the way, Frieza couldn't realize his wish, so he went directly to the Namekist!" "Go and ask the spell? Is he the maker of Dragon Ball..."

Vegeta was very anxious, and Wukong told him, "He is the Great Elder! Oops, after he asks a way to realize his wish, he will definitely kill the Great Elder and them, but he doesn't know that when the Great Elder dies, Dragon Ball will disappear. NS."

At this time, Jinyu and Guise had already arrived at Sun Wuchen, and Guise looked at Sun Wuchen, "You were so arrogant just now, the captain decided to teach you personally."

Tianjin Fan looked at Jinyu in front of him, "How's it going? Wuchen, is there any chance of winning?" Wuchen looked at Jinyu, "I will know when I have to fight! This guy looks much better than those."

And Jinou looked at Sun Wuchen with the detector, "Is this this guy? The combat power is about 5000..." Guise also felt confused, "Yes, it is really only 5000, which is very strange."

Kinho said to Guise, "Idiots, you are too dependent on the detector, so you will suffer a big loss. He is probably the type that can improve the strength at the moment of battle. According to my calculation of his true combat effectiveness. Around 60,000."

Guise was surprised, "60,000, he's just a Saiyan? Haven't heard of the Saiyan who has 60,000 combat power?" Kinho was very calm.

"This is not surprising. I may be a mutant super-genius fighter just like us. It seems that I will enjoy an unprecedented happy battle. The time for the team leader to fight for real power has also arrived."

Wu Chen told Tianjin Fan, "Bring your radar and find Dragon Ball," Wu Kong thought, "I think it should be near their spaceship", "If I can clean them up, I will rush to meet you."

"Don't be so embarrassed, you can definitely win," Wukong told Tianjin Fan, "If you don't hurry up, the elder may be in danger", "Maybe it's too late", "All in all, hurry up!"

Sun Wuchen told Vegeta, “Vegeta, the other guy will leave it to you. If you recover from a near-death state, your strength will double, and you should win.”

Vegeta glanced at Sun Wuchen, "So you know", "Okay, go, be careful", at this time, Wukong and Tianjin Fan have rushed to the direction of the elder, Sun Wuchen and Vegeta have entered the battle state.

Sun Wuchen said to Vegeta, "Alright, Vegeta, let's go!" Suddenly Vegeta's strength gathered, and a certain energy flew away, "Goodbye, Sun Wuchen", and only Sun Wuchen was left alone. Fight against the two of them here.

Sun Wuchen was severely injured in anger, and then Jinyu saw that Sun Wuchen was absent-minded, "There is a flaw!" He slammed into Sun Wuchen with an impact elbow, Jinyu flew behind Sun Wuchen, Wuchen charged Jinyu with punches, but was all hidden. opened.

It seems that it is really different. The captain's ability is indeed very strong. The two punched and kicked each other, but they were both avoided by the other!

Wu Chen kicked Jinyu, grabbed Sun Wuchen's leg, and then threw it 360 degrees toward the island. Wu Kong stood up with his body, stepped on the rock with a backflip, and jumped over. Take advantage of the situation and kicked Keanu.

Chapter 1099: Vegeta's Escape

Jinyu stood on the spot, waiting for Sun Wuchen to give him a kick. Just when he flew over, Jinyu immediately disappeared, and Wukong rushed a few steps over there. Unexpectedly, he took a escape from the ground. He rushed out, punching like Wu Chen.

One punch knocked Sun Wuchen to the ground, and then flew over. Gravity was about to step on Sun Wuchen, but Sun Wuchen hurriedly rolled, causing Jinyu to step on the air and step on the ground.

Wu Chen jumped up and kicked Jinyu. Jinyu felt like he stepped back. He ran for a few steps and flew to the mountain island over there. Unexpectedly, there was a tree in front of him, so Sun Wuchen flew with Jinyu. Come here.

Jinyu went around the tree and circled around, just as Sun Wuchen flew over and came to meet Jinyu's feet, and Jinyu kicked him away!

Jinou flew to the top of Wu Chen at the fastest speed. When Wu Chen flew up, Jinou intercepted him in front of him and formed a tornado, kicked him off, fell to the surface of the river, and set off. Big waves.

But unexpectedly, Sun Wuchen rushed up again by the waves, and launched a charge towards the top of the upper island where Jiny was standing. Jiny stomped to the ground, the ground under his feet was chopped up, and the two fell into it again. In a chaotic fight.

The speed of the two was very fast, leaving no room for the opponent during the fight. In the end, the two each gave each other a heavy blow and retreated.

Sun Wuchen wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, "It hurts, Vegeta bastard..." Kinho looked at Sun Wuchen, "Good skill, this kid does have some strength, but it's a pity that Vegeta escaped."

Sun Wuchen thought, "We must fight quickly, otherwise everyone's hopes will be lost." And now, Vegeta is also going there.

"It's a good start. Sun Wuchen and Jinyu are of equal strength. It is estimated that they will lose out. All of this is in my grasp. I will kill them after asking the curse from those little ghosts."

"As long as I get eternal life, Frieza won't be a problem." Vegeta was very excited, speeding up, and Jinyu and Sun Wuchen on the other side were still attacking fiercely.

Guise was stunned looking at him, and the speed of the two of them was very fast. Jinou said to Sun Wuchen, "As far as the Saiyans are concerned, the speed is quite good, the special forces of Jinyu, the captain of Jinou, are super combat stance. "

After all, Sun Wuchen also followed Jinou's appearance and made this form. Jinou was very angry, "Stupid... stupid, feet turned upside down, feet...", Sun Wuchen immediately changed his feet, "Oh, then again, Your posture is so strange."

Old Jinou blushed, "What are you talking about... You guys don't understand the luxury of super combat poses", Sun Wuchen put down his posture, "Whatever, time is running out, although I can't help but fix it right away. You."

Jinou heard Sun Wuchen say, “It’s so arrogant. This is the first time this team leader heard someone say this to me. If you are confident because of the warm-up exercise just now, I’m sorry, I will fight soon. Break your nose."

"Actually, the captain is the same as you, the type that can freely control the combat power", this surprised Sun Wuchen, and Ji Si looked at them two.

"It's worthy of being Captain Kinyu, who is still so calm, of course! Even if that guy's combat power can reach 60,000, Captain Kinyu is far above him."

Without saying a word, Kinho sent out a super light wave bomb and slammed it towards Monkey King. The purple light wave bomb also left a deep mark on the ground, rushing to the distance, and then exploded. .

However, the energy of this purple bomb is really not to be underestimated, and it caused huge damage to the environment in an instant.

Bulma was still repairing her Dragon Ball radar here, "Unfortunately, the spacecraft was destroyed and could not return to the earth, and the communicator was broken, nothing good." At this moment, the machine reacted immediately.

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