Jinou wondered more and more, "Why...why? This body can clearly use more than 180,000 combat power", "Did you hear Wu Chen say? You can't control his body, surrender as soon as possible."

"Surrender? Let me Jinyu surrender! Don't be kidding," he turned around and fought Wukong again, but no matter how Jinyu fought, he still couldn't keep up with Wukong's speed.

And below, Tianjin Fan is still fighting Gith, "You guys want to have a showdown with me, so courageous?" But Tianjin Fan ignored him, "Hmph, whatever you want. Say."

However, although Keith said so powerfully, his ability is comparable to that of Tianjin Fan. He himself felt a little surprised, "You guy, how did you do it, there is no response at all on the detector!"

This point, this kind of cosmic person will never understand. Tianjin Fan said to him, "You are too dependent on the detector. After fighting with the friends next to me, it should be clear, right? You will be over soon. ."

Tianjin Fan and Guisi fought from the ground to the sky, from the sky to the river, but Guisi's ability was always below Tianjin Fan, and Guisi became more and more angry.

"What's a joke, the Kinu Special Forces is composed of super elite fighters from all over the universe. How could you, a **** earthling, have won me?" He went up and gave Tianjin Fan a punch, but Tianjin Fan did not escape.

The two stopped fighting, and Tianjin Fan told Guisi, "Although I said so, I am actually very scared. My combat power is beyond your imagination. Take a look with your favorite detector."

Guise acted calmly, "I will be afraid, hahahaha, will I be frightened by the combat power of your earthlings?" So he turned on the detector, and when he clicked on the detector, Guise became unstable.

"Damn it, is it broken?" Guise was very angry, so he blew up the detector directly, Tianjin Fan, and smiled silently.

"Do you really think it is a machine malfunction? I am already practicing on the way here. We people on earth have never stopped practicing. You think we are just like you, just staying in our original footsteps."

"We have been getting stronger and have never stopped. We can freely control the combat power. This kind of thing is already a very common ability for people on earth like us."

Chapter 1107: Guise is killed by Vegeta

The more Guise listened, he became more angry and launched a continuous rushing attack on Tianjin Fan. Tianjin Fan did not evade, but took all his attacks as his own, and then gathered his energy into a sky wave ball, which hit Ji. S body.

This can be regarded as self-sacrifice. Tianjin Fan did not stop practicing in the process of communication, and developed a variety of abilities. At the moment when Guice fell to the ground, Tianjin Fan came back and forth to fight back and forth.

One blow smashed his battle uniform, punched him heavily, knocked directly to the ground, and smashed into a big pit on the ground.

Tianjin Fan came down at this time, "Like Wu Chen said, take advantage of this, hurry back to your planet, don't be here to disturb troubles", Gies got up weakly, "You rubbish, how can it be possible? Defeated me."

At this time, Vegeta who was hiding behind the spaceship also rushed out, and an impact elbow hit Guise. Even though he spit out blood in pain, they were all surprised that Vegeta was actually here.

Vegeta stood in front of Guise and sneered, "Actually, your real opponent is me." Guise looked at Vegeta with his eyes open, sweating coldly, "Vegeta, you actually!"

"Didn't you and Bart look at me being beaten up before? Come now, I'll stand in front of you, you beat, hahahaha! Today I must personally abolish you, don't you feel scared now? "

"Vegeta, you villain!" Now Keith looked helpless and didn't have the strength to move again. Tianjin Fan didn't stop him, just watching from the sidelines.

"Let me tell you the truth, every time I get rid of the edge of death, I will become stronger. Not only have I broken through the limits of Saiyans, but I am also constantly getting stronger."

"I just understand now that it is not just a genius who can control the power at will. In other words...I have gradually become a...Super Saiyan", but Guise just didn't believe it, "Nonsense..."

"Hahahaha, Super Saiyan is the strongest warrior who loves blood and fighting. Sun Wuchen and Monkey King who are not cruel enough can't break through the limit, but I am different..."

The more Guise listened, the more he felt that this was a joke. He used his last strength and sent a light wave from his mouth, directly hitting Vegeta's head. Vegeta flew up and kicked towards Guise's body. Come down.

Vegeta fell on the ground, one hand facing Guise, a super light wave destroyed Guise, and Guise couldn't even call for help.

Sun Wuchen watched from below as Vegeta killed Guise in this way, "Vegeta, why bother..." Vegeta told Sun Wuchen, "You are naive, Sun Wuchen, you are destined to never become a super game. Yaren, only I can."

Kinho was still talking here, "What are you talking about? Super Saiyan..." Vegeta sighed disdainfully when he heard Kinho was still talking, "Have you killed Kinho yet? Okay, or It’s up to me! Get out of the way."

After saying that the two of them escaped, Vegeta rushed over and hit Jinyu who was in Sun Wuchen's body. He was not polite at all, and attacked Jinyu with the greatest strength.

He directly smashed Jinyu with a heavy blow to the ground, and Jinyu had no chance to fight back. Everyone looked dumbfounded. Vegeta was not beating, but killing.

The strength of the whole body was released, and with the last blow, I saw Jinyu lying on the ground unable to move. It seemed that Vegeta's blow was really painful, "But... **** it!"

Sun Wuchen watched Vegeta want to kill him, and quickly stopped "Okay, spare his life, Vegeta", but Vegeta didn't listen to anyone else, and gathered a super energy wave in his hand. , I just wanted to wipe out Sun Wuchen's body.

However, suddenly I saw the corners of Jinyu's mouth raised slightly and smiled. Sun Wuchen saw it, and he knew, "Is it?" He only heard the Jinyu shout out loudly, "Exchange".

Wu Chen was happy and nervous at this time, "Good opportunity, I can change back to my body", after saying that, he flew over and rushed in the direction of Vegeta at the fastest speed. "We must catch up. what!"

At that moment, Vegeta withdrew his shock wave, and Wuchen also rushed to Bubegeta's front. Vegeta still doesn't know what's going on, "What are you doing? Sun Wuchen, get out of the way. !"

Wu Chen arrived very timely at this time. At this time, the two souls returned to their respective bodies. Jinou pressed his wounds and fell down, "Damn, that... asshole... actually hindered me..."

Jinyu looked back, and Sun Wuchen, who was lying on the ground, was very angry. After Wuchen changed his body, although he could not move, he was still very happy.

"It seems... it seems that it has changed back." Only Vegeta was on it and didn't know what happened. "Why? What happened just now? Why? What was Sun Wuchen doing just now?"

The three of Wukong, Tianjin Fan, and Kelin were also very surprised, "Just now... just now, was Wuchen preventing Vegeta's attack?"

Klin looked at the Sun Wuchen on the ground quietly, "It's Wuchen, it's Wuchen's feeling, yes, they changed back." Vegeta was surprised when he heard what Klin said, "What? Looks like Ji Newna **** is over there."

Chapter 1108: Keanu's own evil consequences

Wu Chen and Jinou finally switched back. Jinou touched the wound angrily, "Damn it, this time I must exchange with Vegeta."

Vegeta rushed towards Jinyu at this time, and Jinyu was also very happy, "Hahahaha, your body belongs to me", Sun Wuchen on the side felt it, "Oops, let that guy get Vegeta's The body is over."

Vegeta rushed towards Jinyu, and Jinyu was also activating the exchange of skills, but suddenly, Vegeta appeared behind Jinyu and gave him a punch.

A punch on the top, a kick on the bottom, a punch on the top, and a kick on the bottom, just like that, Vegeta attacked Jinyu, and Jinyu had no strength to fight back, and at the same time, he had no reason to think about it.

In this way, Keinu was severely injured by Vegeta, and Keinu, who was constantly attacking Vegeta, had a little frog on the planet Namek out of the ground beside the dragon ball.

And Vegeta threw Jinou into the sky and charged him with the final blow. Vegeta also rushed towards Jinyu. He was very happy to see him, "Vegeta, you are fooled."

It's not that Wu Chen didn't know, but there was nothing he could do. However, suddenly, a little frog jumped over, and Wu Chen saw that he took advantage of the situation and grabbed it and threw it towards Jinyu.

Keanu activated the exchange skills, and Vegeta could not hide it, and could only let this trend rush over, but what happened suddenly was that a little frog stood in front of Vegeta.

And this little frog actually exchanged with Keanu, and the world suddenly became quiet. At this moment, Keanu fell down, lying on all fours, and there was a frog's call in his mouth. Vegeta was still hesitating. How is this going?

In this way, the frog Jinyue jumped away. Sun Wuchen lay on the ground and smiled. Wukong and Tianjin Fan helped Sun Wuchen up, and Sun Wuchen looked at Vegeta, "Vegeta, you really don’t care about my body, almost I was beaten to death by you."

Vegeta ignored him so much, "Huh, what's the matter with Jinou?" Wu Chen told them, "The one that jumped away is a frog, and the one with the appearance of a frog is actually Jinou."

Keanu knew that he had been spotted, and learned how to scream. He looked back at them and pretended to be calm. Vegeta came over and said, "Although I didn't understand it, I should squash you." Frog, jumped away quickly.

Sun Wuchen told Vegeta, "Leave him alone, Vegeta, Kinho becomes like that and can't do any bad things." Vegeta thought carefully, "Well, just let you go! Think about your future. Really sympathetic days."

Wukong hurriedly asked Tianjin Fan, "Tianjin Fan, isn't there a fairy bean?" "No, it's all used up", "What should I do? This is a headache."

Vegeta came over and said to them, "Hmm, hell, it's easy to get rid of the annoying you now." Wukong and Tianjin Fan glared at him.

Sun Wuchen told them, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, he won't kill us now", "That's right, the Dragon Ball thing, and the duel with Frieza, all need Sun Wuchen's power, come with me."

"Follow you? Where to go?" "Of course I went to the spaceship to save Sun Wuchen", "Do you think we will believe that you will save Wuchen?" Vegeta glared at them, "Whatever you do, you just Let's die in the wild together."

Klin told Monkey King, "Wukong, let's follow him to see. If he wanted to kill us, he would have killed us long ago." "Hurry up, Frieza may be back soon."

Wukong Klin and the others saw that there were all dead and wounded combatants in the spaceship, and finally walked to the innermost door and opened it, "We must restore Sun Wuchen's full strength as soon as possible."

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