This is Wu Chen saying to Klin, "Don't be scary, I thought Frieza appeared again." Klin lowered her head and said to Wu Chen, "In a sense, Bulma is more terrifying than Frieza... "

They laughed again about the incident. Just after smiling, Wu Chen covered his arms, "Don't make me laugh, my whole body hurts." Piccolo looked ruined around him.

"Speaking of which, Namekker is ruined in a disastrous manner, but the elders and the dead can also look at them." At this time, Klin and the others were very curious, "Hey, how do you know about the elders."

This is Klin looking into the air with a scared face, and Frieza glared at them and stood on the top of the mountain over there, but his appearance was badly injured.

Now Klin was very worried, "That guy is still alive after suffering such a big vitality bomb." At this moment, Frieza rushed over with a light wave bomb. At this moment, Piccolo saw that the situation was not good, and he quickly took Wu Chen. Pushed away.

At this moment, don't hit Piccolo all at once, and the King of Worlds took a few steps back in fear on the King of Worlds, "What? How?" He was also very scared in his heart.

This is Ya Mucha happily coming over, watching the world king look funny, so she asked him, "Jie Wang, what's the matter?" The world king lowered his head and told him, "Pico, Piccolo was killed..."

Yamucha was very surprised, " Isn't Frieza dead?" The Realm King was also very scared, "Frieza is really a terrible guy, beyond my imagination."

Klin looked at Piccolo's death, and his heart was panicked. Wu Chen is now clenching his fists and gnashing his teeth, and is also very angry in his heart, "Frieza..."

Chapter 1140: Super Saiyan

Frieza stood on the top of the mountain, "Even I thought I was going to die just now, you almost killed the king," Wu Chen looked at them and said to them.

"Wukong took Klin and the others to run quickly, go to the spaceship that Tianjin Fan rushed to, and find Bulma and leave quickly," while Klin was still looking at Piccolo.

Wu Chen called Klin, "Klin, cheer up." Klin woke up from surprise, "No, I want to fight, I want to avenge Piccolo."

Wu Chen said to him angrily, "Go, you will only get in the way, do you want to die together?" Frieza heard what they said, "Do you think I will let you run away? No one wants to go back alive."

This was Frieza pointing to Wukong again, and Wukong flew like this, completely controlled by Frieza. Frieza directly lifted Wukong up to the sky, and now Sun Wuchen was very angry.

"Stop, Frieza!" But how could Frieza listen to him, seeing that Wukong's body was getting bigger and bigger at this time, and finally, Frieza opened all his hands directly, and in an instant, Wukong exploded.

Then, Frieza slapped at Klin again, "You little bald, I just saw you not pleasing to your eyes. You must die today, and no one can save you." After speaking, a shock wave hit Klin. In the past, Frieza killed Klin with a single blow.

Jie Wang was surprised again, Ya Mucha was also surprised, and his heart was very nervous, "Who is it this time?" Jie Wang lowered his head, "Wukong, Klin, Wukong, Klin was killed by Frieza. "

Now Wu Chen's anger in his heart has reached its limit, but Frieza hasn't finished. "Is this kid next?" Frieza looked at the dumplings again, and Tianjin Fan walked towards the dumplings.

He stood in front of the dumplings, "Frieza, I will definitely not let you hurt the dumplings." When Sun Wuchen heard Frieza say this, his heart became more and more uncomfortable, "Frieza, you are, unexpectedly. "

At this time, Wu Chen was very angry. At this moment, the sky became dark and thunder and lightning, and Wu Chen sent a yellow light on his body, and thunder and lightning smashed down.

Wu Chen's appearance has also changed. Tianjin Fan was surprised when he looked at Wu Chen. Wu Chen's hair seemed to turn yellow, but it only flickered like a light bulb.

At this moment, Wu Chen's face burst with blue veins, his eyes blurred, and his eyes were blank. Suddenly, Wu Chen yelled, and then, surrounded by a circle of yellow light, Wu Chen transformed his body, and his hair turned yellow. s color.

This is Wu Chen who said to Tianjin Fan, "Tianjin Fan, bring dumplings and Piccolo, and go back to Earth. Piccolo still has a breath. Before I lose my senses, leave quickly."

Tianjin Fan also knew, and nodded to Wu Chen. Not only did Tianjin Fan not understand Sun Wuchen now, but Frieza standing on the top of the mountain was also very confused. What does Sun Wuchen's transformation mean?

Wukong looked at Frieza calmly, but his eyes were full of guilt, and there was no trace of Frieza under his nose. Frieza was still confused now.

"What? He has turned into this... Saiyan should only be able to become a giant ape, what's the matter..." Sun Wuchen said to Tianjin Fan, "Hurry up, Tianjin Fan, once Piccolo dies, the gods will also die, you understand. The severity of the matter."

Tianjin Fan looked at Sun Wuchen, "But, what are you doing? We used a spacecraft, what are you doing?" Sun Wuchen said to him, "Don't worry about me, I will return to Earth, go, do you want me to trouble me?"

Tianjin Fan took the dumplings and flew away with a piccolo on his back. Tianjin Fan looked back at Sun Wuchen, "Thank you, Wuchen, I will wait to meet you on the earth".

Now, only Frieza and Sun Wuchen are left. Frieza smiled and watched Tianjin Fan and they flew away, "I won't let you run away easily, idiot."

Frieza raised his hand and faced Tianjin Fan and the others. Sun Wuchen saw and appeared in front of Frieza in an instant. Frieza stepped back in fright, and Sun Wuchen grabbed Frieza's hand.

Now Frieza started to panic, Frieza wanted to launch an attack, but Sun Wuchen grabbed his hand hard, and Frieza gritted his teeth in pain.

Sun Wuchen glared at Frieza, "It's enough, you bastard." Frieza wanted to try to let go of Sun Wuchen's hand again, but Sun Wuchen caught him even harder.

At this time, Wu Chen was very angry. "One after another, he tried to open Sun Wuchen's hand," but Wu Chen grabbed him like a three-year-old child.

Wu Chen grabbed his hand vigorously, "Even Wukong and Klin, don't let go, they are..." The more Wu Chen said, the more uncomfortable he felt. Frieza burst out of anger at this time, and then reluctantly Wu Chen took off his hands.

Frieza stepped back and rubbed her hands there, "How come you suddenly become so strong, are you?" Tianjin Fan was flying with a piccolo on his back, "Wuchen, I see, Beiji The tower is right."

Chapter 1141: The Power of Super Saiyan

"Wukong has become... Super Saiyan..." Judging from Wu Chen's shape and strength, this sentence was really fulfilled for him. At this time, Sun Wuchen was very angry, and kicked his feet. The land was crushed.

Wu Chen rushed towards Frieza and slammed directly into his body. Frieza was knocked out, but Wu Chen did not let him go, holding his body like folding wood, smashed it over. He smashed him to the ground again.

The way Wu Chen looked at him in the sky, the pitiful look in his heart, did not appear at all, just wanting to put him to death, maybe this is just the appearance of the Saiyan's initial stage, with the blood of a Saiyan.

Wu Chen watched Frieza hit the ground, but a hole suddenly cracked in the ground, and many cracks began to appear on the ground. Suddenly the cracks burst open, and a dazzling light appeared on it.

Then, a piece of red light burst, the surface of the land was directly shattered, and dust blocked the place, and then a column of water rushed out from below. At this time, Frieza also rushed out with the column of water.

Frieza slowly flew into the air, looking at Sun Wuchen's disdain, and now Frieza was very angry in her heart, "It's pretty good to say, saying that I killed innocent people, was it killed by the Saiyan? Are all sinners?"

Wu Chen told him, "So, the Saiyans are perished." Frieza smiled slyly, "I killed them because I hate the monkeys."

Sun Wuchen said to him very seriously, "This time it's my turn to destroy you." It may be that Frieza hasn't realized the horror he really faces.

"Want to destroy me Frieza? It's really overkill. You can't beat me. Now beg for mercy. Maybe I can still let you be my subordinate, but even if you are really a Super Saiyan, it's the same."

Frieza suddenly rushed into the smoke behind, Wu Chen also chased him immediately, and also went out at the same time. Seeing that Wu Chen's speed had increased so much and his strength had increased so much, Frieza was naturally very angry.

Frieza rushed towards Sun Wuchen with dozens of artillery shells in a row, Frieza’s near-death charge, and Tianjin Fan, who flew farther and farther, felt that the power there was getting stronger and stronger.

Dumpling looked at Tianjin Fan, "Brother Tian, ​​can Wu Chen beat Frieza? He will be fine, right?" Tianjin Fan also said to Dumpling, "Don't worry, Wu Chen will definitely win this time."

Frieza was exhausted from the attack. Looking at the gunpowder in front of him, after a burst of gunpowder smoke, Sun Wuchen stood in the same place unharmed, Frieza was very angry.

This time Frieza raised her Qi again, turning the arrogance of her back into a fire charge, and blasted towards Sun Wuchen. However, Wuchen seemed to have a barrier in front of him, no matter what Frieza did. He couldn't even hit Sun Wuchen.

Seeing that Sun Wuchen was still safe and sound, Frieza was unavoidably confused. At this time, Sun Wuchen told Frieza, "Even if you apologize, I will not let you go."

Frieza didn't care at all, but Sun Wuchen's eyes suddenly solidified, making Frieza also scared, facing Frieza, a light wave rushed over, knocking Frieza in the air. A few laps.

Frieza was still struggling and panting. At this time, Sun Wuchen rushed towards Frieza, hitting him with a blow, and kicking Frieza like him with a blow.

Frieza turned back and kicked at Sun Wuchen. He blocked his attack with his arm. Frieza launched a close attack on Wuchen one after another.

Sun Wuchen caught Frieza's every attack effortlessly. Frieza was struggling more and more, stopped the attack, and jumped onto the mountain pillar behind.

My heart became more and more angry, "How is it possible that a monkey has such a strong speed and combat effectiveness, it is impossible, how can I Frieza lose?"

Frieza looked at Sun Wuchen's eyes angrily, then put his hand back, and a wave of light rushed towards Sun Wuchen. Sun Wuchen seemed to have seen his movements and quickly avoided his attack.

Frieza was surprised, "Did off,'s impossible", so he launched several attacks on him again, and these laser beams shot at every different corner of him.

But they were perfectly avoided by him, and Frieza's attack power was really too strong. Everywhere he was attacked was landslides, but Wu Chen's speed was too fast.

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