"Isn't your spaceship yet? If we don't leave this dangerous planet soon, we won't be able to return to the earth." Bulma now feels very uncomfortable when he thinks back to what he was like before. "How hard I have been so far, you I don't even know!"

Tianjin Fan looked at Bulma in a very pitiful manner, "I know", "I really suffered. I was chased by dinosaurs and exchanged with frogs. I was almost flattened by rocks."

Tianjin Fan yelled in surprise, shocking Bulma, "Here, right there, that is our spacecraft", "Great, I can return to Earth."

As soon as they flew to the spaceship, the ground was broken, collapsed, collapsed, and collapsed. The spaceship was sunk in, but it was okay.

After they entered, Bulma looked at it, "What? It's pitch black? What's wrong? Is it broken?" Now Tianjin Fan is also very curious, "It's strange, it was still on before."

As soon as Bulma stepped in, she slid down, "What's the matter? Did you get to the tilt?" Bulma came to the control console, "Although it's not clear, let's try it."

Bulma tried it, and just turned on the light control system in the spacecraft. He just stepped back, as if he had stepped on something, and when he looked back, it turned out to be Piccolo.

This frightened Bulma. Bulma had always had a grudge against Piccolo, and was so scared that she jumped to Tianjin Fanzai, "It's Piccolo, is he resurrected?" "Yes"! "Why are you here and let me travel with Piccolo Devil? Absolutely not."

The more Bulma talked about it, the more terrible Piccolo became. Tianjin Fan told Bulma, "Piccolo is here to help Wuchen, Wukong and the others, so I must take him back to Earth."

Bulma wanted to explain to herself, "This planet is Piccolo's hometown. He must want to stay here." Tianjin Fan gave her a vicious look when she heard Bulma say Piccolo.

Bulma was also a winking woman, she didn't say anything, she smiled pryingly, "Just kidding!" Then turned around and thought for a while, "Anyway, he's unconscious, he won't attack ladies."

Tianjin Fan suddenly thought, "Well, where did the dumplings go?" Tianjin Fan hurriedly searched around. After a while, the dumplings came back from outside, "My God, are you back?"

Tianjin Fan was very worried about the dumplings, "Where did you go? Just now!" Dumplings lowered their heads and said to Tianjin Fan, "I went to the top of the mountain just now to watch Wuchen and their battle. I am very worried that Wuchen will lose. !"

Tianjin Fan touched the head of the dumpling, "It's okay, Wu Chen will definitely win, don't worry about dumplings, Wu Chen must have a way to return to the earth."

At this time, magma was constantly erupting under the huge pit, and Frieza and Sun Wuchen were still fighting on the top.

Frieza said to Sun Wuchen, "This planet is coming to an end. You can hold on for two or three minutes at most. You are in a hurry, Super Saiyan."

Frieza saw that Sun Wuchen didn't speak or act, and his heart tickled, thinking, "That's right, you are buying time, so that those little ghosts can't escape from this planet."

Frieza said to Sun Wuchen, "Well, anyway, the monk can't escape the temple anyway, just live a little longer." Sun Wuchen felt very upset when he heard what Frieza said.

"I'm buying time, there is no need, you will soon die here", watching the planet Namek slowly destroy and fall, the planet continues to appear magma collapse.

Frieza coldly hummed a few words, "Keep talking, stop here, I will tell you to shut up now", but Wu Chen didn't think so. The true thoughts in his heart were the same, "Tianjin Fan and they are still there. What are you drowsy, hurry up."

At this moment, Frieza took advantage of Sun Wuchen's sudden distraction, and launched an attack on him, slamming him down instantly.

Chapter 1147: The Earth's Dragon Balls Are Collected

Frieza issued a move similar to the Sun Fist towards him, but it was not Sun Fist, perhaps Frieza's own trick, which did no harm, but caused a dizziness on Sun Wuchen.

Running behind Sun Wuchen, Frieza just wanted to attack, and was caught by Sun Wuchen's arm. Sun Wuchen clamped his arm, grabbed his hand by one hand, and shook it in the air for dozens of laps, and finally went straight. Throw him down the huge pit.

When Frieza was about to fall into the giant hole, Frieza threw a backhand shot at the giant hole and pushed himself a bit. Frieza was very angry, thunder and lightning, and cooperated with the two of them.

At this time, Wu Chen took advantage of the molten lava to tip over, and quickly flashed in front of Frieza, until behind him, Frieza launched a light wave and struck towards Wu Chen.

At this moment, Wu Chen flew up, just facing Frieza and launched an attack. Wu Chen assumed a fighting posture and launched an attack. Frieza was about to come out immediately and jumped behind him.

At this time, the ground cracked even more, the sea was inverted, and the waves were turbulent. Bulma was also worried and nervous in the spacecraft.

At this time, the spacecraft was still sinking slowly, Bulma started to switch on, but was stopped by Tianjin Fan, "No, Wu Chen has not come yet", Bulma seemed very confident, "Sun Wuchen doesn’t matter, he must have something else. Intend."

But Tianjin Fan was still worried, "Please, Bulma, wait for Sun Wuchen, wait a while." Bulma couldn't bear to look at Tianjin Fan.

Piccolo was still bleeding at this time, and the gods on the earth were praying for him. The two lived and died together. The gods were also thinking, "Hold on, Piccolo. If we both die now, all hope will be lost. Disappeared."

At this time, Bobo had gathered the dragon **** and began to call the gods, "The gods, the dragon **** are gathered together, and the wishes can be realized at any time." The current trend is becoming more and more tense.

On the planet Namek, Frieza and Sun Wuchen are still in a fierce struggle. Frieza once again doubled their muscles, and Sun Wuchen also gathered energy in his hands.

Frieza rushed towards Sun Wuchen. Sun Wuchen was also waiting for Frieza’s impact. He was already waiting for him on the spot. At this moment, on the earth, Bobo had gathered seven dragon balls. Together, the Shenlong was summoned.

The night came out, dark clouds, thunder and lightning, yellow light flashed, Shenlong emerged, Shenlong said to Mr. Bobo, "Hurry up and say your wish, any wish can be realized."

Mr. Bobo looked at the Shenlong and said to it, "I want to resurrect the man killed by Frieza and the others, but can it be done on a far planet?"

Shenlong is not very clear to himself now, "I don't know, but I can try", "This is the end of the matter, I can only try, please, come on."

All the people are praying for the dragon, and the realm kings also hope that this wish will come true. The gods do not have much hope for this wish, but it is not certain to try this alone!

Frieza rushed towards Sun Wuchen violently. Wuchen waited for this moment, and directly sent out a'turtle shock wave', and struck Frieza, "Go to hell, Frieza."

Sun Wuchen sent out all his power to resist Frieza's attack. Frieza was also using all his strength to charge against Sun Wuchen's attack. Frieza felt that it was not a way at this moment. He directly avoided his attack and bypassed where he attacked. Open.

Frieza smashed into Sun Wuchen with the greatest ability, then rushed him to the sky, and then directly slammed into the ground from the sky, which also triggered the molten eruption again.

Frieza hurriedly flew into the air and looked at the molten flame below, "Deserve it, damn, you can't defeat me Frieza", and at this time Tianjin Fan could no longer feel Sun Wuchen's anger.

Bulma heard that Tianjin Fan said the same, and was even more worried, "Sun Jun, Sun Wuchen, he was killed..." Tianjin Fan nodded to Bulma and told her, "Bulma, please take piccolo and dumplings first. ".

Bulma couldn't stop him. Even the dumplings were blocked by Tianjin Fan. Tianjin Fan opened the door and said to them, "My partner has been defeated by Frieza. What face do I have to return to Earth." "

"I must avenge them. I live together and live together, and die together. I am not a weak man. This time... I will deal with Frieza, Dumplings, and Bulma. Go back to Earth and live well."

Regardless of what Bulma and Dumplings say, Tianjin Fan didn’t listen, and just flew out. “They must also agree with me to do this. I am proud of me. There is only one thing I can do...”

Suddenly, the villagers of Namike Star scattered around, as the earthquake called, they climbed up one by one, and all of them were resurrected. It seems that the dragon **** on earth are useful.

Chapter 1148: Wishing for Success

The villagers on Nameck looked surprised, "What happened?" "What's wrong?" "Are we resurrected?" "The situation is not right, this earthquake is unusual, and the sky is darkened. Shrouded, what is going on?"

They didn't understand all of them. They were really surprised to see such a catastrophe on their planet as soon as they came alive, and at the place just now, Dandy also stood up.

It seems that the wish this time is really effective. The villagers of Namek Star killed by Frieza have all been resurrected. Dandy is also very curious, "Where is this? Am I still alive?"

Suddenly, Vegeta also crawled out of the soil. At this moment, on the pillar, inside the house of the elder, the elder's hand moved, it seems that the elder is still alive, this time the death of the elder, Lisa has certain responsibilities.

Now that the Great Elder has been resurrected, the seven dragon **** have also been resurrected again. On Earth, the Shenlong told Mr. Bobo, "It is successful. On Namek, all the people killed by Frieza and his party have been resurrected."

After the wish was fulfilled, the dragon became a dragon ball again and flew away. The king of the world was also very happy, "Great, great, everyone is resurrected", Yamucha asked the king of the world, "The most important thing is the great elder. , How about the Super Dragon of Namek?"

The realm king told him, "It's okay, it should be okay, the sky has darkened, this is the proof of the resurrection of the super dragon and the elder, I will confirm it now."

On Namek, the sky did darken. The darkness and the environment had no effect. Frieza also felt very strange, "What happened to the sky? Is this a sign before the planet explodes? It seems to leave this planet quickly. Better."

"If you are involved in an explosion, you will lose more energy." Frieza saw behind him, and suddenly, a light flashed, and at this time the elder was also very confused, "Hey, what's the matter? Why? Why am I? Still alive?"

At this moment, a column of water suddenly rushed out of the sea. Yes, this light was the appearance of Polengo, and Polengo appeared on the island.

Jie Wang was very happy, "Very good, as calculated." Ya Mucha told Jie Wang, "Hurry up, Jie Wang, tell them the plan soon, lest the elder dies."

At this time, the Realm King hurriedly summoned the Great Elder of Namek, "The Great Elder of Namek, I am the Realm King of the Northern Galaxy." The great elder was honored to hear, "I hope you can listen to what I say next."

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