At this time, Dandy was treating Piccolo. After coming over for a while, Piccolo opened his eyes, sat up, and looked at Dandy, "It's you! This is it? Sun Wuchen!"

Tianjin Fan saw that Piccolo had also arrived, and ran towards him happily. Tianjin Fan didn't understand now, Dandy was standing next to Piccolo, "Dandy, you are still alive, I'm not dreaming."

Tianjin Fan pinched himself. It was not dreaming. Dandy was very happy. "I seem to be resurrected." Tianjin Fan said to him excitedly, "Then Wukong and Klin should also be resurrected."

But they didn't see them here. At this time, they heard the voice calling for the great elder, and they were very surprised. They didn't expect the great elder to also come here.

Frieza and Sun Wuchen have fallen to the ground and are about to start an attack. Frieza said to Sun Wuchen, "Anyway, you are going to die soon, what a sad guy."

Sun Wuchen looked at him and told Frieza, "It is sad that you are right, because you are going to die in the hands of the Saiyan you hate the most", "No matter how strong you are, only I can survive the big bang on this planet. ."

Chapter 1151: Return to Earth

Frieza rushed towards Sun Wuchen, and the two immediately began a close hand-to-hand battle. They broke the rocks, pierced through the islands, and their impact and attack powers did not give way to each other.

Frieza knocked Sun Wuchen down to the ground with a gas cannon, and then gathered light wave bombs in his hand. The light wave bombs expanded again and again, each time increasing the ability, and directly pressed down towards Sun Wuchen, Wu Chen held this time underneath. s attack.

It was very uncomfortable for Sun Wuchen to be suppressed by Frieza's attack, and its attack power was too strong. In the end, Sun Wuchen screamed angrily and directly hit the attack into the sky.

I was on the earth, and the Great Elder sat on the ground. The villagers of Namek Star sat up around the Great Elder, and the Great Elder said to them, "Everyone, this is the earth."

Bulma and Tianjin Fan were very surprised when they heard the word earth, "Earth? This is the earth? How could...what's going on?" Piccolo looked at the great elder, "What's the matter?"

The elder said to them, "I am about to die again. Before I die, I will tell you the ins and outs of things." At this time, Vegeta was still looking for Wuchen and the others, "Where did Sun Wuchen and Frieza go? "

Sun Wuchen and Frieza were still in a duel on Namek. The speed of the two was comparable, and the attack power was extraordinary, so they kept fighting in close hands.

Tianjin Fan said to the elder, "Frieza and Wuchen are still in Namek? Can the elder know about Namek?" The elder was also helpless, "Unfortunately, I can't understand Namek. condition."

This made them very worried, but on the contrary, Piccolo did not think so, "Don't worry, Wu Chen will be fine, he must be fine." Tianjin Fan looked at Piccolo's back like this.

The situation on Namek is getting worse and worse. The entire air is condensed with an atmosphere of destruction. It seems that Namek will not be able to hold on for long, but the attack of the two never stopped.

Frieza said to Sun Wuchen, "I can't lose to a monkey, I'm just a Saiyan", and after speaking, he attacked Sun Wuchen. The strength of the two is really comparable. They are basically one person, one person. The kind of boxing situation.

Jiewang and Yamucha are also worried about Jiewangxing. Yamucha asked Jiewang Wuchen what happened? The Realm King was just very worried, "Wu Chen! Wu Chen is fighting Frieza to the death, and the two of them are fighting to death and life."

"But Namek is about to explode, and if it continues like this, it will be in Frieza's arms," ​​Yamucha didn't quite understand, "What is going on?"

The king of the world told Yamucha, "If Namek star disappears, Wu Chen will die, but Frieza will survive. That guy can survive wherever he is."

Yamucha asked Jie Wang back, "Jie Wang, is there no way to save Wuchen?" "This is the path that Wuchen chose." Yamu tea is now unspeakable.

At this time, Frieza was still fighting with Sun Wuchen, "I won't lose to the inferior creature Saiyan, I'm just a Saiyan, how could a mere worm challenge this king?"

Frieza said and kicked it. Unexpectedly, Sun Wuchen escaped his attack and broke his leg with a backhand. The painful Frieza screamed, and then kicked Sun Wuchen.

He kicked him fiercely on the houses of the villagers on the ground, Sun Wuchen then rushed to him and punched him a few more times. The two beat each other equally, Frieza was already annoyed by Sun Wuchen's beating. .

And when the Earth's Namekians were all surrounded in front of the Great Elder, Vegeta stood far away, Bulma and Dandy sat next to him, and Dandy watched strange movements.

"What are you doing? Bulma?" Bulma said to Dandy, "Oh, fortune telling! I learned it when I was a kid, and when I prayed that travelers would come back safely, I put three leaves in the circle and burned them!"

Bulma put the three leaves in the circle painted on the ground, "If all the leaves are burned out, the traveler will be able to return safely", "It's about fortune-telling Wuchen!"

At this time Dandy made a flame in his hand. At this time, a group of Namekians came to watch. Dandy then put the fire on the three leaves, "Look, it burns up, it will definitely burn all of them. , Wu Chen will be back!"

"Yes, this divination is very accurate." Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the leaves directly. Bulma was helpless. "Divination is all nonsense". Tianjin Fan also did not believe that Sun Wuchen would not. Come.

"Don't worry, Bulma, with Sun Wuchen's strength, he will definitely defeat Frieza, and he will definitely come back. He has never let us down."

At this time, on the planet Namek, Sun Wuchen and Frieza were fighting. The speed and ability of the two had improved a lot. In the constant scuffle, their hand-to-hand combat was very strong, and their bodies were full of veins. anger.

Chapter 1152: I'm Sorry

Frieza shuttled to Sun Wuchen at the fastest speed, and finally jumped behind Sun Wuchen and grabbed Sun Wuchen. Wu Chen tried his best to get rid of him, but couldn't break it.

Therefore, Wu Chen hit his abdomen with his back elbow and hit Frieza several times in succession. Frieza started to be overwhelmed, holding him back, and finally, Frieza let go of his hand helplessly.

Seeing the situation, Wu Chen smashed him against the rock behind with the greatest strength. Frieza flew over and ran into Sun Wuchen, "How about it, **** monkey", "Is this only enough?"

Frieza watched Sun Wucheng stand up again, and her heart became even more nervous, "I will ask you again, is this only enough?" Frieza became more and more angry as she listened, "What? Too arrogant."

Frieza summoned her strength and kicked directly towards Sun Wuchen. Wuchen waited for him on the spot and hit Frieza's abdomen with a punch. Frieza vomited blood directly and fell to the ground.

Frieza looked back at Sun Wuchen's appearance. Sun Wuchen stared at Frieza. Frieza was very angry, grabbed a handful of dirt with difficulty, then flew up and hit Sun Wuchen directly.

Wu Chen was attacked by Frieza and hit the other side of the mountain, and then rebounded, kicked on the island, then flew back, kicked Frieza in the face, Frieza was right. When angry.

At this moment, Sun Wuchen came behind him again. Frieza just wanted to run, but was kicked to the ground again by Sun Wuchen. When Frieza didn't fight back at all, she was played back and forth by Sun Wuchen.

Frieza stood up again and looked back, Sun Wuchen was standing there, but there was no shadow, and then turned around to see that Sun Wuchen was standing behind him.

Frieza stepped back and jumped a few times in fright, but when he stopped, Sun Wuchen was already waiting for him at the back. Frieza turned around and stared at Sun Wuchen.

Frieza was already nervous. No matter where he went, Sun Wuchen was always by his side. The two of them danced and jumped, and finally turned back to back, with a stone in between. Frieza looked back and punched the stone. .

Now, no matter how Frieza fights Sun Wuchen, it can't match Sun Wuchen's speed and strength. Frieza is very dissatisfied, "Damn it, **** monkey, but he's just a Saiyan."

"I want ten times, no, one hundred times will be returned to you." Frieza gathered his strength and stared at Sun Wuchen, thunder and lightning, suddenly, Sun Wuchen stood up straight and said, "I won't fight anymore."

These words completely clouded Frieza, "What? Stop fighting? What are you kidding me?" At this time, the lightning struck the rock behind Frieza, smashing the rock and hitting Frieza. Sa body.

Frieza looked at Sun Wuchen, "What does it mean to stop fighting?" Sun Wuchen looked at him arrogantly, "Because even though you have used all your power, your momentum has been greatly reduced as time goes by, so continue to fight. It doesn't make sense to go down."

Wu Chen looked at Frieza, "My anger has disappeared, and I have also rubbed your spirit. I can't imagine that there is someone in this world who can surpass you, and he is still a Saiyan."

"You don't have any meaning to defeat the fear, you just continue to steal a life, I want to return to the earth, it is still too late", after speaking, Wu Chen took back his Saiyan form.

Wu Chen turned to him and said, "Frieza, stop doing bad things, I don't want to see you anymore." Frieza was very angry now, and was laughed at by a Saiyan.

Frieza walked towards Sun Wuchen, "Stop kidding, stop kidding," Wu Chen didn't want to see him anymore, so he flew away.

"I... how could I lose", he gathered his qi in his hand and sent out a wave of Qi and slashed towards Sun Wuchen. Fortunately, Wuchen flashed fast, only scratching a layer of skin on his face and flowing out. Shed blood.

Wu Chen looked at him very angry, "Incorrigible fool, I have given you the last chance", and then activated his Saiyan form again, "Frieza."

At this moment, the Qi Wave Slash was still in the air. Frieza took him back and hit him from behind Wu Chen, but Wu Chen flashed faster and didn't hit him, so he kept controlling the Qi wave like this. Slash, chasing Sun Wuchen and hitting everywhere.

"He will chase you to the end of the world, and he can cut anything." Just like that, Wu Chen has been flying, and this Qi Wave Slash has been chasing him. Wu Chen slammed into the island and directly smashed it. The mountain island was blown up.

Then Wu Chen turned back and attacked in Frieza's direction. Frieza looked at Sun Wuchen's movements, and he already understood Sun Wuchen's movements.

"I have guessed your trick. I want to rush in front of me and get out of the way and let him hit me? Do you think I will be fooled so boring?" With that, Sun Wuchen really rushed towards Frieza. Suddenly flew into the air from in front of Frieza.

At the last moment, Frieza directly slashed the gas wave into the sky, and continued to run after Sun Wuchen. This gas wave slashed directly at the Sun Wuchen in the air, and directly hit and cut it in half.

Chapter 1153: Frieza was cut in the waist

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