Sun Wuchen looked at Vegeta’s angry look and nodded. After speaking, Vegeta gathered and flew away. Then, Tianjin Rice and Dumplings also left. Klin waved his hand to Dumplings. "Dumplings, must become stronger!"

Wukong said to Tianjin Fan, "Tianjin Fan, we must develop more powerful moves!" Tianjin Fan nodded, "Well, everyone, see you in three years!"

Sun Wuchen looked back at Piccolo, "Piccolo, come and practice with Wukong and me! We can learn from each other!" Piccolo thought for a while, "Well, it's just what I want!"

Sun Wuchen asked Kelin and Yamucha, "Kelin, Yamucha, will you two come with us?" Kelin said to Sun Wuchen, "I will go back to Teacher Wutian to practice at my own pace."

Yamucha continued, "I don't need it anymore. To be honest, I'm too far away from you." Wu Chen heard the answers from the two of them, so he didn't reluctantly, "Is that right? By the way! Bulma! I wish you Give birth to a healthy baby."

Wu Chen told Bulma very calmly. After talking about the three people, they flew away, making it a smog inside, leaving the three of them here in embarrassment and surprise. They are still thinking about this so-called baby...

Klin was still thinking about this, "Baby... Bulma, are you pregnant?" Bulma herself was surprised, "No, I don't know what he was stupid."

At this time, Ya Mucha said to them, "No, no, Wu Chen meant that we should get married as soon as possible and form a happy family. I didn't expect him to say this too!"

Yamucha himself was a fool and idiot there, but Klin and Bulma couldn't understand what he was thinking, even Poole couldn't see how his master did it!

In order to deal with the formidable enemy that appeared three years later, everyone left separately. At this time, Klin had arrived at the Guixian House, appeared in front of Teacher Wu Tian, ​​and humorously shouted, "Wu Tian teacher!"

That guy suddenly frightened the Turtle Immortal, "Xiao Lin, are you a ghost? Just now Wu Chen's ghost took my glasses! Why are you wearing my glasses?"

At this time, Klin took off his glasses, "Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I want to continue to practice", Klin said to Teacher Wu Tian very seriously, but Mr. Wu Tian snatched the glasses back and jumped over. On the recliner.

Teacher Wu Tian took her own beauty magazine and read it there, "I can still see it clearly with glasses!" At this time, Klin hurriedly came to Teacher Wu Tian, ​​"Well, I want to continue to practice... Teacher Wu Tian, Practice?"

Klin begged for Teacher Wu Tian, ​​but the teacher Wu Tian has been watching his beauty magazine intently, ignoring Klin's thoughts.

At this time, Vegeta had already arrived in Papa Bulma's laboratory. Papa Bulma seemed to be afraid of Vegeta and perplexed Papa Bulma, "Let me make a 300-fold gravitational chamber!"

"Yes, Sun Wuchen could already practice under 100 times the gravity before, I want him three times more." Bulma's father heard what Vegeta said, feeling very unbelievable.

"It's really messy, if Vegeta's weight is 60 kg, it will become 18 tons! How is this possible?" Vegeta listened to Bulma's father and didn't want to do it.

So in a fit of anger, his anger exploded. The fighting ethnic Saiyan tribe is really stubborn! "Do it anyway!" This frightened Bulma's father, and even the cat fur he was holding stood up.

Then, their respective rigorous special training began. Tianjin Fan and Dumplings were still practicing on Haiya Island. The main goal of this training session in Tianjin was to target the attack, let the dumplings stand there and attack the mountains behind them.

Fortunately, Tianjin Fan's ability is relatively strong. It sent countless air bombs, and finally blasted the mountain to a place as big as the dumplings. Although the dumplings are scared, they still believe in Tianjin Fan!

Chapter 1172: Respective Practice

And at the top of the snow mountain, Wukong Wuchen, and Piccolo, the three of them are still practicing, and the three of them fight against each other and attack each other, training everyone's defense and attack power.

Since Wukong has not yet become a Super Saiyan, now Wuchen and Piccolo are both attacking Monkey King. It is necessary to summon Monkey King's Saiyan form in order to discover the potential in his body.

Moreover, the two attacked did not leave any feelings at all, but the attack of the two was too strong, and with Wukong's strength, it was impossible to fight with Boshin and Piccolo at all.

Sure enough, Wukong failed like this and was beaten under the snow mountain by the two of them. However, this sentence is never wrong. Piccolo looked tired when looking at Wukong, "That's it for today! "

Wukong was hurt now, but when he heard what Piccolo said, Wukong still had a breath of breath in his heart. After all, he was also a Saiyan, and his fighting aura did not show any weakness. "Train me for a while. I must become stronger." !"

"I must become a true Saiyan, I must become a Saiyan. I failed in the first battle of Frieza, but in the future battles, I cannot fail again. I hope Wuchen and Piccolo, you two Don't show mercy to me."

Yamucha is also training hard at this time. He lives in Bulma’s house. He is practicing hard in the backyard. The spaceship is in front of him. He is still thinking, "Vegeta guy, at first Practice under 300 times the gravity."

Now the screen turns to Vegeta's side. Vegeta is practicing in the 300 times gravity room adjusted by Bulma's father, and he used 300 times the gravity at the beginning, which is much stronger than Wu Chen before.

Vegeta is really very difficult here, and Papa Bulma followed his request and set up many artificial attack machines in it, specifically to deal with Vegeta, these machines are completely immune to these gravity settings.

It is very difficult for Vegeta to walk and jump in this area, and the attack aspect has also dropped a lot, and the speed cannot be increased anymore, and there is no way to resist the abilities of these robots. Their attack power is completely copying Vegeta's ability.

Now he is very strenuous. Just being attacked by these machines on the ground, Vegeta was very angry. On the one hand, he was angry with Sun Wuchen, and on the other hand, he was angry that he was not up for it. Under his own willpower, he still stood up.

"I must surpass, I must surpass the Super Saiyan, and I must defeat Sun Wuchen." As his anger, Qi energy continued to increase.

In the end, all the Qi burst out, and all the machines were blown up in an instant. The spaceship was also destroyed. Bulma and Yamucha heard a loud noise in the backyard and hurried over to check.

When the two of them saw the strong explosion of the spaceship in the backyard, they were very surprised, "His practice is too intense, that's why it became like this." Bulma squatted on the ground and grabbed the scrap iron, "Beggie tower!"

Thinking that Vegeta was dead, suddenly Vegeta stretched out a hand from the inside and stood out from the scrap metal. The two felt even more incredible, "You are still alive!"

Bulma breathed a sigh of relief first, and then angrily said to Vegeta, "What do you want? Almost even my house was ruined." As soon as he finished speaking, Vegeta was unable to sustain himself. Bulma Hastily ran over and helped him up.

Vegeta is still arrogant, "Don't be nosy, it prevents me from practicing...", looking at Bulma, she was very worried about him, "What kind of practice? You can't do this with your body."

But Vegeta, the Saiyan prince, is so proud, how could he hear Bulma say these words, "This hurt is nothing...I am the number one Saiyan in the universe... and will soon surpass Sun Wuchen... "

"Whether you are a vegetable or a carrot, you have to listen to me now!" Bulma looked at Vegeta worriedly, but Vegeta completely ignored their feelings, "Don't order me, you people on earth, I am... …"

In this way, Vegeta's physical strength really couldn't support it, and he fell straight down. Bulma quickly treated him with medical facilities and guarded him.

Bulma's father and mother also hurriedly came here and looked at Vegeta, "There has been such a big accident, and I only suffered so little injury. Saiyan is really amazing!" "Poor little Vegeta!"

Then Bulma's father took his mother out, and Bulma was about to go out, but he heard Vegeta speak, "Sun Wuchen, surpass you, definitely surpass you!"

Vegeta was still imagining in his own consciousness constantly, threatening and tempting himself to become stronger. He imagined that Sun Wuchen and Trunks would stand in front of him and become Saiyans, staring at each other. he.

But both of them became Saiyans, and they burst out their strongest anger, but in an instant they were shocked by the anger of Sun Wuchen and Trunks. The two of them got farther and farther away, just like that. Can't get rid of your own dream monster!

Chapter 1173: It's fleeting, time is up

He was not reconciled. He was very uncomfortable and very depressed. For a long time, he dreamed of being a super Saiyan, but he had withstood repeated blows from two people back and forth. His heart was full of depression, and he has not vented yet.

So that he is still in his own dream, he can't escape his thoughts, and the breath in his heart can never be vented, "Why? Why? Why can't I surpass them? Why?"

In this way, Vegeta was awakened by himself. He was awakened by his own depression and anger. He hadn't come out of the dream scene just now, and he was still thinking about what was just now.

Finally, he sighed in relief and lay down. He turned his head and saw that Bulma was already asleep sitting next to him, so he looked at Bulma!

Klin is also continuing to practice in Guixianren's place. Klin is standing in the sea and is exercising the turtle school qigong. The energy of Qi is constantly improving. The surrounding waves have begun to undulate, and at this moment, the Guixianren is still watching. Beauty magazine.

Fairy Turtle looked at the beauty magazine and was very excited, "Awesome!" Klin thought he was talking about himself, so he stopped happily, and then he held up his magazine and told Klin that these pictures were amazing, which made Klinbai happy. It's a game.

On the top of the snow mountain, Wukong and Piccolo attacked Wu Chen, but Wu Chen's speed was so fast that they couldn't touch him at all in their attacks, but their speeds were similar. Piccolo's speed Also improved a lot.

Wukong watched Wuchen and Piccolo fighting there. Although they couldn't see them, Wukong already felt them. He kicked them both, and they both felt Wukong's impact, and then He avoided.

After all, Wukong hasn't become a super Saiyan yet, and his speed and strength are still not as high as Wuchen. In this way, Wukong attacked Wuchen, and Wuchen did not show mercy, and hit him at Wukong.

Wukong was falling down, and finally controlled his speed, stopped, Wukong then attacked Sun Wuchen, and now everyone is responsible for themselves.

In Bulma, Yamucha walked to the spaceship and watched Vegeta train in the window. The gravity inside had reached 400 times, and Vegeta continued to practice in it.

Yamucha looked at Vegeta so hard, and Yamucha herself felt that it was time, so she turned around and said to Poole, "Poole, it's time to embark on a trip."

So, in a blink of an eye, three years passed. Before Wukong and the others left, Qiqi was still asking Wukong if he needed a lunch box. Qiqi was also very worried about them, but just like that, the three of them left.

"Because of the existence of humanoids, the future I am in is like hell, too strong! Too strong! Those guys..." Wu Chen and the others were still thinking about what Trunks told him. "

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