The two cyborgs looked at the Yamu tea below, "No, it is not Sun Wuchen, it does not match the data", so the cyborg started an identity scan of the Yamu tea, "There is a 96% chance that it is called Yamu tea. People!"

The 20th looked at Yamucha on the ground, "In short, we can get a lot of energy." Yamucha still doesn't know where they are. "But, those guys are not there, so it's useless to call everyone. "

At this moment, these two artificial people suddenly appeared behind Yamucha, but Yamucha hadn’t found out that they were artificial people, so he asked them, "You see those two innocent guys. Yet?"

Ya Mucha carefully observed the two of them, and suddenly saw the logo on their heads, and was a little skeptical, but the man-made directly said to him, "Yes, it's us!"

Chapter 1176: Ya Mu Tea Was Spike Killed

She was so scared that Yamucha jumped away, and just wanted to call everyone out in his consciousness, but he was directly grabbed by No. 20's hand, and Yamucha didn't have the strength to break No. 20's hand.

In this way, on the 20th, Yamucha was directly lifted, and because of this, a gas tanker drove over at this time. Because they were blocking in the middle, the driver did not grasp the steering wheel.

They didn't see the gas station next to them, so they turned directly to the gas station next to them, and there was a huge explosion. It was precisely because of this explosion that they also received the news.

At this moment, Yamucha was still trying to break free of this power, and suddenly a painful sensation penetrated through his chest, and the hand of No. 20 penetrated directly through Yamucha's chest.

Bulma also saw a huge fire in the center of the city on the top of the mountain over there, and at this time, Wukong was also dragging Yajiro Bingbei to the safe place on the top of the mountain where Bulma was.

Ya Mucha looked at the two humanoids in front of them, but they were very weak. They were so helplessly killed by the 20th. They were unconscious. Tianjin Fan and the others also felt that a strong qi was weakening.

After receiving this information and seeing the explosion, everyone now rushed here one after another. The artificial man felt a strong breath rushing over, and then Tianjin Fan rushed over.

He saw Yamucha being beaten directly through his chest, and then Klin, Wuchen, Piccolo and the others rushed over. He didn’t see Yamucha being killed by this artificial man. Everyone felt very deeply in their hearts. anger.

At this time, Sun Wuchen said to Klin, "Klin, Yamucha is still alive, and Xiandou is at the place just now, so hurry up and take him to eat!" Upon receiving Wuchen's message, Klin walked over to Yamucha and helped him. When I got up to Yamucha, I saw his unconscious eyes.

I was very uncomfortable in my heart. I looked at the two cyborgs angrily and glared at them, then flew away with Yamucha on his back, "Are you cyborgs? We finally met."

But these two artificial people were very surprised, "Unbelievable, how do you know that we are artificial people? And it seems that you know we will appear on this island, why? Answer me quickly."

Piccolo angrily said to him, "I don't know, I just rely on strength if I want to know!" "Okay!" With another explosion at the gas station behind, their fighting aura exploded.

Piccolo just wanted to do it, but Wu Chen stopped him, "Wait, the fight here will spread to the innocent, go to where no one is! How about?" This person made people hear what Sun Wuchen said, "Go to no one. A place? Okay, just what you want!"

"But don't run away specially." Wu Chen and the others didn't understand what it meant? Then, the artificial human's eyes emitted a laser, attacking the gas station and various high-rise buildings, and it was destroyed in an instant.

The next attack was razed to the ground. Sun Wuchen really couldn’t stand it anymore. He furiously struck the man-made man and punched him in the face. In this way, the man-made man’s hat was also razed. Fell off, exposing his head.

His upper head has been cut off, leaving only one brain, which is connected to his head by a container outside. This is the so-called artificial man, and the town behind is already in ashes.

Klin had already brought Yamu Tea to the top of the mountain where Bulma was located. Fortunately, it was time, otherwise it would be useless to eat fairy beans one step later. Yamu Tea is now fully recovered from the wound.

It's just that they saw that the town below was already a land of fireworks and smoke, and they were very panicked. Bulma hadn't seen it yet. Then Bulma walked over and looked ahead. Unexpectedly, there was smoke in front.

At this time, the artificial man picked up the hat on the ground and reinstalled it on his head. It turned out that this hat was also a container, and he said to Sun Wuchen very peacefully, "I wanted to create a place where no one is. It seems you I don't like it very much."

Sun Wuchen was very angry when he heard what he said, "Come with me, I want to beat you two", and the man behind is also very crazy, "You can't defeat us!"

However, the mentality of No. 20 in front is very peaceful, and according to Sun Wuchen's wishes, tell him, "Well, follow you and let you choose the place of death! Sun Wuchen!"

This surprised them very much, " do you know the name of Sun Wuchen?" The 20th said to them, "Don't be surprised, I know you, Piccolo, and Tianjin Fan too."

At this time, a group of police sirens kept coming over, and Sun Wuchen also understood that the government had to do things, not to mention innocent things, and did not want them to know these things, so he said to these artificial people, "Ask later. Your reason! Let's go!"

After speaking, Sun Wuchen flew away, and a few of them flew to the destination along with Sun Wuchen, and Klin and the others also saw Sun Wuchen and the others on the top of the mountain, "They are with those guys, they must have changed direction. "

Chapter 1177: The Special Ability of the Artificial Human

Yamucha began to worry, "No, if you don't tell Wuchen, those guys can absorb energy..." And now, the cyborgs have finally appeared. What is the mysterious purpose of them?

What exactly is the amazing ability that Yamucha is talking about? Wu Chen and others opened a new battle curtain, and the current situation is being attacked by ruthless humanoids.

Yamucha was seriously injured and was on the verge of death. Fortunately, he was rescued. The cyborgs followed Wuchen and the others to the destination to attack. They still don't know what Yamucha meant?

Klin asked Yamucha, "Yamucha, you mean those guys can absorb energy", "Although I haven't figured out the situation yet, I just got caught, and my strength gradually disappeared."

Bulma also began to worry, "If that's true, Dr. Geiro has really invented an amazing device" Wukong thought, "Oh, don't tell Wuchen what they have said..."

Yamucha was very panicked now, "To be honest, I don't want to go, I am not their opponent at all, and I will be sent to death for nothing." Klin saw Wukong rushing out, holding the fairy beans and rushing out. .

Then he turned back and said to Yamucha, "Yamucha, I'm going, I'm going to take the fairy beans over", Klin flew away after saying that, leaving Yamucha here to get bored, "You don’t understand. The horror of artificial humans."

Speaking of stroking her wound just now, Yamucha was unwilling to be like this, "Asshole, I'll just go and see, I won't participate in the war", and then rushed out. Now only Bulma, the baby and Yajiro are left. Bingbei.

Yajiro Hebei thought of them, "A bunch of idiots!" Bulma looked at Yajiro Hebei, "I said, are you not going?" "Of course, not going."

"Don't go, aren't you very good? At this time, even if there is one more person, not to mention friends and the entire planet are in danger, aren't they?" "Maybe!"

Bulma looked at Yajiro Hebei's dismissive look, and was very angry, "What kind of attitude are you, do you care so much? It's too bad."

"I can't fly..." One sentence held Bulma, "Sorry!" At this time, Sun Wuchen took the cyborgs far away, and the cyborg felt that it was flying too far.

The cyborg saw the isolated island below. It was already a place where there was no one. However, after seeing Sun Wuchen stop, he said to Sun Wuchen, "It's enough! Sun Wuchen! Where do you plan to go! Just here."

After they said, they stopped, "You have no right to choose." After saying that they all fell to the ground, Piccolo observed the surrounding situation, "Although it is a plateau, it is surrounded by rocky mountains, and they plan to hide when they lose. Behind the rocks?"

"These guys are really thoughtful!" At this time, Yamucha and the others were still looking for Sun Wuchen, "It's not good, the battle hasn't started yet, everyone is holding their breath, so they don't even know where they went."

Kerry yelled everywhere, and on Wuchen's side, Sun Wuchen gasped, "Well, tell me before the battle, why do you know about us."

At this time, Tianjin Fan saw the clue, "What's going on? Wu Chen is already out of breath, just flying for a while, why?" At this time, Wu Chen was panting.

The 20th told Sun Wuchen, "Well, it’s okay to tell you, I'm afraid you will regret asking this after listening to it, Sun Wuchen! We have been monitoring you with ultra-small spy robots."

"From the world’s number one martial arts club, your battle with Tianjin Fan, then to the battle with Big Demon King Piccolo, and the battle with Vegeta and others, that is to say, since you destroyed the Red Silk Army, you have been studying Continue."

"How can I hit Sun Wuchen, and what kind of artificial man can win?" Sun Wuchen heard these words, "because of resentment towards me?"

"Yes, because of you, the Red Silk Army's dream of conquering the world has been shattered. Only Dr. Gero survived!" Piccolo looked at the robot, "Listen, you are Dr. Gero..."

The cyborg immediately rejected Piccolo’s words, "Stop talking nonsense, I am Cyborg No. 20 made by Dr. Geiro, and Dr. Geiro is dead."

Sun Wuchen thought, "So that's the case, but did you monitor the battle of Namek?" The 20th said to him angrily, "It's not necessary, until you fight with Vegeta, your strength and moves We have completely mastered it."

"Even if your strength improves again, considering your age, it won't increase significantly." Sun Wuchen smiled at this time. "It seems that you have ignored the most critical part. You are sure to lose!"

These cyborgs haven't understood what Sun Wuchen really means? Piccolo added to him, "A fatal mistake, I don't even know about the Super Saiyan."

This person was also very puzzled when he heard what Piccolo said, "Super Saiyan?" He raised his own power when he said Sun Wuchen, and directly changed into the form of Super Saiyan, and the power of the aura was directly brought out.

Because of the impact of this kind of power, Klin Wukong and the others also knew where Wu Chen was, and rushed in that direction, "There is only a breath. It seems that those artificial people really have no breath!"

But now the site is constantly dusted and rocks flying randomly, Sun Wuchen's aura is too strong, Tianjin Fan has already felt it, "Wu Chen's aura is too strong, I can't imagine it is so terrible at close range."

Chapter 1178: Sun Wuchen Attacks No.19

Sun Wuchen said to them, "You two don't take action, the primary goal of these guys seems to be me", Wu Chen said, and raised his qi again!

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