Bulma's mother asked what Bulma was going out for? Bulma said to her mother, "Go and meet the grown-up Trunks", which surprised Bulma's mother.

At this time, on Guixian Island, Wukong decided to check it out with Trunks, so the two also set off, and Bulma flew towards that place.

Wukong asked Trunks during the flight, "Tranks, is the future world really miserable? Because of those two artificial people!" "Yes! The world population is only tens of thousands, and the West is basically destroyed. , Our secret base hiding in the ground only escaped a catastrophe."

This makes Wukong incredible. "So serious? If only we can find the weakness of the cyborgs!" Trunks told Goku, "At the time, the two cyborgs did not obey Dr. Gero's orders!"

"But they were still activated, probably because he really couldn't help it. As a result, he was killed by an artificial man. Dr. Gero should have known that the artificial man is not perfect."

"In case of danger, how can he stop the imperfect man-made? There should be some kind of emergency braking device, otherwise he should not dare to activate them again."

After Trunks said this, Wukong suddenly realized, "Yes! It must be like this", "It's unlikely!" Trunks turned on the detection device in his hand, "West 1050 area should be nearby. Go down and look for it."

The two of Wukong and Trunks searched for a full circle below. Wukong suddenly found that there was a waste machine underneath, which had been covered with moss, but it was still faintly visible, and he immediately called Trunks over.

The two of them flew down and saw the machine. At this moment, the sound of the plane came from the sky over there. Wukong thought for a while, "It should be Populma here. I'll show her the way."

Trunks walked to the machine, and on the other side, the artificial people were also driving the car, leisurely, the 18th looked at the 16th, "16th, you are really silent! You always don't talk, isn't it boring? ?"

On the 17th, he drove the car and said to the 18th, "Give up! On the 16th, he was thinking of defeating Sun Wuchen, and he is almost in the city now, do you want new clothes?"

This sentence immediately aroused the interest of No. 18, "Yes, I can finally throw away this tattered body, hurry up, No. 17!" At this time, No. 17 saw a police car chasing from the rearview mirror. Against them.

So I stopped, and walked down on the 17th and the 18th. The police took a gun at them and checked the situation in the car. "Stop where you are, don’t move." "That’s right, this is a wanted escape car." , "Really? I have something to say back to the office!"

So the sheriff took out the handcuffs and handcuffed No. 17 and No. 18. The police officer here yelled to No. 16 in the car, "Get down, get down!"

No. 16 got out of the car. The police officer was instantly scared when he saw No. 16 being so strong, but No. 16 walked down quietly, stretched out his hands, and the police handcuffed his handcuffs.

Chapter 1204: The Time Machine in the Age of Ai Ji

The policeman was also very nervous, but he was relieved when he handcuffed the handcuffs to No. 16's hand, but he did not expect No. 16 to break the handcuffs as soon as he got his hands.

The police officer was very scared, "You...do you want to resist?" On the 18th, I heard the sheriff speak to them, "Rebellion... I said, Mr. Patrol, the so-called resistance..."

On the 18th, they walked to the front of their police car, and the sheriff didn't know what she was going to do? My heart was also very flustered, "Wait, what do you want to do? Stand back", then on the 18th, he squatted down and raised the car with both hands.

"This is called resistance!" After speaking, he threw the speeding car onto the opposite mountain, and it exploded in an instant. This made the two police chiefs stunned, and No. 18 and No. 17 removed the handcuffs. Coming down is as simple as tearing a piece of paper.

The three of them got into the truck again and left again. The two policemen stood still and didn't know what was going on with the explosion. What was their strength?

At this time, Bulma's spacecraft had arrived. Bulma was very happy to see Trunks, "I am a beautiful mother." Trunks was very shy when he heard Bulma say to him.

Bulma landed the spaceship to the ground, opened the spaceship, and walked in front of Trunks, "How? Talk about your feelings! See the feelings of the young mother!"

Trunks lowered his head and blushed, "Mom...nothing has changed", "No change...I can stay so beautiful in ten years! What a sinful sin", when I heard Trunks say this to himself, Very happy.

Trunks immediately said to Bulma, "Compared to this, you see...", he took out the capsule box from his jacket pocket, took out the capsule and threw it in the distance. In an instant, a brand new time machine Appeared in front of you.

Trunks walked to the front of the time machine and told Bulma, "This is the time machine I put in the capsule." Bulma looked at the two and compared them. "This old one is really not yours."

"No, you only made a time machine in the future. This is also the time machine I took." Bulma also felt incredible. Trunks walked in front of the old time machine again. The moss was wiped off.

Trunks wiped off the moss, and the word ‘hope’ appeared on it. Trunks told them, “This is the text I wrote when I set off. Of course, this time machine also has it.”

Comparing the two time machines, they are exactly the same. It's just a question of the old and the new. Now the question is coming. Bulma lowered his head to think about the question, "But what's going on? This one seems to have been standing here for a long time."

Wukong flew up and saw a big hole appeared in the protective cover above, "This hole is very strange! It looks like it melted at high temperature, and it is a hole opened from the inside."

Bulma was also considering this question, "What, who would it be?" "Let's open it first!" Trunks clicked on the switch button of this machine, and the machine was still running normally.

It's just that some parts are aging, and the action is a bit slow. The machine turned on and slowly dropped the moss on it. As soon as Trunks entered the time machine, he found a very strange shell inside.

Trunks just picked up one and found half of it inside. Trunks felt very strange. Goku looked at these two things and found it strange, "What is this? So strange. It's not like a coconut!"

When Bulma saw that they were looking at something, he called them, "What is it, show me!" Wukong took these two things to Bulma, and Bulma took them and looked at them. , Put it together again.

So they came to a conclusion, "Yes, it's like some kind of egg shell!" Wukong was very curious, "Egg? Haven't seen this kind of egg!" At this time, they all looked at the protective shield consciously.

They looked at the edge of the protective cover that was melting at high temperature, "Could it be that...the one that dissolves out of this hole is what has hatched from the egg?" Then Trunks turned on the activation switch.

Checked the settings inside, "The energy is almost used up. It comes from... Ai Ji 788, three years later than me... Farther future... Time to reach this era... About four years ago, than the last time I came. It was one year earlier."

"Who the hell? Why are you here? Is it because of him that history has changed so much?" Trunks is very anxious now, even the gods are very nervous now.

Piccolo looked at the fairy very nervous, so he mocked him, "Are you peering into the world again? A boring hobby. After we fit together, this ability will disappear! Enjoy it now."

The immortal didn't pay attention to what Piccolo said, and what he was considering now was the actions of Trunks and the others, as well as the actions of human beings. Now his premonition was somewhat effective, and there was a sense of anxiety in his heart.

Chapter 1205: Unidentified Creature

"The unspeakable sense of uneasiness in the past four years is really not due to the artificial human. I don't know what exactly came from that time machine?" Piccolo was also very curious when he heard the fairy talking to himself here.

"What are you talking about?" "What I know is that something more terrifying than human beings has come to Earth!" Piccolo can't stand it now, "What are you whispering about? What's wrong? Tell me."

"Indeed, I must merge with you, abandon my identity as a god, and become a warrior again. Soon... soon, the earth will face a huge crisis. This is an unprecedented crisis. I have a premonition of despair."

The gods themselves were talking nervously there, and at this moment, what will happen to the mysterious creatures from the farther future of Bitlanx and the artificial people who are now chasing Wuchen?

On Klin's side, Wu Chen's body is gradually improving. Klin said to them, "It would be nice if Wu Chen can recover before those guys find here."

Bulma and the others are still studying these two time machines here, "I really am a genius! In the future, I will create a time machine." Bulma is very content with his achievements.

Trunks looked at the two time machines, feeling very disturbed in his heart, "In any case, you can't leave this time machine alone, put it in the capsule first!"

Then, Trunks opened the capsule setting of the time machine. With the capsule retracted, Wukong also retracted the new time machine into the capsule. Bulma looked at the two unknown things on the ground, "This strange I'll take the eggshells too!" Wukong told Bulma, "Bulma, we are all with Teacher Wutian now."

"In the turtle house!" "Now the three cyborgs are starting to move, and they are eyeing Wuchen! But Wuchen's illness is not healed yet! So we must take shelter for a while!"

Bulma asked them, "Why don't you team up to kill those guys?" Trunks said to Bulma, "Don't be kidding, Dad, me, Piccolo, and Tianjin Fan can't do anything about it."

After listening to Trunks, Bulma also thought these guys were incredible, "So amazing, how is Vegeta? Did he go to the turtle house too?"

"After eating fairy beans, it's okay, but Dad didn't act with us, and I don't know where to go." "That's right!" Bulma thinks about it, too. How could such a proud man as Vegeta have a team spirit? Woolen cloth!

At this time, Wukong was stunned, and walked over there. Bulma and Trunks also felt very curious, "What's wrong, Goku!" "Nothing, it seems that there is something!" "Where is the thing?"

At this time, Wukong went over there and took a look. Under the hill, he saw an unknown object. He quickly called Bulma and Trunks over, "Come here!"

The two of them rushed over and saw the unknown creature, which was an unknown creature, which shocked Bulma, "What...what is that?" Wukong walked over and observed it.

Trunks looked at this thing, "What the **** is this? It's so big!" Bulma hid behind Trunks, "Is it dead? What the **** is this?"

Wukong touched the unknown creature, and then carefully observed this thing. They said, "It's not a dead shell, it's a shed empty shell", "A shed empty shell, is there such a big cicada?"

Wukong came to the front of the unknown creature, "It's not a cicada, this..." Trunks had already thought about it, "It's probably something hatched from an egg in a time machine."

Wukong also felt it, "Yes! It shed its shell when it grows up", Bulma still doesn't understand what is going on! "What the **** is going on? What is going out of this shell?"

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