Piccolo told them, "Yes, it's this monster, but you must be careful of its tail. Many people have died because of him!" Klin asked Piccolo again, "Why is he angry with Wukong and Tianjin Fan?"

"I'll talk about the details later, kill him first!" Piccolo and the others stared at the monster. When Sharu heard what Piccolo said, he felt that he was overwhelmed. "Kill me, do you think it's easy?"

Klin was also very nervous, "He has spoken, this monster has actually spoken!" Piccolo looked at him, "Judging from the current situation, you have no chance of winning!"

When Sharu heard what Piccolo said, it made sense, "It makes sense, I really should avoid the limelight!" When Piccolo heard this, he knew what it was going to do! "I'm telling you, you don't want to escape, because the soft shockwave of the turtle just now can't escape!"

But Piccolo is indeed very nervous, and Kobayashi is even more nervous, "Master Turtle Blaster? He will use Wuchen’s Master Turtle Blaster? How is this possible?"

Sharu then said to Klin, "It's not just the Shockwave of the Divine Turtle, Kobayashi! As long as I want, even the vitality bomb can be used", which surprised Klin very much, "This is amazing, even I know my name! Wu Chen would also be surprised when he heard it."

What Klin said made Sharu very excited, "What did you say? Sun Wuchen is not dead! Is Sun Wuchen still alive?" "Of course! Wuchen is not so vulnerable!"

This surprised Sharu, "Is it? You are still alive!" Sharu looked up at the sky. Today’s weather is really clear and cloudless. “Sure enough, it’s a bit different from the history I know! I will definitely get it. The 17th and the 18th!"

Suddenly, Sharu jumped up and said, "You can't prevent me from becoming a complete body. The only person who can fight No. 17 and No. 18 is Piccolo."

Sharu jumped under the sun and Piccolo had realized what he was going to do! Then, Sharu took a fighting pose, ‘Sun Fist’. After Sharu threw the Sun Fist, he immediately ran away.

At that time, the whole area was lit up. This move of Tianjin Fan was a super flash bomb. With this move, users could escape without closing their eyes.

After using the Sun Fist, the enemy will be dizzy for a period of time. The harsh pain can only be felt by the user. Now Sharu has escaped without a trace!

After Piccolo and the others slowly opened their eyes, they couldn't feel Sharu's breath at all. "Oops, let him run away, bastard! Klin, isn't Sun Fist a Tianjin Fan's move?"

Klin hadn't slowed down yet, "Sun Fist, it's not any advanced martial arts, Wu Chen, Wu Kong and I can all", now Piccolo and the others have been mad.

The three of them flew into the air to observe the surroundings, feeling the breath and trace of Sharu, and there were many forests and trees around to obscure it. "His breath has disappeared. Have you even learned this hand?" Now Piccolo is almost lost. Mad.

At this time, Sharu was still running in the woods, Sharu was very happy, "Too naive, I will not be caught by you, if you hold your breath, they will not be able to find my whereabouts."

Chapter 1213: Sharu is still on the run

At this time, Tianjin Fan was also flying around, and found a powerful force, "Not good, there is an ominous premonition", and Vegeta is also charging at that force, "There are two super huge fighting powers. , One of them disappeared."

"The other one is still there. It should not be the 17th. The cyborgs are not angry. Who is it? Who can have such a strong breath", Vegeta became more confused as she thought about it.

However, the cyborgs are quite leisurely. They are still driving around in their cars. The 18th said to the 17th, "By the way, I don't like this dress. When I get to the big city, I have to take a good stroll."

No. 17 agreed to No. 18 with satisfaction. At this time, a petal floated from the window into the car, and floated past in front of No. 16. No. 16 opened his eyes and saw the colorful ground outside the window. Smiled.

On Guixian Island, Wukong was forced to stay here by Qiqi, but he continued to practice here, facing the sea, exerting his own impact, the turtle looked at Wukong in front of the house!

But the immortal turtle was lying on the window, watching Wukong's practice, "Wukong really didn't disappoint me. He is a little stronger. Both Wuchen and Wukong are practicing here, and the difference is not very big. ."

"It seems that this era is really going to change. The ancestors of our older generation are far behind the younger generations. The former Wu Tian teacher of the world's number one martial arts conference is no longer a big deal."

Hearing Guixianren say this, Hai Turtle answered his words, "Now it's just an old man!" Guixianren looked back at Wu Chen who was lying on the bed, Wu Chen was still resting peacefully.

At this time Sharu was still running, running non-stop, "Just avoid those guys, and then continue to absorb human life energy to increase my strength. If they are discovered by Piccolo, they can just move elsewhere. NS."

"Now we only need to wait until their strength exceeds No. 17, before they find a way to fit together." Sharu ran to the highway and saw the road stop sign. "Is Nicky Town down there?"

At this moment, a bus drove over and saw Sharu in the middle. It was so frightened that it slammed the brakes and slammed into the mountain, where it broke down on the side of the road.

Sharu didn't care about this. "What worries me the most is that they can stop their remote control on the 17th." At this time, the bus driver behind came out of the window and cursed Sharu, "Idiot, do you want to die? Me? Say don't stand stupidly, get out of the way."

But Sharu didn't pay any attention to what he meant. "It will be easily destroyed by those guys. Fortunately, the remote control doesn't exist!" The bus driver kept honking his horn.

Sharu ignored what he meant, and the people in the car started to be anxious. This is a group of people who got off the car. They looked at these people who were very strong and the people were not kind. "What's wrong? What happened?"

It just so happened that Vegeta flew over from above, but fortunately he didn't find Sharu. Vegeta was rushing to the two powerful forces now, and he didn't care about anything else.

At this time, Sharu looked at Vegeta, still thinking in his heart, "Vegeta, was he not killed by them on the 17th? And the power is stronger than I thought!"

At this time the captain in the car came out. This car should be a team, it should be a football team. The captain wearing the number one walked behind Sharu, "Weird idiot, it’s better to hurry up before we do it. Get out."

Then his team members also came over, and Sharu turned around and thought for a while, "It seems that I am going to step up, these guys can barely count as life energy!" As he said, he jumped straight up. , The tail pierced these guys directly.

They kept absorbing their energy, and just like that, the captain of No. 1 was absorbed again, and only one set of clothes was left, and their players were frightened.

However, over the ruins of Jijia Town, Piccolo was still angry, "Damn it, too careless! I should get rid of him immediately!" Piccolo burst out of his power angrily.

The Trunks and Klin next to them were stunned. Piccolo and the gods combined became the Namek, and their strength rose by more than one level.

"Damn it, it will never make you complete!" Piccolo strengthened her energy again angrily, and at this time, Vegeta also rushed here, and Vegeta saw that it was Piccolo and was scared to super game. The status of the demihuman was also taken back.

Vegeta was very nervous in the air here, "Piccolo...impossible, this powerful force is actually emitted by Piccolo!" After Piccolo was so angry, he looked up in the air and saw Vegeta.

And Klin and Trunks also saw Vegeta, and Vegeta jumped down and questioned Piccolo, "Tell me what happened just now."

Piccolo told them, "Tianjin Fan is coming here too, wait until he arrives!" But Vegeta has another meaning, "Before that, I have to figure out one thing, are you really Piccolo? How could the combat effectiveness suddenly increase so much?"

Chapter 1214: Sharu escaped

Vegeta thought this was unbelievable. "You guy..." Vegeta was very angry now. Trunks told Vegeta, "Picco... Piccolo seems to be merging with the gods again."

Vegeta was very puzzled, "What... fit?" Vegeta thought of this nervously, "It's just that... At that time, the fighting power has surpassed my Super Saiyan? Impossible! He is just that beautiful. Nemesis."

But at this time, Klin looked towards the sky and said to them, "Here, it’s Tianjin Rice!" Now Piccolo was still hesitating, "What should I do? No. 17, No. 18, plus No. 16, even if I have super power and I can't cope."

Piccolo became nervous now, "It seems that only Sharu himself was hit!" Tianjin Fan came here, and Klin looked at Piccolo, "Piccolo...no, fairy...no, what should I call you? Tianjin Fan coming!"

Piccolo turned around and said, "I see, I'll tell you everything." At this time, they were very nervous listening to Piccolo's retelling, "Vegeta and Tianjin Fan may not have seen it! The monster just now is Gai. An artificial human made by Dr. Luo’s computer."

They were also surprised when they said these words, and on Sharu's side, he had absorbed all these players, and the bus driver was hiding in the car, looking at him in fear.

But in the end it was hard to escape. Sharu broke the glass directly from the window and caught him and threw him on the ground. The bus driver crawled in fear, but how could he let him escape? That’s it, Sharu took him. Absorbed.

Sharu finished sucking them and started running in the next town. "It seems that I can only go to the city. If all the humans there are absorbed, the power will be upgraded again."

They were all surprised by what Piccolo said to them. They all thought it was incredible, "How is it possible! Our cells have been absorbed by him."

"That's it, to prevent Sharu from becoming complete, find and kill Sharu or kill No. 17 and No. 18, choose one of the two, in order to eliminate this concept!"

"But, I think Sharu should be killed before his power is strengthened." Vegeta is a violent temper. How could she resist hearing these words, "What kidding? These guys can easily surpass the number one super in the universe. Saiyan!"

Vegeta was very angry, but his anger was also mixed with a trace of unwillingness to Sun Wuchen. Piccolo told them, "You have seen the abilities of No. 17 and No. 18, but you can beat at most one by now."

"What's more, there is still No. 16 that hasn't shot. The ability of No. 16 is still not known how powerful, so our goal is Sharu. When he is not strong enough to fight No. 17, we take the opportunity to kill him."

"If Sharu is not killed, our hopes will be even smaller after waiting for him to become a complete body. Moreover, Wuchen has not yet woken up. We must resolve one of the choices before Sharu becomes a complete body."

At this time, Sharu was already in Nijia Town. He stood on the mountain and looked down at the town. "Great, I finally found humans! Wait! On the 17th and 18th, my strength will surpass you in a few days. , And then absorb you."

Sharu subconsciously licked his mouth with his tongue, and then rushed towards the bottom. At this time, the situation was surging and the situation became more serious. Who can save the world from despair, the one who is waiting for.

However, Piccolo has found out the details of the android Sharu, which is of great help to them, but Sharu has hidden his whereabouts, which is another blow to them.

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