"By the way, the remote control to stop using is ready!" Yamucha asked quickly, "Is it possible to beat the cyborgs?" Klin quickly replied to Bulma, "Excuse me, please send it right away, Piccolo At the moment we are fighting against the androids."

After Bulma agreed to consider it, she hung up the phone and Tianjin Fan looked at Klin, "Yes, if they destroy the 17th, Sharu will not be able to become a complete body."

It's just that Klin is still thinking about the 18th. At that time, the 18th kissed him, and it may still be vivid now. How can Klin endure to destroy her, but it is a hazard after all.

In order to eliminate Sharu, in order to prevent him from becoming a complete body, there is nothing to do without destroying her. At this time, Tianjin Fan watched Klin in a daze, so he called him. Klin was very shy, and he was shy when he thought of the 18th. .

At this time in the heavens, Wukong also felt, "Wuchen, Sharu has already started to act", "I know! Isn't it okay? Vegeta is a genius, should have surpassed the barrier of Super Saiyan long ago! Hurry up! Vegeta!"

Wu Chen is very worried now, and every second counts. Sharu must not be allowed to become complete first, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. Wu Chen also understands this truth, "Vegeta hurry up, otherwise the situation will be out of control."

In the current situation, No.17 chased and beat Piccolo violently, making Piccolo unable to fight back. Finally, directly on a mountain island, No.17 punched Piccolo on the mountain and sent a violent wave to the mountain. Explosion.

At this time, No. 18 and No. 16 also came, but on Piccolo's side, they were completely defended by Piccolo. Piccolo rushed to No. 17 again, and was shot out by No. 17, which was actually an afterimage of Piccolo.

Then Piccolo rushed towards him again, kicked No.17's abdomen, and kicked him directly on the mountain behind. Piccolo didn't suffer any losses, and launched a ‘super magic light wave’ towards that mountain.

I saw that the mountain on the opposite side burst instantly, and Piccolo razed the piece to the ground, but at this moment, No.17 rushed out of the ground and kicked towards Piccolo. Piccolo responded very quickly and immediately blocked it with his arm. Attack on the 17th.

Chapter 1224: Hand-to-hand combat between Piccolo and No.17

Piccolo turned on the defensive and fought towards No.17. In an instant, No.17 had time. Piccolo grabbed No.17's head violently with one hand, preparing to throw him to the ground like a thing.

However, he never expected that on the 17th, he retreated and fell to the ground for an instant. He grabbed Piccolo's arm and slammed Piccolo directly onto the ground.

Piccolo also grabbed No.17's collar and threw him to the ground. No.17 took the opportunity to grab Piccolo's arm and jumped violently, shaking him a few times. , Threw him directly into the air.

This round, the two played perfectly, and it was completely a skill of close combat. The two played both up and down, and Piccolo fell to the ground. No. 17 flashed over and rushed towards Piccolo’s chest. Punch.

This attack caused painful damage to Piccolo. Piccolo took advantage of his strength and punched No.17's chest with a punch. The two left no room for each other at all, and they were close to punching through the chest.

The two hit each other with one punch and the other. Then Piccolo gave No.17 a kick, and No.17 gave Piccolo a kick again. The two backed each other two steps. .

The two of them played very passionately, it was a close fight, not relying on a little skill, completely relying on strength, and then the two jumped up, No. 17 kicked Piccolo’s face, and Piccolo reacted quickly, moving towards No. 17. Launch a wave of magic light.

He directly knocked No.17 to the ground, and Piccolo also fell to the ground. The physical strength of the two people was also very exhausted. Although No.17’s energy is unlimited, but with Piccolo’s blow to him, it will inevitably cause pain and pain. A sense of scarcity.

At this time, No.17 looked at the tired Piccolo, "Although the strength is almost the same, the difference in physical strength has already appeared. My energy is eternal."

Piccolo stood here, panting, looking at No. 17, subconsciously twisting his head, and instantly panicked. He saw that Sharu had come here, and he was piled on the rocks next to him watching the fight between the two of them.

It was very nervous to see Sharu standing there, because he knew that Sharu would not appear here for no reason, and he would not stand here without confidence.

Sharu has appeared now. Can Piccolo prevent Sharu from absorbing No. 17 and No. 18? In order to prevent Sharu from becoming a complete body, Piccolo had to fought fiercely with No. 17, but a terrible situation followed.

Piccolo also realized, "It's awful, just fighting, I didn't find his approach", but now the three of them don't know who Sharu is, and they don't know that he will cause such great harm to them. It is very leisurely. stand right here.

No. 17 looked at this strange monster, "Who is this strange guy?" This sentence aroused Piccolo's consideration again, "What? Don't you know? No. 17 they don't know about Sharu."

Sharu stood on the stone and looked at them, "The memorial day has finally arrived, because on the 17th and 18th will be fully integrated with me!" Sharu stood on the stone and looked at them, he knew 17. No. and No. 18, but No. 16 is not recognized.

Sharu looked at the number 16 opposite and was very curious, "Who is he? There is a Red Head Army logo on his chest. It is probably an artificial person made by Dr. Gero, maybe an old model, regardless of him."

Sharu jumped off the rock, and Piccolo looked at him angrily. At this time, Sharu started to improve his Qi energy. He was about to start. The breath he exuded was terrible, no, it was fear!

Because they can clearly feel the breath of death of each person, and don't know how many people he has absorbed, they burst out with a powerful attack power, which surprised them very much!

Piccolo was also very surprised when he saw Sharu now, because here only Piccolo knew what had happened and how much Sharu's strength had improved. Only Piccolo faced fear.

Piccolo was shocked here, and Sharu walked past him. Piccolo didn't move. Sharu walked behind Piccolo and turned to him and said, "What are you going to do? Piccolo! If you want to stop me, let me go! Hey Hey!"

Sharu smiled and walked a few steps, Piccolo turned and asked him, "I didn't expect you to become so strong! How many lives have been sacrificed? You monster is really inhuman!"

But in front of Sharu, human life is not worth mentioning, "Sacrifice? How could it be! It should be an honor to be a part of me."

Piccolo didn't understand Sharu's behavior. This may be his artificial human thoughts. Klin and the others felt the breath of killing, and his breath was higher than Piccolo.

This makes Klin and the others worry about the safety of Piccolo, "What should I do? Sharu's anger is so strong, this is over! It's completely helpless."

Immortal Turtle felt the breath on the opposite side, "Wait at least 20 minutes! Bulma can send the controller that stops them on the 17th, what should I do now?"

Chapter 1225: Sharu's Sudden Attack

Kiki looked at them inexplicably, "It's okay to get it by yourself! It must be faster than waiting here stupidly!" At this time Klin and the others realized that Kiki was helpless, "Are everyone stupid? Blame you for being so full of brains that you only know how to fight."

Klin said to everyone, "I flew to get it. If I fly at full strength, it must be faster than Bulma!" After saying that, he flew away, and now all of them are pinning their hopes on Bulma's remote control.

Tianjin Fan can’t stay with the current situation, “No, I’ll help Piccolo. Even if it’s not useful, it’s better than standing stupid!” Before the Guixian could stop Tianjin Fan, Tianjin Fan rushed. go out.

Guixianren looked at Tianjin Fan’s flying away, "Tianjin Fan, come back! Do you want to die for nothing?" Guixianren was also helpless, and sat on the ground, "Damn it, I can’t help with a little help! I miss Wu Tian. The teacher is the best time in the world."

"Wu Chen, Goku hurry up and come back from the end of the practice! Although one year of practice can be completed in one day, at this moment, one day is also very difficult!" Qiqi also began to worry at this time.

But in the heavens, Wu Chen is also very anxious. He knows that the following situation is very complicated, but now he can only wait until Vegeta's cultivation is completed, because even if it goes on at this moment, it will not help!

On this uninhabited island, the cyborgs, Piccolo and Sharu are all here, and the 17th looked at Sharu, "Although I don’t know who you are, you are a little in the way! Go away! I’m talking with this guy. Entertainment."

Sharu stood in front of No. 17, his tail was already turbulent, Piccolo was getting more and more nervous now, "No. 17, he intends to kill you, and then absorb the essence of your life, run away!"

No.17 looked at Piccolo nervously and heard what he said. It was not like a joke at all. Just like that, Sharu quickly stabs No.17 with his tail. Fortunately, No.17 hides fast, but he is still given by Sharu. Caught it.

Sharu grabbed No.17's arm and threw him directly to the ground, and put his tail at No.17's chest. At the moment he was stabbing, Piccolo kicked him over and saved No.17.

Sharu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Sneak attack? Don't be kidding!" And at this moment, the 17th hasn't understood what is going on? Suddenly felt very surprised.

"What the **** is going on? I will be absorbed by him?" Now that No.17 and Piccolo are on the same front, Piccolo tells him, "In short, his name is Sharu, a monster made by Dr. Gero using a computer. !"

"It's not a complete body yet. Only after absorbing you and No. 18 can you become a perfect body!" Piccolo's words not only surprised No. 17 but even No. 18 next to him felt incredible.

Shalu looked at 17 with a gloomy look, "Brothers, you should be happy. As long as you become a part of my body, the invincible Superman will be born. This is the ultimate goal that Dr. Gero has been pursuing all the time. warrior."

But when No.17 heard this, he felt annoying, "Stop talking nonsense, how could I be absorbed by you, isn't there a Ultimate Warrior here?" No.17 pointed at himself very carefully.

Sharu told him realistically, "Whether you like it or not, you are destined to be a part of me", "Quickly shut up your long-winded mouth!" At this time, No. 16 spoke, “Run away! No. 17!”

"The enemy's combat effectiveness is very powerful, and it must not be made into a complete body. His goal is no longer to kill Sun Wuchen, but to destroy the universe." Although No. 16 is nervous, No. 17 does not think so.

"Really! What I thought you would say? You let me run away, don't underestimate me, don't underestimate me!" He rushed towards Sharu on the 17th, but was empty.

Sharu's speed was so fast that No. 17 could not catch up. In this way, No. 17 was hit by Sharu and fell to the ground. This really made No. 18 panic.

Piccolo took the opportunity to rush towards Sharu, but was directly resisted by Sharu, and then kicked Piccolo out with another kick. Piccolo's strength has increased a lot now, but it can't match the current Sharu.

Sharu didn’t know how many people’s life essence had been absorbed to achieve his current strength. Piccolo struggled to stand up. Sharu walked towards Piccolo. Before Piccolo stood up, Sharu gave it again. He kicked.

This kick kicked Piccolo directly into the distance, and Sharu walked towards Piccolo again. Looking at these scenes in front of him, No.18 began to disbelieve his eyes, "Are No.17 and Piccolo putting water?"

No. 16 said firmly to No. 18, “That’s not the case, that Sharu is too strong, you better run away! No. 18! No. 17 will not listen to people’s persuasion, if both of you are absorbed, He is truly invincible in the world, and the world is over."

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