Sharu's size is similar to that of No. 16, so they didn't suffer when they collided. After the two hit them, Sharu immediately stuck his tail on No. 16's neck.

At this time, No. 16 stopped attacking, and Sharu looked at him excitedly, "The vulnerable guy, I want to absorb all of you!" No. 16 just closed his eyes quietly, Sharu expanded his full strength and absorbed No. 16. energy of.

After a few seconds, Sharu was surprised, and the energy was recovered, "You are...", only 16 opened his eyes, smiled, grabbed Sharu's tail, and pulled it out of his neck. !

Sharu was still surprised, "Damn it! Is it a complete robot type?" Number 16 flew up, grabbed his tail, shook him up, and hit the ground heavily.

No. 16 jumped down and stepped on Sharu’s tail. Sharu screamed in pain. At this time, No. 16 wrapped Sharu’s tail around his arm and pulled off Sharu’s tail at once. NS.

Sharu yelled again in pain. No. 17 and No. 18 were surprised. Tianjin Fan saw this scene on the distant mountain and was very excited, "I succeeded, and finally took his advantage out."

No.16 looked at Sharu who was embarrassed on the ground, "So you can't absorb No.17 them!" Sharu sat up and said to No.16, "It's a pity! I have piccolo cells on my body!"

At this time, I saw Sharu's tail grow out again, "This little injury is nothing to me who has the ability to regenerate, hahahaha!" Sharu wagged his tail in front of 16.

No.16 also felt helpless in his heart, "It seems that to prevent you from becoming perfect, you can only kill you!" But Sharu confidently said to No.16, "You can't kill me!"

However, No. 16 is also very confident in his own combat effectiveness, "How can I know if I don't try?" "There is no doubt!" Then, Sharu instantly raised his Qi energy to the highest.

The two collided again, and No.16 was negligent and was actually kicked away by Sharu. Sharu took the opportunity to inflict No.16 again and kicked him to the ground again.

No. 18 and No. 17 looked at No. 16 in this way, and their eyes were blurred! At this time, Sharu attacked again at No. 16 who fell on the ground, only to see No. 16 suddenly turned around and hit his arm towards No. 16.

After all, he is a human being, and his body separation will be normal. On the 16th, he immediately retracted his arm, put it on his arm, and knocked Sharu to the ground again, and slapped Sharu to the ground again. On the ground.

This time a heavy blow smashed the ground into a pit. At this time, No. 16 clamped his arms under his armpits. The cylinder on his arms was a machine gun, so he launched a violent shot at the pit!

Once again, a light wave was launched from the center of the circle, the "flash of hell". At this time, the energy on the earth's surface was too much to re-examine, and the earth's crust was directly raised, and countless light waves were randomly rushed out of the ground. .

On the 17th and 18th, as well as Tianjin Fan, the three of them all watched on the uninhabited island. Even Klin, who was going to the Bulma spacecraft, was very surprised. Klin could feel it at such a distance. .

No. 16’s abilities are indeed very powerful. Klin is still feeling the breath, “What’s the matter with such a strong shock wave? It’s not Piccolo... His breath just disappeared. Was it Sharu? Or No. 17 them...”

There were countless scenes and images unfolding in Klin's mind. In the heavenly realm, Wukong also felt this qi. This is not the energy radiated by the individual, but the energy produced by the explosion.

Chapter 1229: Fit! Number 17 is absorbed

Wukong looked at Wuchen nervously, "Wukong!" Wuchen had already felt it, but he didn't say it, "It's true! Sharu's qi suddenly weakened. Although I don't know who it is, please continue to cheer. Bar!"

No. 16 reinstalled his arms, and the three of them were surprised to see such a strong aura. No. 17 and No. 18 were stunned. "He is so powerful, that fellow No. 16!"

The attack power of No. 16 was indeed unexpected by No. 17, and No. 18 felt that No. 16 was incredible, "Really amazing..." At this time, No. 16 looked at No. 18 and said, "Why are you still here? Don’t let you escape. Is it number 18."

But now No. 18 has put down the stone in his heart, "Is it all right? You have killed him!" "He is not dead, although he was injured a little bit, but the blow just now was not enough to kill him, you are on the 17th. Also take the opportunity to escape."

The 16th is very nervous now, but the 17th they don’t care now, "Escape? Don’t be kidding. I have suffered so many crimes. How can I leave without reporting it? Isn’t he already injured? Let me end it with my own hands. Him."

The character of No. 17 is relatively stubborn and it is impossible to listen to other people's ideas. He was born in the image of a teenage rebellious period. Faced with such a crit attack on him by Sharu just now, how could he stop there.

No.17 shouted Sharu's name angrily, "Come out, **** monster! What's wrong? Don't you want to absorb me? I will neither run nor hide until I kill you!"

At this time, a pair of red eyes slowly rose from the hole that was just penetrated behind No.17. These red eyes were Sharu, and Sharu had already been beaten to death.

At this time, Tianjin Fan saw this scene and yelled at No.17 nervously, "No.17, Sharu is behind you!" No.17 panicked and saw that Sharu was really behind him, instantly panicked!

Sharu looked at No. 17 excitedly, "As you wish, I appeared!" Then Sharu directly covered the absorption hole on his tail to No.17's upper body, and No.17 was unable to struggle, "Stop! You **** monster."

No. 16 was very nervous, and hit Sharu at once, but it was too late. No. 17 had been swallowed by Sharu in his tail. After a few seconds, No. 17 was completely swallowed by Sharu!

Tianjin Fan and the androids looked lost and lost their minds, and saw that Sharu seemed to be in pain now, and huge changes had suddenly occurred in his body.

Now Sharu is glowing. Suddenly, a ray of light radiates within his area. No. 18 has been stunned. No. 16 rushed over, "What are you doing? No. 18! Run away, too! !"

On the 16th, he looked at Tianjin Fan on the top of the mountain. Now Tianjin Fan is also aware of the recurrence of the crisis, and Wu Chen and Wu Kong have already felt a strong breath in the heavens, raising another class.

Wu Chen felt that this breath was Sharu's. He turned around and said to Wukong, "Saru's breath has suddenly increased. Oh, one of No. 17 and No. 18 has been absorbed."

And now, Sharu has been transformed into a successful one, Tianjin Fan is all in his eyes, and No. 16 hurriedly took No. 18 to escape, but Sharu rushed to No. 16 and stopped them.

No. 16 realized that it seemed that she couldn't escape, "The speed is too fast, there is no way!" Sharu's appearance after the advancement has indeed undergone a huge change, "Do you think you can escape from my palm?"

Tianjin Fan was not reconciled on the top of the mountain, "I'm sorry, dumplings, I might die." Sharu walked to the beach and looked at the way in the sea, "This lightning speed makes me shocked, of course. It’s the blessing of dragging the number 17."

Sharu looked back at them, "How about the strength?" No.16 understood what he meant. At the moment when Sharu turned around, No.16 punched him, but this punch was not painful or itchy. The heart hit the face, Sharu didn't move!

But Sharu was very angry. He launched a shock wave towards No. 16 and hit his head. No. 16 fell to the ground and raised his head again. Half of No. 16's head was gone, revealing the appearance of a machine.

The control system inside was damaged. Sharu tried his arm, "The strength has also increased a lot!" Sharu set his sights on No.18 this time and smiled, "So! Yes, you are quite smart. , Knowing it doesn’t help to escape!"

"Okay, it's your turn. Do you want to become perfect with me or continue to resist?" Sharu walked towards No. 18, only to see No. 18 put his hand on his chest.

"Don't get close, or I will detonate myself. If I die, you must have a headache!" Sharu looked at No. 18 not like a joke, and there is no need to joke with him.

Sharu smiled and said, "Can you hear it? No. 18! It's me No. 17, and I am now with Sharu. It feels great! You will be absorbed soon, so that you can become the ultimate life form. "

Chapter 1230: The Eighteenth Threat

Sharu spoke these words to the 18th in the voice of the artificial human on the 17th. The 16th woke up the 18th who was still talking, "Don’t be deceived, the 18th! That's just Sharu again. Just use the voice of the seventeenth."

This was immediately revealed by the 16th, and Sharu stared at the 16th who was sitting on the ground, "You guys, don't worry about it! Shut up! How can a robot understand our feelings, come on! 18th Don't get lost anymore."

So Sharu spoke to the 18th in the 17th voice again, "Assimilate quickly! This way, you can have the strongest strength, and then inherit the wishes of Lord Gero to fight Sun Wuchen to conquer the world."

At this time, the 18th also understood, "You are not the 17th! We have always hated Dr. Gero who reformed us without authorization, so we won't call him Lord Gero."

Seeing this situation, Sharu is not acting anymore, "In this case, I will let you suffer! Don't do unnecessary resistance. It will take a little time for you to detonate yourself! My actions are faster than you, and I am totally capable. Stop you from committing suicide! Give up!"

Hearing these words from Sharu, No.18 lowered the hand on his chest, but as Sharu came over, No.18 subconsciously put his hand on his chest again.

At this moment, Sharu suddenly felt a breath of anger. When he looked up, Tianjin Fan was already standing in the air above him. Sharu looked at him very angrily, "Small, what do you want to do!"

I saw Tianjin Fan put his hands together and put the void in his hand to Sharu's standard, the "New Qigong Cannon". This shell hit Sharu directly.

The power of this shock wave is too strong. It directly overturned the 18th to the ground. Everyone felt very surprised. Even Wukong felt this powerful aura.

Although Tianjin Fan's strength is not as high as theirs, Tianjin Fan has developed a lot of moves. This time the shock wave consumes too much energy, and is panting.

Tianjin Fan looked at the 16th and the 18th in the air, "What a daze, run away!" Shalu rushed towards Tianjin Fan again from the pothole on the ground.

Abandoning the Tianjin meal of life and death, can Sharu be stopped? In the face of Shalu’s attacks one after another, Tianjin Fan is also constantly launching new waves of qigong.

After Sharu absorbed the 17th, his strength was greatly improved. In order to become a complete body, Sharu's goal changed again.

On Guixian Island, Yamucha and Guixianren are still observing the situation here, "So strong, I don't know what's the situation?" At this moment, Dumpling came out from behind with a panic expression, "Brother Tian, will die!"

Tianjin Fan kept launching Qigong waves in the air, Shalu was completely unable to fly up, and was suppressed again and again, but this would consume a lot of physical strength of Tianjin Fan.

Wukong and the others looked at the situation in the lower realm in the heavens, "Tianjin Fan is still working hard, but the qi is constantly weakening!" Mr. Bobo can also feel the breath of Tianjin!

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