"Wu Chen feels like..." When Immortal Turtle was still thinking, the door suddenly opened and Bulma and Little Trunks walked in, "How are you!" "Oh, it's Bulma!"

When Bulma saw that they were still watching TV, he knew what they were watching. "Are they still fighting now?" Immortal Turtle nodded, "Rather than watching it alone, it's better to find someone who understands it. It's easier to understand."

The battle between Sharu and Sun Wuchen is still going on. The two of them have been fighting non-stop, and they are now out of breath. Indeed, this is too exhausting. "What's the matter? Sun Wuchen! Is that the end?"

Sun Wuchen was definitely not reconciled. He rushed towards Sharu, but was punched in the abdomen by him. Sharu grabbed Sun Wuchen by the collar and hit him in the middle of the face, hitting him on the mountain!

A pile of rocks pressed Sun Wuchen underneath. Sharu wanted to come over and give him a heavy blow, but unexpectedly he exploded all the rocks and hit Sharu. This was a very effective blow. Effect.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Chen continued to attack Sharu continuously. In this way, the death battle between Sun Wuchen and Sharu continued. The two of them had no restrictions on the venue, their bodies were greatly relaxed, and their strength was also enormous. promote.

Even Sun Wuchen used the "Turtle Blaster" and failed to tell the victory or defeat. The highest-level decisive battle between the two continued. After that, Wuchen used all his strength to launch an attack, and Sharu suffered a fierce attack from Sun Wuchen.

He has been in a defensive state. Facing his fierce attack, he couldn't stop Sun Wuchen's attack. Klin looked at the situation now very clearly, "Very well, Wuchen! It's not too bad, it's almost impossible to fight. It's Sharu."

Just when they were very happy, Vegeta saw that the current situation suddenly became a little bit serious, and Wukong looked a little worried. It was too exhausting. In the end, Sharu came to a big crit and underwent too much pressure. , It exploded directly.

This area has all become Sharu’s battlefields. Sharu also stood panting in the defensive shield and looked at the outside world, Sun Wuchen, "You were able to force me to use the shield. Your attack was indeed very powerful. I was injured. It's not light!"

Now all the audiences looked very surprised, one by one was stunned and heart-stringed, "Although I don't know what's going on, it's amazing!" "It's really amazing!" The result from the mouths of these audiences is what it is. The real answer.

Kiki’s grandmother watched the TV and said to her wife, "My dear, is the person next to Kiki’s husband really? Has he dyed his hair recently?" The old man nodded, but looked very powerful. Look like.

"Speaking of him, he always wears strange clothes!" The old man and the old lady watched the TV intently. They saw Monkey King from the wide angle of the camera. Kiki suddenly sneezed here, "Who is talking about me!"

Everyone was very nervous in front of the TV. On Guixian Island, Bulma and Teacher Wu Tian were also watching TV, "It's a shame, just a little bit!" "Just a little bit? Indeed, on the surface it seems Evenly matched!"

Immortal Turtle looked at the situation now very serious, "Saru seems to be much more relaxed than Wu Chen! Now Wu Chen's physical ability has been weakened too much!"

Bulma looked a little confused, "Is that right?" "It's a pity that Wu Chen can't win! And I think Wu Chen knows he can't win, and is still fighting! What on earth does he want to do?"

Sharu retracted his defensive cover and looked at the panting Sun Wuchen, "It seems that his physical strength has dropped a lot! Sun Wuchen! Go and eat a fairy bean! This kind of battle will be more exciting!"

Trunks and the others were very surprised that Sharu could actually let Sun Wuchen eat fairy beans, so they said to Klin, "Good opportunity, just as that guy said, give Mr. Wuchen fairy beans, and then we can attack together. It hit Sharu."

Yamucha listened to Trunks's thoughts, and it was really good, "Yeah, let's do it!" But watching Klin linger, Trunks looked at them, "Mr. Kobayashi!"

Then I looked at Monkey King and Piccolo. They looked at the battle with the same expression as Klin. Then I looked at Dad again. They all had the same expression!

Just when Trunks asked Clin for the fairy beans again, he was stopped by Vegeta, "Shut up, Trunks, don't you have any Saiyan dignity? I think he would rather die in battle. I don’t want to win that way."

"Listen well, that guy is not just fighting for the earth now, remember it!" Trunks couldn't understand, "but...go on like this..." Vegeta looked at the battle between the two in front.

"Indeed, he may be killed! Although it is very annoying, but I must admit! I have conducted a high-intensity special training for today, but I still can't surpass Sun Wuchen. That **** is a genius, but Sharu is better than him..."

Trunks is also very confused now, "What should I do? Don't you just stand by?"

"Didn't you say that he has a special battle plan? Let's look forward to it."

Chapter 1273 Sun Wuchen's Surrender

"Mr. Wuchen, what is your battle plan? What should you do with such a powerful Sharu?" And Sharu was still very relaxed, "What's the matter? Sun Wuchen! Is it because of self-esteem that he doesn't want to eat Fairy beans!"

"Now my physical strength is also greatly weakened. If you can attack with all your strength, you may still have a chance of winning. It is better than nothing! I look forward to this battle being more intense."

At this time, Sun Wuchen calmed down. Suddenly, he lowered his breath, looked at Sharu in the air, and said to him seriously, "I surrender, I surrender, Sharu, I know you are very powerful! I give up! ."

This made everyone very surprised. He obviously still had the last chance to fight, but he didn't need it. Hearing the words surrender was a heavy blow to everyone!

"What?" "Surrender?" "How could..." "Wu Chen would surrender?" "Have anything like this happened so far?" "What is that guy thinking?" "Wu Chen!" Surprised for this!

Vegeta, Klin, Trunks, Tianjin Fan, Yamucha, Piccolo, Monkey King! The seven of them felt very puzzled in the audience. Sun Wuchen never gave up. It was the first time they witnessed Sun Wuchen's failure.

Bulma and the others watched TV, "Why would Sun Wuchen, who would never surrender, surrender?" Even Sharu felt very incredible, and he didn't want to hear this result. In the face of everyone, only Sun Wuchen could fight himself once.

Sharu is just not reconciled now. For Yamucha and the others, it is unbelievable... "You want to surrender? Sun Wuchen! Are you planning to end this battle?" "Yes, I lost!"

The ordinary people in the distance looked at the scene in front. The host looked at the photographer, "Has it been taken? What did the young man say?" "What the microphone received was indeed'surrender'."

"Sun Wuchen! Do you know the meaning of that sentence? If no one wins in the Sharu game, all humans on earth will be wiped out by my own hands."

"Saru, don't get me wrong! I didn't mean that no one is fighting with you!" "It makes no difference!" Sharu turned to look at the people next to him, "Even if Vegeta, Piccolo, Trunks are strong Some improvement, it’s definitely not as good as you."

"None of them are my opponents!" Although the three of them were very annoyed by hearing this, but in fact, they were daring not to say anything. They received a positive answer and the host was confident, "Well, Mr. Satan! It's your turn to play again!"

As soon as Satan heard these words, he was stunned, "I have taken a good rest, this time we must clean up that kind of guy!" "Master Satan, please fight splendidly!" "Yes! Master!"

The people next to him gave him a hand, but Satan knew his strength. He also knew that the strength of the monster in front of him was not a level at all. If he went, he would die, but in the face of the threats of a few of them, he could do nothing. .

"That's right, let that guy be scared!" The camera pointed at Satan. Suddenly, Satan squatted on the ground with his stomach. The host felt very strange, "Mr. Satan!"

"Damn it, it hurts, I obviously want to fight, and I won't lose to that guy! But my stomach... hurts!" Astonished and put on a painful posture.

Sun Wuchen looked at Sharu, "Can I appoint the next person to join the battle?" "Are you really planning to surrender?" Vegeta looked very angry, "What is that guy going to do? No one is Sharu's opponent. "

"The next battle will be the end of Sharu's game! If even he loses, no one can beat you! But I'm sure he can beat you!" "What?"

"That's why I surrendered and gave everything to him!" "In other words, is that guy stronger than you and me?" "Impossible! People who are stronger than me do not exist in this world!" Oh!"

"Then I ask you, who is that non-existent person?" Everyone was looking forward to calling out his name. The photographer recorded what they said very seriously, "I'm finally going to say the name."

Satan squatted on the ground and was still nervous, "Does he mean me Mr. Satan?" Satan clicked on Bisha's leg, "Hey, go and tell that guy, I have a stomachache and can't fight!"

Sun Wuchen turned and looked at his friends, passing them one by one. They were all very nervous. Sun Wuchen looked at them seriously, "It's time for you to play! Wukong!"

He was surprised when he didn't hear the name he was referring to. They knew that Wukong's strength was not as good as Wuchen, and they wanted Wukong to die, it was simply! Sharu heard the name, "Stop kidding, I thought who it was, it turned out to be the defeated player."

At this time, in Qiqi's house, Qiqi directly picked up the TV, very nervous, "Damn Sun Wuchen! How can Wukong face this terrible opponent! What do you want to do?"

The Bull Demon King was pulling Qiqi beside her, but she was very nervous and angry. Wukong was under great pressure now, and everyone's expectations fell on him.

Wukong was also very nervous, "Should I go to fight Sharu?" Wu Chen flew to their side, "It's time for you to play! It's okay! Wukong!" Piccolo looked at Sun Wuchen very angrily, "Stop talking nonsense," Sun Wuchen!"

"How could he have beaten Sharu, indeed! Goku's current strength is very surprising, but the opponent is Sharu who can't even beat you!"

Chapter 1274 Sharu's Full Blood Resurrection

"Piccolo, Wukong's strength is far beyond our imagination. Just imagine that as a Saiyan, his own Saiyan physique has not been discovered. I was not so capable before I became a Saiyan."

But Klin still felt it was impossible, "But... even if you become a Super Saiyan, so suddenly... yeah!" Klin was still a little unacceptable, and Sun Wuchen told them, "In the house of spirit and time, he is deeply sealed. The sleeping power is beginning to liberate."

Sun Wuchen walked towards Monkey King, "How is it? Wukong! Did you feel dazzled by my fight with Sharu just now?" "No! Because Wuchen and Sharu didn't go all out!"

"I don't know how Sharu, but I have done my best! In other words, do you think we still have one hand?" Piccolo was also very surprised, "Is it... Goku!" Monkey King looked at Piccolo and clicked. nod.

Vegeta was already shocked by what they said, "How could it be possible to fight like that... Monkey King actually..." Vegeta was very surprised that he did not have the Super Saiyan Sun Wukong, who he had become in advance, and could actually feel this way. Strong attack.

It is incredible. Monkey King is obviously not as strong as himself, but his strength has increased so fast now, "Asshole, it's impossible, how could his strength increase so fast!"

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