"Is that so..." The host felt helpless, "Because it is me that can bear this kind of pain, ordinary people have passed out long ago!" "As expected of Mr. Satan!" Satan laughed happily," Does your stomach hurt anymore?"

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!" Satan pretended to be very serious! Facing the number 16 head on the ground in front of them, hope is getting dimmer, and Sharu's actions are very cruel.

Now, even Sun Wuchen has nothing to do with Xiao Sharu, and directly hits Sun Wuchen with a crit. Relatively speaking, Piccolo and their abilities are still relatively strong, and Sun Wuchen is currently exhausted and unable to keep up!

"Tianjin Fan, Ya Mucha, Wu Chen has exhausted all his strength against Sharu just now! Go and cover him!" Xiao Shalu rushed towards Piccolo, but was grabbed directly by Piccolo and turned towards the little one in front of Tianjin Fan. Sharu smashed over.

Piccolo took the opportunity to kick the little Shalu on Yamucha and kicked it down from the top of the mountain. At this time, Tianjin Fan and Yamucha came to Wuchen's side, just as this little Shalu was enjoying himself. At that time, Tianjin Fan and Yamucha caught him.

The two of them grabbed one of his arms and kicked him on his stomach at the same time. In this way, all three Sharu fell in one place, "Thank you!" Sun Wuchen reluctantly said to them.

"It's not the time to thank you!" Facing the three young Sharu, they tried their best to deal with it, and Vegeta still continued to pester him, and Klin was also very critical. Fortunately, Piccolo rushed. Go over and help him deal with it.

But just as they were relaxing, the little monster that was hit by Piccolo at the foot of the mountain stood up, jumped up, kicked it towards Klin, and kicked him directly to the ground from the air.

When Monkey King saw this scene, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but at this moment, the little Sharu suddenly jumped out of the air, stepped on Klin's waist and couldn't move.

Now, this little Sharu is a pair of mad kicks against Klin, and Monkey King is getting more and more fearful, more and more nervous, and more and more worried, "Stop! Except Trunks, no one else can use Dragon Ball to resurrect. ."

Looking at the previous scene, Monkey King started to get a little angry, and the emotions in his heart were extremely unstable. Shalu looked at Monkey King behind him, "The qi has increased a bit, very good, and finally a little angry."

"If you don't quickly let me see your true power, the consequences will be disastrous! Take a good look, Vegeta and Trunks can only barely challenge. Sun Wuchen, who consumes too much energy, is already very dangerous."

Trunks and Vegeta are still fighting these little Sharu. Facing these little monsters, Vegeta is already crazy, "It's so powerful, these little dwarfs actually..."

Yamucha looked at these monsters, very angry, and punched him directly. Unexpectedly, this little Shalu hugged Yamucha's arm, and then hit Yamucha's arm with an elbow. broken!

Now, Klin, Tianjin Fan, Piccolo, they are all no match for this little monster on the opposite side, Wu Chen has no ability to fight back, and is directly hit by these little Sharu to the ground, completely incapable of standing up!

"I'm so sorry everyone! It shouldn't... Things shouldn't be like this..." Now, Wu Chen was late, and he didn't expect things to happen to this point.

"Everyone... will be killed... If there is really hidden power in my body, let him show it, I will use it to hit Sharu! But what should I do now? How angry... can I show that power, I do not know."

Now everyone is powerless to fight, Vegeta is the most angry one, "How can I get entangled with you gangsters, disappear!" Said and launched an attack on the opposite Sharu.

This little Sharu smiled very interestingly. Vegeta fired the shock wave cannon directly at this Sharu at this time. Little Sharu did not evade the afterburner, and actually caught this time easily. attack!

Moreover, what’s more interesting is that he kicked the afterburner directly, burst into an instant, and rushed to Vegeta again, hitting him **** the ground, and the special Sun Wuchen, lying on the ground, also let it go. The monster beats.

After this attack, Vegeta became even more angry. She burst out with the greatest strength and rushed up, knocking Sharu off with a punch. The ordinary people watching the battle from a distance looked at this in fear. Battle.

"Those are living species, but they are definitely not humans!" "Yes! If it goes on like this, it is really dangerous. Get out!" The host and the photographer discussed it!

And the disciples next to him also thought, "Mr. Satan, let's run away too!" Hearing these words, Satan looked at them courageously, "How is it possible, how can I, a champion, escape?"

"Do you want to stay here anymore?" These disciples of his were also very scared. Satan took the opportunity to reason, "No! Go to the hospital first! Heal the stomachache and come back. Okay, now that it's decided, let's go! "

Chapter 1280

"Wait!" When Satan heard these words, he was taken aback for a moment. He was very afraid of these things, but pretended to be very calm. He looked back, and the disciples shook their heads. The host and the photographer The teacher also shook his head.

He was very surprised at who said, "Please wait!" Everyone's eyes were cast on the head on the ground. The 16th is not dead yet, "Please! Before you leave, please take me to the kid." Around."

"Obviously there is only one head left, but they are still talking!" Next time a group of them panicked, "Please...for the earth..." It is very difficult to speak on the 16th now! "Don't be kidding! Sharu, I'm near that kid!"

"That's right, let Mr. Satan go to such a dangerous place!" The host also cooperated with what the 16th said, and looked at Satan on the 16th, "You want to do your best... as a world martial arts champion..."

"Mr. Satan is the champion of mankind! He can't control the things between you monsters!" The broadcaster was very worried about Mr. Satan's safety. When Satan heard what he said, he quickly washed himself out!

"Don't talk nonsense, whether it's a monster or not, it's not my opponent. I just want to go to the hospital to have a look at my stomach!" "Please! Champion!" The 16th looked at Satan very firmly.

"Really, Mr. Satan! Don't worry about those monsters!" "That's right! If you don't hurry to the hospital..." Satan himself was struggling, and they seemed to be unable to persuade him.

"Okay! Leave it to me!" Satan also walked over nervously and picked up the head of No.16. All of them looked at Satan's back, and the host was very surprised when he saw it!

"Don't go! I'll be killed!" "It's so noisy. Those nameless juniors and even children are fighting. If I, the champion, I will be ridiculed if I escape!"

Satan looked at the head of No. 16 in his hand, very nervous, "Just get nearby, right!" "Trouble!" And here Piccolo and the others are still attacking the Sharu! Satan is also running away within their attack range!

"It's really scary, it's really scary!" At this time, Satan was already frightened and nervous, "Just throw me nearby!" Satan heard it, wishing to be so!

Looking at the way they were tortured, Sun Wukong had already devastated himself extremely. There were tears in his glasses. He wanted to stimulate the potential power in his body, but he couldn't express his anger.

"Stop it! I'll let you stop!" Sharu looked miserable at Monkey King, but the more miserable he is, the happier Sharu will be. "It's still a little short! Okay, little Sharu, the game is over. Don't be polite if you want to kill them."

Hearing this, Monkey King became even more angry, "Very good! You will succeed soon! Kill them!" Shalu looked at Monkey King from his side of light and slowly analyzed his breath. He must hold the Monkey King inside. The latent breath burst out.

At this time, Satan also ran over, hiding behind the stone very hard, and threw the head of No.16 in the past. Monkey King and Sharu looked at this head, very curious, "No.16?"

"Monkey King! Fighting for justice is definitely not a crime. Some people can't reason with him. Let go of your burden and vent your anger freely! I understand how you feel! But you don't need to be patient anymore!"

Sharu walked towards the head, "Good suggestion! But I...I'm doing it my way?" On the 16th, he looked at Monkey King and said, "Goku! Protect what I like...nature...and animals Come on! Please..."

As soon as he finished speaking on the 16th, Sharu completely trampled on the head of the 16th with one foot, and in the end even his chip completely failed! Monkey King watched this scene in horror, Sharu looked at the broken parts on the ground, "Nosy, you rubbish!"

At this moment, a scene appeared in Monkey King’s mind. A little bird wandered in Monkey King’s mind. Suddenly, an inspiration appeared. Monkey King broke out. The breath now far exceeds that of the Super Saiyan before Monkey King. Breath.

The current Monkey King was extremely angry, and there was a trace of tears in his eyes. Sharu was also feeling this breath, and this breath was extraordinary, which made him a little scared.

Finally... Monkey King’s anger finally surpassed the limit, but this was exactly the energy Sharu wanted. Others looked at Monkey King very surprised! Now all hopes are pinned on Monkey King.

And Sun Wuchen has already seen hope, and now Sun Wukong has burst out potential power, even Vegeta feels incredible, "On this level? You and Trunks made the same mistake!"

"I can't beat me just by improving my strength!" While everyone was still surprised, these little Sharu didn't stop attacking, and attacked them again. Sure enough, they couldn't be distracted, every second counted!

Although Sun Wuchen was unable to struggle, he had already seen hope, and he was very happy, letting Xiao Sharu's cruel blows on him, but this was only temporary.

Chapter 1281 Sun Wukong finally broke out

Sun Wukong can't stand it anymore at this time, "Stop! You guys stop!" As the aura improved, Sharu was already a little frightened. He didn't know that the energy would be so high, and it seemed to be similar to Trunks's aura. Different.

"What? That's right, that's it!" When Shalu was about to be surprised, he recalled his goal. His goal was to inspire Monkey King. Now his ability has improved, which is exactly what he wants.

Now his breath has spread to Sharu, "It has changed!" The ordinary people are even more surprised, "They are all monsters!" At this time, his energy has affected the electromagnetic waves, which caused all the ratings to be wiped out. !

"I won't let you go!" At this time, Monkey King's appearance has changed, and there is obviously some difference from the previous Super Saiyan. Sharu was amazed at Monkey King.

"Finally my real power has been exerted. This is much more interesting!" Wukong came to Sharu and grabbed the fairy bean bag. Even Sharu did not react. This speed is really fast. !

"Impossible, even the fairy bean... Damn it!" As Sharu was attacking Monkey King, he suddenly disappeared and once again came to one of the Xiao Sharu on the opposite side.

This little Sharu confidently attacked the Monkey King, but what he didn't expect was that Monkey King’s attack power had increased too much, and he immediately defeated Little Sharu!

All of them now looked at Monkey King in amazement. Sharu was the most surprised one. He didn't expect that Monkey King could defeat his small clone instantly.

"The little dwarf who made us fight hard... One blow..." This surprised Vegeta. He didn't believe that Monkey King had improved such a powerful attack power. He was very emotional, and even Trunks was very surprised.

Sun Wuchen lay on the ground and watched Monkey King fight, "Hahahaha, as expected, Wukong's potential has finally been stimulated! Sharu's death date is here! Wukong will never let you go!"

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