"Brother, you are so handsome like this!" "Is it true? Goten!" When it was the next day, when it was dark, the Monkey King got up. He wanted to get up early and go to school. "Then I go to school." !" "Brother, goodbye!"

Kiki repeatedly told Gohan, "Gohan! Be slow on the way to school, and be careful not to get hit by the plane!" After that, Gohan turned into this equipment again, only Gotian felt that this equipment was very good. handsome.

Chapter 1313

After speaking, Sun Gohan flew away, "Starting today, somersault cloud will let you use it!" Kiki looked at Gohan, "It seems that Gohan is very happy this time! Since yesterday, he has transformed several times. "Brother, you are so handsome!"

The younger brother of Gohan who looks exactly like him is named Wu Tian. He is Wukong's second child. Sun Wukong has already flown to the heavens to practice with Piccolo.

"Okay, at this speed, it only takes 20 minutes to get to the school!" Monkey Gohan flew to the school quickly and landed directly on the top of the teaching building, hiding on the balcony to the back of the house to collect the equipment.

"Great, this way, I can sleep later in the future!" When they were in class, the two students in front of Gohan talked with each other, "I heard that a new messenger of justice appeared on the street yesterday. Yes, but it's not the golden warrior anymore."

"I heard that although his costume is terrible, but it's quite powerful. I also heard that it is called Saiyan Masked Man!" Just now Sun Gohan sounded quite interesting, but when I heard this, He was not convinced in his heart.

"It's Saiyan Masked Superman, stupid!" "Odd, it's weird, how can you be so clear?" Son Gohan knew that he was talking too much, "because I heard it from someone who saw him with my own eyes!"

Vidili has been paying attention to Monkey King. At this time, the watch on her hand rang, "I am Vidili!" "There was a bus hijacking incident. The location was at the bus terminal in the Eastern District."

"It is reported that there are three robbers. After they got on the travel bus of the Old People's Association, they asked for a ransom before they were willing to let them go. Please..." Just as the police were making contact, the robbers fired again.

"Hurry up and bring me the ransom, otherwise these old men and old women will die", "Request immediate support!" "I see, I'll be there now!" After finishing speaking, Vidili told The teacher ran out.

Son Gohan asked Eliza curiously, "What does Vidili do? Where does she go?" "Her hobby is to uphold justice!" "To uphold justice?" "Because she is the savior of this world— Mr. Satan’s daughter!"

"Because she is really good, so the police often ask her to help!" Sun Wufan was quite surprised, "Don't underestimate Vidili, although Vidili is a girl, she can do her best. Above me!"

"I think Bidili's strength might be better than her dad, Mr. Satan!" Sun Wufan thought for a while, "She is even better than Mr. Satan?" Sun Wufan listened to him as Wukong said. There is an ordinary person’s challenge, and that person is Satan.

"It's the same as Mr. Satan, isn't it too dangerous?" After speaking, Sun Wufan ran out of the toilet because of the reason. She came to the rooftop, put on this equipment, and flew to the place of the accident.

Now the police have handed over the ransom to the robbers, but they did not intend to exchange hostages, so they started the car and couldn't hit the hostages. This really embarrassed the police, but the old man in the car was not at all scared. mean.

Instead, I enjoyed the journey very much, "The car finally started, I don’t know where they are going to take us for a walk!" "Yes, but it’s the first experience of being hijacked by the bus!" "I want to live a better life." Longer!"

"Mr. Carjacking, shall we take a picture together?" "Don't talk about you, you are our hostage!" "Come on, laugh!" The robbers cooperated and took a photo together, and the bus was already running. To the distance, the police car continued to follow.

At this time, Billy was already flying the plane towards the bus. The robbers saw that Vidili was coming, and they were very worried. They shot at the plane and the old people in the car were very excited. Miss Dilly, take a picture for her."

Son Gohan was also coming here. Vidili’s plane landed on the bus. Son Gohan was surprised to see Vidili’s quick movements. Just as the robbers were changing their magazines, Dilly kicked the glass to pieces and jumped straight up.

After beating these robbers violently, the old people behind looked very wonderful, the robbers were quickly defeated by Vidili, "Miss Vidili succeeded with a fatal kick", just when they were happy At that time, the car drove directly under the cliff.

However, in the process of falling, they suddenly stopped falling. They both felt incredible. Vidili looked out the window and saw that the so-called justice messenger had lifted the car.

Everyone cheered, and Vidili **** the three robbers. These old people were not surprised at all, but felt that this journey was very interesting, "What a walk in hell! Fortunately! There is no danger!"

Vidili took a step forward and looked at the messenger of justice, "Who are you?" "I am, all evil nemesis, messenger of justice... Saiyan Masked Superman... That's great, what I said. Great!" Monkey King made a series of moves.

Chapter 1314

Seeing the actions of this unknown person, Vidili thought he was weird and particularly earthy, "He is the messenger of justice? Saiyan Masked Superman...", "Then, goodbye! Miss Vidili", finished. , Monkey King flew away.

Bi Dili was even more surprised, "How did he know my name?" These old people are very grateful to this Superman, a new hero was finally born, his name is the Messenger of Justice, Saiyan Masked Superman, the identity of Gohan Will it be exposed?

That night, Sun Gohan was still thinking about his fighting pose at home. He always wanted to play in the most handsome pose. Only Wu Tian thought he was very handsome. Kiki also left, come and see if he has completed his own. idea.

"Mom, you'll be well soon, don't worry!" "However, you should almost go to bed. If you are late for school tomorrow in bed, I won't care about you!" "Don't worry, it won't!"

By the next day, he overslept as expected. Sun Wufan turned into an anxiously and flew to the school. "It's over, I'm late!" Sun Wufan also jumped onto the roof of the teaching building. When he ran to the exit, he suddenly saw A girl stood there looking at him.

Sun Wufan also went down very worried, "The girl saw that I was transformed, then the fact that I was the masked Superman Saiyan was completely exposed!" He ran into the class very nervously and sat down.

Shap looked at him, "Why are you so behaved, the teacher hasn't come yet!" At this moment, a girl walked in from the door, who turned out to be the **** the rooftop just now, who was in the same class.

This girl looked at Monkey King, her eyes filled with longing eyes. She was in class now, and Monkey King was still worried about what happened just now, which caused her to run away in class. The teacher told him that she didn’t even know, and she felt very much in her heart. Taboo this matter.

"That girl must have seen me transforming. I hope she won't tell other people about it!" At this time, the teacher walked up to Sun Wufan, "Sun Wufan!" Scared Sun Wufan from the chair. Jumped up.

"Sun Wufan! What are you in a daze? Go to the hallway to the penalty station!" Vidili looked at Sun Wufan very horribly, but the girl's eyes were full of worry just now, and Sun Wufan stood outside. It doesn't hurt to face down.

However, he just kept thinking about that thing in his heart, "It's really troublesome!" The girl didn't have the mind to study anymore, and all she was thinking about was Sun Wufan. The teacher happened to call this girl again, "Ann Kira, translate it!"

The girl had been lying on the table and sighed. The teacher walked up to her. She just nodded helplessly. After the teacher woke her up again and again, Angela reacted, "Teacher, I'm sorry!" I cried on the table.

Facing the female student crying in class, the teacher suddenly raised his hand at a loss. Just as helpless, the girl suddenly stood up and said, "I know! I was wrong!" She ran out happily.

Monkey King also looked at Angela who walked out curiously, "Well... why are you..." Angela stood next to Monkey King nicely, "She, what the **** is she doing?" "This...Son Wufan classmate..."

He looked back at Angela, and directly Angela had an expression of desire. Monkey King still didn't understand what this was doing? "Why, what's the matter?" "My name is Angela!" "Please...please advise."

Chapter 1315 The Past of Qiqi and Monkey King

"I know this is sudden, but do you have a girlfriend?" "This...I..." In fact, this question is really embarrassing to ask. Sun Wufan doesn't know how to answer, and doesn't say anything, but Angela looked disappointed.

"I knew you had a girlfriend!" "Don't cry! This is really nerve-wracking!" Suddenly, Angela raised her head and looked at Monkey King, "I know you have a secret!" Of course the Monkey King was surprised, "Really?"

"Would you like to date me?" "Date?" "I knew you had a girlfriend. I wanted to keep this secret. We two of us kept the secret!" "I know, I promised you." !"

Angela heard that Sun Gohan agreed to her and jumped up happily, "Really? Great, then tomorrow is Sunday, let's go out and make an appointment! At ten o'clock in the morning, I will wait at the Satan station. Watching you!"

When he returned home, Monkey King was still thinking while flying, "I was right. The girl knew that I was Saiyan Masked Superman. In order to prevent him from revealing my identity, I had to Be careful not to make that girl angry."

"But now I think about it if I haven't even dated yet! I'm troubled!" Sun Gohan returned home and started to ask Kiki as soon as he entered the door, "Mom, there is something I want to ask you! You! What was it like when I dated my father for the first time?"

Hearing Sun Wufan said this question, I thought it was very interesting, "You kid is really true, why did you suddenly ask me this question? Well! I remember it was..."

Kiki remembered her previous date with Monkey King. The two were under the tree, but they were both dating for the first time. Moreover, Monkey King was a Saiyan. He didn't have any emotions to say, and they didn't know anything about these things. .

However, although Qiqi is still young, he knows a lot. She tells Wukong to do what she likes together. Who knows that Monkey King came up with a right uppercut, and Qiqi almost didn't react!

Because for Monkey King, fighting was his happy event, and the two of them fought like this, just like this, the two of them are together, Qiqi thinks it's very interesting when she thinks of it.

"At that time, Wukong's right uppercut has been deeply imprinted in my heart so far!" Although Sun Gohan didn't understand their behavior very well, they were together after all.

By the next day, Sun Gohan arrived at the Satan Station on time. He waited for Angela here. After a while, Angela ran over, "Gohan, I’m so touched, you really came here. My date is up."

"Then, can you promise me to keep that secret for me?" Angela raised her head and glanced at Sun Wufan. The way Sun Wufan looked at her didn't say anything. It's best not to make her think Get up that thing.

"Want to watch a movie, I'm so happy?" Angela took Sun Gohan to the cinema. Angela watched the movie affectionately, but this movie had no interest in the numb Sun Gohan. Fall asleep.

Angela looked at him, "Student Son Gohan, is it so boring to be with me? I'm going back!" Angela walked out of the movie theater angrily, and Gohan followed helplessly, "I'm sorry, really I'm so sorry!"

Chapter 1316

Unexpectedly, Angela turned around and smiled at him, "Then let's go to the coffee shop!" The two went to the coffee shop and sat down. Angela looked at Monkey King, "Like this time! You have to Take the initiative to ask the girl how many candies, and then help her add candies."

"Is that so? How many do you want?" "Thirteen!" Sun Wufan was very serious about adding sugar to her. Now he is very nervous. She looked at Sun Wufan, "But Sun Wufan, you This person really can't see it!"

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