He moved his fingers and shook his arm again. He still felt a little strenuous, but he was much better than he was when he woke up last time.

At this moment, a noise from the door caused Ye Chen to turn his head slightly. The old woman who had fed him food walked in from outside the house, and she saw Ye Chen's eyes opened.

"Are you awake? Are you feeling better?" The old woman smiled at Ye Chen, and then sat on the side of his bed, "Do you want to eat something? Tell your mother-in-law to do it for you."

Ye Chen shook his head gently, "Me, what's wrong with me? Where is this?" He finally had the strength to speak. Although weak, he still asked his doubts.

"You were seriously injured. My old man found you under a cliff a few days ago. You were lying in the snow. It is said that you were almost out of breath, but my husband was terrified."

"My wife brought you back home. We didn't have the money to get a doctor, so we had no choice but to resign, but luckily you finally woke up. By the way, my child, how did you fall off such a high cliff?"

The old woman's eyes were full of concern, and she looked at Ye Chen like she was looking at her own child.

Ye Chen didn't notice the look in the old woman's eyes. He recalled what he had experienced before, but no matter how hard Ye Chen tried, he could hardly remember what happened to him.

"Child, what's your name?" Seeing Ye Chen didn't speak, the old woman thought Ye Chen would not answer her own question, so she asked again.

"My name is Ye Chen." The name came out of Ye Chen's mouth instinctively, and even he himself didn't know why he remembered this name.

"I don't know how I fell, I can't remember the previous things." After speaking, Ye Chen looked at the old woman, and a helpless mood gradually spread in his heart.

Ye Chen felt like a traveler. He knew that he had traveled countless roads and had seen many beautiful sceneries, but now, there seemed to be a thick fog behind him, making him unable to see his path at all.

There are still some vague memories in his mind, but whenever he wants to push through the fog to dig out the truth, a severe headache will make him have to stop.

"It's okay, child, it may be that the fall caused you to temporarily lose your memory, and you will remember it someday. Take a good rest." The old woman said, slowly standing up.

Ye Chen looked at the dress on the old woman, and then remembered the dress on the old man before. He suddenly felt a little familiar.

"What age is it now?" Ye Chen suddenly asked the old woman.

"Zhengguan two years." The old woman answered Ye Chen briefly, and then walked out of the house. She didn't notice. After she finished speaking, Ye Chen suddenly hugged her head.

After hearing this era, Ye Chen suddenly felt a splitting headache. The pain this time was a hundred times more unbearable than before. There seemed to be something in his mind about to rush out, which made him extremely painful.

"Ding." A crisp voice suddenly rang in Ye Chen's mind. After hearing this voice, Ye Chen's headache suddenly disappeared.

He shook his head and looked around, but did not see the source of the sound.

"The timeline has been opened-Tang, Zhenguan two years, Xuanzang will go west next year, please be prepared." A mechanical female voice said in Ye Chen's mind.

Chapter 1328

"You, who are you? What Xuanzang? What is going west? Where am I?" After Ye Chen threw out a series of questions, the voice in his head temporarily stopped.

"Detecting abnormalities in the host's brain." A few minutes later, a mechanical female voice came out of Ye Chen's brain again, and Ye Chen was shocked by the fright.

"What test? I don't want to test, you just need to tell me where I am now!" Ye Chen shouted into the air, but the mechanical female voice had no echo.

After that, Ye Chen felt as if something was wandering in his brain. This felt very strange. Although it would not make Ye Chen uncomfortable, he still rejected this feeling very much.

"It's like someone is peeping into my thoughts." Ye Chen suddenly had such a thought, but the feeling only lasted for a moment and then disappeared.

"After the scan was completed, the host was accidentally injured when switching the timeline. The brain was injured and all memories were lost. It is being repaired..."

Ye Chen couldn't stop this woman at all, he didn't even know where the person who had been talking to him was, so he couldn't resist this so-called "repair" at all.

Fortunately, this repair process did not bring any discomfort to Ye Chen. After the woman's voice disappeared, Ye Chen did not feel any fault in his brain.

Even so, Ye Chen was still very scared. Such a strange voice appeared in his mind, but the strange incident that could not find anyone made Ye Chen fear the unknown.

However, after the woman said "repairing", her voice did not reappear in Ye Chen's mind for a long time. Time passed by, and Ye Chen wondered if he had auditory hallucinations.

Half an hour later, just as Ye Chen stared boredly at the gleam of light from the roof, the woman's voice suddenly appeared, causing him to tremble again.

"The repair failed, the host is too seriously injured, and the system consumes too much energy to ensure its survival when switching the timeline, so it is about to enter the dormant state."

"I said, can you give some hints before you show up? It's too scary to be surprised like this." Ye Chen muttered, but the female voice did not give him any response.

"Hey, are you still there?" Ye Chen saw that the female voice hadn't heard back for a long time, so he took the initiative to ask. He had a hunch that this woman should be able to tell everything he wanted to know.

"I'm here." The female voice quickly answered Ye Chen's question, "I don't have much energy. I can only answer a few questions before going to sleep. After that, I will give you an ability. Please ask questions as soon as possible."

"Okay." Ye Chen nodded, although he was not sure whether the owner of this voice could see his movements.

"The first question, who am I?" Ye Chen now most wants to know his identity. He intuitively told him that only by knowing who he is can he remember all his past experiences.

"Because the host's memory is impaired, this question cannot be answered." The female voice has no feelings and looks very cold, and Ye Chen's heart sinks along with the woman's voice.

"Is there really no way?" Ye Chen was not reconciled.

"Please continue to ask the host." The female voice ignored Ye Chen's words, and she seemed to be deliberately avoiding this question.

"Well, then the second question, where exactly is this? Who is Xuanzang you just mentioned? What's going on westward?"

Chapter 1329

Ye Chen knew that this woman must have her own independent mind. If she didn't want to tell herself, she wouldn't be able to ask her identity no matter how she asked, so he simply changed the question.

The woman didn't answer this time. Just when Ye Chen thought that the woman had gone to sleep, he suddenly felt as if something had been forcibly stuffed in his mind.

Ye Chen snorted, which made him uncomfortable, but then some scattered fragments and memories appeared in his mind.

Soon, these fragments were put together into a complete picture, Ye Chen finally had a clear impression of the whole thing, and he also knew where he was now.

"This is... the world of Journey to the West?" Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, and the scroll seemed to be right in front of his eyes. He looked at the content on the scroll seriously.

"All the contents of this world have been filled." The female voice sounded again, and Ye Chen also read the contents of all the scrolls at this time.

Now in Ye Chen's consciousness, he knew all the stories about this world that had happened or was about to happen, and the only thing he had to do now was to wait for Xuanzang to leave.

But sadly, there is only Xuanzang going west in Ye Chen's consciousness, and other things about himself and past experiences are still blank.

"What am I going to do? Is it to follow the four masters and apprentices to learn the scriptures? But I don't know how to fight monsters, and second, I don't have Buddha's predestined relationship. Don't you embarrass me if you let me learn the scriptures?" Ye Chen felt a little helpless.

The system did not answer his question, it seems that the meaning of the system is already obvious, and it is imperative for Ye Chen to embark on the road to the west.

"The host has accepted all westbound information. Next, the host needs to choose one of the three abilities." The female voice sounded again, and a screen-like picture soon appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

There were three options on the screen. Ye Chen couldn't help but smile after seeing these three options.

"Immortality, natural supernatural power, and a steel iron bone? Are you kidding me? These abilities are too nonsense." Ye Chen didn't believe in the abilities that this system gave him.

"The situation is special. Although the host does not have enough points, considering that he wants to survive in an era when monsters are rampant, the system will give away a skill for free."

"Please note to the host that this is the last time the system has given the ability. After the ability is granted to the host, the system will fall into a dormant period until the host completes its westward journey and obtains the truth."

The female voice ignored Ye Chen's suspicion. She had limited time and had to answer Ye Chen's doubts as soon as possible, and then gave Ye Chen an ability that could keep him alive.

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