"That's right, brother, just now you said you want to sue me..." A distressed look appeared on Duke Di's face, and Ye Chen could see through his thoughts at a glance.

"Don't worry, you saved me this time. I won't really sue you. I just said that I just wanted to find out who helped me behind the scenes."

"That's good." Duke Di smiled, "Then Xiaoxian retired first. If you need help from the little brother, just go to the Temple of the Land in the north of the city, call Xiaoxian twice, and Xiaoxian will appear. "

"Yeah, I know." After Ye Chen finished speaking, Duke Di jumped in place. When Ye Chen looked at Duke Di without knowing it, he suddenly saw his body slowly sinking into the ground.

"Brother, let's see bye bye." After the earth said, his body suddenly disappeared in place, leaving no traces on the ground, as if he and the earth were integrated.

"The spells are really amazing, but the time in this world is too short, and there is no time to learn any spells. It seems that I can only learn some from Monkey King in the future."

Ye Chen sighed the magic of the spell, and walked out of the bun shop, he flipped through his mind about the description of the strength in this world.

There are actually two kinds of gods: one is the innate gods, that is, they are born as gods. This kind of gods is the incarnation of the great road, with boundless divine power, but ordinary people cannot cultivate, and are very uncommon. Generally, they live in seclusion on the nine heavens.

The second kind of gods is the gods that often appear in the Journey to the West, that is, human beings cultivate immortals. This kind of gods is cultivated step by step by humans, and is specifically divided into ghosts and immortals, human immortals, earth immortals, gods and gods.

The strength of these kinds of gods is gradually increasing. The Lord of the Land should belong to the land gods. They are immortals wandering on the land. Generally, they don't understand the Great Way, only Xiaocheng, but they can also live forever.

The level of Monkey King probably belongs to Tianxian, that is to say, except for the innate gods and a few extremely powerful Tianxians, basically no one in the world of Journey to the West is an opponent of Monkey King.

This also explains why Monkey King can make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, and beat many immortals all the way to escape, because many immortals are at the level of immortals, and there are few celestial immortals among the immortals who deal with affairs in the heavenly court.

Most celestial beings either live in seclusion, or are like Taishang Laojun, making alchemy all day, basically not asking about world affairs. As for the matter of Sun Wukong overthrowing Taishang Laojun when he jumped out of the alchemy furnace...

Ye Chen thought of this and smiled, "The immortal knows that the avenue is irreversible. It is inevitable for Monkey King to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace. Taishang Laojun is just pushing the boat along the river."

Chapter 1347

Thinking of these things about the strength of Journey to the West, Ye Chen couldn't help but walked to the front of a big restaurant. He turned his head and saw the dazzling array of dishes on the table in the restaurant. He couldn't help but feel a little hungry.

Ye Chen, who had been "fighting wits and courage" with the monsters last night, still hasn't entered, let alone other food.

He hadn't thought about eating two more buns before leaving the bun shop, but when he thought that those buns were made of human flesh, he had no appetite.

Now when he walked to the restaurant, Ye Chen smelled the taste of the wine and vegetables coming out of the restaurant, and suddenly had an appetite, but he had nothing to do, and even if he entered, he was beaten out by others.

"I had known it a long time ago and asked the landlord for some money." Ye Chen thought of this, and shook his head. "It is estimated that there will be no results if you ask for it. These gods are not eating. What do they want money for?"

After struggling in his mind, Ye Chen left the gate of the restaurant. He wanted to go to the imperial city to find Xuanzang, but in his capacity, the imperial city could not be entered naturally, so he had to go to the landlord first. , Let him help himself.

But when Ye Chen had just walked two steps, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps behind him, and Ye Chen turned around and saw a group of government officials.

He looked at these people curiously. This was the first time he saw the gangsters after entering Chang'an City, so he couldn't help but stop, waiting for these gangsters to arrest the prisoners.

"Bold murderer ahead, stop!" A man who appeared to be the chief of the government pointed to Ye Chen's direction. Ye Chen turned his head and looked around, wanting to see which hapless person was who killed someone and was discovered. NS.

But after looking at the people around him, Ye Chen was horrified and found that his surroundings had become a vacuum area, and the people beside him had withdrawn a long distance.

The servants did not slow down at all, they walked toward Ye Chen aggressively, Ye Chen was completely stunned, he looked at the servants, and for a moment he didn't even know what to say.

The leader of the ya service walked to Ye Chen's side and handcuffed Ye Chen's hands and feet. "We suspect that you are related to a murder case in Baozipu. Let us go to the government office!"

Ye Chen was stupid, "I didn't kill those two people, they were killed by the landlord, they are monsters!"

The yavier was stunned for a moment. He looked around at his subordinates, and then a group of yaviers suddenly laughed, "You are really funny, you can't even make up a lie, and return it to the landlord. Why don't you say that the Jade Emperor killed him? people?"

"Really, what I said is true!" Ye Chen weakly defended, but the Ya Ya only thought that this man was a lunatic with hypothesis, and ignored Ye Chen's words at all.

Ye Chen had no choice but to be taken to the official mansion. He was taken to the official office. The official kicked Ye Chen's knee socket. Ye Chen didn't have any effort and fell to his knees.

"Shengtang!" A shrill voice came from the front, and then a senior official dressed in an official mansion walked out, and he sat behind the gong'an in front of Ye Chen.

"Who is in the hall?" Master Guan's voice was extremely powerful. After hearing this, an innocent person like Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little trembling in his heart. The voice seemed to press on him with a lot of pressure.

"Xiaomin Ye Chen, pay homage to the lord." Ye Chen said, kowtow in the direction of Master Guan, he didn't dare to look up at Master Guan from beginning to end.

Chapter 1348

"Ye Chen, do you know what crime you committed?" Master Guan asked Ye Chen. Ye Chen raised his head and looked at the official in front of him.

"Bold!" Master Guan picked up the gavel and slapped it heavily on the public case. "The two families in Chengnan Baozipu were destroyed, but you did it alone?!"

"It's not me, my lord, it's really not me. Duke Land killed the two of them, and one of the two is a monster!" Ye Chen said hurriedly.

"Presumptuous! I dared to speak nonsense in the courtroom. Is it possible that I wanted to clear my own guilt with this?! Come, give me forty shots!"

Master Guan gave an order, and the two yamen walked over from behind Ye Chen. They hit Ye Chen on the back with their sticks, and Ye Chen was lying on the ground at that time.

Afterwards, the two government officials aimed at Ye Chen's back, one by one, and hit Ye Chen's back forcefully. Ye Chen only felt that the skin on the back was open and the pain was unbearable.

"My lord, I really didn't kill anyone!" Although Ye Chen was being beaten, he was still trying to excuse himself. After all, those two people weren't killed by him.

"Continue to fight until he confessed his crime!" Master Guan indiscriminately gave such an order, and Ye Chen almost fainted after hearing this.

"You sir, you are so shameless. In order to solve the case as soon as possible, you want to get rid of it. I tell you, if you didn't kill, you didn't kill. You killed me and I didn't kill!"

Ye Chen yelled and cursed, which made the official sitting behind the gong'an a little suspicious, "Wait."

Ya Ya stopped his hand immediately, Ye Chen raised his head and looked at Master Guan. He didn't know what other bad ideas he wanted to put the crime on his body.

"You said it was not the person you killed, but someone saw that you were the only one who entered the bun shop last night, and you came out before the bun shop opened this morning, and then the corpse was found in the bun shop. How do you explain?"

"It's true that those two people died in front of me, but it really wasn't me who killed them!" Ye Chen shouted loudly. When he just wanted to say Duke Land again, he suddenly closed his mouth.

"Then you say, where is the real murderer now? If you didn't kill someone, why did you run away in a hurry?" The official slapped the gavel again.

"Why didn't the lord bring up the two bodies to see them clearly? If the two are really ordinary people, and I have no grievances with them, why should I kill them and bring disasters to myself?"

"Come here, bring the corpse up!" After hearing this, the master official called his subordinates, but the head of the yakuza was suddenly embarrassed, "My lord, these two corpses..."

"How?" The official official looked at the chief of the yaye, not knowing what he wanted to say.

"It's terrible, and I ask the adults to be psychologically prepared." After the officer's chief said, he ordered his subordinates to bring up the two corpses, and then they lifted the white cloth on the two corpses.

"Damn! The dog thief, Duke Di, you hurt me!" Ye Chen scolded countless words in his heart when he saw the two corpses. The two were beaten up by Duke Di, and now they can’t see their original appearance at all. NS.

Ye Chen couldn't justify himself through these two corpses. Because the man's face was shattered, no one could see that this was once a monster face with blue fangs.

The moment the corpse was uncovered, the expression of Master Guan didn't look good either, his face changed and changed, and in the end he should have resisted not letting himself vomit it out.

"Put the corpse down first, let Hao do a careful inspection, and bring the witnesses up!" The old man covered his mouth with a handkerchief, and then waved his other hand to signal the Yamen to quickly carry the corpse down.

Chapter 1349

The corpses were carried down by the servants. I don’t know why, but an hour before the two died, their corpses already gave off a very strong stench.

The witness was brought up by the bureaucrat. He just walked into the hall of the official office and couldn't help but vomit. It seemed that the smell was really unbearable for ordinary people.

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