"She asked me which immortal incarnation I was." Ye Chen replied in the direction of Jin Guang.

"Hmm... ask which **** you are incarnation? She saw your immortal body?" The fairy in the golden light asked again.

"Yes." Ye Chen can only answer honestly now, because he knows that the immortal in the golden light can scare away even the Bodhisattva, and his status must be more noble than the Bodhisattva.

He can think of only two possibilities for the Bodhisattva to retreat so easily-either the immortal is an innate god, or he is a Buddha.

Chapter 1366

"She didn't ask anything else?" After thinking for a while, the fairy in the golden light asked Ye Chen again.

"No, I didn't know how to answer her at the time, so I just shut up, but I didn't expect the Bodhisattva to get into trouble." Ye Chen briefly said what happened at that time.

"I know." The fairy in the golden light probably knew something, so after he answered one sentence, he didn't make a sound anymore.

But Ye Chen found that the people around him still hadn't changed, which meant that the immortal hadn't left yet. He knew that the immortal would not leave these mortals here alone.

"Ye Chen." After a long while, the fairy suddenly spoke. Ye Chen was not prepared and was frightened, "Ah, ah? What's wrong?"

"Who knows that you have an immortal body? In addition, have you ever met other immortals before?" the immortal in the golden light asked.

"Except for everyone on the scene today, no more people should know. As for the immortals..." Ye Chen suddenly thought of the Taoist man he had met before.

Ye Chen later thought about it carefully, and compared it in "Journey to the West". He found that the person was definitely not an ordinary person. Based on the fact that the person knew about this book, Ye Chen was sure that he must be a very powerful person. Fairy.

And one thing that happened later also showed that the Taoist was not an ordinary person. If nothing else, it was said that the earth public rescued him, if it was not an immortal with a respected position, how could he be able to move these earth immortals?

"I haven't seen it." Ye Chen didn't say anything about the Taoist in a ghostly manner. He faintly felt that the fairy in the golden light might know that Taoist, so he decided not to say it.

But then, Ye Chen remembered that when the fairy in the golden light had just arrived here, Ye Chen remembered that he had something to do with him.

"By the way, this... fairy, what connection do I have with you? Which fairy are you?" Ye Chen suddenly asked, which caused the fairy in the golden light to be general. Did not speak.

"I...I'm just an ordinary immortal, at best I have known more gods, so the Bodhisattva gave me a thin face. As for the relationship between the two of us, it's just a casual comment."

"But there is always a reason for you to save me, right?" Ye Chen suddenly grasped the crux of the matter. What puzzles him most now is why this immortal, whom he has never met, wants to save himself.

"Of course, the reason is that an old friend of mine asked me to rescue you. It's that simple." The fairy seemed unwilling to entangle Ye Chen on this topic anymore.

Ye Chen didn't ask much, he knew that the affairs between the gods were also very complicated, and he could not make it clear in one sentence. He knew too much now that it might be bad for him.

"Ye Chen, do you have a skill?" The fairy changed the subject.

"No, the only thing I can handle right now is my body, but this can only make me immortal, I can't beat monsters." Ye Chen answered truthfully.

"Three days later, I will see you outside the city. At that time, someone will come to you and he will teach you some law decisions. If you keep these laws and decisions in mind, you can at least guarantee the safety of both of you."

After the fairy said, the golden light in the sky suddenly flashed. Ye Chen saw that the officials on the ground had all restored their previous postures. Then, the golden light disappeared, and the surroundings returned to calm again.

Chapter 1367

"Guanyin Bodhisattva, it is Guanyin Bodhisattva!" After the golden light disappeared, the ministers around Ye Chen began to bow in the direction of Guanyin Bodhisattva's disappearance.

Ye Chen saw that the emperor and Wei Zheng also looked at the place where Guanyin used to float in the air with admiring eyes. Ye Chen knew that the immortal must have used some spells just now, and he understood the memories of these people.

The field suddenly became a little messy again, Ye Chen only felt that the ministers around him were extremely noisy.

Only Xuanzang remained the same. He was still the same as before, with his eyes closed, as if he could not see anything or hear anything.

From the very beginning of Guanyin's hostility towards Ye Chen, to the end of the golden light dissipating, Xuanzang seemed to have nothing to do with him from beginning to end, which made Ye Chen also feel a little resentful.

"Smelly monk, seeing that I was so insulted by that Guanyin, you didn't say anything. You usually teach so many great principles to sentient beings, but when you meet a Bodhisattva, you act as a good old man."

"If it weren't because only you can get the scriptures, I would really want to..." Ye Chen's heart slowly rose a little bit of hostility, but this hostility then dissipated.

"Oh, forget it, even if I really want to do something, I'm afraid I really can't do anything with him. I'm already an immortal body, even if I eat his flesh, it's useless."

"What's more, this smelly monk is the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, with a very big background, and his nature is bright and he is protected by a **** in the dark. With my ability, it is estimated that I can't help him."

When Ye Chen was thinking about this, the emperor suddenly made a gesture for everyone to be quiet. The ministers around him instantly calmed down, and Ye Chen finally felt less irritable.

"Master Xuanzang's trip can actually attract Guanyin Bodhisattva to appear. It seems that the significance of this trip to the west is really extraordinary!"

The emperor's tone was a bit agitated. It seemed that when he saw the gods, he was the same as ordinary people, no difference.

"Amitabha, the emperor, the Bodhisattva's appearance should not be just because the poor monk is about to go west. The Bodhisattva is willing to appear in the palace. This also shows that the emperor is a Mingjun, so the Bodhisattva will descend auspicious."

After Xuanzang finished speaking, Ye Chen saw the emperor's face immediately showed a hint of joy, but the joy only flashed, and then, the emperor's expression calmed down again.

"I haven't seen it before. The monk's flattering skills are also top-notch. He also said that the monks don't slander. You don't know if you say these things against your will."

"The emperor's scheming is also deep. He clearly doesn't agree with Xuanzang's words in his heart, and he is still secretly happy, but his face has to show a look like'I have long been used to such a scene'."

Although he thought so in his heart, Ye Chen didn't show it on his face. He echoed his voice and praised the emperor's rule of the country. He actually attracted the Bodhisattva to visit him.

When the surrounding ministers saw this, they began to bow down to the emperor again, saying something like "God bless me, Great Tang".

The emperor touched the beard on his chin. Although his expression did not change much, Ye Chen could see that he was very good at these flattery.

Chapter 1368

After the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs tried his best to praise him, the emperor finally seemed a little tired of listening. Wei Zheng saw the emperor's thoughts, and he waved his hand to signal the hundred officials to calm down.

After that, Wei Zheng looked at the sky, then fell into the emperor's ear and said something. The emperor nodded after listening, and then looked at Xuanzang.

"It's getting late, and I can't delay the Master's time anymore. If the Master does not arrive at today's destination today, I am afraid I will be blamed in my heart."

"Amitabha, the poor monk doesn't dare." Xuanzang clasped his hands together and looked unhurried. Only Ye Chen knew that Xuanzang might be as anxious as a fire now.

"Haha, don't say much, please go now, Master, so as not to miss the opportunity." After speaking, the emperor personally walked to Xuanzang's side and helped Xuanzang on the horse.

Xuanzang was flattered, how dare he really let the emperor help? So when the emperor put his hand on him, Xuanzang immediately got on his horse, and that action didn't look like the strange and weak described in the book.

"Amitabha Buddha, the poor monk set off, the emperor, take care of the dragon body, and wait for the poor monk to get the scriptures and return, and he will recite the blessing scriptures for the emperor and the Tang Dynasty day and night."

After that, Xuanzang straightened the robes on his body, and then he took the tin stick from Ye Chen. After handing the tin stick, Ye Chen took the reins of the white horse.

The emperor looked at Xuanzang riding on the horse, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he didn't know whether it was because of dismay or distress.

"Mage, this time I go to the mountains and rivers, I don't know when I will see you again. I don't ask for anything else, but I only ask the mage to take care of my body and survive the many catastrophes."

As he said, the emperor held Xuanzang's other free hand, "In the future, the mage will return safely, and I will make an undefeated golden body for the mage, and will be admired by the world forever."

"Amitabha, the poor monk thanked the emperor." When Xuanzang said these words, tears filled his eyes, as if bidding farewell to his old friends for many years.

Ye Chen watched this scene of the two big men, and couldn't help but feel a layer of goose bumps on his body, "How do these two men get tired and crooked?" He thought with disgusting interest in his heart.

When Ye Chen was distracted, Xuanzang gently patted the horse's head. After Ye Chen heard it, he led the horse and turned around, and then walked outside the palace.

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