"Haha, these human beings are timid. You will be scared if you eat your kind. If this is the time to eat you, you shouldn't be so scared to pee your pants?" The Bison smiled and looked in Ye Chen's direction.

The eyes of the Buffalo Spirit reflected the light of the fire. The light was not peaceful, but exuding a fierce intent. Coupled with the blood dripping from the corner of the Buffalo Spirit's mouth, he looked like an evil spirit at the moment.

Ye Chen's heart was tense, he was a little worried that the wild bull spirit would become fierce after eating human flesh, and then came over and took him over to eat, so he quickly lowered his head and didn't dare to look at it again.

The bison spirit laughed, the laughter echoed in the cave, which looked very weird and gloomy. Ye Chen turned his head and looked at Tang Seng again, and found that Tang Seng was also looking at him, his eyes were very calm.

"Aren't you afraid?" Ye Chen asked softly in a voice that only two people could hear.

Tang Seng just looked at Ye Chen lightly, without answering for a long time. Ye Chen was a little baffled by him, so he simply turned his head and stopped looking at him.

However, it was very uncomfortable to be stared at all the time. Ye Chen turned his head from time to time and found that Tang Seng had been looking at him, as if he had fallen into a demon.

"I said, what's the matter with you? Are you scared stupid from time to time?" Ye Chen asked in a low voice again, this time Tang Seng finally spoke.

"You are not a mortal body, are you?" Tang Seng suddenly asked Ye Chen's mind, "What are you asking about this? Is it possible that you want the monster to eat me so you can run out by yourself?"

"Nothing, just ask casually." After speaking, Tang Seng turned his head and continued to stare in the direction of the three monsters, silent for a long time.

Ye Chen shook his head, thinking that Tang Seng's psychological endurance was too bad. The first time he saw a monster eating people, he was frightened. After he left the cave, he had to find a **** to heal him.

"Bold little demon, I actually did this cannibalism in broad daylight. Is it true that my heaven is no one?" Just when Ye Chen was worried about the fact that Tang Seng was crazy, Tang Seng suddenly said this. .

"You are crazy! Don't you think we died fast enough?" Ye Chen heard Xuanzang's words, and a cold sweat broke out on his body. He looked at Tang Seng beside him, but from Tang Seng's face, he could see Only calm.

The three monsters also heard these words. They turned their heads strangely and looked at Tang Seng who was sitting on the ground, "This smelly monk is obviously a mortal, why is he so afraid of death?" The black bear spirit asked strangely.

"Smelly monk, shut up!" The tiger spirit hurriedly shouted. He didn't want the other two monsters to discover the secret of the monk, but it was too late at the moment.

The two monsters stood up, wiped the blood from their mouths with their hands, and then walked towards Ye Chen and Tang Seng, "Since you are so not afraid of death, you can eat you today."

"No, no, two brothers, I have something to say." The tiger spirit quickly stood up and stopped the two monsters. He really didn't want to share Tang Seng's meat with these two monsters.

"Huh, General Yin, why are you keeping us from letting us approach this monk? Maybe you want to hide the best meat and eat it yourself?" The bison snorted coldly, and the surrounding air suddenly became cold. Down.

Chapter 1375 Golden Light Reappears

"What the special agent said? When did General My Yin ever do something like that? When did the three of our brothers not be blessed to share it?" Tiger Jing said beautiful things, but he was already scolding his mother in his heart. .

"General Yin, then you can get out of the way, don't stand in the way, this monk speaks wildly, today our two brothers will give them a good lesson!"

"No! Don't be impulsive, the two brothers. If you have any questions, let's discuss them carefully!" How can General Yin make these two monsters cheap? So he was determined not to give way to the two monsters.

"Don't get out of the way, you two want to find me, I'll be there." A voice suddenly came from behind General Yin. He turned his head and saw that the monk who was not afraid of death had stood up at this moment.

"What the **** are you doing!" Ye Chen grabbed the corner of Tang Seng's clothes to prevent Tang Seng from taking risks, but Tang Seng just shook his clothes, and Ye Chen's hand was shaken off.

Tang Seng slowly walked to the side of the three monsters, and the three monsters looked at him with strange eyes, as if they were looking at a fool.

"What kind of smell seems to be on this monk?" The bison essence sucked his nose, and was attracted by the breath of Tang Seng, "Oh, you tiger essence, you really hide good things privately!"

"No, listen to me..." Tiger Jing was about to defend, but was interrupted by Tang Seng's sentence.

"There are so many monsters around Chang'an City, and I don't know what the earth immortals in the world do." Tang Seng shook his head and sighed, as if he was disappointed with all the earth immortals.

"You monk, don't be ashamed of talking, what kind of immortal you are, I think you are really tired of life, take a palm of King Xiongshan!" The black bear was temperamental, seeing Tang monk boasting, his heart burst into anger.

He raised his arm high, knowing that the most famous weapon on the whole body of this black bear is its pair of sharp claws, if this claw goes down, Tang Seng will undoubtedly die!

"Be careful!" Ye Chen quickly stood up and ran towards Tang Seng, but after all, Ye Chen is a mortal body, without any magic power, he wants to rescue it is too late!

At this moment of lightning and flint, Tang Seng suddenly raised his hand, and the behavior of using a praying man's arm as a car was so ridiculous to everyone.

But in the next moment, all the little monsters who were laughing can no longer laugh, and the other two big monsters also looked at the scene in front of them in surprise, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

"You, you can actually catch my old bear's palm?!" The black bear spirit was also stunned. It turned out that when his palm was slapped on Tang Seng's arm, he couldn't fall anymore!

"Monster, die." Tang Seng said in a steady tone, as if chanting a scripture in normal times, but his next actions made all the monsters in the room scared to death.

A ray of golden light suddenly appeared in the palm of Tang Monk's palm. This light was very gentle. When Ye Chen saw this light, his heart suddenly calmed a lot. He didn't rush forward, but stood still.

The golden light was getting brighter and brighter, but it was not dazzling, but it gently shone on all the monsters, illuminating the entire cave, but at this moment, a little monster suddenly let out a sharp cry.

"Ah! It hurts!" The little demon's voice was very miserable. Ye Chen felt that the little demon seemed to be burned by fire. Then, the screaming little demon turned into flying ash in an instant.

"Run, run!" The tiger spirit yelled, and all the monsters rushed towards the entrance of the cave, but it was of no use at all. The light had already shone on every monster.

The little demons dissipated one by one in the light. While this light dispelled the darkness, it also caused all the little demons with a low cultivation base to vanish in an instant.

Chapter 1376

The tiger spirit running at the back was also illuminated by light, and his back instantly turned black, but the tiger spirit's way was much higher than the other little monsters, so he did not die on the spot.

The black bear spirit and the bison spirit looked stupid, but they were actually the smartest. They ran away when they saw the golden light from Tang Seng's hands, so the golden light did not cause any huge damage to the two monsters.

The three monsters ran out of the cave one by one, and Tang Seng also followed out when he saw it. Along the way, the golden light in his hand had not dissipated, but the three monsters ran so fast that the golden light could no longer shine on them.

"Huh, still want to run?" Tang Seng said, his other hand waved lightly in the air, and a whisk appeared out of thin air in his hand!

When Ye Chen saw that Fuchen, he immediately understood the ins and outs of the matter. It turned out that Tang Monk is no longer Tang Monk. Judging from Fuchen Ye Chen in his hand, this is the Taibaijinxing who came to rescue them and was attached to Tang Monk!

When Ye Chen thought of this, "Tang Monk"'s feet suddenly left the ground. He floated in the air and chased out the three monsters at a very fast speed.

Ye Chen immediately followed. Although it was dark outside, the golden light in front provided him with a direction, and he ran in the direction of that golden light.

Finally, the golden light stopped ahead, and it seemed that Taibai Jinxing had already chased the three monsters. Ye Chen rushed over immediately and stood behind "Tang Monk".

I saw the whisk in the hand of "Tang Monk" pointing diagonally to the front, and the white hair roots on the whisk stood upright and pointed forward, not far ahead. The three monsters kept their footsteps, but they couldn't keep away.

Ye Chen looked at this weird scene, knowing that the Taibaijinxing attached to Monk Tang had already controlled the three monsters. He walked to the monsters and found that the three monsters had a hideous complexion, revealing their true colors.

"Bold monsters, doing a lot of evil, I will take you today to be like you!" After speaking, the whisk in the hands of "Monk Tang" suddenly flew out of three hairs and inserted them into the bodies of the three monsters.

"Bang!" A loud bang sounded in the cave, and the bodies of the three monsters burst open at the same time, and Ye Chen, who was observing in front of them, was blown into pieces of meat.

"I'm talking about you!" Ye Chen looked to the rear angrily, only to find that Tang Seng had recovered to his original state, and beside him stood a kind-looking old man with a white beard.

Ye Chen recognized Taibai Jinxing, and he swallowed back the blame that had already reached his lips. After all, this was a real god, and he couldn't afford to provoke him at all.

"Who are you?" Taibai Jinxing did not ask Tang Seng about the situation, but looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"I am Ye Chen." Ye Chen replied. Although he dared not blame Taibai Jinxing, his tone was still a bit dissatisfied.

"Ye Chen? Who is it?" Taibai Jinxing stared at Ye Chen, "Why is it different from other mortals?"

"Hey, don't you want to be rough on me too? I'm not a monster, I'm just someone who followed Tang Seng to learn the scriptures! Guanyin knows about this. If you want to ask, just ask her!" Ye Chen responded loudly road.

He was very afraid that Taibai Jinxing would suddenly attack him like Guanyin, so he quickly defended, because he didn't know if anyone would come to rescue him this time.

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