Ye Chen seemed to hear the heavy breathing of the tiger at this moment. He knew that the tiger was getting closer and closer to him. If Liu Boqin didn't come again, he would really cry out!

Ye Chen looked around nervously, but there was no trace of fire around him, and there was no sign of humans walking around. Ye Chen knew that the catastrophe on the westward road might have changed, and Liu Boqin probably wouldn't come.

"Oh, it seems that Liu Boqin will not come today." In this critical situation, Ye Chen, who found no one around, sighed helplessly, and then he lifted his foot.

"Bang!" Ye Chen stomped heavily on the ground, and a cloud of dust suddenly rose on the ground. The tiger in front of him and the poisonous snake behind him were all startled by this foot, and they didn't even dare to move forward for a while.

"Land, come out!" Ye Chen yelled loudly, but he shouted for a long time, but there was no figure on the ground, and Ye Chen was a little panicked.

"It's broken, there won't be no landlord in this wilderness, right?" Ye Chen thought of this suddenly, no wonder, after all, there are few people in this place. .

"It's over, it's really going to kill me this time!" Ye Chen yelled in his heart, and he stomped his feet several times, but none of the landlords came out to save him.

Chapter 1380

"Ye Chen, don't have to struggle anymore, this place is very remote, how can there be a land public here for a long time?" Tang Seng patted the horse's head in despair, and said to Ye Chen.

"Don't worry, Master, I will save you today!" Ye Chen stopped stomping his feet. He looked at the tiger's eyes like two lights in front, knowing that the tiger was a little frightened by his actions just now.

He took this opportunity to retreat, the tiger looked at Ye Chen, and did not immediately attack.

Ye Chen knew that there was only one chance, so he still backed slowly, not daring to move too much, for fear of shocking the tiger. In this way, Ye Chen slowly retreated to the back of the horse.

Just when the tiger and the snake insect found that Ye Chen was not threatening, and began to be unable to bear their temper, Ye Chen suddenly jumped up, and then slapped the horse's **** with a slap!

"Drive!" Ye Chen yelled. The horse, which had been frightened by the snakes and insects around him, rushed out desperately at this moment. Tang Monk was also clever, and he grabbed the rein at once, so he didn't let himself fall off the horse. go.

The white horse was very psychic. It found a gap between snakes and insects and ran out. Although there were some venomous snakes in front of him, the white horse jumped high and jumped over the surrounding of these venomous snakes.

The tiger in front suddenly uttered a roar after seeing a person and a horse running. Ye Chen could hear that the tiger seemed to be in a bad mood, because this person and horse could be a lot of food for him.

"Come on, little cat, come and eat your grandpa." Ye Chen yelled, and then immediately climbed up the tree next to him. During this time, he was bitten by countless poisonous snakes, but he didn't feel it, and he was still climbing.

The tiger was really annoyed by the human in front of him this time. Although he was the overlord of the mountain, his age was a bit older, so he would do this kind of attack on humans who are weaker than it.

But now, this human not only put some of his own food, but also constantly provokes himself, which makes this tiger king very angry.

It ran under the tree where Ye Chen was, then jumped suddenly, and climbed up the tree!

"Damn, which grandson told me that tigers can't climb trees?!" Ye Chen was startled by the tiger's movements and climbed up harder.

Although the tiger below got on the tree, it was not flexible on the tree due to its heavy weight, so after Ye Chen climbed to a higher place, it had no choice.

"Hey, you smelly tiger, it looks so breezy, why can't you climb now?" Ye Chen proudly provoked on the tree, but at this moment, the poisonous snake suddenly took a bite on Ye Chen's hand.

"Ah!" Ye Chen exclaimed, and quickly took out his hand. Although the poison of the poisonous snake won't let him die, it still hurts when the poisonous snake bites down.

But then, Ye Chen's other hand was also bitten, and a cold sweat broke out on his head. Ye Chen already had a lot of wounds bitten by a poisonous snake, and these poisons slowly broke out in his body.

Although he knew that he would not die, Ye Chen still felt weak. Some illusions gradually appeared before his eyes, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Ye Chen felt that he couldn't hold it anymore, he slowly let go of his hand holding the trunk, and then fell straight like this, just in front of the tiger who was unable to climb the tree just now.

The tiger smelled Ye Chen's body, and after learning that Ye Chen was not dead, it actually bit down Ye Chen's waist without hesitation!

Chapter 1381

"Ah!" Ye Chen's screams penetrated the entire forest, startled a flying bird, but the tiger didn't care about it, it seemed to have been hungry for a few days, so it kept eating Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen's mouth kept screaming. Although he wouldn't die, it didn't mean he didn't feel pain. The pain was very much tolerable. Ye Chen only felt that his abdomen was hollowed out by the tiger.

Ye Chen regretted it. He regretted why he asked the system for such an immortal body at the time. If what he wanted was a diamond iron bone, how could this tiger make himself so painful?

"Dead tiger, are you **** endless?!" Ye Chen was so painful that he had begun to scold his mother. This painful but still sober feeling made Ye Chen wish to smash his head to death on the tree, but he couldn't move at all.

Ye Chen's wound was bleeding continuously, and the surrounding air was full of **** smell. This **** smell slowly drifted out with the air. Soon, Ye Chen heard several wolf howls coming from not far away. .

"It's over. I am now a tribute to all the beasts on this mountain. It is estimated that all the beasts will come here slowly and take a few bites to my body." Ye Chen was completely desperate.

There is no way for him to escape in this situation. Although he has an immortal body, it takes a while to recover after he is injured. If the injury is too severe, he will also lose the ability to move.

For example, right now, when there was snake venom in his body and his flesh was eaten by a tiger again, Ye Chen didn't have a trace of strength on his body. He had difficulty standing up now, let alone running away.

Moreover, Ye Chen wasn't sure how strong his body's recovery ability was. If this immortal body couldn't allow him to fully recover after being seriously injured, then Ye Chen's life would be considered useless.

"I won't become a bone spirit?" Ye Chen suddenly thought of the bone spirit that appeared in the post on Journey to the West when he was eaten by a tiger.

He suddenly became frightened. If he was gnawed and there were only bones left, would the flesh on his body not regenerate, then wouldn't he have to become a walkable skeleton?

The pain in the body was still coming, Ye Chen quickly recovered from his worries, he listened carefully to the surrounding sounds, and sure enough, he heard the footsteps of several other beasts.

"It's the wolf howling just now." Ye Chen closed his eyes, he knew that his body would be eaten clean by these beasts sooner or later.

So he didn't think about it or watch it. He just hoped that these beasts would eat faster, so that this inhuman torture lasted a little bit shorter.

"Puff." The wolf king, who came along with the smell of blood, bit on Ye Chen's arm. With a strong pull, Ye Chen's arm was pulled away from the body.


Just when Ye Chen screamed, a man several hundred meters away heard the call from here, he lit a torch and walked in the direction of Ye Chen.

After a few steps, it was the clearing where Ye Chen was bitten. This man walked out of the woods, and when he saw what was happening in the clearing through the light of the fire, he couldn't help being stunned.

But this person reacted quickly. He raised the torch in his hand and threw it at the beast that was biting around a "corpse", then raised the three-stranded fork with both hands and rushed towards the tiger.

Chapter 1382

"Bold evil tiger, how dare you eat people in this mountain, see if I won't clean up you!" Liu Boqin yelled and ran to the tiger. He first dispelled the wolves, and then stabbed the tiger with a three-stranded fork. Went on.

The tiger was enjoying his "feast", and he had nothing to guard against the visitor, so the visitor's three-pronged fork directly pierced into the tiger's meat.

The tiger was in pain, and immediately stopped chewing on Ye Chen's mouth. It turned around and faced the man in front of him, with blood still dripping from the corners of its mouth.

"Evil tiger, let's see how my Zhenshan Taibao Liu Boqin cleans up you today!" Liu Boqin said, and once again attacked the tiger with the three-pronged fork in his hand.

Although this tiger is huge, its movements are very flexible. When it was prepared, it suddenly turned sideways and escaped Liu Boqin's attack.

"You evil tiger, you still have some spiritual knowledge. I know how powerful the three-stranded prongs are in my hands!

The tiger might have been annoyed by Liu Boqin, and Liu Boqin interrupted his eating, so it was very angry at the moment.

It roared, and after avoiding Liu Boqin's three-stranded fork, it rushed towards Liu Boqin, but Liu Boqin was a tiger hunting in this mountain, and he had long been prepared for this kind of beast.

He easily avoided the tiger's attack, and as soon as the tiger landed, Liu Boqin's three-stranded fork followed behind it.

The tiger had just landed at the moment, and his center of gravity hadn't stopped, and he couldn't avoid the attack from behind, so Liu Boqin pierced the tiger's body again.

The tiger screamed again after eating pain, but the two injuries completely aroused its ferocity. It didn't care about three or seventy-one, and then turned and rushed towards Liu Boqin.

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