"Don't worry, if he asks, he will say that it is the power of your scriptures. Although this reason is a bit reluctant, it is still very simple to deceive these mortals."

Tang Seng really didn't know what to say to refute Ye Chen, so he had to agree to Ye Chen's statement, and when the two people were talking, the door of the room was knocked.

"Who?" Ye Chen asked softly, and Liu Boqin's slightly anxious voice immediately came from outside the door, "Little brother Ye Chen, this is Liu Boqin. I have asked the doctor to come and treat you."

"Brother Liu, come in." Ye Chen didn't lie back on the bed, but stood still. Liu Boqin opened the door and was rushing to the bed, but suddenly stopped after seeing Ye Chen.

"You, you" Liu Boqin pointed at Ye Chen, unable to speak for a while, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

"Mr. Liu, this is the wounded you asked me to see?" The doctor looked at the blood stains on Ye Chen's body, then looked at Liu Boqin with a blank expression.

"Yes, yes, that's right, it's this little brother." Liu Boqin stammered.

After the doctor knew that Ye Chen was injured, he immediately walked to Ye Chen's side. Ye Chen stood up straight and asked the doctor to examine him, but the doctor did not find any wounds on Ye Chen's body.

"Mr. Liu, you have invited Zai from afar, are you joking with Xia? There are important things in Xia. If Mr. Liu is fine, I will go back first."

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in the doctor's tone. Obviously he thought Liu Boqin was playing tricks on himself, but Liu Boqin had clearly seen that Ye Chen's injury had penetrated into his internal organs, but now Ye Chen was standing in front of him.

"Well, Mr. Hard has gone all the way, Mr. Don't worry, I won't lose any money, and I will let someone bring it to you in a while."

After Liu Boqin finished speaking, the doctor walked out of the room. Only three people were left in the room. Tang Seng sat calmly on the ground, still reciting the scriptures silently, while Liu Boqin and Ye Chen stared at each other with wide-eyed eyes.

"You, are you a monster?" Liu Boqin's face changed and changed, and finally his expression slowly became gloomy. Ye Chen also found that Liu Boqin's hands had been clenched into fists.

"Big Brother Liu, don't get me wrong. The healing of my injury is entirely attributed to Master Xuanzang, who has read some scriptures for me so that I can recover so quickly."

Liu Boqin's expression still remained the same. He looked at Ye Chen's face, obviously very suspicious of Ye Chen. In his opinion, Ye Chen's words were nothing short of a fantasy.

Chapter 1386

"Big Brother Liu, don't have to doubt, what Ye Mou said is the truth, let alone if Ye Mou is a monster, how can he stay with Master Xuanzang for so long?"

Liu Boqin still didn't believe Ye Chen's words. He looked at Tang Seng who was sitting on the ground chanting scriptures, and Tang Seng was watching his nose and his heart, without any reaction at all.

"This smelly monk, at this time, he still has to pay attention to what ‘the monks don’t stop talking.’ This time you are really going to kill you." Ye Chen was a little worried, and hoped that Tang Seng would explain it to himself.

"Mage, is what Mr. Ye Chen said is true?" Liu Boqin's name to Ye Chen has changed. Before, he called Ye Chen the "little brother", but now he is starting to call his name directly.

Tang Seng opened his eyes. He looked at Liu Boqin and then at Ye Chen, "Ye Donor has been with me these days. If he is a monster, then I think we should have just left Chang'an City. Died."

Although Tang Seng didn't say whether he chanted the scriptures to Ye Chen healed the injury, at least he admitted that Ye Chen was not a monster, and Liu Boqin was relieved.

He quickly walked to Ye Chen's side and pulled Ye Chen's hands. "Brother Ye, someone Liu really misunderstood you just now. I hope you can understand. After all, there are many demons in the world, and I also need to guard against it."

"It's okay, it's okay." Ye Chen smiled and looked at Liu Boqin, and finally had a slight affection for Tang Seng in his heart. After all, although Tang Seng didn't lie to himself this time, he still solved a crisis of his own.

On Liu Boqin's side, after knowing that Ye Chen was not a monster, he once again set his sights on Tang Seng. After knowing that Ye Chen was not a monster, he also acquiesced that the scriptures read by Tang Seng had a magical effect.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a magical magic in this world. It only needs to recite the scriptures to heal a seriously injured person. It seems that the magic power of this Master Xuanzang is very powerful." Liu Boqin thought silently in his heart.

"Then since Brother Ye is okay, I won't bother you both. Please also take a good rest. Tomorrow I will send both of you out of Shuangchaling." While Liu Boqin secretly admired himself, he also told Tang Seng and Ye Chen. Goodbye.

"Thank you, Brother Liu, for taking me in today. If there is anything in the house, please Brother Liu, but it's okay. I will definitely help Brother Liu with all my strength." Ye Chen said before Liu Boqin left.

"Then I would like to thank Brother Ye. If you have something to ask for help, please Brother Ye not to think that Liu is annoying." Liu Boqin clasped his fists in his hands, and Ye Chen returned his courtesy.

After that, Liu Boqin thoughtfully asked his servant to prepare a bath for Ye Chen. Ye Chen soaked in the hot water, took a bath comfortably, and then returned to the room.

Just as Ye Chen lay down and wanted to sleep, his room door was knocked again. Ye Chen opened the door and found that Liu Boqin was standing in front of his door.

"Brother Liu, what's the matter?" Ye Chen knew what Liu Boqin wanted to ask Tang Seng to do, but he could only pretend that he didn't know anything.

"Brother Ye, this is the case. Just now, after Liu told his mother about the power of Master Xuanzang, the mother was very happy and asked Liu to ask Master Xuanzang for something, but Liu was a little embarrassed. ,so……"

"I understand, Brother Liu, wait a minute, I will put on a dress, and the two of us will go to the mage together, and I will help you talk to him." After Ye Chen finished speaking, he walked into the house and put on a piece of clothing casually. Came out again.

Chapter 1387

Two people came to the door of Tang Seng's residence. Ye Chen knocked on Tang Seng's door. After a while, Tang Seng walked out of the room, and Ye Chen clearly saw the traces of waking up from his face.

"Master, I'm sorry to bother you so late. Brother Liu has something to ask for, so we have to come to you now." Ye Chen said respectfully.

"Amitabha Buddha, it's okay, please say it, please." Tang Seng didn't mean to blame, Liu Boqin was relieved when he saw this.

"Mage, it's like this. After I went back just now, I told my mother-in-law about your abilities. Mother-in-law hopes you can do us a favor."

"Amitabha Buddha, Donor Liu saved the lives of both of me today, and also provided food and shelter for both of me. I didn't know how to repay it. Now Donor Liu has something to ask for, and the poor monk will do my best to help."

Liu Boqin looked at Tang Seng gratefully, and he nodded, "This is simple to say, but it may be very troublesome to do. I hope the Master will forgive me."

"I don't know if it was God's arrangement. Today, I met the mage and brother Ye. If there is no mage, I really don't know what to do."

"Big Brother Liu please, but it doesn't matter." Tang Seng saw that Liu Boqin hadn't talked about him, so he glanced at Ye Chen. Ye Chen immediately understood what Tang Seng meant, so he urged.

"Oh, it's like this. It's a coincidence. Tomorrow is my father's death, and my mother wants to ask the mage to pass the deceased father, so that the deceased father can be detached."

"Amitabha Buddha, kindness, it turns out that Liu Shizhu has done this for this matter. I will chant the sutras for Lingtang early tomorrow morning." Tang Seng immediately agreed.

Liu Boqin's eyes were full of gratitude. He didn't expect Tang Seng to agree to his request so easily. He thought it would take a bit more to speak, but he didn't expect Tang Seng to be so happy.

"Thank you Master." Liu Boqin made a deep gesture to express his gratitude to Tang Seng. Tang Seng hurriedly straightened Liu Boqin's body.

"Yes, Brother Liu, don't be polite. I saw it just now. Your mother cleaned the small pot several times in order to prepare vegetarian dishes for the Master. Therefore, I should be the two of me to repay Brother Liu for this small matter. NS."

After several people said a few more words, Liu Boqin went back gratefully, and Ye Chen returned to his house in order not to disturb the monk Tang.

Early the next morning, Ye Chen got up early, and he walked out of the room and found that Tang Seng was already in the courtyard preparing for the overtime.

After everything was ready, Tang Seng began to recite sutras for Liu Boqin's father.

He was very attentive, first chanting the mantra of purifying karma, and then chanting the curse of purifying mind and body, and then opened the "Sutra of Death" and began to recite.

After reading the "Sutra of Death", Liu Boqin asked Tang Seng to write a letter of recommendation for death. After that, Tang Seng again recited "Diamond Sutra" and "Guan Yin Sutra" aloud.

After reading these scriptures, the sun had already risen to the sky. Seeing that it was time for lunch, Liu Boqin asked his wife to bring the fast food. After Tang Seng finished the fast food, he continued to recite the scriptures.

He read several volumes of the Lotus Sutra and the Amitabha Sutra, and then he recited another volume of the Peacock Sutra. When he finished reciting, the sky was already dark.

After Tang Seng finished reciting these scriptures, he slowly stood up, "Amitabha, the transcendence has been completed, and my father should be transcended."

"Thank you Master!" Liu Boqin said aloud, and he knelt down to thank him. Ye Chen's eyesight was quick and he immediately supported Liu Boqin.

"Amitabha Buddha, don't have to give much courtesy to Lord Liu. Your family has provided a lot of convenience for the two of me. I really don't want to repay it, and I can only repay it."

Chapter 1388

After Liu Boqin said some words of thanks, he personally sent Tang Seng back to the house. He asked his wife to prepare some fast food and sent them to Tang Seng and Ye Chen.

After dinner, Ye Chen lay on the bed. He thought about what was going to happen next, and couldn't help but feel a little excited.

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