Not to mention that there are gods and Buddhas in this world who are more capable than Monkey King. If those powerful gods attack him, Ye Chen wouldn't think he could survive.

Just when Ye Chen was in a trance, the footsteps in the woods were getting closer, and this time even Tang Monk, who was the farthest away, heard the footsteps.

"Brother Ye, come here soon!" Liu Boqin was very worried about Ye Chen's safety. After all, Ye Chen had been seriously injured once before. If he was injured again, Liu Boqin didn't think Tang Seng could rescue him.

"It's okay, Brother Liu, don't worry." Ye Chen said softly. Although he didn't want to expose his abilities in front of Liu Boqin, he didn't want to expose his abilities when things came to such a field.

Chapter 1391

The sound of footsteps in the woods got closer and closer, and Liu Boqin's sense of tension became stronger and stronger as the footsteps approached.

From this sound of footsteps, Liu Boqin can tell that the animals in the woods should not be small. "It seems that they are still a big guy. I don't know if I have seen you before." Liu Boqin thought silently.

But even in the face of this situation, Liu Boqin was not particularly frightened. He wandered through the mountains for countless years and had seen strong winds and waves. Even no matter how fierce an animal was, he had the confidence to subdue it.

"It's a big deal, I'm fighting with this beast, and I will use my own death to exchange time for the Master and Brother Ye." Liu Boqin suddenly made such a determination.

Just when the three people were nervously preparing to deal with the animals that suddenly appeared in the woods, a shadow suddenly sprang out of the woods!

The shadow stood still immediately after walking out of the woods, then he raised his hands and looked at Liu Boqin and Ye Chen who were closer.

"Hey, hey, big brother, be careful. I'm not a monster. Don't hurt me by accident. This piece of clothing on my body has just been retrieved from the tailor's shop. It is very expensive."

Appeared in front of the three people was a handsome young man. He looked like he was in his twenties, dressed in gorgeous clothes, and he looked like a rich boy.

Although Tang Seng's appearance is also very good in the world, compared with this young man, it is actually a little worse.

The lines of this young man's face are not sturdy, giving people a gentle feeling. He has sword eyebrows and stars, his nose is high, his lips are slightly raised, and his face is smiling, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"Are you a man or a demon?!" Liu Boqin looked at the noble son in front of him. He didn't believe that any child of a rich family would walk alone in this double-forked ridge.

"Of course I am a human being, this big brother, don't get me wrong." The young son still raised his hands, his appearance was very ridiculous.

"Hmph, fortunately you ran a little slower. If you run faster, my three-stroke will be denied." Liu Boqin saw that this person is not like a bad person and was less wary, but still did not completely put down the three-stroke. .

The young brother-in-law just smiled awkwardly, without speaking.

"I said that you young man is so strange, why are you walking alone in this double-forked ridge? Don't you know that there are many poisonous insects and beasts in this ridge? Are you afraid that they will eat you?"

Liu Boqin knew the habits of the animals on this mountain, so he was surprised why this young man dared to walk alone in the woods of Shuangchaling.

"Well... Shanren has a clever plan. As for the specific reasons, I am inconvenient to say more. I also ask this eldest brother to forgive me." The young man made a bend and answered Liu Boqin's question with a smile.

They all said that this man stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face. Liu Boqin saw that the young man was very polite, so he was too embarrassed to ask anything more. He took back the three-pronged fork in his hand and said, "Then why did you come here?"

"I'm looking for a little brother named Ye Chen, don't you know if the three recognize this person?" The young man looked at the three people, and finally fixed his gaze on Ye Chen.

Liu Boqin couldn't believe this young man, so he didn't want to tell this handsome boy who Ye Chen was, but before Liu Boqin could answer, he spoke first.

"I think this should be the little brother Ye Chen, right?" The young man's smile became brighter, and Ye Chen was embarrassed to lie with his smile, so he nodded.

Chapter 1392

"Brother Ye Chen, look up for a long time." The younger brother wanted to come forward and get close to Ye Chen, but Liu Boqin immediately raised the three-pronged fork in his hand and made a defensive look.

When the brother-in-law saw this, he had to give up, "Brother Ye, I was entrusted by an elder in my family to come here to find you. That elder ordered me to give you this book, saying that you must be of great use."

The young man said, took out a book from his arms and handed it to Ye Chen's hand. Ye Chen took the book and tried to put the book in his arms, but his brother stopped it.

"Brother Ye wait a minute, my parents have ordered me. I can only read this book here, and I have to watch my brother open it. After my brother finishes reading, this book will be returned to my house. The elders."

Although the son's brother's face was smiling, there was no doubt in his tone.

"I also ask Brother Ye not to be too troubled." After the young man said, he made a bet. Ye Chen looked at the book in his hand, and then looked at the young man. He couldn't remember when he knew each other. Such a person.

Ye Chen shook his head. He knew a lot of people in this world, but unfortunately those people didn't know him. Now it's hard to find someone who came to the door, but it was weird, which made Ye Chen a little confused.

However, he had no choice but to put the book flat in his hands, and then opened the cover of the book. The moment he opened the book, Ye Chen felt that the wind around him suddenly stopped.

But Ye Chen didn't have the mind to pay attention to these things now. He looked at the title page of the book, then looked at the younger brother, with an expression of "Are you kidding me?"

"There isn't a single word in this book, what do you want me to read?" Ye Chen saw the son-in-law still looking at himself with a smile, and an anger rose.

After that, Ye Chen closed the book again, looked at the cover of the book, and found that there was no title on the book, and there was no author. He was even more surprised.

"Little brother, don't panic, have you ever heard of the "No Word Heavenly Book"?" Ye Chen's smile suddenly became mysterious in Ye Chen's eyes.

Ye Chen looked at him strangely, then turned around, and wanted to ask if the two people behind him had heard of the book, but what made him even more angry was that the two people behind him were actually set in place. , Not moving.

"You, did you cast spells on them?" Ye Chen turned his head, eyes full of anger, "Why do you want to do this? You immediately release the spells on them, otherwise I won't open this book again!"

"Little brother, don't worry, don't worry, I just applied the fixation technique to them and closed their five senses. Their lives will not be threatened."

"Why do you want to do this?!" Ye Chen didn't believe this young man at all now, he was very afraid that Tang Seng would have an accident.

If Tang Seng really died here, the westward journey would be terminated, and he would never be able to explore his secrets.

"This is the meaning of my parents, please don't blame me, brother, I am definitely not the one who came to take your lives, so please believe me, brother."

"By the way, my parents said that he had a relationship with my younger brother. If my younger brother remembers the conversation in the temple that day, he should be able to understand who my parents are."

"In the temple?" Ye Chen suddenly remembered the mysterious Taoist man he had met when he had not yet arrived in Chang'an City.

Chapter 1393

Thinking of that Taoist, Ye Chen finally felt relieved. After all, there was no other person next to him when he met that Taoist that day, so the possibility of someone eavesdropping on their conversation was cut off.

Ye Chen thought of that day, and felt that the man was immortal, and seemed to have no hostility towards him.

In addition, Ye Chen had some inexplicable affection for this young man, so after struggling, he finally reluctantly believed the words of the young man in front of him.

"Okay, but you should always tell me how to read this book? There is not a single word in this book. Forgive me for being an ordinary person and I don't understand the wordless heavenly book of your gods."

Ye Chen spread out the book helplessly and showed a blank page to the son-in-law in front of him, but the son-in-law just shook his head.

"My parents said that Ye Xiaoge's talent is very comparable, and he is the gift of heaven and man, so he must understand this book."

The young man obviously didn't intend to tell Ye Chen the profoundness in this book, so Ye Chen could only sigh helplessly, and then began to study.

He turned over the book in his hand, and even burned it with water and splashed it with water, but no matter what, this wordless heavenly book just didn't respond.

Ye Chen couldn't find any clues. He sat down on the ground and looked at the book in his hand. He still felt uncomfortable, so he simply put the book under his butt.

"The whole book has no words and no clues. How do you want me to read it? Do I rely on guessing?" Ye Chen looked at the son-in-law in front of him annoyed.

"The elders said, think about what you have said, and maybe you will have an answer." The son-in-law saw that Ye Chen really had nothing to do, so he had to move out the original words of the elders.

He didn’t plan to tell Ye Chen and wanted to test Ye Chen’s savvy, but now it seems that if he really didn’t tell Ye Chen, Ye Chen would probably waste a whole day here studying this book. NS.

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