"Can the three-gou jade evolve? In the original work, when Sasuke was following Oshemaru, in the battle of Zuzuya and Naruto, he seemed to have evolved the writing round eyes to three-gou jade, and I played against Sasuke before. He seems to be a three-gou jade, so Sasuke has met the requirements. Forget it, wait for him to be certified again tomorrow, if it is really a three-gou jade, then give him a copy of the power of grief, after all, the points can still be Earn, and there are so many Garel stones in my space."

After making a decision, Chen didn't struggle with this problem anymore. He hadn't practiced for a long time, so he entered the virtual space once again, looking for someone with strength equal to or stronger than him. NS.

Early the next morning, Chen walked out of the room. Last night, he stayed in the virtual space all day, fighting with different powerhouses. In terms of time, Chen stayed in it for almost ten days. time. During this period of time, Chen has been using his eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes and Mu Dun in the battle, so he has used his kaleidoscope and Mu Dun freely, and after exhausting all his strength to finally kill an opponent, Chen also retreated from the space.

Although he fought for a long time in the virtual space, Chen did not feel the slightest fatigue and discomfort at this time. He got up directly from the bed, and then walked towards the previous hall after washing.

He plans to meet Da She Wan first, after all, this is his site, so I have to say hello to him anyway. And he remembered that Uzumaki Phosphorus didn't seem to be imprisoned, but was managing a prison for Dashewan, so if you want to remove the Phosphorus, you might need some proof from Dashewan.

After arriving in the hall, Chen didn't see Dashe Wan, but just ran into the medicine master's pocket.

"Did Chen Jun come to Master Dashewan? I'm sorry, Master Dashewan is in the laboratory now. When Dashewan is doing experiments, I don't want to be disturbed." Yao Shi came to see Chen and came In front of Chen, he respectfully said to Chen.

"Do you want to do an experiment?" Hearing Yao Shi's words, Chen frowned. He had already thought that Da She Wan should really study the pulse that he gave him, but Da She Wan had already promised him yesterday...

"I think Chen-jun should be looking for Lord Oshemaru because of what we said yesterday? Don’t worry, Lord Oshemaru has already sent instructions to go down. As long as Chen-jun arrives at the stronghold, she can directly take away what Chen-jun wants. People, if Chen Jun doesn’t know the place, I can arrange for someone to lead the way for Chen Jun."

"Really? That's fine. As for the person who leads the way...hehe~~ I already have a candidate, you don't need to arrange it!" Chen felt relieved when he heard the pharmacist's pocket, and then refused the pharmacist's request to arrange The kindness of the person leading the way did not pay attention to the pharmacist and turned around and left.

"Wow! Has anyone already chosen..." Seeing Chen's departure, the pharmacist pushed his glasses around, revealing a thoughtful expression!

After Tatsun left the hall of Otonin Maru, Tatsun walked towards the gate of Otonin Village, and when she looked from a distance, she found a man wearing a kimono, dressed exclusively in Otonin Village, with a long sword stuck in his waist. 'S figure is standing silently at the gate of Otonin Village with his eyes closed.

Seeing that figure, Chen's mouth was slightly tilted, and then she walked towards that figure.

"Sasuke! I didn't expect you to come so early, I thought you wouldn't come anymore!" Chen Lai came to the figure and said jokingly.

That person was Sasuke. Although he showed disdain yesterday, he rushed over early the next morning and waited for Chen.

After hearing Tatsun's ridicule, Sasuke opened his eyes, cast a glance at Tatsun, and said indifferently, "Don't get me wrong, I just stayed in Otoninu for a long time and want to go out for a walk..."

"Really? It doesn't matter, let's go, I will tell you our purpose this time on the road, and I also need you to lead me." Chen waved his hand, and then walked directly outside Otonin Village.

"Huh?" After hearing Tatsun's words, Sasuke was very curious, but didn't say much, but followed Tatsun and walked out of Otonin Village.

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After chapter three, continue tomorrow! …

Chapter 113: confess the truth to Sasuke

Tatsun took Sasuke and left Otonin Village. Although Sasuke was very curious about Tatsun's purpose, he held back, and did not ask much, and walked behind Tatsun.

"Sasuke, I think you must be very curious about the purpose of my trip?" After leaving Otonin Village for some distance, Tatsumi, who had not spoken, suddenly stopped and said.

"Huh?" Hearing Chen's words, Sasuke, who was used to being quiet, was stunned for a moment, cast a glance at Chen, and said nothing.

"Haha~~" Chen chuckled a few times, and then turned to look at Sasuke behind him. At this time, Chen's eyes had turned into a kaleidoscope state, and when Sasuke saw Tatsun turning around, he looked at Chen with unconsciousness, but he didn't. I thought that Chen would use the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, so I didn't have any precautions, and Chen was pulled into the moon reading space in an instant.

"here is…?"

In the moon reading space, the place where Tatsun was transformed this time was in the former Uchiha family's clan, and Tatsuno did not restrict Sasuke's ability to move, so Sasuke looked at the familiar and unfamiliar places around him in surprise.

"How? Do you feel familiar?" Just when Sasuke was still around a lot, a voice suddenly came from behind him, causing Sasuke to turn around and look behind him vigilantly. I saw that Tatsuno didn't know when he was there In front of him.

"What did you want to do when you brought me here?" After seeing Tatsun appear, Sasuke, who was still surprised, turned cold, and then said to Tatsun indifferently.

"Hehe, I think you shouldn't feel unfamiliar here. This is the clan land of our Uchiha clan, but it is my own illusion. The place where we are now is actually in my monthly reading space."

"Moonreading?" Hearing Tatsun's words, Sasuke reminded of some bad memories, with an angry expression on his face.

"Yes, monthly reading! You will not be unfamiliar with this. It is the illusion that Uchiha Itachi used to release to you and me after the extermination of the clan, and not long ago, he seemed to release it to you again. This should be the third time you have experienced moon reading, right?" Chen chuckled lightly, and continued to say to Sasuke: "Monthly reading: Kaleidoscope writing round eyes can only use advanced illusion, except for the Kaleidoscope writing round eyes of the Uchiha clan. In addition, no one can resist. This technique will move the opponent’s spirit to another world. The time and quality of this world are completely controlled by the caster. The time in the fictional world is only an instant for the real world. The spell may cause the opponent's mental breakdown, and the damage caused can also be controlled by the caster. It is a very dangerous illusion, and only works when the eyes are facing each other."

"Hey, this is the ability of Kaleidoscope to write round eyes, it is really enviable! But, are you showing off to me now?" Sasuke looked at Chen's Kaleidoscope indifferently, and said in a very complicated tone.

In fact, Sasuke felt uncomfortable in his heart. Among the three brothers, Itachi had already opened the kaleidoscope very early. Now Chen, who is the same age as him, has also opened the kaleidoscope. Among the three brothers, only he himself only evolves the writing wheel to the three-gou jade. This was a very heavy blow to him. Now Chen is releasing the kaleidoscope of pupil skills to him again. In his opinion, this is Chen showing off to him.

"No! I don't mean to show off. The reason why I brought you here is just not to let some people know about our next conversation." Chen looked at the curse mark on Sasuke's neck with a profound meaning. Said.

"Huh?" Seeing Chen's gaze, Sasuke subconsciously stretched out his hand, stroked the curse mark on his neck a few times, and looked at Chen suspiciously.

"The curse mark on your neck is actually the medium that Dashewan uses to monitor you, and Dashewan can monitor your every move through the curse imprint on your neck. But now we are in my monthly reading space, So don’t worry about our conversations being heard by him."

"Hey! Let's talk, you brought me out of Otonin Village, and what did you want to say to me after using the monthly reading so much?" After hearing Tatsun's words, Sasuke was unwilling to be monitored by Otoshimaru. He didn't show any dissatisfaction, as if he didn't care, but calmly asked Chen.

Looking at Sasuke with complicated eyes, Tatsun did not speak. After a while of silence, he said to Sasuke in a complicated tone: "Sasuke, you...know me why I also have a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, but never mention it. Is it revenge?"

"Hey! That's because you didn't take the family hatred at all. You are afraid of the power of that guy, so you dare not seek revenge from him. You are a coward!" After hearing Chen's words, Sasuke sneered. Expression, taunting Chen.

"Haha~~ Do you think so? But... do you really think that's what you think it is? Sasuke!"

"Huh! Isn't it? It's a waste of those kaleidoscope writing wheels to grow on you. This is simply a shame to our Uchiha clan!" Sasuke looked at Tatsuki's kaleidoscope, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, but he was disdainful. Said to Chen in a voice of.

"Hehe, it seems that you really resent the fact that I have a kaleidoscope to write round eyes, but it's time to let you know something!" Chen didn't care about Sasuke's sarcasm at all, and after a few chuckles, he was right. Sasuke said.

"Huh? What story do you want to make up?" Sasuke still had a disdainful expression upon hearing Tatsun's words.

"The truth! The truth about our Uchiha clan's tragic genocide, the truth that Uchiha Itachi has been hiding, that is, the truth you have always wanted to know, I will tell you all! You have the right to know!" Chen chuckled. Speaking to Sasuke that shocked him.

"Nani? What...what did you say? Don't...what do you know? Tell me!" After Tatsun said that, Sasuke lost his calmness, his expression became rugged, and he rushed to Tatsun in an instant, grabbing Chen's shoulder, and questioned.

This is the truth that Sasuke has always wanted the Uchiha clan to be exterminated. He has always been skeptical of Itachi's nonsense of measuring his own aura, and he did not believe all of them, but for so long, he has never been able to get it. Knowing any clue, one can only attribute the hatred to Itachi. Now that Chen seems to know something, how can this calm him down.

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen: Reason

In the moon reading space, Chen is about to tell the truth to Sasuke!

"Hey~~ What I'm going to say next may be beyond your cognition, so you'd better be mentally prepared!" Chen stretched out his hand and tore off Sasuke's hand on his shoulder, then said with a chuckle.

"Hurry up!"

"I know, I know, really, don't be so impatient, since I have already planned to tell you, I will definitely say it, but these things are too long and involve too much, and it will be impossible to explain for a while. It's useless to be anxious!" Chen Yimin moved, and a luxurious sofa suddenly appeared out of thin air in a clearing in front of him, and Chen walked to the sofa and sat down comfortably.

After sitting down, Tatsun's expression became solemn. He didn't say anything but asked Sasuke: "Sasuke, you must have always thought Itachi is our enemy's, right?"

"Humph!" Sasuke snorted coldly, and said with an expression of hatred, "Isn't it that guy?"

"Do you know that without everything Itachi did, do you think the two of us could still live to this day? He...actually has been protecting us all the time!" Chen told Sasuke this unexpected secret!

"Impossible!" Sasuke exclaimed: "Protect me... actually said to protect me... how could that guy... really a big joke, I want to know the truth, if you say something more ridiculous than this, I will Kill you!"

"Hehe~~ What I'm talking about now... is the truth!" Chen sneered, and continued to say to Sasuke: "You seem to know Itachi, but you don't know anything about him!"

"Shut up! Don't pretend that guy's name in front of me!"

"Hey~~ It's normal if you don't believe it. After all, a fact that has always been recognized and suddenly learned another truth is really unacceptable, but...what I said is the truth!" After a pause, Chen continued: "Do you know? The only people who know this truth are Konoha's Danzo, the third generation of Hokage, and the consultants Mito Menyan and Zhuanxi Xiaochun. After the death of the three generations, only those three who have the truth are left. Old guy, it is estimated that the three old guys will never tell about the scandal in the future, and this is what Itachi hoped!"

"What the **** are you talking about? Is this what you call the truth? You are lying to me~~" Sasuke obviously did not understand what Chen said, drew the long knife from his waist, and rushed towards Chen.

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