Fortunately, Erlang God's strong mana puts a lot of pressure on Monkey King, otherwise today, the immortals in the Nantian Gate will probably suffer.

"Monkey King, stop!" Ye Chen shouted again with all his strength, but his voice was still overwhelmed by the sound of gold and iron from above.

Reluctantly, Ye Chen could only try to use the mana in his body again, but the monkey didn't know what kind of spell he used, and he was able to confine the spell in a heavenly immortal like Ye Chen together.

Chapter 1419

When Ye Chen was at a loss, he suddenly saw a gleam of light from the west. Ye Chen knew that it was too late for him to say anything, and the Tathagata had already come.

Sure enough, the faint golden light in the west suddenly shined, and the dazzling light like the sun made Ye Chen no longer dared to open his eyes and look directly.

But the golden light only flickered for a moment, and then it dimmed slightly. Ye Chen raised his head again and saw the Buddha sitting on the lotus leaf in the golden light.

"Tathagata! My old Sun is looking for revenge from you, you are here at the right time!" Monkey King's voice has become sharp with the changes in his appearance, Ye Chen only felt sharp pain in his ears.

"You splash monkey, today is the day when you were rescued by the Tang Seng and set off on the westward journey. Unexpectedly, you dared to kill Tang Seng and then came to this heaven to make trouble!"

The Buddha's voice was peaceful, and all the ears that had been sore by Monkey King's voice were suddenly relieved, and the magic power that was previously imprisoned by Monkey King was now free from the shackles.

"The Buddha is really amazing, and a single sentence actually lifted the spell released by Monkey King." Ye Chen looked at the direction of the Tathagata, and he couldn't help but feel a little fascinated.

"Humph, the heavenly court insulted me back then, I finally got rid of your bald donkey today, why can't I kill and avenge me?"

"Tathagata, don't stop my old grandson, if you dare to talk nonsense, my old grandson won't let you go!" Sun Wukong roared, but Ye Chen obviously heard his tone of guilty conscience at this moment.

"Well, you are a monkey monkey, and your badness is hard to change. That Tang Sanzang is the reincarnation of my disciple Jin Chanzi. This life should have brought you to Lingshan to obtain the truth and save everyone, but I did not expect to be killed by you today."

"And you are making trouble in this heaven today, causing countless damages. If you don't enter the reincarnation today, I'm afraid you will cause more casualties. Today I will break the killing ring and let your monkey-like spirit be destroyed."

As the Buddha spoke, his hands were slowly forming seals, and his hands radiated seven colors of light. To outsiders, this light was extremely gorgeous, but in the eyes of Monkey King, it was tantamount to a call to death!

Seeing this scene, God Erlang knew that the Buddha had a murderous intention today, so he quickly dissipated the practice of Faxiangtiandi, became the size of an ordinary person, and flew to the South Heaven Gate.

But at this moment, Monkey King was horrified to discover that during the process of the Buddha's seal, his body was unable to move, and the mana in his body was also running around without his control.

At this moment, he suddenly felt his own insignificance. In front of innate gods like the Buddha, his self-contained heavenly immortal was as vulnerable as a newborn baby.

"Buddha, wait a minute, can you listen to me? If the demon monkey is not under control after I finish speaking, and the Buddha wants to kill or pluck, I won't say much!"

Ye Chen took advantage of the silence in the heavenly court and suddenly opened his mouth. Now all the gods and bodhisattvas heard his voice, and instantly, all eyes were on him.

"Who is this? Why have I never heard of this **** before?" There was a commotion among the many gods in the Nantian Gate, and everyone was discussing Ye Chen's identity.

The Buddha did not speak, but the movement of Jie Yin in his hand stopped. He looked at Ye Chen without a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

"Buddha, I only need a stick of incense. If the monkey is not obedient, it will not be too late for the Buddha to kill him." Ye Chen saw the Buddha stop and added another sentence.

Chapter 1420

The Buddha calmly looked at Ye Chen standing on the clouds below the South Heaven Gate. He did not agree to Ye Chen's words for the first time, but he did not immediately object.

No one knows what the Buddha is thinking. At this moment, the life and death of Monkey King is in the hands of Buddha. As long as the Buddha's heart moves, Monkey King will immediately disappear in these three realms.

At this moment, most of the gods in the heavenly court have recovered their Qingming. They looked at the Buddha above, and then at the hideous Monkey King. They couldn't help but expect the Buddha to kill the monkey immediately.

But in the end, the Buddha didn't start. He took back the seal in his hand, and then suddenly disappeared on the spot.

In the next moment, Ye Chen saw the Buddha. At this moment, the Buddha had appeared in front of him out of thin air. It was just a breath of effort before and after.

Ye Chen's heart was a little nervous, he didn't know what the Buddha had seen from him, or whether the Buddha was hostile to him.

"People of the future?" The Buddha waved his hand, said softly, and then looked at Ye Chen's body carefully.

"The immortal body, Da Luo Jinxian level mana, sure enough, he has given you the best."

"Buddha, what are you talking about? Why am I a little bit confused?" Ye Chen looked at Buddha in confusion, wondering why he suddenly said such a sentence.

"Nothing, why are you interceding for this monkey?" The Buddha ignored Ye Chen's question. Ye Chen could see that the Buddha should know his identity.

He wanted to ask the Buddha to prove who he was right now, but looking at the Buddha's attitude, Ye Chen knew that he couldn't get the answer he wanted today.

"Buddha, this monkey must survive. Without him, the westward journey cannot continue. I think you should know this." Ye Chen said.

"Go west, why continue?" The Buddha asked gently, but it was this sentence that made Ye Chen completely stunned.

"This, I, I don't know, but my mission in this world is to complete the westward journey and help Tang Sanzang obtain the truth."

Ye Chen didn't know why the Buddha who had planned the westward journey suddenly said such words at this moment. From the Buddha's words, he heard something wrong, but he knew that he still couldn't explore the truth of it.

And from the very first words the Buddha said to him, he knew that the Buddha had already realized that he was not a person in this world.

"Since you don’t know, then don’t stop me from killing this demon monkey. I understand what you think in your heart and know the existence of that book, but you don’t want to worry about this. I'm fine."

"Buddha must not! If the Buddha breaks the killing vow today, I am afraid that he will be remembered in his heart by this sky full of gods. Ye Chen asked the Buddha to give him one chance, one time. If he can persuade the monkey to be good, wouldn't it be a piece of merit?"

"Bonus? Alas..." The Buddha suddenly sighed. Ye Chen was first shocked by the fact that the Buddha knew about your book "Journey to the West", and then surprised that he didn't know that the Buddha also had troubles.

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't change anything with my own power. It seems that things are going to go in that direction. Nothing. Since you are interceding for this monkey today, I will give you a chance."

After the Buddha finished speaking, he waved his hand again, Ye Chen knew that this should be the barrier that the Buddha had just released to prevent other immortals from hearing their conversation.

Chapter 1421

"Is there anything unusual about my origin?" After the Buddha lifted the barrier around him, Ye Chen suddenly remembered what the Buddha said just now, "Since you are interceding for him".

Ye Chen heard that the point of this sentence was not on pleading, but on "you", which made Ye Chen a little doubt about his identity.

The Buddha's words all revealed that he knew his identity, and now it seems that the person behind him, that is, the Taoist, should have a higher identity than the Buddha.

Ye Chen couldn't help being curious about that Taoist. Since he came into this world, the figure of that Taoist has always appeared by his side.

That person not only taught Ye Chen the magic, but also guided Ye Chen to explore the secrets on the westward journey. Combined with what the Buddha said today, Ye Chen understood one thing-the westward journey is really not easy.

While Ye Chen was thinking about it, the Buddha's voice suddenly came into his ears, "Poker Monkey, today I will give you a chance. If you don't want to grasp it, I will let you die."

After speaking, the Buddha let go of the restrictions on Monkey King, and Monkey King's body gradually became smaller and became a normal height. After that, the Buddha sent Monkey King to Ye Chen's side.

"Buddha, I need an enchantment to prevent outsiders from eavesdropping." Ye Chen shouted in the direction of the Buddha. The Buddha's hands were sealed, and an enchantment visible to the naked eye immediately appeared around Ye Chen and Monkey King.

"Sun Wukong, I only have time for a stick of incense. Listen carefully to what I said. If you want to continue killing after listening to it, then I don't care about you." Ye Chen saw the enchantment rise, and immediately said to Sun Wukong.

At this moment, Monkey King still looks rebellious. He held his head up and looked at Ye Chen contemptuously, "Huh, do you want me to be obedient?"

"You!" There was a fire burning in Ye Chen's heart. He couldn't help being a little angry when he looked at the Monkey King who was still invincible in front of him.

"You monkey, if you want to die, I won't stop you, now I will let the Buddha wipe you out!" As he said, Ye Chen waved his hand pretendingly, as if to talk to the Buddha.

Sun Wukong was really scared now. He knew that if the Buddha wanted to erase himself, he had no way to resist, so he quickly grabbed Ye Chen's hand.

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