"Perhaps this fire burned down the entire temple. It seems that the fire should have been directed at our hut. I didn't expect the wind direction to change in the end, but it burned the entire temple."

Seeing Sun Wukong hesitated, Ye Chen didn't know how to answer, so he spoke first and solved the embarrassing situation for Sun Wukong. After all, he knew the whole cause and effect of this incident.

Monkey King glanced at Ye Chen gratefully, and then he quickly flew up into the air to check the casualties in the temple, and after a few casual glances, Monkey King fell down.

"Amitabha Buddha, Wukong, what's the situation?" Tang Seng saw Monkey King come down and hurriedly asked Monkey King, but Monkey King didn't speak, just shook his head.

Tang Seng immediately understood that the situation in the temple was not optimistic, but he still held a glimmer of hope and walked into the courtyard, only to see patches of corpses.

"Good, good." Tang Seng's tears flowed down the corner of his eyes. For the first time he saw so many people die in front of him, he naturally couldn't stand the stimulation.

"Wukong, Ye Chen, the poor monk wants to save the souls for these undead, you two should withdraw for the time being and go find the robes." After Tang Seng finished, he sat on the ground without waiting for Sun Wukong and Ye Chen's reaction, and began to recite the sutra. Arts.

Sun Wukong and Ye Chen looked at each other. They stopped disturbing Tang Seng, but went to the main hall of the temple, looking for the robes taken away by the old abbot.

The two of them searched for a long time and rummaged almost inside and outside the main hall, but no one saw the robes. Ye Chen knew that the robes were in the hands of the black fur monster. How could it be found in this temple?

But in order not to provoke Sun Wukong's suspicion, he still followed Sun Wukong to search, but after searching for a long time, Sun Wukong was disappointed to find that the robes were not in this temple at all.

"What's the matter? Shouldn't the old monk take good care of the robes last night? Why are they missing now?" Ye Chen and Monkey King asked after they assembled.

"I don't know. This old monk has many tricks. This fire was released to occupy the robes. If I hadn't found out in time, I'm afraid the master has been burned to ashes."

"But now the old monk also doesn't know where he is going. Will that robes be held by him and run away?" Ye Chen looked at Monkey King, but Monkey King hesitated obviously.

"Monkey, did you see something?" Ye Chen asked tentatively, but he knew in his heart that Monkey King must have seen the old abbot burned to death in the fire.

"I...Oh, to tell the truth, this fire should actually be burned into our hut, but I borrowed a fire cover from the king of Guangmu, so we were not affected by the fire."

"I couldn't understand the behavior of these monks, so I took a breath and burned the fire into the temple. Last night... the old abbot was burned to death in the fire."

"Then it's broken." Ye Chen frowned, "Now that the old abbot is dead, he doesn't know where the robes are hidden. How can this be good?"

Chapter 1456 Survivor

"I can't help it. Now we can only find the robes quickly before the master finishes reading the scriptures, otherwise the master will know that the robes are lost, and he will be very sad."

Although Sun Wukong said so, Ye Chen knew that he actually didn't care about Tang Seng's sadness or not. The main problem was that the robes were given to Tang Seng by the Buddha through the hands of Guanyin.

If such an important thing is lost, and it is still thrown under Sun Wukong's eyelids, then the Buddha will discover it by then, and I don't know how to blame him, so it is the Buddha that Sun Wukong is afraid of now.

"Let's look for it again, by the way, see if there are any monks alive in the temple, maybe someone saw where the old abbot hid the robes." Ye Chen had no choice but to comfort Sun Wukong.

"This is the only way to go. Let's go together this time, so that the master will not know about the disappearance of the robes." Sun Wukong nodded and agreed to Ye Chen's method, and the two walked towards the depths of the temple together.

A fire last night almost burned all the buildings in the temple. All the main buildings were affected by the fire. They either collapsed or were smoked black by thick smoke.

Monkey King and Ye Chen looked for robes while looking for people, but they have been without any results. "Monkey, do you think that robes would be burned by the fire?"

"No." Sun Wukong shook his head, "I heard from Guanyin Bodhisattva that the robes were so big that they would not fall into reincarnation if they were worn. How could it be destroyed by mortal fire?"

"I don't know if the Bodhisattva deceived people. If what she said was false, the robes might have become a pile of ashes now." Ye Chen showed a hint of doubt about the fire resistance of the robes.

"Oh, I'm all to blame. If I paid attention to the robes last night, it would be fine, and I won't cause things to be like this." Monkey King said reproachfully.

Just as the two were looking for the robes, a sound of footsteps on the ruined tiles suddenly rang from behind them.

Ye Chen and Monkey King turned their heads together and saw a young monk looking at them in hiding, and they stopped together.

"Little master, come here, we won't hurt you." Ye Chen said to the little monk. The little monk saw that the two men were the apprentices of Master Sanzang whom he had met yesterday, and walked with peace of mind.

When he approached, Ye Chen found out that the little master they had met yesterday. It turned out that this was the little monk who served the old abbot yesterday.

"Little master, have you ever seen other people who survived the fire in this temple?" Ye Chen looked at the little monk, and first asked what he knew.

The little monk shook his head, and then immediately cried, "They are all dead, my master and other senior brothers are dead, and the fire killed them."

"Don't cry, don't cry, don't worry, we will definitely arrange another temple for you, let you go there to practice, okay?" Ye Chen quickly comforted the little monk, after all, only this little monk knows the whereabouts of the robes.

After crying for a while, the little monk finally calmed down. He briefly talked about his identity. It turns out that he has been around the old abbot all these years, so he knows a lot of the old abbot's secrets.

"The little master, do you know where the robes we lent to the abbot last night?" Ye Chen asked after listening to the little monk patiently.

Chapter 1457

"Last night the abbot said something was going to go out and asked me to guard the robes in the room, but the abbot did not come back, I was really a little sleepy, so I fell asleep."

"When I woke up, I found that the abbot had not come back, but there was one more person in the house. I didn't dare to get up, but squinted and saw that it turned out to be the black furbolg that I had been with the abbot. "

"The black fur monster has a good relationship with the abbot. We always come to the temple to preach to the abbot. We also know him, so I was not afraid at the time, but was just wondering why he appeared in the abbot's house."

"Then I saw the black furbolg watching the robes in a trance. He seemed to have a special liking for the robes that the abbot let me guard, but before I could say anything, the black furbolg walked out of the room with the robes. "

"I got up and chased it out, but found that the black furbolg had turned into a black wind and was heading towards his lair-Black Wind Mountain. I couldn't chase him, and saw fire in the temple again, so I hurried to look for it. The place is hidden."

After listening to the description of the little monk, Ye Chen and Monkey King looked at each other. Now they can be sure that the robes were stolen by the black fur monster.

"Little master, do you know where the black fur monster is now?" Monkey King thought for a while, and then asked where the black fur monster was hiding.

"He was practicing in the Black Wind Cave of Heifeng Mountain, twenty miles southeast of Guanyin Temple. I was once again entrusted by the abbot to give him something, so I knew that place."

"Okay, thank you little master." Ye Chen thanked him, and then asked Monkey King to take the little monk to find a temple, so that the little monk could continue to practice in the temple.

Unexpectedly, before Monkey King agreed, the young monk first raised his objection, "I, I don't want to be a monk anymore. I don't have any cultivation bases and merits. I'm afraid I can only do miscellaneous work when I go to other temples."

"Then you can go back to the vulgar, and I will not stop you, but thank you for telling us today, otherwise we really don't know where to find the robes."

The little monk waved his hand, indicating that this was not a big deal, and then walked out of the temple. Seeing his decisive look, Ye Chen obviously made up his mind not to be a monk.

"Monkey, you have heard what the little monk said just now. I guess the black furbolg should have seen a fire in the temple and wanted to come to help. I didn't expect to see the robes under the circumstances and stole the robes. ."

"Hmph, I don't care what the purpose of his coming to this temple is. Anyway, he stole the robes and I am going to come back. That robes belonged to the master, so how could he be allowed to occupy them like this?"

Ye Chen nodded, and then went back to the hut where they lived with Monkey King last night. At this moment, Tang Seng had finished reading the scriptures and saved these wandering souls. He was putting his luggage on his horse.

Seeing Ye Chen's return, Tang Seng stopped his movements, "Amitabha, how about it, have you found the robes?"

Sun Wukong shook his head in shame, "Master, the robes were stolen by the monster, but you can rest assured that my grandson will take the robes back for you."

"Oh, this robes is a precious thing. As a teacher at that time, I told you not to show it off, but you just wanted to... it's nothing more. This is also a destined catastrophe. Let's set out now."

Chapter 1458 Black Bear Monster

Tang Seng stepped on his horse, Ye Chen took the reins, and Monkey King flew directly into the sky, and went to the Black Wind Mountain to find the Black Bear Monster.

Ye Chen briefly talked about what happened last night to Monk Tang. Monk Tang couldn't help sighing after hearing it, "For a robe, so many lives were provoked. This word of greed is not superficial."

Ye Chen didn't speak. After all, this matter was not Tang Seng's responsibility. If it weren't for the old abbot's greed, there wouldn't have been such a big fire last night, and the robes would not have been stolen by the black bear monster.

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