Sun Wukong was embarrassed. Obviously, he was very embarrassed to ask Guanyin Bodhisattva. After all, when they saw Guanyin Bodhisattva last time, she still wanted to put a golden hoop on Sun Wukong so that he could become more controllable.

"Is there really no other way?" Sun Wukong's eyes had a hint of prayer, but Ye Chen could only gently shook his head.

It's not that Ye Chen didn't want to help Monkey King, but that the Black Bear Monster was too difficult to deal with. According to the current situation, even if Ye Chen asked Monkey King to use the method in the book, he might not be able to really subdue the Black Bear Monster.

This black fur monster's body is extremely tough, even if Monkey King turns into an elixir and gets into his stomach according to the method in the book, it will not necessarily be able to break the black fur monster's body from inside.

"Well, my grandson can only try, but if the Bodhisattva has nothing to do, or if he doesn't help at all, I can only smash the cave and grab the robes back."

"If things really develop to that situation, I will definitely not stop you." Ye Chen looked at Monkey King's eyes and nodded.

Monkey King sighed softly, then got up and rushed straight into the sky. Ye Chen watched Monkey King's back leave before flying to the ground and sat opposite Tang Seng.

"What did Wukong do?" Tang Seng opened his eyes and looked at Ye Chen. Obviously he also saw the conversation between Ye Chen and Monkey King and the departure of Monkey King.

"Go to ask Guanyin Bodhisattva. This black bear monster is too difficult to deal with. Although the monkey can defeat him, it can't kill him. It is very tricky, so I can only ask Guanyin Bodhisattva to help."

"Amitabha Buddha, but pray that the Bodhisattva can come up with a way that will not hurt our lives, but also let us survive this catastrophe." Tang Seng said silently, then closed his eyes.

Ye Chen smiled, but Guanyin has found a way? In the end, he even brought the Black Furbolg under her command and became her guardian of the mountain.

After Monkey King left, Ye Chen had been sitting next to Tang Seng, waiting for Monkey King to return with Guanyin, but after waiting for half an hour, Ye Chen never saw the return of Monkey King.

"Why is this monkey so slow? Did something happen?" Ye Chen suddenly felt a little worried, because he knew that Guanyin had more than one tie for Monkey King in his hands.

At that time, the Buddha was afraid that Tang Seng’s three apprentices would be disobedient, so he gave Guanyin Bodhisattva three treasures: the tight hoop, the forbidden hoop, and the golden hoop. Sun Wukong was supposed to wear the tight hoop.

But now, this tight hoop is worn on Xiao Bailong's head, and Ye Chen is afraid that Guanyin will see that Monkey King is not wearing a tight hoop on his head, and then give Monkey King a forbidden hoop or golden hoop to wear.

When Ye Chen was worried, he suddenly saw a glimmer of golden light from the horizon, but the golden light only flashed twice and then disappeared.

Ye Chen turned his head and looked at the place where the golden light flickered, and found that Guanyin had appeared in midair without knowing when, Ye Chen was startled to sweat.

"This Guanyin appeared without a sound. If you really have the heart to deal with me, I'm afraid..." Ye Chen didn't dare to think again.

But Ye Chen is now sure about one thing: that is, under the protection of the Buddha, Guanyin should not blatantly attack him, just like last time, wanting Ye Chen to be trapped in the belly of Xiao Bailong.

"Amitabha, there is Lao Bodhisattva coming from afar. I wonder if the Bodhisattva has any tricks to deal with the black fur monster?" Tang Seng also noticed the arrival of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and he stood up and made a beating to the Bodhisattva.

The Bodhisattva nodded, and then stretched out his hand. Ye Chen and Tang Seng both saw a golden pill in her hand, "This is the transformation of Monkey King. As long as the black bear spirit eats it, I will be able to subdue him."

Chapter 1465

Ye Chen looked at the elixir in Guanyin Bodhisattva's hand. He didn't speak, but felt the aura from the elixir, and then determined that it was really made by Monkey King.

"But that black bear has many tricks, how can he believe that this elixir is real?" Ye Chen raised his head and looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Although his relationship with Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is not very good, at least at this critical juncture, Ye Chen is sure that Avalokitesvara will not do anything outrageous to him.

"I have my own way." Guanyin replied coldly, and then put away the elixir, "Tang Sanzang, you take the white dragon horse and go to a farther place to hide, don't be found by the black bear spirit that you are still nearby ."

Ye Chen looked at Guanyin and then at Tang Seng, but Guanyin didn't seem to see Ye Chen. After she arranged Tang Seng's whereabouts, she stopped talking.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly. He knew that Guanyin Bodhisattva had a deep prejudice against him, so Ye Chen didn't find himself boring anymore. He flew up into the air and hid his body among the clouds.

When Ye Chen lifted into the sky, after Tang Monk walked away, Guanyin suddenly changed. Ye Chen looked down and found that a gray-robed monk appeared in the place where Guanyin Bodhisattva was standing.

"It's this image again, this Guanyin is not afraid that everyone in the world knows that she was like this when she transformed into a mortal." Ye Chen cast a white glance and whispered.

The gray robe monk seemed to have heard Ye Chen's whisper. He glanced up, but ignored Ye Chen, and walked directly to the door of the black bear monster's cave.

Ye Chen stuck his tongue out, knowing that what he said just now should have been heard by Guanyin, but he only felt a little embarrassed, but in the bottom of his heart he didn't care what Guanyin thought.

Ye Chen then looked down, and through the gap of the clouds, he saw that the gray-robed monk had reached the door of the black fur monster, and then politely knocked on the door of the black fur monster cave mansion.

The black furbolg hadn't heard Monkey's scolding for a while, and felt strange. He wanted to go to the door to see what the Monkey was doing. He happened to knock on the door of the grey-robed monk.

The black furbolg saw the gray robe monk through the crack in the door of the cave mansion. He relied on his high force and the gray robe monk didn't seem to be a threat, so he opened the door of the cave mansion directly.

"Who are you?" The black furbolg first looked up and down the gray-robed monk, and then asked.

"Amitabha Buddha, who is not a poor monk, but a monk who travels all over the world. He used to discuss the aisle with the abbot in the Guanyin Temple. Today, when he passed by the Guanyin Temple, he found that the Guanyin Temple was burned down, so I came to ask what happened."

"It turned out to be the friend of the abbot, alas, the Guanyin Temple... the demon monkey had set ablaze a few days ago. When I went to rescue, the abbot of the Guanyin Temple had disappeared."

The black fur monster made a grimacing look, and the grey robe monk bowed his head and closed his eyes after listening, and said the Buddha's name silently, "Amitabha, it's a pity that this golden pill was originally given to the abbot, but now..."

As soon as the black furbolg heard the golden core, his eyes lit up, "The golden core? What golden core?"

"Without him, it's just a pill that was accidentally obtained by the poor monk when he was wandering around. It is said that this was dropped from the alchemy furnace of the Taishang Laojun. The poor monk wanted to give it to the abbot by the chance of passing by. The abbot..."

"It's okay. I am an old friend of the abbot of Guanyin Temple. I have discussed with him many times. You can give me this golden pill. When I meet the abbot in the future, I must hand it over to him."

Chapter 1466

Ye Chen saw the greedy expression on the black fur monster's face all the way away. This black fur monster must have known that the abbot of Guanyin Temple was dead, so he was impatient to get the golden core.

After all, even if this golden pill was really dropped from the alchemy furnace of the Supreme Master, for mortals, it may only have an effect of prolonging life, but for monsters such as black bear monsters, it has meaning. extraordinary.

This black furbolg has been practicing for many years, and he has already reached the bottleneck of his cultivation. He is in urgent need of some natural treasures to help him through this stage. Now that the golden core is sent to his door, he must be extremely excited.

What's more, the black bear is convinced that the old abbot of Guanyin Temple must have died in Guanyin Temple, otherwise the old abbot must have come to him for help, so this golden pill can now be said to be an unowned thing.

If he could really put this golden pill into his bag, the black furbolg believed that it would be a matter of time before he became an immortal.

"So... it's okay. This golden core is not a mortal thing. If it has been placed on the poor monk, the poor monk is afraid that he will be targeted by evil people someday, so it is better to store this golden core with the general for the time being."

After the grey robe monk finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a golden core immediately appeared in his hand. When the black fur monster saw the golden core, his eyes were straight. The breath on the golden core made him feel the possibility of a breakthrough.

However, even though the black fur monster was greedy, he was still not blindfolded by the golden core. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the gray-robed monk.

"When you came just now, did you ever see a monkey with a hairy face and Lei Gong's mouth and speech?" He cautiously asked the grey robe monk.

"The poor monk just heard someone screaming from a distance, so he came to this place, but after arriving here, he has never seen anyone other than the general."

Although the grey robe monk said so, the black furbolg still didn't believe it. He walked out of the cave, his nose shook a few times, as if he was smelling the breath in the air.

After that, the black fur monster flew into the air again, looking down, until he didn't see Tang Seng and the white dragon horse, he didn't feel relieved.

"Haha, this monkey, as expected, is still impatient and can't survive me." The black fur monster laughed, and then stretched out his hand, "The mage can give me this golden pill. I must live up to the mage's position. Trust."

"Amitabha Buddha, it's so good." After the grey robe monk finished speaking, he handed the golden core to the black fur monster's hands. Unexpectedly, the black fur monster took the golden core. Before anyone could respond, he swallowed the golden core.

"Why did the general eat this golden pill directly? Didn't he say it would be handed over to the abbot of Guanyin Temple?" There was no trace of discomfort on the gray-robed monk's face, and he was as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

"Master, it's true that the old abbot of Guanyin Temple is really good friends with me. I once taught him a secret technique that allowed him to live for more than 200 years. But a few days ago, did he escape that? He died in the temple in a big fire."

"This golden pill was given by the mage to the abbot, but the abbot has passed away. Now this golden pill has become an unowned thing. I will serve the golden pill today. Kindness!"

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