"Yeah!" Sasuke's face was shocked again.

"After that, Itachi pleaded with the third generation of Hokage to protect us from Danzo and other high-level persecutions. He was also reaching an agreement with Danzo and threatened. Itachi said, "If Sasuke Kazutatsu is shot, the village will be All of the information leaked to the non-Allied countries. "However, because Danzo is a disciple of the second generation of Naruto, influenced by the second generation, he knows Uchiha's potential well, so he proposed that the remaining Uchiha orphans, that is, you and one of me, join him. "root"!"

"Root?" Sasuke exclaimed. At the same time, he remembered the memory a few years ago. It was also a person who called himself "Root" who wanted to take him away, but was stopped by Anbu who arrived in time.

"Yes, maybe you are still very new to this organization, so now I will explain to you what kind of organization this is!"

Tatsun looked at Sasuke’s expression, thoughtful, but didn’t ask much, but continued: "Root"! It was created by Danzo. Most of the members in it are the blood heirs or secret arts families in Konoha. After entering, they will be planted with various spells, and then brainwashed. They become a tool for the Six Pros to not recognize and only obey Danzo’s orders. Compared with Anbu, it has greater flexibility and specializes in assassination, intelligence and other high-risk missions. Zang carefully cultivated an elite organization that can only be hidden in the dark forever. Now, you know how terrible this organization is! And, looking at you, you seem to have an intersection with them!"

"Yes! A few years ago, someone who claimed to be the "root" wanted to take me away, but was stopped. It turns out that he was from Danzo!"

"Sure enough... Actually, Danzo's original goal was me..." Chen said with a sneer.

"His target is you? Then why... don't you..."

"Yes, he took me as a target from the beginning, because in his eyes, my talent, strength and potential are stronger than you, so what he wants most is to control me!"

"Hey!" Sasuke let out a cold snort when he heard Chen's boasting.

"Fortunately, I realized his purpose first, because we were too weak at the time and had no power to resist at all. So, in order to protect myself, when he sent someone to monitor me, I first thought about a countermeasure. It’s just pretending to be an idiot because of a mental shock, hoping to hide it from his eyes. I conclude that if I become an idiot, then Uchiha’s orphan will be you alone, even if Danzo wants to think again. When it hits you, the three generations of Hokage will definitely not agree, and will definitely stop him. It turns out that my idea is right! Although I have been an idiot in Konoha for so long, it is worth it, whether it is you or I, everything was fine in the end!"

"Then why didn't you tell me at the time!"

"Because I didn't dare to take risks, Danzo was too cautious. Even though I had pretended to be an idiot, he still didn't relax my vigilance against me. He still sent someone to watch me. If there was a slight mistake at the time, he saw that it was strange. The consequences were disastrous. I didn't even dare to go out half a step at the time, just because I was afraid of revealing my flaws unconsciously! Now...you know why I want to deceive you?"

"Danzo..." After hearing Chen's explanation, Sasuke was speechless. He could imagine Chen's situation at that time. If there was a slight mistake, he would fall into a dead end. He didn't dare to go out, and he had to pretend to be an idiot every day, and he had to be cautious about how he might show his feet on the road. Every day, his nerves were tense. Sasuke asked himself that he could not do this.

Thinking of this, Sasuke's unhappiness that Chen deceived him in his heart also disappeared.

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Don’t worry about Senna’s eyes anymore, it’s just telling Sasuke some facts, it doesn’t need to be so clear, and I wrote this by referring to the truth that Sasuke said to Sasuke with dirt at the time. That’s how Madara told Sasuke...

Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen: The Power of Grief

At this time, Tatsun and Sasuke were walking among the trees.

After quitting from the moon reading space, Sasuke has not spoken, and Tatsun is not silent. Before that, Tatsu confessed all the truth to Sasuke, including Itachi who arranged for him to die in a duel with Sasuke. He knew that all this was a big blow to Sasuke, and he needed time to digest those things. In this way, both of them were walking quietly without speaking!

"What do you want to do?" Sasuke spoke after a long period of silence.

"Hehe~~" After hearing Sasuke's words, Tatsuno stopped, sneered, and looked at Sasuke: "Of course... revenge!"

"The Uchiha clan has the highest glory. In the end, they got half the credit when they established the Konoha Ninja Village. However, because of the despicability of the thousand hands, Uchiha Madara denied Uchiha's credit and only let us Uchi. The Bo clan did the work of vigilance and security to offend people, and even their basic political rights were deprived. In the end, it was because of the suspicion of the Konoha high-level that the survival and safety of the Uchiha clan was threatened, so they were forced to launch a coup. Everything is the persecution of Konoha's high-level leaders, and that's why it has caused the current result. This is a debt owed by Konoha, and they must pay it back!"

"Tell me, what is your plan?" Sasuke said coldly.

"Hey~~ Let's go to several strongholds in Dashemaru first and get a few people out. For the next things, we need to use their power."

"Are you asking Osha Maru for someone?" Sasuke asked in surprise.

"Don't worry, I have inspected those few people. They are not the diehards of Oshemaru, and their abilities are also very good. As long as we guide them, their strength will be stronger, and they will be better for us in the future. It will help. And if we want to deal with Konoha and Akatsuki, we must find some helpers!"

"Huh! Whatever you want, as long as you don't hold me back!" Sasuke didn't object to Chen's words.

"There is...your strength! You are still too weak now, you must improve your strength as soon as possible!" Chen looked at Sasuke and said playfully.

"Huh!" Sasuke was very upset about Chen's expression, but there was no way, Chen said that his strength was indeed too weak.

"Originally, I thought that after telling you the truth, you would start the kaleidoscope, but it didn't. But it doesn't matter, I have another way, maybe you can open your kaleidoscope writing wheel."

"What are you talking about? Can I open my kaleidoscope?" Sasuke couldn't keep calm anymore when he heard Tatsun's words, and asked Tatsu excitedly.

"Yes, the kaleidoscope writing round eyes is the blood succession limit of the Uchiha clan, and it is an upgraded mode of writing round eyes, so the conditions for opening eyes are not so simple, but they are not as difficult as imagined. What Itachi said to kill Only the one who is closest to oneself can open the eyes, and that’s right, that’s because if you want to open the kaleidoscope, you have to endure huge negative emotions before you can open the eyes. Therefore, after killing one’s closest relatives or friends, the heart It will be full of sad emotions in order to achieve the conditions for eye-opening. But in fact, it is not necessary to kill one's own relatives and friends. According to inference, Kaleidoscope writing round eyes only needs sadness to reach the limit to achieve the conditions for eye-opening. I am in By chance, I got a magical power. As long as this power is hit on the target, it can cause the target to produce great emotional fluctuations in a short period of time. I call this power "sorrowful grievances". Power! ""

"The power of grief?"

"Yes, but if you want to use this method to achieve the purpose of eye-opening, you need to have one condition!"

"What conditions?" Sasuke asked nervously.

Tatsun looked into Sasuke's eyes and said, "Then both eyes must have reached the state of Sangoyu!"

Hearing the conditions mentioned by Chen, Sasuke secretly breathed a sigh of relief, without talking nonsense, his eyes directly entered the state of writing wheel eyes, and in each of his eyes, three gouyu jade were lying, slowly turning.

"Sure enough... it's all three gou jade, yes! Your eyes have met the requirements!" Looking at the six gou jade in Sasuke's eyes, Chen said with a slight smile.

At the same time, Chen secretly contacted the system and said: "System, give me a power of grief and resentment!"

"Ding! Successful redemption, points deduction: 50000, remaining points of the host: 1000" The system prompt reminded that Chen's points were suddenly deducted, and at the same time Chen had a transparent glass jar in his hand.

"This is what I just said...the power of grievance!" Chen raised the glass jar in his hand to Sasuke and said to him.

I saw that the jar in Chen's hand was transparent, and there was a gray smoke-like object floating in the jar.

"Can the contents of this jar really enable me to open the kaleidoscope to write round eyes?" Sasuke said nervously, looking at the jar in Tatsun's hand.

"I'm not sure about this. I can only say that there is a certain probability. As for success or failure, it all depends on your good fortune! There is one more thing I want to remind you. If you use the power of grievance, then within a period of time, it will Let you rush to the extremely painful, are you sure you want more?" Tatsun said to Sasuke.

Hearing Tatsun's words, Sasuke didn't show any fear, but asked Tatsun back: "Did you open the kaleidoscope of writing round eyes because of the power of this so-called grievance?"

"Forget it!" Whether it is a kaleidoscope or the power of grief, it is exchanged from the system, so Tatsun did not deny Sasuke's words!

"Leave it to me, since you can open your eyes, then I will definitely not lose to you, and I can definitely open the kaleidoscope to write round eyes," Sasuke said firmly, his eyes full of confidence.

"Really? It's up to you!" Chen didn't say much, and directly handed the glass jar in his hand to Sasuke. "Just smash the jar!" Then he ignored Sasuke and continued on his way alone.

After Sasuke got the glass jar, his expression was very excited at first, then he made a decision in his heart, his eyes became serious, and then he smashed the glass jar with a palm.

After the glass jar was broken, the gray spherical smoke in the jar instantly floated to Sasuke's chest, and before he could reflect it, it slammed into his chest.


A wailing full of sorrow and resentment resounded throughout the woods.

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen: First Seeing Water Moon

Chen Gang hadn't walked far, and suddenly there was a wailing from behind, making him stop for a while, and then he continued on his way.

Chen secretly said in his heart: "Hehe~~ There is only so much I can help you. As for whether you can open the kaleidoscope to write the wheel, it depends on your good fortune!"

Chen didn't worry about Sasuke's safety. Failure to open the kaleidoscope would not cause any harm. At most, he would only waste 50,000 points and suffer for nothing. It was no big deal. So Tatsuno was not waiting for Sasuke, he knew that Sasuke would definitely catch up.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Chen to notice that he was being spied on, and the corners of Chen's mouth slightly cocked: "You know how strong you are, it seems you have succeeded!"

"Hey!" A cold snort suddenly came from a big tree behind Chen, and then a figure suddenly jumped in front of Chen.

The visitor was Sasuke Uchiha. At this time, Sasuke’s mouth was raised, his face showed unconcealable joy, and his body had undergone earth-shaking changes. He, who had only been particularly capable of forbearance, turned out in a short period of time. Having reached the level of being an elite, Chen could feel an unprecedented confidence from him.

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