"Hey, Master, the robes are returned to the original owner, you don't have to worry about it, let's get on the road right away."

"Amitabha Buddha, Wukong, thanks to you for this incident, thank you for your teacher." This monk is also a sensible person, knowing that I would like to thank Sun Wukong.

Ye Chen in the distance also guessed the clues. Obviously, Sun Wukong went to ask Guanyin Bodhisattva this time to be put on the curse again by the old woman.

Only then would he agree to Monkey King to help Tang Seng,

The price is really too high. In this way, Monkey King was once again controlled by Tang Seng and Guanyin Bodhisattva between applause. I thought he had prevented all of this from happening, and in the end he couldn't change the record in the Book of the West. Ye Chen didn't mention it either. About the matter, he knew that Sun Wukong was an extremely face-saving person, and since he chose not to talk about it, there was no need for Ye Chen to ask questions.

Then he ran to the front and took the initiative to take the reins, pulling the white dragon horse and walking forward. The Tang Seng sitting on the horse was still calm and relaxed, chanting scriptures with his eyes closed.

Monkey King was much more honest. He put the golden cudgel on his shoulders, put his hands on the golden cock, and hung a suitcase for westward travel on both sides.

On the way, the three of them seemed to have their own thoughts. Tang Seng kept rubbing the rosary on his hand and chanting scriptures in his mouth. The always lively Monkey Wukong was silent at this moment and kept silent. At this time, Ye Chen is repeatedly robbing the bad and shortcomings on the westward journey. Both his master and the Tathagata have very high evaluations of him. For some reason, Ye Chen always feels that there is no book on the westward journey. The description is so simple, and the feeling it gives him at this moment is more like a game of high-level innate gods. The whole world is also a chessboard, whether Tang Seng, Monkey King, or himself is one of the chess pieces, but Ye Chenquan It is especially special. With the evaluation given by his master, Dainichi Tathagata and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he is very likely to play a vital role.

However, at the moment, it seems that this Guanyin Bodhisattva is already opposed to himself, and he will put himself to death in front of everyone many times. Seeing that it is difficult to be regarded as the past, he has not been able to rewrite anything, Sun Wukong is on his head. The golden hoop is still firmly embedded in his head, how can he go the next way.

After a low sigh, Ye Chen understood the sorrow and hardship of this trip to the west. Although he had the book of the westward journey, it was only after his own personal experience that he knew that these ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties were there. How difficult.

"Master, you are in front of Gao Laozhuang." Sun Wukong put his hand on his brow and said as he looked into the distance. A group of people have been walking and sleeping and sleeping for more than half a month, and the road is basically walking through the mountains, because Sun Wukong The reason for being here, the little demon in this mountain didn’t meet each other very much. Everything went smoothly. Tang Seng always looked calm and relaxed. Monkey King and Ye Chen have been used to this old elm monk for so long. People walked on the road and talked freely. Monkey King made a fuss on the topic of the sky. He told Ye Chen no less than 800 times, but every time Ye Chen listened, he felt the first time he listened, and every time he was moved by Monkey King’s vivid actions. Bringing into it with the language, as if I was watching this scene from the sidelines.

Chapter 1471

"Well, when you reach Gao Laozhuang, you can also meet people with smoke." Tang Seng muttered, sitting on horseback, "Hey, master, it's not that the wild fruits in this mountain are not used to eating. I want to taste it. Taste the taste of Zhaifan." Monkey King scratched the hair on his face and said with a smile.

"Gao Laozhuang? It seems that Zhu Bajie is about to be subdued." Ye Chen looked at the three-character plaque in Gao Laozhuang and exclaimed. The bridge section of Zhu Bajie's daughter-in-law is vividly vivid in his mind, "This place, What a heavy demon spirit!" Monkey King took the white horse from Ye Chen and walked ahead. He couldn't let Ye Chen be in danger. It was noon, and there was no one in Gao Lao Zhuang. Except for a gust of wind, there was nothing special about it, but the more it was, the more the Tang monks felt abnormal.

The three of them saw it all at once, and no one could only find a house that seemed to be magnificent, because the average big family believed in the concept of Buddhism. Generally, the people who worshipped in the temple were basically those with wealthy people. For this reason, the group is going to try to see if they can stay overnight.

Monkey King was the first to take the brunt, jumping to the door of the mansion and patted the knocker lightly.

"Is anyone there?" After a few clicks, he found that there was no movement at all. Then Monkey King stepped up his strength and hammered the door a few times, causing all the dust on the beams to fall.

"Wukong! Hugh is rude!" Tang Seng hurriedly stopped when he saw it. According to Monkey King's temper, the people inside would not come and open the door for them even if they heard it.

But after a short while after smashing the door, there was obvious movement in the yard, and then the closed door slowly let out a gap in the door. Upon seeing this, Monkey King immediately greeted him with a smile, hey, the donor..." After speaking, I saw that the people inside suddenly closed the door with a look of horror. "This..." Seeing Monkey King was also helpless. The ordinary-looking mortal himself saw a face turned pale in shock. Nothing. Frightening is already extremely acceptable.

"I'm coming." Ye Chen also smiled, replacing Sun Wukong and calling the door, "Donor, don't panic, we are monks from Dongtu Tang, we are going to stay with you for one night, I don't know the donor. Can it be convenient?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, there was still no sound in the yard, "Hey, it's weird, why don't you open the door?" Ye Chen scratched his head in confusion, then looked up and saw the plaque hanging at the gate. The answer is already there, and there are two big characters written on it resolutely, Gaofu.

This is the high-ranking member's home, so everything makes sense. At first, Ye Chen was still thinking about how to find the trace of Zhu Bajie. No, it has been sent to the door now. When he thought of this, Ye Chen A good idea flashed through my mind.

"Hey, I said kid, can you do it? If you can't, let's change the house. Obviously people here don't want to see the monk." Sun Wukong said to Ye Chen with a golden cudgel in his hand and smiled. Obviously, Ye Chen is not very optimistic.

Humph, please, please.

Then Ye Chen clicked the gate of Gaofu again.

"Benefactor, I know what you are bothering you now. I don't know what to say. Our masters and apprentices can help you save you from danger, but I don't know you..."

Before Ye Chen finished speaking, Gaofu's door opened with a creak.

Chapter 1472

The nagging butler leaked a small half of his face and looked at Ye Chen suspiciously.

"Can you really help us?"

"Don't worry, as long as you can borrow for one or two nights, the pig demon will be held by our master and apprentice." Ye Chen patted his chest and assured him.

"You! How do you know that we are provoking a pig demon? Could it be that you are gods? Is it really God's eye? Sending all the immortals to come to save us?"

Seeing that Ye Chen explained what they were troubled by, the guard thought they were gods descending to the earth.

"Huh, the gods on that day only knew that they would manage your trivial things in the world by talking about wine and making blessings." Ye Chen heard a cold snort, but then continued, "I'm naturally not a god, I'm just an ordinary person. It’s just a human being, but my brother is a real god, you know, he used to work as Bi Mawen in the Heavenly Court."

Ye Chen smiled and said to the guard, and then Yu Guang floated towards Monkey King. How could Monkey King hear him? At this moment, he was looking at Ye Chen angrily, wishing to devour him.

But the guard was at a loss. He didn't listen to what Bi Ma Wen said, but he didn't dare to neglect when he heard the word immortal.

Just about to let Ye Chen into the house, he suddenly remembered something, and then asked Ye Chen softly.

"Did brother just see a monk with a hairy face and Lei Gong's mouth? He was still yelling at the door just now. I opened the door and almost fainted with fright. I think 80% of it was the helper called by the pig demon. I think the little brother quickly enters the house and discusses important matters with my adult, but it is extremely dangerous outside." The kind doorman reminded Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was embarrassed.

"Actually, the monster with the full face of Lei Gong's mouth you just mentioned is my senior brother." Ye Chen said as he did not forget to point to the Monkey King Tang Seng in the distance.

After staring at Monkey King, Monkey King did not forget to put on a fierce expression, and the guard squatted to the ground with a squat.

"Little brother, don't panic, don't panic. This is how my senior brother is, but he is very kind, with hands and eyes wide open, and he is a real god. With his help this time, he should be able to get twice the result with half the effort."

With a worried heart, hesitated again and again, the younger brother still gave the three masters and apprentices in. As soon as he heard that someone could help him solve problems, the senior staff rushed into the hall just as soon as he was busy. Because of his daughter’s affairs these days, But let myself, the father, worry about it.

However, when he came to the living room, the staff was still given a jump by Monkey King. There is no way. Brother Monkey is so sharp, you can't accept it.

"Amitabha, a poor monk who came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty to learn Buddhist scriptures in the Western Heavens. He passed by the precious treasures and only asked for a one-night stay. The donor can agree to it. Don’t be afraid, this is my big apprentice. Although he looks ugly, he has a kind heart. Donors can rest assured."

Hearing Tang Seng's explanation, the high-ranking staff's heart was also settled a lot. Even though the butler told him that there was something extraordinary in the hall, he was mentally prepared when he saw it, he was taken aback.

"Then it's easy to talk about what you want to stay in. As long as you can solve your urgent needs, it doesn't matter how long you want to stay."

"Then you have to ask the staff to tell you when you are worried about it."

Chapter 1473

Ye Chen confessed to the senior officials and said.

Although I already knew what was going on, I couldn't tell from my own mouth, that was nothing.

"Oh, things are like this. Our Gaolaozhuang is actually a relatively prosperous village. The people are harmonious, and people live a happy life. It is not the scene you see now.

Just a few years ago, a young man came to the village. He saved my little girl’s life in the mountains and forests. After learning that he had escaped, the old man saw him pitifully, so he kindly took him in. He wanted to talk about this person. , Strength is extremely good, every day to chop wood and fetch water for the family, it is never called a tired word.

But every meal was extremely amazing. I was surprised at the beginning, but after seeing him do so much work, I was relieved. After all, people did so much work, and there was nothing to eat more. That’s it. This young man has been resident at home for more than a year, and the little girl in the family didn’t get along well. The two of them got acquainted as soon as they came and went. I think this young man also has a little meaning for my little girl, so I decided to let him become a parent. The Gao family, aside from solving the little girl's lifelong issues, there is also such a cheap labor in the family. How did the business want to make money in the first place, and the little girl has a little meaning for this brawny man.

In this way, we hit it off. This young man named Zhu Ganglie joined my Gao family and took my daughter as his wife. It was a good thing to have the best of both worlds, but the good times were not always good. After two years, I found that the pig Ganglie became more and more abnormal. Every time it was midnight, He was going to leave home in a hurry. Out of curiosity, I asked him what he was going to do, but he just found a reason and Tang Ye went over. After that, poultry was stolen frequently in the village, and some people even sneaked up to me to complain, saying that I had seen pigs appearing in his sheep pen that night. At first I didn’t believe it very much, but slowly More and more people came to me and said that I also began to have doubts, but after all, they are my son-in-law, and there are still some things that I can’t ask face to face, so I thought of a way. I pulled the pig that night. Ganglie drank, trying to get him to drink some wine to tell the truth. To say that this pig is strong enough to drink, he had already climbed onto the table and fell asleep without drinking five or six cups. I see the time has come. I was about to shake him up and ask about the truth, but at that time, what happened made me think about the cold sweat of the whole head. I saw that after the pig staunchly raised his head, his handsome face was replaced by a huge pig's head. It is extremely ugly, and the belly is extremely huge. It may be because of my actions. The pig Gang also noticed the panic on my face, and felt the exposure of the matter. The pig Ganglie was not hiding it, and the whole person turned into a monster. , Drifting to the sky above Gao Laozhuang, and after a roar, the trees in the way were uprooted, and a demon wind swept away like a distant place.

I thought he would leave like this, but the next day he came to Gao Laozhuang again, and rushed to the house like a pig's head, pulling my collar and calling me father-in-law. At that time, my mind was empty. I was so scared that my legs were soft, and so did my old lady, who was so scared that she passed out, and the more pitiful was my girl. Watching the beloved man become such a ghost, no one can bear it.

Chapter 1474

But this pig demon looked like he was not afraid of boiling water. He put aside a sentence and came to marry my little girl in seven days. It seems that the day is about to come, and the people in the village heard that they are not going out behind closed doors, so Then there will be the desolate scene of the master entering the village. "

Ye Chen looked at the person in front of him, and then looked at the woman who was choking in the distance. It must be that Miss Gao, she was born delicate, well, it seems that the plot did not show much deviation.

Ye Chen nodded, but fortunately there was no accident.

"Amitabha, the benefactor is so pitiful, Wukong, or you can help this family."

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