He didn't expect this move back to the carbine.

It penetrated Ye Chen's heart in an instant, blood spewed out with the crescent shovel, and for a time the whole piece was dyed bright red by Ye Chen's school.

"Ye Chen!" The monk Tang in the distance saw a yell, but it was of no use at all. Ye Chen's corpse seemed to have gradually begun to sink with the sinking water.

"Huh, you have power and speed, but playing with me, you are still too tender." Monk Sha sneered disdainfully. After all, he was still a child, and the war was fierce. You can actually imagine it, if Ye Chen was cruel at the time. One point, behind Monk Sha, it was not the back, but the arteries. Then there would be nothing to do?

I didn't pay too much attention to Ye Chen, even if he didn't die completely, the amount of bleeding just now would not be able to shake the waves.

"Old monk, it's your turn now. I told you to stay in the cave well. You didn't listen. Now don't say I didn't warn you."

Raising the crescent shovel in his hand horizontally, he said coldly to Tang Seng.

"Amitabha Buddha, the benefactor's eyes are clearly shining with pure light, why do you want to do such a damaging thing."

"Oh, pure genus, you can still see pure genus," Hearing this, Monk Sha suddenly stopped the crescent shovel in his hand. This sentence seems to evoke endless memories.

"If everything goes well, how can I be a demon here."

"What is wrong with the donor, let me, a dying person, answer one or two for you," Tang Seng also became suddenly at this moment. If he can prevent Monk Sha from killing, then his own death has become a meaningful thing. The Buddha’s heart is good, what is precious, "Hehe, let’s tell you, I am a demon here and I have unspeakable sufferings. I was originally the general of the roller shutter of the court, in charge of the many things in the Nantian Gate. I was inspecting myself that day. Under the jurisdiction of the mortal world, it was found that the people had no harvest due to the rain problem, and they had starved to death. I don’t know how many thousands of people. I felt sorry for those lives. Then I ran to report to the Jade Emperor and wanted him to send a heavy rain to relieve the mortal. The hardworking people, but the Jade Emperor only knew how to make fun, and didn't care about the multiple things in the mortal world. Without the approval of the Jade Emperor, the thunder father and electric mother didn't dare to use mana and rain casually.

No way, I had to figure out all this by myself, and then I went to the East China Sea Dragon Palace and bowed down at the entrance of the Dragon Palace for dozens of days before making the Dragon King rain in time.

Seeing the people's work finally paid off, I am happy for them in my heart.

But the good times didn't last long, and this incident even reached the ears of the Jade Emperor. Because of my unauthorized actions, the official position was demoted again and again.

But it doesn't matter. I don't care about these official posts. As long as the people can live and work in peace and contentment, what does these official posts have to do with me? But after arrogance, the Jade Emperor treated me like a different person.

The horizontal eyebrows were cold-eyed all day, and the people in the Tiangong began to distance themselves from me because of the Jade Emperor's attitude.

But I still didn't take it seriously, still using my private power to take care of the mortal people.

Finally, the Jade Emperor couldn't stand it anymore. In his opinion, my behavior was against his restraint and didn't put him in the eyes of the Jade Emperor.

One night, he ordered the Queen Mother to deliver the colorful colored glaze lamp to me, and ordered me to send it to the Beiming Xianjun mansion, but only when I took the colorful colored glaze Zhan found out.

Chapter 1509

The light in this lamp is already extremely weak. "

I rushed to the land of the North Mind non-stop, but when I arrived, the lights were all gone.

In the end, I was charged with this crime, and the Jade Emperor logically drove me down from the Heavenly Court and became a fairy in this quicksand Hanoi.

Monk Sha seemed to have inexhaustible suffering, as if the treatment he had received was even more painful than the wound on his back.

"Amitabha, since the benefactor has a compassionate heart, why should he hurt the heavens and the truth in this Liusha River? Isn't this going against the kindness in your heart?"

Tang Seng didn't understand it very much.

"Hehe, kindness, what's the use of kindness? In this world, a kind heart can calm this troubled world. People in the world are constantly yearning for a life in heaven.

Sacrificial rituals are held every festive season, in order to let the gods in the sky bless their health.

It is precisely because of this that they are used to problems. Life is equal, but the esteemed people of heaven think that they are superior and don't care about mortal things.

I have my ambitions, and one day I will overthrow the court of Heaven and trample the Jade Emperor under my feet!

Speaking of this, Monk Sha secretly clenched his fists.

"But what does it have to do with your ambitions if you are doing everything that hurts the world?"

Facing Tang Seng’s doubts, Monk Sha chuckled lightly and pointed his finger at the rosary on his neck.

Do you know what this is?

Tang Seng puzzled.

"I have eaten countless people again. It is rumored that eating the flesh and blood of the scholars can immortality. Once I have this power, I will have the capital to compete with the heavenly palace. After so many years, I have also eaten a lot of scholars. , What makes me different is that in this quicksand river, everything can't float here, even the fluttering goose feathers will be swallowed up by this quicksand river in an instant.

But the skulls of the people who learn from the scriptures are not the same. After death, their heads will float on the water. I also use this method to determine if the people who learn from the scriptures are coming. I would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

These nine black beads are the heads of the people who learn from the scriptures. I have nothing to do to connect them together, and I can play with them when I am fine.

And now you are the tenth person. Maybe if I kill you, I can really get the power of immortality, so the master can only wrong you. "

Monk Sha Crescent shoveled and wanted to take Tang Seng down. In fact, he really didn't want to kill. Every time he could eat people, his heart was extremely painful, but there was no way. In front of his own ambitions, he could only wrong his conscience. This is already the first time. If the ten people who learn from the scriptures can really gain the power of immortality, then the death of these people is necessary in the view of the Drifters. After all, there are gains and losses.

"You have that Huigen, why don't you consider putting down the butcher knife." Tang Seng still put his hands together, said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Haha, Huigen? Maybe when I was just demoted to the mortal world, I might listen to you when you said these things, but now it's not the case. I have killed too many people. After so many dead souls, how could the Buddha accept me?"

Monk Sha shook his head with a wry smile, indicating that he could no longer look back.

"You are wrong! As long as you have a Buddha in your heart, no matter when you start, it will never be too late. Purify the endless sadness in your heart, follow me, and go west with me. Now it is possible with my thoughts. I can't enlighten you, but I can't, it doesn't mean that the Buddha can't.

Chapter 1510

Believe that he will show a way of your own. "

It's hard to imagine that Monk Sha is already yelling to kill Tang Seng, and this monk still intends to win him into his team? It's really ironic.

"You are not afraid of what I do to you? After all, I have eaten nine people who learn from the scriptures, and eating you is also a deep desire in my heart."

"I know you won't. If you really want to eat me, then you won't tell me so much. The reason why you become guilty is just because you have suppressed too much suffering in your heart, and these sufferings have not been pointed. It turns into hatred. I believe that now your inner desire to seek the truth is greater than hatred. Even if you still want to go to heaven for revenge, I will not say anything. Only oneself can walk on your own path. It’s your own way, you must verify it yourself."

"Conscience exists in your heart, but you dominate hatred more, then conscience naturally falls behind. From your eyes, I can see how helpless you are. All you think is here. Sinking, believing those words of chasing after the wind and shadows, all the treasures were put on me desperately. For example, if my meat is really what you said, I can live forever, but what is the meaning of eating it? This kind of rumors were already there when you dropped the first person to learn from the scriptures, but after you closed him, you found that it was not like that at all. With a fluke, maybe the next one is true, just like you just As said, you have eaten nine people, and I am the tenth. Just after you eat me, the fluke in your heart will tell you that if you eat the next one, you may be able to gain the power of immortality. You will also fall into that endless cycle here. Then your so-called heart of revenge and your ambition to overthrow the Jade Emperor’s government are just empty words. When you eat enough one hundred people to learn from the scriptures, you will tell You may be able to succeed in a thousand, day after day, year after year, and you will adapt to this kind of life. Perhaps your ambitions still exist now, but you can guarantee that ten years from now, a hundred years from now, will it be the same?"

Tang Seng’s series of questions hit Monk Sha’s heart like a cannonball. He hadn’t considered these problems. As Tang Seng said, now he has really adapted to the life of being a demon here, and his strength has not been able to keep pace. In the past, those who have eaten the Scriptures have never given you strength, do you really want to truly incarnate into a monster race? Do not! He was not reconciled, how could his ambitions as a general of the roller shutter be limited to this small quicksand river, he turned the sand monk with one word, and the crescent shovel dropped his hand and landed on the side of the reef.

I saw Monk Sha put his hands together, and bowed to Tang Sanzang piously, "I will follow the instructions of the master."

Seeing Monk Sha’s behavior, Monk Tang also nodded with satisfaction.

"But Master, I just missed and killed your apprentice again. Didn't I..." But I just thought of shoveling Ye Chen to death, making the monk extremely uncomfortable.

... "Are you talking about me?"

An abrupt voice came from behind Monk Sha,

"The Sha monk who saw a ghost looked at Ye Chen in disbelief.

You you you... not dead? "The strength of the crescent shovel just now is clear to Monk Sha, enough to pierce the huge boulder, and it is Ye Chen's heart that is attacking.

But at this moment, Ye Chen is safe and sound?

Chapter 1511

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