While shaving, Tang Seng said softly.

"Follow the master's order."

The monk Sha, who was given a dharma title, folded his hands together and bowed to Tang Seng sincerely.

Nodding satisfied, the group was ready to clean up and cross the river.

Because this river is all the sand monks have the final say, then the passage will not stop it.

Zhu Bajie found a piece of wood from the side, only to see Monkey King let out a light breath, the raft instantly transformed into a small boat.

The four people and the white dragon horse stood on the small boat just right.

And because of the nature of the quicksand river, the sand monk ran into the water and gently dragged the boat so that it could not sink.

In this way, the four masters and apprentices, oh not to mention where Ye Chen was the five masters and apprentices, and then embarked on the journey westward.

And Ye Chen, who was on the small boat, immediately sat down and began to meditate, participating in the nine-turn Buddha magic power given to him by the master.

He must race against time now.

According to the records in the Westward Journey, the monsters encountered in the front are basically the level of appetizers, while those encountered later are the real monster king level.

And most of them are pets kept by the Bodhisattvas. If Ye Chen does not hurry to practice, his life will be threatened.

In Ye Chen's view, this journey was not only about the things recorded in the book, but also had great changes, even though every difficulty was described correctly.

But the danger contained in this book has only been rashly mentioned, and it has not been described at all, and this can ruin Ye Chen.

Take this time to subdue the sand monk as an example.

In the Westward Journey, only a few big characters were written in a simple way.

Liushahe subdued Wujing.

This pit broke Ye Chen, if it weren't for the immortal body, Ye Chen would have been feeding fish at the bottom of Liusha River long ago.

"You have to seize the time to comprehend this exercise, and it can be considered as a hole card in the future fight."

Ye Chen, who secretly made up his mind, opened the Ninth Rank Buddha Magic Power again.

This time Ye Chen looked extremely careful, and did not miss every word in the process of comprehension.

Just as he was slowly reading and immersing in it, suddenly in this technique, the text began to emit a faint golden light, and Ye Chen hadn't waited for the difference.

This golden light once again materialized and condensed together. Ye Chen didn't believe his eyes a little, and then blinked and looked again. The golden light really disappeared, and it was replaced by a majestic statue.

Ye Chen's mouth opened his boss in shock.

I saw that the stone statue in front of me had to be as high as a hundred feet in length and width.

Ye Chen's eyes looked from under his feet to the head of the statue.

This statue gives people a sense of sight of the big day Tathagata.

There is another kind of peace in Maitreya Buddha.

And different from the body of the Buddha, the body of this Buddha image is very visible.

Chapter 1514

The muscle lines on the body are like carved ones, with distinct blocks.

A Zen suit is simply put on the body.

Exudes bursts of golden light.

What puzzled Ye Chen the most was the head of this Buddha statue. This is a Buddha statue, but how does it have the head of a demon?

I saw a monster head with blue fangs on the neck of this statue, and the ferocity in his eyes seemed to tear Ye Chen to pieces on the spot.

Ye Chen hurriedly withdrew his eyes from the fright. Just now he obviously felt that his mind had been affected, and there was an inexplicable anger that was gushing out from deep in his heart.

"What is the origin of this great god, how can it appear in my body, and how can it shake my mind?"

Ye Chen felt very different about this.

But Ye Chen turned around and thought, this was something his master gave him, and he shouldn't harm him. He had this confidence.

Ye Chen gritted his teeth, and then his eyes met the look of the Buddha statue.

Ye Chen didn't stay idle either, he kept feeling the subtle changes in his body in his heart, and sure enough, the anger that had just been suppressed now began to move around again.

"I'm going to see what kind of moths you, ghosts and snakes are going to make in my body?" Ye Chen was cruel and prepared to try desperately.

Anyway, I am immortal, and I am not afraid of any impact on my life.

But this time, Ye Chen made a wrong bet. Going to be immortal and immortal meant nothing, just to ensure that Ye Chen's flesh and blood body would not be shielded, but there was no mental guarantee.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Chen almost fell into a frenzy.

The ship had slowly docked on the shore, and Tang Seng and his party got off the ship and prepared to pack their luggage and leave.

However, Ye Chen was still sitting on the boat.

Seeing Ye Chen indifferent, Zhu Bajie said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, Ye Chen, you won't be reluctant to let Junior Brother Sha's hometown be here, so prepare to watch the door here, but that's okay, when we come back from the experience, it's really good to pass by here.

Just wait here for our good news. "

"You fool, don't be poor." Sun Wukong stepped forward and slapped Zhu Bajie's ears, then greeted Ye Chen.

"Hey, Ye Chen, it's time to go, don't wait for you alone."

"Ye Chen?"

"Big brother, Xiaoye seems to be asleep." Monk Sha put down his luggage and said softly.

"Go up and take a look."

At this time, Sun Wukong had already sensed that something was wrong, and quickly stepped forward to Ye Chen's side, ready to find out.

Looking closer, Ye Chen was inexplicably sweaty at this moment, and his brows were frowning as if it were painful.

"Ye Chen! Ye Chen, are you okay." Sun Wukong grabbed Ye Chen's arm and shook it, but Ye Chen still had no response.

"I think 80% of him is dead asleep, watch my old pig slap him down and wake him up!" The carefree Zhu Bajie didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem.

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