"Haha, it must be."

Ye Chen raised his hand and smiled and said.

Looking at the back of Monkey King, Ye Chen had mixed feelings in his heart. People like Monkey King would be able to laugh happily at night if they were met by Yaoyun.

"Yaoyun, what do you think about Monkey King?" Ye Chen muttered to himself.

"The Lingming Stone Monkey was originally a gift from God to this land. The stone that can nurture life is definitely not ordinary. To be honest, if you can be in touch with him, you can be regarded as a great blessing in your previous life. Let's put it this way. What danger is there after that, this monkey will definitely go one step ahead of you and fall down.

Even if he is dead, he will definitely protect the people around him, just like today."

"I believe he will do this."

Chapter 1527

The next day, the song of birds in the early morning awakened the four sleeping masters and apprentices.

Monkey King got up from the tree as usual, stretched out comfortably, and saw Ye Chen in the distance. At this moment, he was sitting close by the river, with a faint Buddha light entwined with him.

It must have been a night without closing your eyes.

Monkey King became interested. He didn't step forward to disturb Ye Chen who was cultivating. Instead, he sat on a stone in the distance and watched faintly.

"Ah, Brother Monkey, is Xiaoye awake?" Zhu Bajie, who had just woke up, yawned and wiped his saliva.

Isn’t that there? "Monkey Wukong nodded forward with his jaw.

Following the guidance of Monkey King, Zhu Bajie also saw the golden light on Ye Chen, which was completely different from yesterday's devilish energy. A kind of purity that is close to life itself.

Tang Seng who woke up also noticed Ye Chen's movement.

"Amitabha Buddha, no wonder Ye Chen volunteered to accompany me to learn the sutras. It turns out that the Buddhism in the body is unfathomable." Ye Chen's pure Buddha light is no less than anyone he has ever met.

"Hehe, master, don't forget that Xiaoye was still clamoring to kill you yesterday in a magic light." Zhu Bajie stepped forward and said jokingly.

"It must be the first time Ye Chen has come into contact with Buddhism. It might happen that he didn't understand it very well." Tang Seng said with a smile with his hands clasped together, and he didn't care about what happened yesterday.

But it’s too bad to find a reason for not comprehending it.

Ye Chen was full of magic light yesterday, and it has nothing to do with understanding or not.

Following the rhythmic vomiting, Ye Chen slowly woke up from his practice. It must be said that after Yaoyun's guidance, the practice this evening was a lot of rewards.

He has roughly understood the concept of Nine-turn Buddha magic power. This exercise is the same as his name, divided into nine turns, the first six turns are the basic basic supplementary content.

Getting started, going to the hall, transforming energy, four changes, great success, six revolutions,

And the following Three Turns Yaoyun never mentioned it to Ye Chen, but said that when Ye Chen cultivated to the sixth turn, he would naturally be able to understand the remaining third turn of the cultivation method.

After one night of penance, Ye Chen gradually touched the introductory method, which made Yaoyun have to sigh Ye Chen’s aptitude. He didn’t expect it to be just one night. At the beginning, it took him a year to study this Dharma alone. He has his own guidance around him, but Ye Chen's aptitude is also indelible.

He woke up refreshed and found that the four masters and apprentices were staring at him with eight eyes, which made Ye Chen extremely embarrassed.

Hey, everyone, good morning! Ye Chen could only smile awkwardly, "Ye Chen, are you all right?"

"Hahaha, Brother Pig, what can I do with you," Ye Chen chuckled the two of them lightly when hearing Zhu Bajie's words.

"Then you won't go crazy today, will you?" Zhu Bajie asked further.

This made Ye Chen extremely embarrassed, and he waved his hand and said no.

"That's the case..." Hearing what Ye Chen said, Zhu Bajie also nodded, and then started to roll up his sleeves aimlessly.

Ye Chen always feels something wrong,

... "Then what, pig, brother pig, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I just woke up to move my muscles and bones, so what kind of leaflet, stand still, your brother pig has a set of ancestral boxing techniques that you want to teach you, you have to understand it carefully.

"Don't don't don't, Brother Pig, your gift is too big, I'm afraid I can't bear it, let's take a break and go on the road."

Chapter 1528

"Hey, this will be over for a while, no delay, no delay." Before Ye Chen could react, Zhu Bajie had already rushed forward. Yesterday, he was slapped by Ye Chen and flew out, saying nothing. Tone,

Get ready to go up with your fist clenched, Ye Chen gave a violent beating.

Ye Chen couldn't wait for this fat beating for nothing, and the shadows disappeared long ago. The two chased back and forth in the woods, making everyone who just got up laughed.

It is precisely this way that this long journey is not monotonous.

In the scorching sun, Zhu Bajie was already exhausted and sweating profusely. After wiping the sweat on his face, he cried out.

"Master, let's take a break, the weather is really too hot."

"You idiot, after only a few days of marching, I can’t stand it anymore. I think it’s true that you didn’t make a mistake when you said that you are a pig. Arrived one day."

Monkey King stepped forward and grabbed Zhu Bajie's ears, trying to drag him forward.

"Oh, Brother Monkey, please be gentle. It's not that I said, we have also been in half a month's journey, and I don't know if there are people in front of us. If we walk like this for a few days, my old pig's belly will be small. "

"No, the master didn't say that he was tired. You are a **** who has lived for hundreds of years. You can't say anything to let you rest. It's good to be thin."

See if you can make you slim and slender. You will know **** monsters all day long. Regarding Zhu Bajie's words, Monkey King didn't bother at all.

"Goku, Ba Jie wants to rest, so let's take a rest. To be honest, I'm also tired."

"Okay, master, hum, idiot sees the master take care of you more, why not go and fetch the master?"

As soon as he heard the rest, Zhu Bajie seemed to be resurrected on the spot. A carp got up from the ground and ran to the front to find the water source with a smile. There was no sense of fatigue just now.

"Hey, the second brother is always full of energy when it comes to rest."

"Who would say no, Junior Brother Sha, you can put your burden down and rest for a while, you will be tired."

On the way, I became the monk Sha, who was always at the end of the team with a smile. If Ye Chen didn't come forward to talk to each other, I'm afraid other people would forget this person.

It may take some time to adapt. After all, he was the last to join the group. After sitting down, Ye Chen also sat next to Monk Sha.

"Then what, Brother Sha, aren't you tired with the beads hanging around your neck?"

Looking at the nine large black rosary beads, Ye Chen's heart was full of curiosity.

"Hey, this thing, after a long time, I got used to it. The master told me to throw it away, but after thinking about it for a long time, I finally didn't plan to throw it away.

It is a kind of warning to me. After all, these are my evil deeds, and I must bear them on my back.

After listening to Monk Sha's words, Ye Chen looked at Zhenzhen in a trance, and only when he looked carefully, he discovered that this was actually a human head.

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