But even so, Wu Zhuang Guan's face can't be lost, and then he shook his teeth and tremblingly cursed at Monkey King.

"You, you vulgar people, I won't accept you from Wuzhuang Guan. Now if you give me money, I won't accept you anymore. I'd better ask you to make it your own." Hey, hey, wait a minute. "Seeing that something bad is about to happen, Ye Chen immediately walked up from the back, and quickly got Sun Wukong back.

Then he stepped forward.

"What are you doing? Are you going to hit me too? Lao, come, I want to see how powerful you monks are." Seeing the monkey being replaced, the thin and tall seemed even more arrogant and arrogant, pointing at the crowd defiantly. Said the senior brother.

Ye Chen looked at the Taoist boy who was dying before him. He didn't know how many Cao Nima Pentium had in his heart, but in the end he managed to endure it. If he can't bear it, he will make a big plan. Ye Chen still knows this. After all, he has The purpose is the ginseng fruit in Wuzhuang Temple.

"Then what, little benefactor, my brothers are not sensible, you see if you bear more, this is something, I treat you as filial piety, take it to buy you something."

Ye Chen said that he stepped forward and stuffed a piece of gold into the hands of the lanky Taoist priest. It was when he was passing Liusha River, Ye Chen picked it up. After all, he was not a monk, and he was just accompanying him to the west, so why bother with himself. Simply save some money for emergencies.

Sure enough, I used it today.

Feel the heavy gold in your hands.

Feeling The man quietly placed it on the posterior molar and bitten it hard. After discovering that it was true, the color on his face immediately changed.

1557 On the Road

"Well, you guy is pretty good, he's very good, so what? Although the master is not there, but due to the friendly relationship between Buddhism and Taoism, I will make an exception today and let you live here first. You can’t touch the things in the view, otherwise, Master will blame it, and I can’t afford it. Okay, Xiaoyun, you bring them in. The guest room next to the bullpen is not yet vacant. Are you here? Arrange for friends from afar to stay."

The lanky Taoist tossed the gold in his hand and walked towards Guanzhong without looking back.

"The bullpen?" As soon as the words came out, Sun Wukong next to him was the first to not agree, thinking about whether he was five hundred years ago or now, where he would not be like an uncle to offer it, but to your Po Taoist temple, You actually live in the bullpen for your grandpa grandfather?

The more Monkey King thought, the more angry he was, and he simply pulled his face, and decided to go forward and use his fist theory with the lanky Taoist priest.

"Okay, Brother Monkey, the cow shed should be the cow shed. It's good to have a place to sleep. People have to bow their heads under the eaves. After all, this is a place for others. It is better to do more than to do less." Ye Chen murmured, he But I don't want to have a fight with the people inside before entering the gym, so how can I beg for ginseng fruit?

When Ye Chen said so, Monkey King could only talk for a long time.

When did the Monkey King let a little Taoist ride on his neck?

"Several masters, my brother is like this, don't mind, there are many rooms in the view, you can choose at will after you enter, don't pay attention to the words of the brother."

The little Taoist named Xiaoyun was clear-cut and said to everyone very intimately.

So far, the mood of the four masters and apprentices has been eased.

To say that these five villages are big or not, they are not small.

There are all kinds of ancestral halls and fragrant rooms in the rooms. The most refreshing and happy backyard is the iron gated backyard. Even ordinary people like Tang Seng can feel the bursts of emerald green inside.

Seeing the curiosity in everyone's eyes.

The little Taoist explained loudly.

"The backyard is the forbidden area of ​​Wuzhuang Temple. The master planted a ginseng fruit tree in it. It has been around for a thousand years. It is said that the fruit of this tree is called ginseng fruit, and mortals can live forever after eating it.

I haven't tasted it anyway, but every time there are guests from afar, the master will knock down one or two for the guests to taste, but today the master is not in the view, otherwise everyone should be able to eat it. "Little Yun Taoist priest didn't conceal it either, and said to a few people crisply.

"Haha, the little master has misunderstood, the poor monk is just curious, and doesn't mean to ask for it."

As soon as Tang Seng finished speaking, he saw Zhu Bajie who was beside him drooling.

"Go to the room first." In order to resolve the embarrassment, Ye Chen first said loudly.

"Well, here, here is near the bamboo forest, the air is unusually fresh, and the other guest rooms are actually not as good as here. When I'm fine, I often sit in a daze, staying for an afternoon." Taoist Xiaoyun scratched his head. Said embarrassedly.

"Then don't we take your nest?" Ye Chen couldn't help but laugh at the cute little Taoist priest.

"It's okay, it's okay. Master often taught me that good things should be brought out and shared with everyone. This is also a form of Taoism."

"Hehe, what a good boy.

For Xiaoyun Taoist priest, the degree of favorability soared several levels in an instant.

Chapter 1558

Compared to his brother who saw the money open, Xiao Yun looked extremely pure, as pure as a piece of white paper.

"Then Xiaoyun, you just said cultivating Taoism, do you know what Taoism is?" Ye Chen put on a little Taoist hat and said softly.

"Well, Dao, the master hasn't talked about it.

Looking at Xiaoyun's swaying little head, Ye Chen also put his temples, yes, how old Xiaoyun is, how could he know what is called Dao? Seeing Xiaoyun's puzzling look, Ye Chen knows bad things. Now, Xiaoyun’s age should be a carefree life, and he shouldn’t think about these messy problems.

But now I have asked this question again, and with the nature of a child, I will definitely keep asking the bottom line, and it will affect my future development to a certain extent.

At this moment, Ye Chen really wanted to give himself a big mouth. Like a second stunned child, he didn't know what Dao was, and ran over to pretend to be a big tail wolf.

When he was about to change the topic to distract Xiaoyun's attention.

I saw Xiaoyun put his hands together and whispered softly.

"Oh, I thought about it."

"I think my Tao should be the world, because I want the whole world to become better." Are you right, brother.

A young and pretty face raised his head and looked at Ye Chen grinningly.

Looking at this face like a paper, Ye Chen didn't know what to say for a while.

The direction of a little Taoist priest is all over the world, and I have asked myself how many times, but I don’t know what his goal is. He came to this world inexplicably and gained a system inexplicably, and embarked on it inexplicably. This path of learning. What is it for yourself? Apart from learning the scriptures, don't you have any other goals to proceed?

"Little brother, little brother?"

Xiaoyun's crisp voice pulled Ye Chen back from thinking.


"You said I was right?" Xiaoyun looked at Ye Chen with big eyes looking forward to it.

Stepped forward and flirted with Xiaoyun's forehead.

"Xiaoyun, promise me, if you think this is your way, then you have to let him go to the end anyway, because as long as you are determined to go this way, then you can't be afraid of any difficulties, if you can really prove yourself The way, the future is boundless."

Ye Chen can only tell Xiaoyun so much. After all, he is still a confused Xiaobai on the road, but these words, no matter what the way, can be a good medicine. After all, wind and rain are always behind the rainbow.

"Remember, you can't be blinded by the worldly sights around you. That will only make you lose yourself in this avenue. Once shaken, it will be difficult for you to prove to the sky." Tang Seng standing on the armrest also inserted his mouth. The words should be directed at the brothers in the Guannei. The lanky Taoist priests just saw what was happening, and Tang Seng couldn’t bear to see such a good seedling because of the subtle influence around him, and finally went on a crooked road. Simply give a good warning here, which can be regarded as a return to the greeting to them today.

The gifted and intelligent Xiaoyun understood at a glance, what Tang Seng was referring to, he nodded heavily after benefiting a lot, and then led everyone to the guest room.

Masters are taking a rest here now, and I will go to the back kitchen to help you prepare vegetarian meals for a while.

"Then bother Master Xiaoyun." Monk Tang politely bowed.

After watching Xiaoyun leave, everyone also slowly sat down.

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