"I... I'm going to die." He didn't dare to face the reality and began to cry.

"Okay, even if you are dead now, the master will not forgive you unless..."

The lanky Taoist lifted the disciple from the ground, and sternly rebuked.

"Unless, unless what, brother, don't you say unless?"

"Yes, brother, you can think of a way, let's just think of your brains here, let's talk about what to do," all the disciples screamed like this.

The thin and tall Taoist raised his hand and motioned to shut up.

"Okay, stop arguing, I already knew who did it."

"who is it?"

"Listen, think about it,

After closing the view at night, the exits for entry and exit were closed long ago, and there were talisman talisman posted by the master before leaving, and ordinary bulls, ghosts, and snakes could not enter our view at all.

In our view of Wuzhuang for so many years, the ginseng fruit trees were planted here when you did not come, and they have always stood here, unshakable, but why did something happen tonight alone?"

To say that the slender man's nonsense kung fu is also very good, taking a deep breath as if telling a story, making all the disciples nervous.

"In my opinion, this is what the people in our view say."

As soon as this remark came out, many disciples were surprised.

And the spearhead was all directed at the disciple who was watching tonight,

According to the meaning of the big brother, he is the one who can have the opportunity to start.

"Big brother, big brother, I've been wronged, I have been watching for so many years, you know me best, I, I, I, I can listen to you the most."

The disciple of the night watch panicked and immediately knelt down in front of the lanky Taoist priest, and cried with his nose and tears toward his thigh.

"You, you, you, get up first, don't put my nose on me, it's disgusting." The lanky Taoist said with a look of disgust.

"No, if you don't change my innocence, I won't get up!"

"Hey, you stinky boy, when did I say you did it? You got me up" after angrily, kicked the vigil Taoist away.

"Mother, my new laundry, you kid." He tidyed up the clothes, who was a man of cleanliness, and cursed viciously.

"Listen to me, I think that this murderer is someone else." After a little straightforwardness, he said softly.

"The outsiders in our view, have you forgotten?" The lanky Taoist smiled gloomily, and looked towards Zizhu Pavilion. A single stone caused a thousand waves of waves. Everyone was extremely different. The monk who looked at his face did not look like the headed monk. Thieves, how could such a thing happen?

"Yes, brother, you may be really mistaken. I learned from the master last night."

Chapter 1564

I don't think it will be him.

The most taboo thing in Buddhism is stealing. How could he as a monk commit crimes against the wind?

"You don't think it's him, that's your decision? I tell you, even if the monk can't steal, but he still has three apprentices, I think that pig demon is eyeing our ginseng fruit, just Just now I clearly saw the pig demon and the monkey wandering in the backyard. What time is it now? Tell me, what are they doing here?"

"What! Those two monks have been here?" Everyone leaked a look of horror.

"Hey, maybe it's because I'm dazzled, after all, it's far away, I don't know if I can see clearly." Then the lanky Taoist rubbed his eyes and said softly.

At this moment, a little Taoist rushed out from the side door, panting and exclaiming, "Big brother, big brother, I just saw two figures hiding behind the wood shed and eating something!"

"What? Did you see who it was?" Seeing the situation, the Taoist priest next to him asked the little Taoist priest.

"Well, it's too dark, I didn't see clearly, but I can clearly see that there are two people, one of them looks huge from the back."

The little Taoist scratched his head and said thoughtfully.

"That's right. Except for Junior Brother Xiaoyun, the other disciples are here. There is not a huge figure in our view. It must be that group of people who learn from the experience!"

"Yes, that's right! I have long thought they were not good things, especially the pig demon, and the monkey with eyebrows and rat eyes. The tree must have been overthrown by them. After removing the ginseng fruit, they ran behind the wood house to eat it. NS."

As soon as one person picked up the rhythm, the crowd suddenly exploded, each clamoring to go to Tang Seng and his apprentice to settle the account.

"Master! Now that Master Guanli is not here, you are the eldest one. Tell me what to do. As long as you give an order, our brothers will accompany you to stay with you!"

"Yes, big brother give an order, we are crowded, brothers are united, leave all the fake monks behind, and wait for the master to come back and send out."

Everyone, you and me, are clamoring to take down Tang Seng and his apprentice.

Seeing the situation, the lanky Taoist slapped his hand, "Okay! The disciples thought it was me that way, so I would be brave enough to lead you temporarily, listen, Liu Tie on the four walls, you two go to Zizhu Pavilion first and take that disciple A few people hold steady and try not to expose it. The pig demon has a strong mana, and once he finds out any clues, he may force it to break the view.

So you two should keep them while ensuring your own safety. Do you understand?


Xiaolong has four hairs, you two will go to the wood house to see if there are any clues left by the two of you. Once there are traces, you will immediately protect them. This will be their evidence later, otherwise they will say that we Wuzhuang watch nonsense. , The other people are distributed in various positions in the view, strengthening a defense, as long as the culprit has the urge to escape, they will be taken down immediately. "

"I'll go to inform the master now, and let him look back quickly. As long as we can make it to the master, no matter what kind of monsters, ghosts and snakes they are, they are not the opponents of the master. We have committed the greatness now. Therefore, we must actively make up for the mistakes of Wuzhuang Temple, and come on. For the honor of Wuzhuang Temple, let these thieves from the Eastern Tang Dynasty know that even if there are no gods in Wuzhuang Temple, I am not a soft persimmon."

Chapter 1565

"They squeeze as they want, and leave as they want."

After some impassioned speeches, everyone's hearts were full of enthusiasm, and one by one was clamoring to find Tang Seng master and apprentice to settle accounts.

After the crowd dispersed, Ye Chen walked out of the darkness.

"Hey, it's really a ghost." I have to admit that the methods and all aspects of the operation of this lanky Taoist are extremely meticulous.

From the beginning of the day, Zhu Bajie and others slowly walked into his trap inadvertently.

When eating, I inadvertently mentioned the magical effect of ginseng fruit, saying that you can apply for ginseng fruit from the master, leaving thoughts in everyone's mind, and then constantly talking about the benefits of ginseng fruit, etc., so that the pig can not stop at the beginning. Zhu Bajie’s greed, and then it is assumed that Zhu Bajie will not be able to help coming to the backyard at night. The matter of stealing or not is a different matter. As long as Zhu Bajie passes here at night, then his own opportunity can proceed further.

The fact about the applicant's ginseng fruit is indeed true, because the ginseng fruit needs to be smashed with a special golden scepter to be picked, otherwise, the ginseng fruit will fall into the ground and disappear.

He should have asked Zhenyuan Daxian and got the consent of Zhenyuan Daxian. He got the golden scepter. He knocked down all the ginseng fruits in advance and put them in the bag. Then he kept doing it and destroyed the ginseng fruit tree roots. Waiting quietly for Zhu Bajie to appear on the sidelines, this kind of action is tantamount to being extremely bold. It is really a bold person. He expected Zhu Bajie to come back, and he did not consider what the retreat was. As expected, it was all in him. Under his control, Zhu Bajie really came, and then staged such a play, throwing a brick to attract jade questions, uncertain guesses, and then arranged for the appearance of the little Taoist boy, step by step, the actual hammer, all pointed at the teacher and apprentice Tang. Putting aside the vicious heart of this lanky Taoist priest, this kind of calculation and mind shouldn't really learn Taoism, but should be in business or in the army. With his meticulous degree of thought, he is either a generation of rich men or a generation of heroes.

As for the little Taoist priest, when everyone was leaving, Ye Chen obviously caught the scene of him and the tall and thin Taoist smiling at each other. Needless to say, the two must have colluded in advance, and it is not important to send someone to protect the scene later. Even if there is nothing behind the wood shed, he can retreat all the responsibility to Zhu Bajie.

No, it must be that the evidence has been destroyed. Anyway, there is a personal certificate here.

Regarding this big brother, Ye Chen felt sad for all mentioning Zhenyuan Daxian. This figure is full of Wuzhuang Temple and has already climbed to the position of the big brother. He is not alert. It is conceivable that the hidden means are so high that it makes people a little bit. Dumbfounded.

I don't have time to sigh this kid, I have to go back and tell Brother Monkey to discuss countermeasures.

Thinking about it, Ye Chen flashed onto the roof, turning into a stream of light in the dark night and rushing towards the Zizhu Pavilion.

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