Feeling the murderous aura emanating from Chen, whether it was Shuiyue or Chongwu, it was as if she were in an ice cave, her whole body was chilling, and she couldn't help trembling.

"Is it quiet?" Seeing that Shuiyue and Zhongwu didn't mean to do any more, Chen manipulated Suzuo to release his hands, put the two back on the ground, and relieved Suzuo's state at the same time.

"The murderous aura just now...It seems that the boss is really moving!" Shuiyue swallowed a mouthful of saliva, sweating coldly, looking at Chen in panic.

Zhongwu looked at Chen in the same horror, and did not dare to be presumptuous anymore, the curse mark on his body also slowly receded, returning to a normal person's appearance. As if waking up suddenly, he turned around abruptly and ran towards his previous cell, still uttering a panic cry. After running into the cell, he slammed the door shut, and curled his body inside the old cell, shivering.

"This guy is too courageous, right?" Seeing Shigego's reflection, Shuiyue vomited helplessly.

"No... not so!" At this time, Xianglin and Sasuke also followed, and Suigetsu said on Xianglin Street.

"I don't want to kill anymore, I don't want to go outside, leave me alone~~" Shigeo's panicked voice came from the cell.

"What's the matter? This guy has a split personality too badly!" Shuiyue put the decapitating knife in her hand on her back again, and said silently.

"Didn't you say it before? Shigego himself can't control the urge to kill. He can't control himself. In fact, he doesn't want to kill!"

Tatsun stepped forward and said to the old man Shigeo, "Jungo, Junmaro is dead, but you can rest assured that I will continue to be your cage, and my strength is definitely stronger than Junmaro. , So you don’t have to worry about hurting me!"

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 123: Team Formation

"Very well, in this way, all the members of the team I have conceived are here. Next, I will tell you my purpose!" Chen said to the four people in front of him outside the northern stronghold of Dashemaru. It is Sasuke Uchiha, Mizutsuki Oni, Kazuka Pho, and Shigego Amba, the Eagle Team in the original book!

Just now, Tatsun finally said that he served Shigego with Sasuke's affairs. Junmaro died for Sasuke. He wants to inherit Junmaro's will and continue to protect Sasuke!

"Hey! Boss, if you gather us people together, don’t you want us to get the entire Ninja World in your pocket? Hey~~" Shuiyue said with a smile, but when he saw other people Seeing that the idiot's eyes were cast on him, he whispered: "Well! It's just a joke!"

"Hey~~" Chen also showed a weird expression, and said to Shuiyue in a ridiculous tone: "I didn't expect Shuiyue you to be able to guess my purpose. That's right, I just want to put the entire Ninja World in my pocket! "


Chen's words surpassed everybody's expectations, and couldn't help but let out a sound of suspicion, and at the same time looked at Chen with an incredible expression.

"Um... Boss, I was actually joking just now!" Shui Yue said with a smile, he thought Chen was echoing his joke just now.

"But! I'm not kidding!" Chen condensed, put away his playful expression, and said solemnly.

"This...are you serious? Are you kidding me? Just rely on us? How could it be possible!" Xianglin was the first to jump out, pointing at Chen and questioning.

"So I need your strength. Of course, this is not forced. If you don't want to, you can leave now. I won't stop you!" Chen said calmly, then looked at Xianglin and said to her: "Xiang Phosphorus, you said before that there were other things that went in with us, so you followed us. What are you going to do now?"

"Yes... Yeah! But... Now that I think about it carefully, it's not in a hurry..." Hearing Chen's question, Xianglin said with a weird expression.

"Fragrant Phosphorus, can you be frank? Actually, you intend to be with Sasuke, right?" Suizuki, who was standing next to Phosphorus, said jokingly suddenly.

Xianglin’s cautious thoughts were broken by Shuiyue, who exploded like a kitten stepped on its tail, and pointed to Shuiyue and shouted: "This...how is this kind of thing possible...Who made the rumor? Who?"

"Hehe~~ Look, you're right! No wonder you can't speak clearly. In fact, I knew it a long time ago. You told Sasuke very early..." Just when Suizuki wanted to ridicule a few words, Phosphorus suddenly He slammed a punch at him and hit Shuiyue’s face. Shuiyue’s entire head exploded like a water bag filled with water, splashing everywhere, but soon, Shuiyue’s head gradually recovered. , And did not suffer actual harm.

"Shuiyue, stop making trouble, don't provoke fragrant phosphorus anymore. Didn't I say to cooperate with each other?" Seeing Shuiyue's mischief, Chen shouted at Shuiyue.

"I see... I'm sorry, Phosphorus! But I'm sorry, I'll stay with the boss and Sasuke until one of the Koshihide Seven Ninja swords, Uchiha Itachi's partner, the squeeze muscle in the hands of the dried persimmon ghost, let me So far!"

"Hey! It's just to collect Shinobi swords, it's really boring!" After the farce just now, Xianglin also returned to its usual appearance, reaching out and pushing his glasses, and said disdainfully.

"So, Shigeo, what about you?" Chen turned around and asked Shigeo without taking care of the two.

"Kimmaro said that Sasuke is like his reincarnation, and he desperately protected him, so I want to see what kind of ninja Sasuke is, so I will follow him."

"Hmm~~ That's it!" Everyone's choices were in Chen's expectation. Just a moment ago, they just went through a cutscene. As expected, no one quit, as he expected.

"From now on, none of us will be companions who will act together. From now on, the name of this team will be called "Eagle"! Our purpose is only one, and that is... to stand at the pinnacle of the Ninja World! Of course, this purpose is far from us. It’s too far. Before that, what we have to do is...Collect the Chakras of the Nine Big-Tailed Beasts! And improve your own strength. Now you, except for Sasuke, your strength is too weak, too weak to follow I have no qualifications behind me, but I will find a way to improve your strength, so you will not have any tasks in the next three years, you only need to work hard to improve your strength! As for three years later, you Whether you are qualified to follow behind me, it depends on your own good fortune!"

"Hey! I'm just giving orders again, it's really unpleasant!" For Chen's words, Xianglin said with a disdainful expression.

"Ahhhhhhh, the boss is really shocking to say that? Are we really that weak?" Even Shuiyue couldn't help complaining.

Hearing Xianglin and Shuiyue's disapproval, Chen's expression changed, and he sneered and said to them: "Hey~~ It seems that you have some opinions on what I said. I said that your current strength is too weak. Could it be wrong? After speaking the last sentence, Chen suddenly burst out with extremely powerful murderous aura and coercion, making everyone present as if they were in an ice cave, their whole body trembling, Sasuke relied on the elite to endure Shigeo's strength can still barely persist, and Shigego unconsciously enters the state of curse imprint under this pressure, but he didn't dare to do it. He just gritted his teeth and resisted Chen's pressure. Fortunately, Shuiyue's body was soaked in cold sweat at this time. She erected the decapitation knife in her hand on the ground as a crutch to support her body. , Even had difficulty breathing, her face was flushed, and her whole body was shaking uncontrollably.


"Humph!" Chen coldly snorted, dissipating the murderous aura and coercion. The four people in the field felt that the pressure on their bodies suddenly lost, and they all sighed in relief, and Chongwu's curse was gradually retracted.

Shuiyue sat directly on the ground like Xianglin, gasping for breath.

"What's the matter? You can't bear this little pressure? Aren't you very confident just now?" Chen sneered, jokingly to Shuiyue and Xianglin who were sitting on the ground.

"Old...Boss! I know it's okay if I am wrong?" Shuiyue replied to Chen with a frustrated face when I heard Chen's sarcasm.

"Huh! With your strength, I can kill you all without even using a finger! Get up quickly! I have something to explain!"

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four: Practice in Space

After Shuiyue and Fragrant Phosphorus were both standing, Chenbian took out three bottles of Pulsation from the space. Because he had previously blocked the Dashe Pill, Chen gave him a bottle of Pulsation. After that, Chen took the lid from the vein again. Rael's Stone, and then synthesized a bottle.

Seeing the pulse in Chen's hand, Sasuke's glasses lit up, but he didn't say much!

Chen held Pulse in his hand and said to Shuiyue and the others: "Alright, don't say I won't give you a chance. What I have in my hand now is a precious potion that can improve the ninja's physique and strength. As long as you drink these Potion, your physical fitness and entities will be significantly improved, so in the next time, as long as you fully absorb this bottle of potion, and then consolidate your strength, your strength will definitely be higher than now. A lot!"

"Boss, is this true?" When she reached Chen, Shui Yue stared at the pulse in Chen's hands with beaming eyes: "And it looks delicious!" Compared to the function Yu Chen said, What he cares more about is the pulsating taste.

Different from Shuiyue’s excited expressions, Xianglin and Shigego were quite calm. Seeing Xianglin stretched out his hand to set his glasses, looked at the pulse in Chen’s hand with suspicion, and said in a questioning tone: "Is there really such a powerful potion? I have never heard of it!"

"Oh? Do you really doubt me?" Chen said with a sneer when he heard Xianglin's words.

"We have four people here, why there are only three bottles? Wouldn't it be that one of our companions can't get this medicine? If this is the case, then I don't accept it. My strength does not need to be improved by this kind of foreign object, so Give these medicines to Sasuke and the three of them!" Shigego didn't doubt Chen's words, but wondered why Chen only took out three bottles of Pulse.

"Huh! Don't worry, Sasuke has drunk this medicine a long time ago, and this medicine is only effective the first time. If you drink it the second time, the effect will be greatly reduced and the benefits will be negligible. , So Sasuke doesn’t need to take this medicine anymore! Is there any question?"

"Soga...then I can rest assured!" Zhongwu didn't speak after hearing Chen's time.

After hearing that Sasuke had drunk it, the incense phosphorus, who was still skeptical, immediately changed his attitude, and said in his heart: "Has Sasuke drank it? Then I too..."

"Oh! Boss, since they are unwilling to accept, then give me all the three bottles! I will definitely drink them without a drop, and I won't waste the boss's mind!"

Shuiyue's words made Chen feel angry. He had spent a lot of time on these babies at the beginning. He said it was like boiled water, and he drank it all! "Huh! Shut me up! Do you really think these medicines are boiled water, you can drink as much as you want?"

"One bottle per person! If you don't want it, then I just saved a precious potion! Aroma Phosphorus, are you sure you don't want it?" Chen did not talk any more nonsense, and distributed the pulse in his hand to Chonggo and Shuiyue, it was his turn. He also asked when he was fragrant.

"Um... that... I thought for a moment, since everyone accepted it, it would be too uncomfortable for me to accept it as a companion, so... I accept it!"

"Humph!" Chen sneered when he heard Xianglin's excuse, without telling the truth, and threw the pulse in her hand to her.

"Very well, next I will send you to a place, and when there you will drink the pulse in your hands. For the next period of time, I will not call you, you will stay there for me, well. Improve your strength. Now, you all relax and don't make any resistance!"

"You... what do you want to do?" Xianglin said vigilantly.

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