"Hey, no, I have issued a prohibition on alcohol in Guanzhong. Anyone who drinks alcohol will be dealt with according to the rules." Wiping off the drink from the corner of his mouth, Zhen Yuan Daxian said disapprovingly.

"Stains stains, you old man, be a man, drink like this by yourself, but don't let the disciple get a drop. After so many years, you still look so old and stubborn."

"We haven't seen each other for many years." Yao Yun said slowly after taking a sip of the hip flask.

"I don't know, it's been thousands of years,"

"Yes, it's been thousands of years." For a moment, Yaoyun looked at everything Zhenzhen in front of her in a trance.

At the beginning, he came to Wuzhuangguan with a devilish attack. Zhen Yuanzi appeared when he wanted to take the shot. This old man also said nothing at the beginning but just greeted him.

Yaoyun struggled with him for hundreds of rounds before learning that,

This is a Taoist temple, not a temple.

The so-called non-fighting or acquaintance, the two people's personalities are also extremely compatible, it is really the kind of Chengdu that has been forgotten.

However, the ginseng fruit trees at that time were still intact, unlike what they are now.

"How is your kid all these years?" After a moment of emotion, Zhen Yuan Daxian asked first.

"Hey, I don't know that after so many years, I can't tell you that I woke up a few days ago. I have been sleeping for so many years."

Yaoyun touched his forehead and murmured.

"In this teenager's body?"

Yaoyun nodded slowly.

"Hey, I advised you not to go, but your kid is like a donkey. You don't listen to what you say. Look, it's all right now, it's like this dead."

Zhenyuan Daxian ridiculed mercilessly.

When the two drank, Zhen Yuanzi knew about Yaoyun’s plan, but no matter how he persuaded, Yaoyun just refused to listen. After waking up the next day, he was left alone in this deserted place. garden.

That is Lingshan, an existence that can't be shaken by anyone in the Three Realms. I really don't know what Yaoyun thought at the beginning, so he had to look for this death.

"Gudong," Daxian Zhenyuan's words seemed to pull Yaoyun back a thousand years ago as the spirits passed through his throat.

"Hundreds of thousands of demon clan children, if you say nothing, they are gone. How did you let me swallow this breath? At the beginning, I swallowed them out of the world, but in the end I was left alone. You said, I won't repay this hatred. , What's the point of being alive."

The unyielding expression on Ye Chen’s face,

Zhenyuan Daxian knew that despite the past thousand years, the hatred in Yaoyun's heart has not diminished. No matter how long it has been, he knows that Buddhism is still prevalent in this world, and that Yaoyun's cruelty will always exist.

When is the grievance reported? Although this sentence is very reasonable, there is someone who can completely let go of the hatred in his heart.

How can those who say this experience the pain of losing their relatives and compatriots?

Chapter 1578

"Why homesick?"

"Can you not think about it? But now I have any face to return to the void, and how to explain it to them when I go back. When I left, I vowed to say that the next time I came to pick them out, but, until now, I have nowhere to settle myself."

"It's a bad thing that I met Ye Chen, otherwise I don't think I will wake up yet."

"I don't think this kid is simple. With the strength of Daluo Jinxian, the immortal and immortal technique is probably behind the famous sect." Zhenyuan Daxian looked up and down Ye Chen and said.

"Well, I heard him say that his master taught him this level of cultivation, and even I was handed over to Ye Chen by his master." For Zhenyuan Great Immortal, Yao Yun absolutely believes that one, five and ten. Tell him the facts?

"Does this kid have a master?" Zhen Yuanzi's eyes dimmed after hearing this.

"Hey, you are immortal, don't be jealous when you see a good seedling. If Ye Chen didn't have a master, I would tell you? I would take him away a long time ago."

Yaoyun said softly tauntingly.

"Furthermore, aren’t there a few of your apprentices who are Zheng Miaohong? Especially the child named Xiaoyun. I have investigated for you. You must be able to cultivate that child well, and then you The location of Yuan Daxian in this town must be none other than him."

Speaking of Xiaoyun, Zhenyuan Daxian's face is also full of pride.

"Huh, it's more than my position. My vision is not as short as yours. I want Xiaoyun to be the first person in Taoism. When the time comes, he will be the leader of Taoism. In fact, I will be taken by this little Wuzhuang Temple. The existence of bondage."

"Stains stains, you bragging about not making drafts." I dare not say that you can support Ye Chen to be the number one in the world, so you dare to say this. I really don't know how big the sky is?

However, Zhenyuan Daxian did not take Yaoyun's ridicule at all.

You should know that Xiaoyun grew up when he looked at him. When his parents entrusted Xiaoyun to him, they were only a baby child. Because of years of famine, Xiaoyun’s parents had no food to raise Xiaoyun, so they could only Sending Xiaoyun to Wuzhuangguan, and at the age of seven or eight, he has already shown an amazing talent. Whether it is on the road of cultivation or in various fields, he has thrown away his brothers several blocks.

Zhenyuan Daxian liked Xiaoyun more and more.

He firmly believes that as long as he cultivates this child with his heart, he will definitely be able to make a big difference in the future.

At this time, Xiaoyun had already become one with the Tang monks.

Zhu Bajie and the others also seemed to have forgotten their existence as a prisoner, and ran to the side room to get a pot of water, like a storyteller, telling Xiaoyun about their adventures for so many years.

Xiaoyun who listened is Zhenzhen in a trance,

Dreaming about the outside world with envy,

Xiaoyun, who has never left Wuzhuang Temple since childhood, is curious about the outside world. As long as he has the skill, he will pull Zhenyuanzi to tell him stories.

Every time he seemed to be on the scene,

"Hey, I don't know when will I get out of these five villages and go to the outside world." Xiaoyun sighed.

"What? Haven't you been out for such a big age?"

Zhu Bajie was extremely shocked by this.

"Xiaoyun shook his head and said with a smile."

"I have been living in the Wuzhuang Temple since I can remember, and every day I clean the courtyard in addition to reciting the Taoist scriptures."

1579: Interrogation of the Land II

"Occasionally, I ran out to play in the back mountain, and I got a fat beating when I got it by the master." When Xiaoyun was talking about it, he smiled and scratched his head to ease his embarrassment.

"Then you, have you seen your parents?" Tang Seng couldn't help asking.

"Well, I haven't seen it since. It's estimated that the famine died of starvation. A lot of people died from the famine that year." Xiaoyun said calmly.

But the kind of yearning for my parents in my heart may only be known to me.

At this moment, in the backyard, the old and the young have been drinking for three rounds.

After burping hard, Yaoyun said sternly at Zhenyuan Daxian.

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