Madam White Bone also made a harsh sound and ran towards Wukong.

When the two collided, Wukong punched Mrs. Bone's bone-filled face, knocking out a lot of bones, and Mrs. Bone screamed loudly.

But the bone head wouldn't disperse, and immediately attached to Mrs. Bone's face.

Wukong is entangled by Mrs. Bones.

At this moment, a person appeared under the ground, riding a very tall horse with a helmet on his head and a mask on his face. The horse’s eyes were full of fire, like a dead horse, and that person was wearing armor, a little bit No eyes at all.

Ba Jie knew that this person was not a good stubble, and turned around to block Tang Seng, the man on horseback rushed towards Ba Jie.

Ba Jie yelled, picked up the nine-tooth rake and rushed towards the man.

This person suddenly took out a big knife and looked carefully. The knife was nine feet long, and the blade was made of white bones, but the blade was still cold.

Ba Jie flew a loquat, but it failed.

And the horseman ran towards Tang Seng non-stop.

The Drift saw the same, raised his weapon and pointed it at the person's head, but was blocked by him.

The sand monk squeezed the treasure battle tightly, his mouth was in pain, and he thought to himself: Who is this person, so tyrannical.

At this time, Tang Seng said: "Wu Jing, get out of the way."

Wu Jing was shocked and said, "Master, you can't."

And Tang Seng walked out from behind Wu Jing and said, "Donor, you and I have no chance, please go back."

The man in armor said in a hoarse voice: "Today I will capture you."

Tang Seng said, "It depends on your ability."

Tang Seng put his hands together, and suddenly his palm changed from his palm to a fist, and he shouted, "Come on."

Besides, Tang Seng is the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi. Although he is a mortal body now, he was the second disciple of the Buddha in his previous life. How could he be so cowardly?

The masked man said, "It's interesting."

So he got off his horse and said, "I am a general of white bones. Today I will see what is so good about the great monks of the Tang Dynasty."

After speaking, he killed Tang Seng.

Tang Seng didn't rush, drawing circles with his backhands, clenching his fists, rushed to fist against the general Bone, and blunt the next General Bone with a knife.

"Hey, when did the master become so fierce, what's the situation?" Ba Jie said.

"I don't know, I asked him to teach him boxing some time ago, why is it so fierce?" Wu Jing replied.

Ba Jie and Wu Jing looked at all this in a daze, their eyes were a little weird.

At this time, Tang Seng and General White Bone had a hard time fighting, and Wukong glanced at Tang Seng.

The whole person was shocked, thinking in his heart: "Why the master is so fierce today.

I saw Tang Seng stepping forward, turning around, letting go behind General Bone, and jumping up was an elbow blow.

General White Bone looked at this mortal in shock, but for a moment forgot to hide.

Tang Seng hit his face with an elbow, aligning the mask.

The mask fell, revealing a face that is neither human nor ghost. Tang Seng's eyes were startled, and he stepped back.

He stepped back and said, "This is too ugly."

When Bajie Wujing saw the true face of General White Bone, he exclaimed: "This is too ugly."

The Bone General was not upset either.

Said: "Unexpectedly, you, a mortal, can block my blade. It's really amazing. Next, I'm going to take it seriously. You're going to pick it up."

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As soon as the words of General Bone fell, the surrounding demonic energy swept over him with the force of overturning the river and the sea. As he said, General Bone's mask was lifted from the ground, floated in a state of spiritual power, and covered General Bone's face.

The Bone General instantly grew bigger, as if he was being supported by demon power.

Tang Seng watched General White Bone's strength getting stronger and stronger, his brows frowned.

Eight Jie Wujing worried: "Master, the strength of this person is not that simple. It is better to let us go, and the master will rest next to him."

Tang Seng said, "I am no longer who I used to be. I know how serious it is. If I really don't work anymore, you can come up and help."

When Bajie and Wujing saw Tang Seng saying this, they didn't say much.

After speaking, Tang Seng squeezed his fist, screamed and ran forward.

The Bone General had already absorbed the demon energy around him. He was seven feet tall. He held a long knife and shouted. No living creatures around him were spared, and all the birds and beasts died.

Tang Seng felt that the general's murderous aura was so heavy, but he continued to attack without fear.

The general took a broad knife to draw a circle in the sky, his momentum can swallow mountains and rivers.

However, Tang Seng flew away with a fist, and his momentum was flat.

He thought that when Tang Seng's fist was about to be eaten, his fist suddenly dissipated and turned into a louvered lotus flower.

In Buddhism, if it is a human buddha, one step on the venetian lotus at his feet, the bodhisattva steps on the Qianye lotus, and the holy Buddha is the Wanye lotus.

It seems that Tang Seng at this time has stepped into the realm of human Buddha.

Lotus surged forward and fell on the head of General Bone. General Bone sneered: "This kind of spell wants to surrender to me. It's ridiculous."

Lift up after speaking

After speaking, he raised his long sword and shouted to the sky: "Longyin's burial cut."

Ba Jie looked at Wu Jing and said, "Long Yin's Mass Burial Slash? It sounds familiar."

Wu Jing said: "In the previous dynasty, there was a person named Shiyan who had a purple rock dragon yin sword at that time. It is said that one person once slaughtered a city, and one of the tricks used at that time was named Dragon Yin chaos. Burial."

"This person seemed to almost become the killing **** of Heavenly Court at that time, for some reason he didn't introduce Heavenly Court's summons."

Bajie said: "It seems that it was because of a princess. At that time, the city was in danger and the emperor committed suicide. Only the princess acted for the whole country. Then the enemy attacked the gate of the city, and only Shi Yan went to fight."

"The battle was extremely fierce. Shi Yan killed batch after batch of people. At first, one person could defeat ten thousand people. Finally, he fell at the gate of the city. Later, the princess also committed suicide next to the general."

"Could it be that these two are..."

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