After a while, Tatsun’s struggling strength on the bed became smaller and smaller. Until she completely lost her breath, Sai released the snake holding Tatsun tightly. After the long snake was released, Tatsun’s body was suddenly spread out on the bed. Suddenly, with his mouth wide open, he appeared to be suffocated to death.

Looking at the corpse of Uchiha Tatsumi who had a distorted expression on the bed, Sai narrowed his eyes, and his face again showed an extremely false smile: "The target has been confirmed, Uchiha Tatsuno is dead, and the assassination mission is complete!"


Just as Sai was about to chop off Tatsun’s head and seal it into the scroll, a joking voice suddenly sounded behind him. At the same time, an extremely dangerous signal sounded in his heart, the expression on his face stagnated, before he had time to turn around. At the time, a long knife had pierced his back and penetrated through his chest.

Although it had been penetrated by the long sword, Sai didn't seem to feel the pain, and there was no expression of pain or fear on his face. Instead, he looked at the "corpse" of Uchihatatsu on the bed in doubt.

I saw that the "corpse" with a distorted expression was changing and gradually turned into a piece of wood.

"Is this... a wooden clone? So that's it..." After learning the result, Sai, who was pierced through his body, also changed, gradually turning into a pool of black ink.

"Hey~~, the ink avatar, it seems that the main body should be in Sasuke's place!" After seeing that Sai turned into a pool of black ink, Tatsuya put the streamer in his hand back to his waist.

It turned out that after sensing that Sai was approaching, Tatsuya left the bed, and then left a wooden clone on the bed. The Tatsumi that Sai attacked was actually Tatsun's wooden clone. After Sai thought he killed Uchiha Tatsumi, Tatsuya Appearing from the dark, and killing Sajing in one fell swoop, he didn't expect that Sajing was also a clone, so there was the previous scene.

Just after Chen put the streamer back to his waist, the other members of the Eagle team also rushed into Chen's room.

"Boss, what happened?" Shui Yue asked anxiously as soon as he entered the door.

"It's okay, I was just interrupted by a mouse for my nap!" Chen said jokingly.

"Mouse?" Shuiyue didn't react for a while.

And Xianglin looked at the pool of brown ink on the ground questioningly, and said: "The ink on the ground has a flow of chakra, which seems to be something like a clone. Could it be that the chakra fluctuation just now was caused by someone? Assassinated you?"

"What? Someone assassinated the boss?" Shuiyue exclaimed when he heard Xianglin's words.

"Huh! It's true, I have to say, your vigilance is really bad!" Chen said this sentence to Shuiyue and Shigego.

"Forget it, you will pay attention in the future..."


Just when Chen was about to speak to Shuiyue and the others, a loud noise came from a distance, interrupting him!

Little tail: 475137322

Sorry, yesterday I had a problem with my body, my waist and legs hurt so badly that I couldn't sit still at all, so I couldn't update it. I had to barely finish a chapter and still make up the word count. …

Chapter 134: Reunion of Class Seven

In the room where Chen was located, Chen, who was still talking to Shui Yue and others of the Eagle Team, was interrupted by a loud noise from a distance.

"What happened again? That direction came from Sasuke's room." Xianglin looked at the direction of the voice and exclaimed, with a worried expression on his face.

"Hey~~ It looks like it's the beginning! Let's go, let's join in the fun too!" Chen's face showed a playful expression, greeted the members of the Eagle Team, and then walked in the direction of the loud noise. , The Eagle team followed him closely.

At this time, on the other side, something similar to Tatsun also happened in Sasuke's room, that is, Sai's assassination mission!

While asking the clone to search for Tatsun, Sai's deity was also looking for Sasuke's location, relying on the drawn ink mouse, he quickly found Sasuke's room. Sasuke also stayed in the room and took a nap.

Then, just when Sai was planning to use the same party's method to capture Sasuke, he suddenly received a message that the clone had been killed. , Let the movement in his hand pause, and then revealed a weird smile, and said in his heart: "I was killed. Sure enough, I can defeat the famous Hagi Kakashi in the dark, and I can't complete it with an ink clone. As for the task, it seems that I have been exposed. In that case, I have to speed up, and I must solve Uchiha Sasuke before they find me." Thinking of this, Sai didn't hesitate anymore, and his hands quickly left blank. Several black snakes were drawn on the scroll, swimming towards Sasuke who was taking a nap.

"Who is it?" At this time, Sasuke, who had been taking a nap, made a cold voice, but did not turn around. Even if the snakes attacked him, Sasuke did not act as if he didn't care at all.

"Huh? Sure enough, is it still exposed? However, I have the advantage now!" After Sasuke said out, Sai knew that he had been exposed, so he was not hiding, and directly pushed the door of Sasuke's room open.

"What is your purpose?" Sasuke still did not move in the bed, but said calmly.

"According to Lord Danzo's order, my task is to destroy you, but...I have changed the task now, I want to...take you back to Konoha!" Sai's mind appeared in Naruto's words, and his face again Once he showed that weird smile and continued: "Originally, my purpose was to kill you, but... I want to protect the fetters he only saw with you that he was desperately trying to save!"

"Just for this kind of thing, will you interrupt my nap?"

"Huh!" Sajing's expression changed, and he issued instructions to the black snake, only to see the several black snakes swiftly attacking Sasuke on the bed, and instantly tied him tightly.


I saw that where Sasuke was trapped by the snake, a huge explosion suddenly occurred, exploding all the rocks on the top of the room, exposing the room that was originally underground.

Yamato and others in the base also felt the explosion, and then rushed over here.

At this time, Sasuke was jumping to the top of a high ground, looking down at Sai below, without any expression on his face.

"Uchiha Sasuke, really well-deserved, he was able to forcefully break away from my art!" Sai, who was affected by the explosion just now, stood up from the ground and looked at Sasuke above when he waited for the evaluation of the surroundings.

"Are you a member of the "root" organization serving Danzo?"


"Wow! If that's the case, then you don't have to leave alive today!" After Sai's confirmation, Sasuke showed a stern expression, and his body exuded a strong murderous aura.

"Huh?" Feeling Sasuke's murderous aura, Sai's face became serious, and he looked at Sasuke warily.

At this moment, a figure suddenly ran out of the stronghold and rushed in front of Sai. He grabbed Sai's collar and raised his fist at the same time, trying to greet Sai's face, and at the same time asked angrily: " What do you want to do? How many times do you have to betray us before..."

"It's Sakura!" After seeing the person, Sasuke said to the figure in an extremely indifferent tone.

After hearing Sasuke's voice, Haruno Sakura was stunned for a moment, her expression full of disbelief, and her hand holding Sai gradually loosened, and then silently turned to look at the source of the sound.

"This voice is... Sasuke!"

Naruto, who was behind Sakura, saw Sakura's expression and seemed to have noticed something, and immediately ran over desperately. After seeing Sasuke, he also showed a dull expression.

"It's Naruto! You are here too, so Kakashi should be here too!"

"It's a pity...Kakashi-senpai didn't come, but I'm acting as the leader of the seventh class for the time being." Yamato also walked out of the stronghold and answered Sasuke's question. "Next, Class 7 will take you back to Konoha!"

"Class 7?" Sasuke glanced indifferently at the newly formed seventh class below, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Yamato Amazura, and Sai, and finally stopped his gaze on Sai.

When Sai noticed Sasuke's gaze, he stretched his hand to the handle of the knife on his back, and then suddenly pulled out the short knife.

Seeing Sai's actions, Sakura immediately drank: "Sai, what do you want to do?"

"Is that guy my alternate? Another innocent guy came in! What about protecting the bond between me and Naruto..." Sasuke mocked.

"Sai, your mission is not..." After hearing Sasuke's words, Sakura was taken aback for a moment and asked Sai.

"Indeed, my secret mission is to assassinate Sasuke, but the order does not matter anymore. I now want to act according to my own thoughts. Naruto reminds me of it. My previous feelings, I think, are very important. Something..." Then, Sai suddenly raised his head and said to Sasuke, "Although I don't know you, there must be some reason why Sakura and Naruto pursue you so desperately. They don't want to abandon their bond with you. Desperately trying to protect this fetter, although I don't quite understand it yet. But Sasuke, you should be able to understand it!"

Sasuke closed his eyes, and then opened them suddenly: "Ah! I understand, so... I have to cut it off!"

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 135: Speechless

At this time, outside of Oshemaru's stronghold, Masaru Sasuke and Konoha's new seventh class members are facing each other.

"Too many fetters will only make myself confused, weaken the strongest desire and the most important memory!" Sasuke said indifferently.

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