
Shuiyue was shocked to see Lei Ying's momentum, and even Shigego involuntarily entered the curse seal state, watching Lei Ying vigilantly.

"Huh! Be careful yourself, I'll deal with that fellow Raikage!" Chen coldly snorted, reminding Shuiyue and Shigeo, his eyes went directly into the state of kaleidoscope.

"Is that the Shao Lun Yan? Huh! Don't want to move!" I saw the Yun Yin named Xi, after seeing Chen's Sha Lun Yan, he also gave a cold snort, and then quickly closed the seal with both hands.

"Lei phantom, Lei Guangzhu!"

After Xijie finished printing, a dazzling light flashed all over his body, and the sights of Shuiyue and Shigego were blocked by the dazzling light.

"Damn it, my sight is blocked!" Just when Shigewu was still secretly saying something bad in his heart, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen, making him subconsciously exclaimed: "Chen, be careful!"

However, it was too late. The figure was Yunyin’s Lei Ying, and Lei Ying appeared in front of Chen. In the exclamation of Zhongwu, Chen hit the ground with a punch. The ground couldn’t bear the thunder. The power of the shadow burst suddenly.

"Chen! Damn it, how could..." However, when Zhongwu was frightened, Chen's voice suddenly came from his ear!

"Zhongwu, don't be afraid, that is illusion!"

"Yeah!" After Chen's voice sounded, things in front of Shigego suddenly changed. There was no Raikage in front of him. They were still standing where they were, and Chen was in front of him, and was not attacked by Raikage.

"Good job, writing round eyes! But..." After his illusion was broken, Xi didn't feel any pity, but sneered with a showy face. Because: "Even if you see through the illusion, it's too late!"

I saw that two more figures appeared, suddenly rushing to Chen's front, one was Raikage, and the other was the Raikage guard named Darui.

The two appeared in front of Chen at the same time, and one raised a giant sword while the other held his fist high. Their goal was undoubtedly Chen as the team leader!

"Damn it, don't ignore me!" Seeing this, Shuiyue also roared and waved the beheading knife to block Darui's attack. And Shigego appeared in front of Chen, his hands turned into shields, resisting Raikage's fists.


Chen coldly snorted, pulled out the streamer behind him, and a red glow flashed past, forcing Lei Ying and Darui back.

"Be careful yourself, I still don't need you to protect it!" Chen reminded Shuiyue and the others again after pushing Lei Ying and the others back.

"Really... Boss! We are all helping you, and it's so sad to blame us!" Shuiyue said helplessly for Chen's words.

But Darui on the opposite side suddenly turned around and said to the Yunyin named Xi: "Xi, you can tell if there are any enemies around here, I suspect that they still have accomplices who have taken Yumu Ren and found him. , Lest he escape!"

"I've already sensed it. The enemy seems to be the only three people in front of me, and the Chakra from the wooden man has disappeared. I can't sense it at all!"

"Damn it, is it true that Yumuren has really...it seems to have only arrested them for questioning!" Darui also showed a little anger on his face when he heard Xi's words. After all, the people in his village, Zhuli, were in his own village. Being abducted or killed by others always makes people feel angry. If it is spread out, it will become the laughing stock of the Shinobi world. So now the only remedy is to catch the opponent and get Yugi back. Or kill them all and save the face of the village!

At this time, Shigego stared at the west behind Darui, and said coldly: "The Yunren behind should belong to the perception-type ninja, he must be killed...I will solve it!"

Then Chongwu's face began to show a curse imprint, covering the entire face and entering a complete curse imprint mode. Both his appearance and strength have undergone earth-shaking changes. He, who was already an elite forbearance, has directly reached the level of quasi-shadow.

"Yahahaha~~~ Kill a piece of armor without leaving it!" Just after entering the curse seal state, Shigego laughed arrogantly, staring at the three enemies in front of him. Compared with his appearance and strength, his personality has become more ambitious. thorough!

"Be careful! That guy now has a pretty powerful Chakra!" Seeing Shigego's appearance, the Sensing Ninja named Xi immediately reminded.

"Hey~~ That fellow Zhongwu aroused the impulse of Shinobu again. Does he still know our companions?" Shuiyue looked at Zhonggo and said to Chen in a mocking tone.

At this time, Raikage on the opposite side had another action!

"Boy, let the old man tell you, what's the furious horror!" I saw Lei Ying stretched out his hand to tear off the clothes on his body, revealing a strong muscle, and at the same time, the thunder attribute Chakra on his body increased sharply again, roaring towards Shigego rushed over!

"Don't be too arrogant! Kid!"

Seeing Lei Ying's movements, Chen coldly snorted, and a wave of violent thunder-attribute Chakra wrapped up around her body, and rushed up: "Your opponent is me! Let me see the Five Great Ninja Village. How capable is the movie?

Then the two ran into each other again, banging their fists against each other at the same time.

Chen and Lei Ying's fight aroused Chongwu's desire to kill, and with a strange cry, he rushed towards Darui and Xi on the opposite side.

"Darui, he is here, ready to escape!" Seeing Chonggo killing himself murderously, Xi hurriedly reminded Darui.

"Got it!" Darui didn't think much, his hands directly sealed, and after Shigego rushed in front of them, a fan-shaped water column spouted from his mouth.

"Water escape. Water front wall!"

That Shui Dun directly blocked Shigeo, making him unable to advance forward when resisting Shui Dun. However, Darui did not give up. When Shigego was swallowed by the flood, his hands were sealed again.

"Lei Dun. Thank you wave!"

After Darui completed the seal, a thunderous chakra burst out of his body.

Water can conduct electricity. At this time, Darui's water escape is filled with a powerful current. Shigeo, who is within the scope of the water escape, is directly affected by the powerful current, and he makes a scream!

"Damn! I said, don't ignore me!" At this time, Shuiyue didn't know when she jumped above Darui, and at the same time brandished a decapitating knife and slashed at his head.

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 145: Chen vs Raiking

In the field, Tatsun and Raikage fought together, and Shigego was trapped by the combined ninjutsu of Darui's Shui Dun and Rai Dun when he rushed towards Darui and West. At this moment, Shuiyue, who was still in the back, had already dashed over Darui's head without knowing when, and slashed at Darui's head with a decapitating knife.

"Damn it! I said, don't ignore me!"

Facing Shuiyue's attack, Darui secretly said a bad word, and quickly took off the big knife behind him, blocking Shuiyue's attack. And his ninjutsu was interrupted because of this, Shigeo was able to get out of trouble!

"Hey! What a good knife!" Shuiyue couldn't help but said playfully when she saw that her big knife was blocked.

"Yours is not bad, it seems to be one of the beheading swords of the Wuyin Seven Ninja swords, right? I didn't expect it would fall into the hands of a kid!"

"Hey!" Shuiyue snorted coldly, waved the knife again, and slashed towards Darui. The two handed over in an instant, and they were also brandishing the big swords and slashing at each other. In the original work, Shuiyue’s decapitating sword was cut out of a rift due to the fight with Yawei Ren Zhuli. Finally, the decapitation was interrupted by Raikage’s punch. Now his decapitating sword is not broken, and compared to the original. , His strength is also much stronger, facing Yunyin's elite, Nin Darui, there is no disadvantage in the slightest.

"Damn it! Kill you, kill you!"

At this time, Shigego, who had recovered, let out another weird cry, and then directed at the perception ninja, Nishi! Rushed over!

"West!" Darui was shocked when he saw Shigego's actions, and quickly turned around to remind Xi.

"Hey! I still dare to be distracted. I'm so underestimated!" Seeing that Darui was still distracted in the battle with him, it made Shuiyue feel that he was underestimated and caught Darui. Angrily wielded the beheading knife and slashed at Darui's shoulder fiercely.

Darui also heard the sound of breaking through the air in his ears, and he was immediately aware that it was too late to want to defend, and he quickly injected the thunder-attributed Chakra into the big knife in his hand, causing the blade to be entangled with thunder and lightning. Then, when Shuiyue's decapitation knife hit her shoulder, he stretched out a hand to catch Shuiyue's decapitation knife, making it impossible for him to take it back for a while. At the same time, the broad knife covered with thunder and lightning in his hand was also slashed on Shuiyue's shoulder.

Because Lei Dun restrained the hydration mystery of the Ghost Lantern clan, after feeling the thunder and lightning from the sword, Shui Yue was paralyzed, and the decapitation sword in his hand could not be held tightly, and then he was kicked by Darui. He flew out and fell to the ground, while Darui's knife was stuck in his shoulder, paralyzing his whole body and unable to complete hydration, so he couldn't get out.

"Damn, I...have nothing to do with Lei Dun! I'm so paralyzed... I can't liquefy smoothly!"

After seeing Shuiyue being subdued, Darui hurriedly drew the decapitation knife stuck on his shoulder, ignoring the injury on his shoulder, directly holding the decapitation knife, and then rushed to the West who was chasing and killing the Sensing Ninja. Shigeo.

"Hahaha~~ Don't run away, don't run away! Let me kill you!" I saw Shigegojo arrogantly laughing while waving his fists to the west! Xi is just a perception-type ninja. Although his strength has reached the upper limit, he is not the opponent of the quasi-shadow-level Shigeo. He dodges Shigeo's attack in an embarrassing manner.

Just when Chonggo punched to the west again, Darui rushed to him and used his decapitation to hold Chonggo's fist, and then pushed him out.

"West, are you okay?"

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